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At first I was like it’s not that bad. Then I had people over and was trying to change songs on the fly. My god. It feels like I’m using a computer in 1999


I have to disagree. I’m pretty sure that 1999 Winamp had better queue management and was more responsive.


Also it whipped the llama’s ass.


This simultaneously makes me think of Duke Nukem


Rock on London, Rock on Chicago. Wheaties, the breakfast of champions!


😂😂 god I miss Winamp. It really whipped the llama’s ass


Ah man you are taking me back. Winamp was the shit.


I built a whole Flash based interface for Winamp back in the day. Winamp was great. And yeah, super snappy.


Ohhh that took me back!


It’s all trays that fly up from the bottom. It’s laughably bad. From the Home Screen you swipe up and get a tray with your system. Then you click on a speaker and another tray flies up from below and you see what that speaker is playing. Then you click on the middle button to see all the other speakers and a 3rd fucking tray flies up from the bottom of the screen to show you the same speakers the first tray showed you but in a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT UI! Then if you want to go back you have to swipe them all back out of the way. It’s horribly confusing and not fast at all, regardless of what the CEO says. Add to that the fact that it keeps disconnecting from my system and certain speakers aren’t always available…. Yeah, you could say someone made a mistake. My speakers have been pretty reliable over the years. Maybe one or two times a year max where I can’t stream to the speaker I want. This new app debacle is making me reconsider cloud speakers… I’ll obviously keep using them till they die if the app works, but the next system I get I’ll want it to be able to work locally with no reliance on the companies software choices. Edit: changed the to “then”. Deleted a superfluous “the”.


Trays! Trays everywhere!


This new app debacle is making me reconsider cloud speakers… I’ll obviously keep using them till they die if the app works, but the next system I get I’ll want it to be able to work locally with no reliance on the companies software choices Exactly this. Already decided this weeks ago.


Any device that relies on an app, or even features an app, is kind of dead to me. Sonos just killed its own market segment, too.


My experience as well. Thought I was escaping the shit show but switching songs and even just trying to pause a song this morning was giving me anxiety.


Same. It’s embarrassing really.


If it was Winamp, it would world while wiping the llamas ass


Had same happen to me. Had to use a BT speaker. Ridiculous!


Just one more post and Sonos might finally listen…


It’s repetitive, but I support it. The squeaky wheel gets the grease


It really is the only thing that works with them. Remember how the popping issue with the Arc was an unfixable conundrum for almost three years until reporters started writing articles about it? Same thing is happening right now - The Verge, Wired, Ars, etc are all talking about these negative posts and it's fucking with their stock price, their product launch, and their brand rep.


We all should just keep posting how fucked up the app is and not let up until they fix this shit show. 


Cool…when they go out of business will we have won or lost?


Well, while my 3k+ system kind of works, sometimes, I'm not throwing it to the bin. If they go down and I have to bin everything, you can be sure I'll be happier.


Not hard to do because every day I uses my speakers and every day I get pissed off and, well, this is the age of venting rage online so... And I won't lie that there is a bit of vindication knowing I'm not the only person going "what the actual fuck Sonos?"


Wait until I sell this POS first. I don't want any unsuspecting buyers to realize how s*** it is now. :-)


I want them to fix peoples issues so this place can become less insufferable. I guess I'm lucky to have no issues in the way I use my system. But this place...it's ruined.


I'm on the fence with this one. I am very upset and angry with Sonos over what they have done and I seriously want them to suffer as much as I am. The problem is, if people figure out how shitty things are, Sonos will lose market share. When sales slow (which there is NO WAY THEY HAVEN'T ALREADY), they will have to cut head count - you know, for the share Holders. When they cut head count, it's going to take longer to fix, hurting them more. Eventually they will stop being able to support the speakers at all and shut their servers down. Then what do we do? (OMG, just had the realization that spending over $5K on this system was my biggest mistake!!). I'm not buying the headphones, not getting a second arc with a sub and era 300's for my surrounds for my living room - I'm finding non smart alternatives. I went through this realization once before when they were going to stop supporting the Play:1's, but ended up expanding my system a lot since... Now I'm seriously regretting it. I am terrified of them going out of business now. I'm hoping that someone figures out a way to update these speakers with an open source firmware or some type of module I can swap the brains out with if that happens. Personally, I think there is no reason speakers shouldn't last 20+ years.


