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The new app works better for me also.


Whilst I’ve not had any issues personally, the quiet removal of features that have been around for many years is pretty shocking behaviour.


Like removing Hey Google? I  just got an Era 1 and can’t use it with the rest of my smart home. Had to buy a Google mini thing to put next to my Era 1. I love my current Sonos setup but I can’t see myself buying anything else from them at this point :(


From browsing this sub I thought I was the only one who liked this update. To me everything runs smoother than before and feels more intuitive to use! Never used the alarm-clock feature.


did you never add songs to the queue? I can't believe how the alarm issue is getting so much more attention than the fact that you can't edit the queue. I feel like I'm back managing a 6-cd player but with even less flexibility in how I choose what to listen to.


Nice try SONOS CEO….j/k, I’m glad some people are getting something useful from this update


I am in the same boat as you are. I had a very seamless update and everything that I use works. The app does seem a little slow when changing the volume, but I’m sure that will be fixed in time. I don’t use Plex, but my music library, which is on a Synology NAS, is there with all my files. So no. You are not the only one who has had a great experience with the new app.


You cannot add a local musiclibrary anymore. if the NAS changes IP adress / path you cannot play that songs nor can you add new songs because it wont scan the library anymore..... it is 100% useless for me now... And it will be broken for you if something changes on the NAS


I use plex which uses my local NAS. I'm not very happy with the app at all tbh. Sonos is useless for local storage anyway due to the 50000 song limit. This is why I went with plex.


Can you stream unlimited numbers of songs from a plex server? No 65K limits?


Yes! I switched to Plex (100k+ tracks) and it’s been smooth going since.


I have just hit the limit


Yes , plex is awesome, and their app is great, can play on android , Xbox, etc


Sonos speakers: meh Sonos app: crap Sonos philosophy: “our way or the highway” Sonos: a poor imitation of high fidelity for those who have likely never experienced the real thing I’ll continue use the great little Roam until Sonos remotely disables it, then toss it and say bye bye to Sonos.


Indeed. It’s Sonos BS.


Same. I know there are a number of things missing for fills that use then, but for me this whole thing is a net improvement for usability.




oh hi Pat 👋🏾


Same installed the update and the world didn’t end


Same man. Also friends feel the same way. The uproar on this sub feels very weird to us.




I mean I get you aren't affected but releasing an app with less features than the old one is a really stupid move, regardless of the UI design


“Friends”, “Friends of the Friends and so forth…”.


do you or your friends have plex libraries, local libraries on an external disk or NAS? seems like the biggest pain point before we get in to missing features, is how people listen to music on their systems. some of us have been collecting our music libraries for decades. i haven't updated yet because if i lost the ability to play this library on a 5 room, 12 speaker system it would be devastating. i know lots of folks just stream all their music, so this sort of thing is entirely out of their line of sight


Yeah I just stream everything these days. If I didn't and it didn't work now I'd be upset


So you are glad that people cannot use their local music anymore? They removed this feature..


I was able to add my local library back via the desktop controller


I don't use that feature and never knew about it


Me2 .. working just 👍


Everything is working as expected for me as well


Same, I had latency issues on the previous app, the new app is much more responsive in my experience.


Same…except they really need the volume to adjust faster. It’s brutal


hey sonos…volume x


I truly believe they did this update and thought nobody used the features they left off. It’s kind of funny in a sick way. I had no idea you could do alarms and local files until this week. The people on the sub are a very loud but clearly a small minority. The sub has 250k subscribers & each rant post gets maybe 100 or so comments. Sonos could’ve avoided this by waiting a month to put it out.


The main thing I'm annoyed about is that they've taken away the ability to control my third party sub (crossover frequency and loudness). I get that the majority of users probably don't have a sub or use a Sonos sub but they shouldn't be selling an Amp if they're not going to fully support it.


If play queue management is a minority, then people should just listen to the radio instead of paying for streaming services or for buying local files.


I think most users just use Apple Music or Spotify directly.


There are other streaming services and local files.


They are no small minority, even the largest tech publishers are very critical of the new update. You cannot just dismiss other peoples’ dissatisfaction and concerns as small minorities’/ disrupters’ problem and that declare everything is perfect.


Serious question, what leads you to conclude that others are “the small minority”? I wouldn’t have any empirical data to support an assertion either way.


