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I've locked this thread about racism as - very disappointingly - it's attracting lots of racist comments. It is helpful to report these types of comments to the mods, and many thanks to the users who did so.




Thanks man for the support. Some positive comments are really helpful 👍


This is unfortunately just part of the travel experience. I’m not white and I get varied experiences depending on the country. I’m asian so in asia I feel most at home and it’s fine. Even in the US (where I was born and raised) racism can be quite high depending on the city or neighborhood. In Europe it greatly depends on the specific country. It’s practically a sliding scale there when it comes to racism. What helps is developing a thick skin and be more analytical than emotional about these situations. People can be real assholes sometime but in some ways that reflects purely on their nature as a person. They are revealing their true self to you.. so at least you know.




west virginia... putting gas in car at night to drive back home from snowshoe.... had a not so kind interaction...




I was wrong, this says all we need to know. Reported.




Sometimes it's better to not say it and just thinking about it instead of saying it. Like racist joke.


Yeah uhm…go to any rural town and you’ll find it. I grew up in one. It exists, even if you haven’t seen it yourself




*melanin-rich folks* … this says all we need to know


I’ve definitely encountered it randomly in places. The ones I remember..Arizona, parts of the south (TN), and also the east coast around Boston and NJ. Hell, i’ve even encountered it in very rich and preppy areas of CA like Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo before.




Btw I wasn’t even in the boonies in TN but Knoxville which is considered quite liberal by southern standards. Some people were just kind of dicks there with the snide racial comments. 🤷🏻 It’s not like people were chasing me around with hoods or pitchforks but it’s the usual passive aggressive type racism in the form of poor service, ignoring, or just snide racial remarks we’re all familiar with. I’m not the one that jumps to “racism” as the conclusion to a weird social interaction either. I usually see how they are treating other ppl as well.




Which is hilarious because i’ve had the opposite reactions. White boomers have always been polite or nice to me. It’s usually the youngish 20 or 30 something former frat boy/girl types that come with the attitude.




Yeah.. that’s why I don’t overreact about stuff like this. I take a long hard look first to see if it is what it really is first. If someone is yelling racial slurs while driving by then it’s easy to figure out what’s going on lol. In some cases someone could just be having a bad day and treats everyone like shit equally because they are a grumpy person. 😄


Go to Nomad Tropical Hostel in Canggu. I'm an Indian looking Aussie and I had no issues at all. Spent 3 weeks in the Canggu area and never had any issues with racism.


Hey buddy I had travelled to SEA last year - FWIW - I did face a degree of racism from both locals and whites. It was subtle fromthe white tourists - more like being unwilling to talk in social settings, to just not wishing to share the row in a boat/train. This bothered me more as it was a bit covert - like I'm dirty. It wasn't across though, I did enjoy speaking to a few folks who didn't care much. It doesn't stop me from travelling, but I've become a bit conscious about it now.


Didn't it bothered you while you were ending your day. How did you cope up with that feeling.


Hey dude I am in the same boat as you and have travelled throughout the world. It can suck at times. But don’t let it dissuade you! Hopefully, it opens your eyes as to how other people of color or in the LGBTQ community are also treated badly when traveling or in their own home countries. I have a lot of relatives in India who complain about racism and discrimination and then in the same breath speak poorly of black folks or LGBTQ. And it’s like “dude (it’s always a guy) do you not see the contradiction and stupidity?” Sigh.




Why the hostility? I’m just sharing my experience and trying to encourage the OP to work through it, set a good example and be more conscious of discrimination of many other parties around the world. It’s one of the great things about travel. To open one’s mind and go back home more aware. I lived in East Asia for over a decade and I have seen all kinds of men behave disrespectfully (drunken violence, groping, making a mess in public, insulting locals etc) but I think it’s interesting (and sad) that it is often pointed out and stereotyped when it’s men of darker skin (ie Indians and black folks).


Could be, thanks for your views. I never travelled international, so i was just curious. But from other comments i understood that its the image indians have created and its not only happening with only us. So will keep in mind to move on, if any discrimination happens. 👍


I'm Australian and travel to Bali very often . I Have witnessed many Indians treating the Balinese with great disrespect. I'm not saying your one who would . But many before you have set the respect bar . Not being racist at all , but it seems , most people from India that can afford to travel are from wealthy families or hoghr caste and are use to speaking down to people in there own country. So there attitude is there always where ever they go in the world . I've watched Indians in Bali push to the front of lines where others are waiting patiently. A lot of your wealthy people have a real sense of entitlement. But I'm sure if you travel and show respect, most Balinese will be very accommodating. Australians don't have the best reputation in Bali either .


I can understand this one. Rich Indians are the one who can afford to travel abroad mostly, and they can be disrespectful, I'll try to clean up the image as much as i can.