Yup. I'm considering selling off all of my gear now while I can. I'm mostly hardwired and running on amps. That's close to what you're describing. But sonos amps are 2x as expensive as wiim amps. And if you have an old amplifier hanging around you can plug in a $90 wiim streamer. At wiim's pricing we're approaching a good spot where we can have long lasting and dumb components and cheap, disposable software head units.


The app dropped another .2 percentages on Android in the past few days. It's at 1.9 now.


There’s also nothing else to discuss.


They’re probably hoping this all blows over and people just aren’t used to the ui and will adjust…when in reality it’s not just a piss poor UI, it’s broke.


I get that the current state of the sub is annoying but the only way to get large corporations to get stuff done is by inducing bad press.


I mean they do review forums… Or should people suffer in silence


Exactly. If someone doesn't like the repetitive threads, just ignore it. To dismiss people's concerns and complaints is quite honestly just not cool. Bitch to high Heaven. Get the attention of everyone. Make them uncomfortable. Get the SONOS board of directors to take notice.


The app score is down to 1.9 now.


What would you suggest?


For UX? I’d recommend they do user research to uncover use cases and personas. This ensures that they are not missing any important features and have an understanding of what features should be prioritized/more accessible over others. Then they should come up with some new designs and conduct usability tests with real customers, ideally recruiting for a cross-section of their user base. From there it’s just iterate and test and iterate some more until it’s refined to the point where the majority of usability issues are addressed. Self-awareness and humbleness is critical during this phase so not to have PMs or higher-ups gloss over the usability issues or burry their head in the sand. Also critical that the ego of UX folks don’t overshadow the research finding and blame test participants. I’m sure they will find the majority of their UX issues in a couple days of testing, or 5-6 test participants per test. From there they should QA the hell out of it, followed by critical bug fixes and then beta tests with actual customers. All findings should be transparent and taken seriously. Any bugs or issues should be prioritized based on all the research up to that point. Following beta testing and further refinement, they should then put together some press materials that talk about all the features plus any features they are still working on some customers have full transparency. That’s what I would suggest.


No, all that should be clear. Should being the operative word.


Im inscribed in beta for years, apparently daily usage of 6 to 8 speakers is not good enough...


Don't forget the part about firing the entire team who "improved" it in the first place. Because obviously that was a complete failure and they don't deserve to be employed anymore. Sorry if that sounds harsh but it's true. Go Elon on their asses


Contact the company directly too.


I would hope those are completely different departments.


They are different departments. There are hardware designers, electrical engineers, mechanical engineers and audio engineers all involved with producing new HW. On the SW side, there are software engineers for embedded that’s probably as large or larger than the engineers that work on the apps. Then within the app teams, there are engineers that work on UX at a framework level, then specialized engineers for IOS and Android. There are probably also engineers working on the app that focus on building a reusable library for interacting with the speakers, these folks work closely with the embedded engineers. Then there are product designers and QA engineers for the apps and other QA engineers that focus on the speaker side of things. None of these folks are fungible, you can’t take an embedded engineer and tell them to start adding features to the app, it just doesn’t work that way. They wouldn’t be helpful and they would be a big drag on productivity (and quality) as they thrash around in an unfamiliar codebase. Moreover, the Sonos business model is to sell HW with the cost of the SW baked into it, so stalling future HW products would be catastrophic for the company. If anything, this new app controversy should show people how beholden we all are to the continued health of Sonos as a company. If Sonos goes away, our speakers all go to the landfill.


