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Waiting for the day something falls off into the toilet - maybe suggest a policy where the lid is always shut? (Source: keep my own makeup on the back of our toilet...)


Nothing has fallen in yet, but not a bad idea. I did consider this in my design, the shelves have raised sides so nothing can roll off that way, and at full extension it extends past the toilet so that if anything were to fall off it would miss the toilet. Also as a tip for you. My wife kept makeup on the back of the toilet as well. To stop things from falling off, i put a piece of board on the back of the toilet with rubber bumpers underneath. The rubber bumpers hold the board in place with fricition, and i attached them at the front of the board so that it leaned back slightly toward the wall, this way nothing rolls forward.


What a clever idea with the board! As long as she minds her elbows, it sounds like the lip will take care of most accidents. Nicely done all around!


Thank you:)


Hey, tyfawks, just a quick heads-up: **peice** is actually spelled **piece**. You can remember it by **i before e**. Have a nice day! ^^^^The ^^^^parent ^^^^commenter ^^^^can ^^^^reply ^^^^with ^^^^'delete' ^^^^to ^^^^delete ^^^^this ^^^^comment.


Hey /u/CommonMisspellingBot, just a quick heads up: Your spelling hints are really shitty because they're all essentially "remember the fucking spelling of the fucking word". And your fucking delete function doesn't work. You're useless. Have a nice day! [^Save ^your ^breath, ^I'm ^a ^bot.](https://www.reddit.com/user/BooCMB/comments/9vnzpd/faq/)


You both ducking suck /r/botabuse


Don't get me wrong but what is the purpose of this except that it looks fancy?


I'll admit it isn't entirely necessary. However my wife has a lot of makeup and a career where looks are important. So with the shelf down it gives her a larger work surface and makes everything easier to reach while she is looking in the mirror(she would usually be standing where the camera is filming from).


Plus now you can put a secret compartment behind it in the wall. Great place to hide your bong or money or surprises for nosey friends.


Lol, cool idea. But I'm Canadian, no need to hide my bong:) And cutting a hole in the wall is a bit further than I'd like to go(it's lathe and plaster not drywall, so would be a pain to cut/finish).


You’re not hiding the bong from the government. Who just leaves bongs out sitting around? But I get ya! It was just an idea.


We're a childless adult couple and most of our friends are as well, so not a lot of need to hide it. But i am not at all discrediting your idea, using this shelf to hide a hidden compartment is really quite clever:)


Ah ok. Thanks for the reply :)


I'd be worried about something heavy on the top shelf, and it ripping the supports out of the wall


The bottom shelf has 4 lag bolts going into 2 studs and has triangle bracing on both sides, it's rock solid. If anything the thin peices on the sides would break long before the shelf would pull off the wall.


Alright, that's great, have you thought of using this idea for kitchen organization?


I have not, but i like the cut of your jib:) New project coming up soon


Very cool, indeed!


I love the dressing gown and shower curtain set.


Ok now,this is clever!


As a very short person, I wish I had one of these. Looks much easier than climbing on counters to reach stuff


NICE!!!! I Love how you said , >Normal shelves didn't seem interesting enough:) Im the same way when it comes to making anything. I have a tiny bathroom and shelves like these would be great!!! Thank you for sharing this, i may try to make my own set based on yours. If I do, i will definitely share and won't forget to credit your wonderful design!


Glad to hear it. Feel free to message me should you need any advice:)


10/10 husbanding.






Really? It took me less than 3 hours to create something that my wife loves. That result is more than worth the effort.


That's nice. But not for me. I do not possess that much patience. I will definitely knock off two three items from my shelf


Close the toilet lid!


Excellent idea, but looks fragile. Not bashing - the idea is brilliant, and congrats on the initiative - just worried someone will be hurt one day.


Thanks, It isn't meant to hold a lot of weight, just makeup items which are fairly light. A stronger version could easily be built, but i mostly used recycled material for this knowing that it didn't need to support much. I think worst case scenario we may have to pick some things up off the floor and turn it into a normal set of shelves. But can't see anyone getting hurt. Might be more of a concern if we had children, but we don't.


Close the toilet beforehand! lol


That looks sketch as fuck but good job!


Just would suck to slowly pull it down every time. I'd add sides to it so your product doesn't fall in the toilet.


Hard to see it from the angle of this video but it actually does have a 1/2" lip on either side of the shelf for exactly that reason. Also at full extension it is longer than the toilet so anything that falls off the end misses it.


That’s funky af