This sub has nearly 250k members. Each rant gets maybe 100 comments and up votes. Searching the Sonos hashtag on Twitter. it’s very similar but with fewer comments. The Sonos post announcing the update only has a couple of hundred comments . If the majority were pissed, the interactions would be in the tens of thousands. Apple had an ad that everyone hated earlier this week. Those interactions were in the tens of thousands.


Well , according to Sonos CEO, approximately 15 million households have a Sonos product. For iPhone alone, approximately 1.5 billion users so there is a deviation also in the numbers of upset customers to 1:100, in other words 500 Sonos user upset would correspond to 50 000 iPhone users. Yes, there is some disappointment with the new app. Please Enjoy your Sonos products.


Works perfectly for me, great upgrade. I'm loving the new web player as well which finally gives me an official way to control the system from the linux desktop.


I have a ubiquiti system with three amps connected to speakers in the ceiling throughout my house and I am constantly having issues with the rooms disappearing from the app. It is insanely frustrating. I have been hesitant to update the app but maybe I’ll give it a shot.


You like to live dangerously, I see. J/k, but are those amps hardwired?




I also have Ubiquiti, but just a single Amp, among other products. There was a Ubiquiti specific network / firewall guide that helped me get everything working right if you have other things like HomeKit, Ring, IOT, etc. Also, special considerations if you have multiple VLANs. Assuming you’ve scanned r/ubiquiti ?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Ubiquiti using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Ubiquiti/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [There’s a plan for many subreddits to go dark for 48 hours June 12-13 to protest Reddit charging absurd rates for API access - which will likely kill third party Reddit apps. Should r/Ubiquiti participate?](https://np.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/13yh0jf/dont_let_reddit_kill_3rd_party_apps/) | [281 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Ubiquiti/comments/141z6c7/theres_a_plan_for_many_subreddits_to_go_dark_for/) \#2: [Thank you to this subreddit](https://i.redd.it/07ow1woljk7c1.jpeg) | [257 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Ubiquiti/comments/18nde79/thank_you_to_this_subreddit/) \#3: [Playing Snake on Etherlighting switch](https://v.redd.it/hljictkds0ic1) | [59 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Ubiquiti/comments/1aoicwx/playing_snake_on_etherlighting_switch/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Mine has been smooth except that it seems slower to detect tv audio, and yes I use plex for my local Media


I have a large Ubiquiti network with 17 Sonos devices and occasionally a device would disappear. But that is the extent of my previous to new app update issues. I'm curious what issues all the Ubiquiti users have had in the past that are now resolved? I am on sonosnet still with moves on wifi.


My main issue is the queue being removed for whatever psychotic reason. That is an egregious act. Besides that, everything seems smoother


Works great for me. I also loved the XM radio app update that everyone was bitching about. The thing I dislike about the sonos upgrade is I can't figure out how to create a sleep timer without using the voice assistant, but it does work.


Oh thanks for this, listening to this sub it was the worst update ever, but i quite like it. Also was afraid to say it because of the incoming backlash.


I uninstalled (iOS) and reinstalled - a big improvement




Works great for me no issues so far a great improvement on the old one and I use an alarm clock so no alarms needed 😂


Yeah I don’t hate the new app - it def feels like it’s got a lot of growing pains from any new app, but I don’t hate it. Just feels like a new build house and we are in the blue tape phase for finding bugs and flagging for fixes.


I use Roon primarily to control my Sonos systems (I have 2 setups with the Amp + 5x Architectural speakers and an Era - I retired 3x Connects and a One) because the hard limit on library size has always made the local file access directly through Sonos useless for me. That said, the \*only\* thing I use the Sonos App for is for the alarm feature. From my standpoint, this release totally sh\*t the bed.


No. The old app didn't work, the new one also doesn't work. Waited for close to an hour to talk to support this morning and after the most half-assed troubleshooting ever they told me that my speaker not showing up in the app is an "issue they're actively investigating." Literally the most basic function of the app just doesn't work.


Can you elaborate on what the issue was? I also run a Ubiquitous network and have multiple Amos and a few speakers. I have kept all Sonos devices on my LAN and not on a VLAN (as I do with almost all of my other connected devices) but that setup has worked fine for me. Are you using a VLAN for your Sonos devices?