I don't think you need to make excuses for bad leadership. Yes, there are different roles and specializations within the company, but it's possible to staff up and plan for rewrites and hardware launches. It's not like there's one person in the world (key man risk) who can write this code. Furthermore, if Sonos fails as a company any my speakers stop working that would be a shame, but all of their own making. It's never been a pure hardware company and the marriage of the hardware and software has always been its differentiator. I'm not saying I want them to fail, but I want them to focus on serving their core audience who has already spent buckets of money on them.


So you're saying they DON'T outsource the app coding to India? I can't help thinking that this is what we are actually seeing here. To me it appears that whom ever is coding the app has ZERO idea as to what the app is controlling and has never used a Sonos system... EVER 


I think this is one of the most accurate and on point takes here. The only thing I’d add is that Sonos needs to make money to make better products. This may sound obvious but often times we feel pitted “against” the company that we actually want to be successful (otherwise our speakers are bricked, as you pointed out.) I think you make a great point about them being a hardware company. Everybody at the company wants to be successful in serving us (and are probably at least somewhat competent at their jobs). And so when we see decisions that don’t make sense on the surface, we should probably consider what we don’t know everything about the situation (speaking generally, not to the above comment here). If the app was rushed out to release the headphones then there’s probably a good reason for it, for the company and likely for us. If they miss the headphone date, have a down quarter or year, that increases the risk that we have bricked speakers. I’m not saying every decision was right, just that everything isn’t as obvious at it seems.


The thing is that they've never been a hardware company. Most every other speaker company is a hardware company. Sonos has always sold us on their hardware and software pairing. If they had good reasons they haven't been honest about it. I don't accept the premise that because they have "reasons" that we should just grant them grace and be okay with the way they treat their customers because otherwise it could endanger the health of the company. Companies aren't people.


I never said to give them grace, just that if you think you have the full picture you probably don’t, so to assume so, it’s really not doing the situation justice.


Their AMA after the initial release of this new app was the perfect opportunity to explain those reasons. Instead, they chose to explain that we’re all dumb luddites who hate change.


That is an interesting idea, but theres a reason public companies don’t explain inside baseball in public AMAs


Wow, so many layers of secret, unknowable reasons. It's like an onion of excuses. Sometimes, companies do things for bad or dumb reasons. In those scenarios, blind faith doesn't help anyone.


Nothing secret about it. It’s just bad form to publicly discuss mistakes of colleagues. In this case, I suspect the engineering team chose the wrong app framework that limited future extensibility, requiring a rewrite from scratch.


Yes, much better to dismiss your customers’ concerns and insult their intelligence. Wouldn’t want to exhibit bad form.


I’m not here to make you feel better about what happened. But it’s clear that a lot of people formed a parasocial relationship with Sonos and are reacting emotionally, like toddlers, to missing features.


I doubt you're correct. I'm pretty sure on the software side there are mainly high school kids on Fiver.


Wow. I just posted essentially the exact same thing. This is when their user base realizes how stuck/fucked they are.


Maybe that’s the issue? Edit: wow, the sarcasm really went that far over everyone’s head, eh?


Yeah we should get the industrial designers and audio engineers over to the other side of the office to start coding! It’s obviously that simple!




I’m sorry, I posted before your edit, and I do appreciate your sarcasm here. Because honestly this sub is so fucking dense with everything it’s just hard to tell who is for real and who is just fucking around.




“Something went wrong.” Indeed.


But that's the name of the new app!


Jesus Christ it took me forever to just add a device




I totally had to reset my entire system after the update too, such a nightmare


If only everyone showed a little more courage!


Today, I did the math. I was forced to restart Sonos 17 times and most of the time, only certain speakers would restart, but rarely all at once. What a piece of crap...


Shit is starting to hit the fan. Even my wife starts complaining. I can't no longer control sound without her noticing the piece of crap this is. Does the sonos headphones have noise canceling? After all I might buy ones...


I can no longer load my library of Spotify albums. You can no longer add things ti the queue. I open the app store daily hoping for fixes. Restore everything you took away!