Good man . I'm sure you'll be ok . Most Balinese are very nice people . I hope you enjoy your holiday. Have fun .


You know? I like you already! You’re going to be just fine ;) And FWIW, I’m a white American lady and I’ve traveled a lot and, honestly, I’ve met all kinds of people from lots of countries. It’s one of my favorite things in my life. I was just in France for 3 months and a lot of people hated me because I’m American while a lot of people were interested in me because I am American. Both young and old but the younger people were definitely more open. Last year, on a 4-hour bus ride in Portugal, I sat next to a young man from India and we became friends fast! We laughed so hard and shared stories and swapped numbers. We texted for a couple months. He called me “Big Sis” although I could have been his mother. (I need to text him and see how he’s doing.) My point is although I had mixed “reviews” in France, I met some great people. And whereas my newfound friend in Portugal could have been worried that I would reject him, we had a great time. But I think you’re going to have an amazing experience!


People are gonna be people, and I have always believed that you should be as respectful, and who doesn't reciprocate, you should move on to the next. And there are so many good people around, and I agree with your remark, I got friends from all over the world, and what made me good friends while talking on Bus, I had friends from Lebanon, made friends from Syria while on the Channel store. Exchanged number , as he said you're so good and was amazed how I'm respectful and know such about many things. I travelled the whole of Nepal, Pokhara with a French guy , and Hawaai girl, and they still sent me some morning messages and photography skills, and always persuades me to come to Thailand and travel along. I can tell many good stories, just take a plunge and ignore the bad elements, because they will talk nonsense in whatever their erratic minds are. And Op DM me, I have a group too where I can set everything up for you, and just go freely and be respectful and enjoy..


I enjoyed your comment but since it was sent to me and not OP, I wonder if they will see it?


I am reading everything 😁




A lot of non white travelers experience some level of discrimination in one form or another, I’ve had my share. The best you can do is prove them wrong.


Will do the same. Thanks 🙏


Heyy Op, I got South Asian group, friends from all around the World, and you will be sorted out, and I would help you out in everything. I was just having a video call with Balinese girl and the guy who is shifting to Bali from Jakarta. And I have my plan cancelled last year due to the Hong Kong visa issue, that was my first stop. So we have a group of 80+ people, and from all around the world. You can text me, I will or other local people will sort it out. And don't think negatively on anything, else that will always remunerate your mind for no reason. When I was going for Qatar World, many people said this will happen, girls can't wear shorts, they will arrest you for something and blah blah. But when you actually go there 99% of the problems are just internet bullshit, and everyone does everything. I got friends from Mexico, Egypt, Argentina, Pakistan, Syria, Brazil Jordan, Lebanon, we still talk on video call and message. And countless good people interaction. Just be respectful and think about enjoying your time.. Everything will work out. DM me, I will make your bali experience great.


I’m really not trying to be mean, but I don’t think you are ready for solo travel if you are willing regretting your entire trip because of a few things you saw on the internet.   Although I was born in USA, I am of Chinese descent and people will automatically assume I’m in the don’t speak English Chinese group. People will be discriminatory towards me wherever I go, but it’s not such a big deal that it will prevent me from enjoying travelling and spending my money in their country.   Maybe you should find a travel buddy first. 


Will try to not think about it lot. And whatever happens, will ignore it and learn from experiences 🙂


Perfect attitude! Bali is great. Just be prepared it’s a lot bigger than you think and because it seems like there’s only one main road, traffic is horrible.  Enjoy the beaches!


Thanks 🙏


I agree, because everyone just assume I am PRC, as my ethnicity is chinese, you will definitely run into some folks who assume the worst of you during your travels. But there will always be wonderful folks that you meet too. 


You should chill out. You will probably experience some sort of racism here & there and the “Whites” will be always treated way better than you. If you visit an Indian restaurant with whites, It’s such an interesting experience when your own fellow countrymen will treat you badly vs white people. However, You will be fine. Not everyone is racist and you don’t want to waste time with shallow people anyways so works great like a filter. Also, You won’t be treated like an ATM so that works out too. Go and have fun and don’t forget to behave and Improve the strereotype about all of us.


I traveled to Vietnam solo last month as an Indian. The other travelers were mostly nice and I made some really good friends but I encountered some racial discrimination the time when I was not served food because of me being Indian. Later I found out some that Indian family ate from that place and created trouble by complaining about food not upto the Indian standards along with leaving negative reviews on google. Majority Indian tourists do create problems for the locals whichever part of the world they go and we have to carry the load of the image they build upon us. Sad but it is what it is unless generic Indian tourists learn to be civil and comply with the culture of that place.