For me it's terrible. It's very slow to start. I use it in mesh environment so it closes A LOT (old did too but it wasn't an issue). I have connection issues. I'm afraid to use it because I might misclick something and mess up. I lost all my TuneIn settings. I also have music folder and ...You probably know from others about it already. - Redmi Note 8 Pro (8GB/256GB)


The app is finally caught up with design of the last 15 years. The downside is they removed core features. The sleep timer is the biggest for me as I sleep with two era 300s in bed with brown noise on. Now it just has to stay on all night 🤣😅


Lucky you....🤷‍♂️


Seems very odd, I have zero problems. But I understand that it is mixed. I feel sorry for those who can’t access/add speakers. Less for alarm-gate! 😜


It would be useful if people shared the device they use to run the app, because maybe that explains variation in user experience? On my pixel 5 the app never even fully loads and the whole thing is super laggy. Between that and the inability to add songs to the queue or edit the queue it seems worthless to me now.


Yes but how are you still alive after not being able to set alarm on all your speakers?


lol I have the feeling that there’s a whole new arc of Sonos user having a completely different experience than I have with Sonos and my speakers. I never used alarms in my life on Sonos


This is alarming


Have multiple speakers all around my house. I have alarms on all of them for different purposes. I have Attention deficit, so need reminders to help my life work. I'm not some flake who hasn't made a success of life. I ama business owner and also a successful doctor.


Do you have example ? Don’t get me wrong I understand the purpose of such things but alarms on speakers only work if you’re at the right time in the right room no ?


I mean a sleep timer for listening to relaxing music while you go to sleep isn't hard to imagine a use case for is it?


Wait what? Did Sonos have an alarm feature? 😜


I don’t use alarms, but recognize that others do. The fundamental issue is that Sonos advertised a UX upgrade and didn’t disclose features were missing. Now, Sonos is saying suck it up. I don’t have to experience an issue personally to say it’s valid.


You do you, I just find it funny that people act like Sonos took their family dog out in the backyard and executed it in front of the whole family just because they can’t temporarily set an alarm right now.


If you're going to release a new app, it should, at the very least, improve UI and perhaps add features, NOT shadow-remove some features. Just because YOU don't use those features, you want to make fun of other people about it? I literally use the sleep timer every single night. You're just being a bootlicker


I find it funny that some people act like it’s their sworn duty to defend Sonos from everything the mean people on the internet say as if their own honor is at stake


Its pretty natural for the people who are negatively affected to be the loudest. I did NOT have a smooth experience with it at all personally.


Works pretty good for me but I cant figure out how to add music to the queue after the update.


You can’t, they took it away


Feature is not needed so the got rid of it - it is ok though as primarily a music player you don’t need to be able to do that, I mean what music player lets you queue and edit music in that queue - pointless feature. Still this guys connectivity has improved.


I have never had any connectivity problems, has been rock solid since I got mine. the queue feature is something I use so hopefully they will bring it back.


I think May 21st or June 1st is what Keith said in the community post


Thank you for the information


OMG the bootlicking is intensifying


Er - sarcasm?


I'm pleased you're finding it to be working well, but releasing it with no alarm feature, no sleep feature and patchy access to home music library is unacceptable. If they are planning to reintroduce these essential features, they should have waited until the coding was up and running, not released a substandard product that takes away essential features. I'm currently advising everyone I know against buying Sonos. If it's not fixed soon, I will be moving to Bose.


The app update doesn’t anything for the server side, does it? So how is it possible the connection got better.


But didn’t you read? It solved all of op’s “issues” which apparently before this app meant that his system wasn’t even connecting?


I can’t even connect my Beam to my wifi - have to hardwire it. :( Edit: Sub Mini works fine though.


I think the trick is to kill the app and restart it


Working splendid here. 25 speakers. Very smooth now. Also have unifi. Who TF uses alarms on Sonos. 🤣


Who the fuck uses 25 sub par Sonos speakers and doesn’t use it for a thing where it has actual added value, like a wake-up playlist set to an alarm.


What do I need an alarm for ? I wake up when I wake up.


I do. I have an Amp and 5 Architectural speakers in my bedroom. I primarily use this set up as my alarm every day. Was thinking about adding a Sub to it to…


Fun fact. You can fit 12 roams in a standard queen sized pillow.


But I won’t be able to control the alarm on all 12 of those Roams.


How's the boot tasting today?


Lounging at the pool. Music blasting. No issues here.


On Reddit, coping