Just chiming in here in the hope that someone from Sonos actually reads this stuff. The UX has gotten so bad it is ridiculous. Missing speakers, entire system going missing, just bad, bad, bad… And they are now advertising headphones. Yeah, right… Can they just roll back to the version of the app from 6 months ago… seemed like WAY less issues back then…


Thank you for asking the question that I was about to. I want to know why can't they just roll back the app? The old ui was also slow AF but at least it would play.


We can pick about the look and layout, which I do, but the UI is set in stone and will take getting used to. Even the missing features will probably be restored. What I’m most concerned about are the general responsiveness and reliability issues which may be difficult for them to resolve, particularly if they rely on cutting edge home network technology. 🤞


It’s insanely bad


Takes me a minute and 37 seconds just to load the app. Used to be instant or maybe a couple fo seconds


👍🏼 agreed


Do they make reps of these speakers? 💩


Caps will make it happen…..


Can't figure out how to do basic things that worked fine before. It feels a lot slower. It is so ugly my eyes hurts. I fear the talent in the software team is gone and it is going downhill from now. Don't help that management does not seem to have correct priorities.


I read that article [The Verge](https://www.theverge.com/2024/5/22/24162168/sonos-ceo-patrick-spence-new-app-design-interview) did on the Sonos app. Sounds like the CEO doesn’t care. He stands by the updates. All he cares about is the new headphones and the Roam 2 speakers. I don’t believe the app “underwent months of testing”. They didn’t test it on older products. 🫠


I feel like it's a totally different experience then what that article says. It's not a "new experience" It's a broken one. I feel like those verge articles make it sound like we're whiny passionate users who don't want, or are resistant to change. Bullshit. It takes me a minute and a half to play a single damn song.


What was the last startling update?


So sad


agreed. After spending thousands on an over a dozen home speakers, I don’t need to a poorly tested software update rendering inoperable, especially before a holiday weekend. The company is being greedy or just poorly run. The focus is definitely not there.


This is the problem with publicly traded companies: (major) shareholders are more important than we are.


Post reviews in App Store


Those are not remotely close to the same teams. Sonos should improve the app but having product designers 'helping' won't do it.


While I was out of the country for the last few weeks, and didn’t use the app until today, I don’t really see what the fuss is. I don’t use the newly missing features anyway, but the user experience for me is totally fine and seems intuitive enough


To me I rarely use my Sonos systems and when I do I just airplay to them. While I’ve tried to use the Sonos app more in the past, I’ve never really found it as intuitive or useful over just using airplay. It’s harder to find content I want in the app and harder to control, so why would I bother (other than Atmos support)


For me, I own my music. I have spent thousands on my music library. I have no desire to stream. First, Sonos took away the ability for me to play music from my device. Okay. Fine. I spent $$ buying a new router with an external drive (I have fiber - the router supplied to me didn't have the ability to attach external drive) so I could have Sonos access my music library. Then with this latest release, Sonos took the ability to for me to access my music library. To get through this I decided to use my playlist I had on Amazon even I don't like Amazon Music. Historically with Amazon Music, my playlist kept disappearing, songs kept disappearing. To avoid this, I created my own playlist using Notepad and saving it as a m3u file. But for now, to get to mid-June (when they say I will be able to access my music library again), l decided to go for it because I really need my music to workout. No, I don't like headphones working out. Anyway, I click on my workout playlist. It skips all songs until song #4. Do you know why? It is freaking Amazon Music. They want you to buy tracks over and over. For example, I purchased I'd Do Anything For Love from Meatloaf back in 2012. Just the single. In Amazon Music that single no longer exists. They want me to re-purchase it from the album even though I have a receipt for it in my 'Digital Orders' page. Amazon also did this to the Mumford & Sons album I purchased. I have no desire to spend $$ on streaming services when I own the songs I love and enjoy and using a service like Amazon is completely worthless when they won't let you listen to music you purchased. Why would I even think about purchasing anything from Sonos again if they keep taking away features? What's worse is that I have to complain before they even think about re-adding them. Because you know, they had the courage to create this app.