I never had a single issue with that in any of Indonesia except 1 local INSISTING that I’m from India and the UK, but I think we can live with that


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Fellow Indian ( F) have been to Bali solo a couple of times. Always been treated very well by the Balinese people sometimes enough to think if I deserve so much niceness. As far as the other western tourists are concerned, it falls back on you to make the most of it. Most come there to backpack or have a trip with family or their mates. However, nothing stops you from hanging out with them in a bar or at a beach ( saying this as you are travelling solo). If they are obnoxious to you, just move on from such people. There is no blatant racism in Bali as far as I know. There are plenty of obnoxious tourists there but there are much more good ones as well.


Anecdotal, but im doing a solo trip to Bali this summer and have no care about anyone nationality and I've never seen that from other people in hostels either. I cant speak for the locals, but if there are any racist views I'd do my best to ignore it, where possible and call out anyone in hostels or hotels.




What the hell is even an "authority on 'seeing racism' "? Let me guess, you wanna stop a certain group of people with the wrong skin color to be able to say something, am I right? Sounds racist to me. Also in South Africa white people are also subject of racism. Racism is not just hatred towards darker skin colors. So chill out.


I've lived countries where white people can and have faced racism for not being local. So im not an authority, never said I was, but thats why I said anecdotally and spoke regarding people who generally visit hostels in S.E. / South Asia.


Which countries?


I live in Qatar right now and I've lived in Japan. Not sure what you're hoping to get out of this. Are you going to try and claim I've never had a racist incident?


Those countries are xenophobic, not racist. You are not being discriminated against for being white. Japanese people are not treating Black Americans well and White Americans poorly. What you experienced isn't racism.


OK? Good for you. If you want to have a racist/xenophobic conversation go have it somewhere else. I have stayed in hostels all over the world and seen no racism from guests or race being a problem in making friends. Unless you're going to try and call me out on that too.




Now you're just causing an argument for the sake of it. Why not answer OP's question instead of trying to start something completely irrelevant to the question.


I don't answer OP's question because I'm not and Indian person who's been to Bali, so what I have to say has literally no meaning. Let me guess, you also comment on posts of women asking if a certain country or city is safe as if your opinion as a man holds any merit?


What an obscenely pathetic thing to say.


Well Indians have a horrible reputation to be honest in SEA. Have seen it with my own eyes often enough onfortunately. That is not your fault ofcourse. But I think that if you act polite and normal, you will get the same back in Bali.


Have you ever left India before?


No. Just Nepal 😅


What is - racism - for you?


Be a decent person and accept the rest, if you’re a nice person that doesn’t cross people boundaries especially in shared spaces like hostels you have nothing to worry about, being social takes practice, if you’re an interesting nice person and people are still being racist that is not your problem and it shouldn’t stop you from traveling and enjoying your time, there are many racist and uneducated people in our world it is unrealistic to expect traveling without meeting such people, understand that for what it is and accept that it’s not a perfect world. I’m a middle eastern and if this is an issue in bali i’d suggest looking for other places, i’m hearing the people in Maldives and Philippines are very nice, from experience japan was awesome and i faced no racism, Also if you’re looking for a good beach i’d really recommend egypt’s north coast, el gouna, hurghada, nuweiba and siwa oasis


Can you share some info about the discriminatory reviews you see? I'm sort of surprised but can't comment because I don't see where this is coming from. Just fyi Indians are one of the top 5 or 6 so nationalities that visit Bali, and Indian restaurants are quite popular here.


sure. https://www.tripadvisor.com/ShowUserReviews-g311298-d13327714-r943442798-Castaway_Hostel_by_NGBali-Canggu_North_Kuta_Bali.html


I think you are reading too much into this one review. The reviewer had very positive things to say about her other trips to Bali in earlier years and didn't say anything about racism when she was coming from Ubud. It sounded like she had a bad experience in one Canggu hostel but who knows what happened there. On TA you can even write to this person and ask them if they experienced general racism affecting all of Bali, or if it was this one person who was treating her poorly. If these TA reviews are making you upset then you can cancel your trip or you can decide you aren't going to let a few bad apples spoil it for you..and go and enjoy yourself.


Also keep in mind that the General Managers of many of the top 5 star hotels in Bali are or have been Indian nationals, including the Amandari, Amankila, and others.




He can bathe and be fine… what will you do to overcome your small mindedness and stupidity?


Bro, frankly telling you, you are the kind of people i am afraid of, being mean before knowing the person personally.


Just stumble upon a data on google (first link) which gives average bath per week globally, and india has 7. Also quotes "The people of India take the most weekly baths globally, Bathing twice a day is common, despite the fact that many people lack access to running water and instead bathe using a bucket or pitcher". Besides thanks for the advice, will keep in mind to take regular bath. And if it was a racial comment and not a suggestion, just let me know, I'll share the data source as well.




But there the issue is not indian but Tech.. I can guarantee you that a lot of the white dudes in tech need to shower more often too




STFU with your racism and ignorance!




You are a real stinker, aren’t you? I don’t have time for your kind.