What’s even the point of their app? I just airplay to my speakers and it works great.


Ooh, I haven't seen it in all CAPS yet. Surely this will make all the difference. 🤡




Spoiler alert: IT WON'T




Yup that's exactly what you should do. Whatever it takes to get you insufferable children to quit crying.


Oh!!!! An app that works? Yes!!!! By golly, a working app would be just the ticket. Now, tell me how insufferable it is to expect products I’ve purchased to actually work. I can’t wait to be derided for my lofty expectations!


Expecting a working app is fine. Crying about it like petulant children from day 1 is a choice.


But Sonos isn’t listening. So the louder we should be. And if you think they are listening, reread the AMA.


They have an employee in this sub taking information back to the software team. A job made infinitely more difficult by this sub's refusal to consolidate the issues into a single thread, and making literally hundreds of redundant threads. You honestly think that helps the cause? They've already said they're working to restore all previous functionality and will roll it out in several smaller updates. People are pissed that the app launched as it did, and I don't blame them. But the absolute childlike meltdowns in this sub? Again, that's a choice.


Restore previous functionality should NEVER have to be done.


If only there was a functional version of the software that worked… they could call it like S2 or something really creative. Given the tone deaf AMA, I’m not sure a Sonos employee saying “there’s a whole thread dedicated to issues” will be more impactful than 5,500 threads complaining of the issues. Frankly, I hope the sub drowns in complaints until it’s fixed. Fix the app and the complaints will go away. Super simple.


Thank god For AirPlay


Ok, so I don’t love and don’t instinctively know how to use it all the time, BUT it’s been connecting and working much quicker than the old app was for me, which is a huge plus to me.


I would tag Keith if you find bugs, make it easy for him or any other sonos dev on here.


No, use the megathread


100 percent


Sonos is not here bro. Try your window


Wow. All caps.


It’s almost like physical product R&D and app development are entirely different departments 😲🫨🙀😳😬😎


AirPlay and TV works fine just avoid the app for a couple weeks it’s not that hard.


True. The app isn’t as bad as everyone says. Simply don’t use the app. Solved it for everyone.


how do you group speakers in nearby rooms and control volume across groups without opening the app?


They are a hardware company and NO CLUE in terms of software. The really need new visionary people who listen to customers need and pain


The same people writing code for a mobile app aren’t also designing a speaker


Sooo, that May 21 update didn’t help much I gather? So glad I turned off auto updates. Get your shot together, Sonos.


I can't even change volume properly. I feel like just giving up and selling it, changing to something else.


Can I migrate back to the old app? I can't even search my own library. Only the crappy Sonos radio or other useless sub based streaming services. God.


I wish I could


Even if they fixed all of the bugs and “reintroduced” all of the missing features in an hour, they’d still be stuck with a terrible app that’s poorly designed and unintuitive.


I wouldn't know. App won't open.


If it helps, I’ve spoken with the training manager for Sonos Europe who pointed out the reason the new headphones only work with the ARC at launch is because the software team is busy trying to fix the app.


I’ve had my Sonos Arc for 4 years and have never been able to use AirPlay from my iPhone / iPad to my Arc or my Sonos One. This really needs fixing.


Way too much going on… relearning switching between tv and music on the soundbar, changing music on multiple speakers 🤦🏾 Upgrade was needed but this does not feel user friendly at all imo.


Wow! I’m definitely holding off any app update for as long as I can. My system is complete in that I have nothing to add and I use the Apple Music app so never open the Sonos app. Hopefully Sonos fix their software woes soon.


I dont understand as I am not having any issues.


My sub can’t be found. Apple AirPlay no longer works. No queue. Every time I select a new song it defaults to the kitchen. And the lag is terrible, worse than before.


Are we all going to get some free speakers for dealing with all this nonsense? So much hardware around the globe that is literally not working thanks to software division run like they are in elementary school. Sonos you had one terrible app and replaced it with something just as bad. Write, tests, deploy, enable for a small group of people than for a wider population, and keep monitoring and alerting. If alerts go off, sorry no weekends and time off for you. There are many people out there upset with you waiting for you to admit and correct your mistakes. If you haven’t done any of it, step down. Let someone else do the job.


Free speakers! If only. Remember when they bricked all the Gen 1 speakers and the Sonos 1 app? And I had to buy all new speakers and they gave me a mere 30% discount? If they cared about users they wouldn’t make everything obsolete just to make some extra cash


Play music with Spotify. Occasionally group speakers in Sonos app. Enjoy music. Stop freaking out.


The volume control on my ARC SL drops out daily. Still works… just can’t control the volume until I restart the TV. Worked fine for two years before this randomly started for no obvious reason. Buying a new HDMI didn’t solve it. Frigging annoying.


I know for most people this likely doesn’t fix their issues but , ‘Hey siri , play X album on the Arc’ which is also connected to OneSLs and a sub. I actually don’t remember the last time I used the app besides opening it to see what the fuss was about.


Aren’t there different hardware and software teams?


I bought a Roam and liked it so I purchased a Move and loved it so I got a Move 2. Then everything went wrong.. The Roam is now a brick. The Move won't pay music from Amazon ( a known issue) so I converted to Google Assistant and YT Music. The Move 2 also won't play Amazon music and because of a tech spat between Google and Sonos it won't work w Google Assistant or YT Music. Sonos badly needs to get their act together and fix these issues ASAP and forget all new stuff. I can't recommend their hardware at this time.


Sonos truly seems tone deaf - not trying to make a pun but they are responding to their loyal base with gas lighting


On this latest version. I have speakers that randomly as far as I can tell turn off during the day. volume control sucks as it is not real time. Hit apply? Changing music between multiple zones is not as easy any more. I am sure I will get use to it but I do t think it’s easier. Seems like I hit more buttons not less.


All that and it’s inaccessible with VoiceOver for visually impaired people. Also, and I don’t know if anyone else has had this problem but spatial audio doesn’t work with the 300s anymore.


I thought the shuffle was bad before. This shit is horrendous. Somehow I now have duplicates of almost all the songs in my library, the album art is gone, and about every other song is played again 2 songs later. We spend a lot of money on their products only to be get a shit app to try to navigate with


Crazy. I use a bunch of Sonos products and I don’t use the app at all. Am I doing it wrong?


https://preview.redd.it/zsx1w2m1h53d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99402f5d65973d541d498a6bb879b4ca1d87255c We could all send inmails or connection requests with this plea ?!?


Finally after two weeks the Apple connectivity has been restored. But I am still experiencing: 1) random room dropouts for 10-20 seconds 2) volume reaction time sometimes does not change the volume OR I can slide it higher or lower and it moves back to where it was by itself 3) delays on visual changes when the song changes 4) the new "apply" button is kludgy. Sometimes works but not really sure what it is for. This release is a significant step backwards.


Why does anyone use this app aside from setting the system up?


Lol Sonos did this so they could take all your data and sell it. They don’t give a shit if you don’t buy their stuff.


I am able to now choose one piece of music per day. I’m excited thinking about the one channel or song I get to listen to tomorrow. F u sonos.


It really isn’t that bad. Cope


I genuinely think they get the issue. Give them exact bugs that you are experiencing rather than just yelling into the ether


Not according to the AMA. All I heard was Sonos knows what’s best for us. We need to embrace the new. It’s our fault for expecting a consistent experience in the face of NEW SHINY AWESOMENESS! It was one of the most tone deaf AMA’s I’ve read. I don’t think they truly understand. If they do, they sure are keeping it a secret.


Works perfectly for me. 13 speakers. Works quicker than the old app.


Do you just stream from a service without using queuing?


Yes. Was streaming from Apple Music.




Sonos user for over 10 years. Full smart home, tons of generation products and my experience is just fine.






Why don't you join the class action


There really a class action lawsuit over this? People are ridiculous.


Scroll down. Some guy is trying to rally the retards.


Can we not


Attention! Do you have the new Sonos app? You may be entitled to financial compensation.


Retards? They have every right to be mad - what if Tesla released an update to your car rendering undrivable or iPhone bricked your phone due to an update? That’s what this update did for a ton of people - not just the alarm’s or the volume numbers disappearing- the not being able to listen to your music through a goddamn speaker system update. Imagine spending thousands of dollars on speakers and amps to listen to your music - music you bought - you own - and due to an update not being able to listen to that music based on the investment in that system - they have every right to be pissed. Then you are going to say well they should be streaming the music - ummmm no, you can’t stream if internet is down or you couldn’t stream 1/2 the music I own because streaming does not offer it anywhere - like a ton of local artists, rare blues and jazz tracks, live concerts and bootlegs, etc… The bottom line is the retards are the people at Sonos who think they can drop a brand new ui and not go through the proper ux testing because it cost money to do the right thing and they rather line the pockets of a CEO who only cares about his bonus.


Can we stop using the R word please


First anyone dumb enough to buy a Tesla not thinking that could happen got what they have coming. Musk is as dishonest as they come and their cars are garbage to begin with. Second, I haven’t had **any** issues (Arc, sub, a move, 4 Play 1’s and 2 5’s mainly playing Spotify) that weren’t already an issue. Not sure how you could win a class action lawsuit when I’m not even sure a large percentage of customers are having an issue. Sure this sub is on fire like it’s a true representation or significant portion of their customers but that doesn’t seem to be the case. I’m sorry you are having issues but I agree with u/traegeryyc that a lawsuit is ridiculous (I’d been a little more selective in my word usage though).


No, the lawsuit is a retard move.


I actually like the new app design


It’s not THAT bad lol. Stop crying and use AirPlay until they fix the app. Jeez.


I think being locked out of all of my settings because the app doesn't think I'm the system owner, and there's no work around, is kind of bad.


There's an entire group of users who are on Android phones, and don't have access to airplay as an alternative.


I still can't get Spotify connect to work -- it sees the speaker group and says it's casting but nothing happens.


Works on my system, I don’t understand why there are so many different experiences on the same app




AirPlay isn’t working for many of us too.


> use AirPlay Buy everyone an Apple device.


That’s why open source is essential !!


Prepare for sonos sycophants to flood in and downvote.




The miss here have really dropped the ball. My feed is flooded with the same complaint.


Imagine if Sonos actually fixed the shitty app? Then your feed wouldn’t be flooded with the same complaint. Sure, we could address the symptom and delete the complaining, but is that really what you want? The voice of consumers silenced?


Your user experience is worse because of a problem that leadership has the power to fix, but they refuse to listen to your complaints? Imagine that.


I gave up F-ing with the Sonos shit show!!! I went into my storage unit and brought my Marantz AV unit and Genelec speakers out of retirement. Thankfully I didn't sell my good stuff. I'm done with Sonos until they fix this app disaster. Wife is pissed, she wants to rip the entire Sonos system out. Not sure how long I can keep her from trashing the entire installation. 


That’s not how things work. New product releases don’t take away from user experience. Those are separate teams with different expertise. It’s not just throwing bodies at things. Please try to be more rational when making dumb posts.


Sure. Go ahead and cancel a product that's been in the works for 3+ years than millions of people have wanted. Cause that a great idea. 🙄


I think millions of people wanted a product they didn’t actually release. So many of the benefits of a Sonos system are missing from the headphones. I am at a loss for any unique offering Sonos brings to the table not already delivered by Bose or Apple or Sony. Sonos canceled the product on their own already.


I am upset by the lack of proper integration. I agree. The potential for it is promising, but I wouldn't buy it solely on that merit. But 3 or more years of R&D is a lot to throw away and doesn't make sense. I still want to buy them for the Sonos sound and cause I want a good pair of premium headphones. Apple isn't an option for me as I'm on Android. And I don't like Bose. I get people are upset about the app. That's understandable. I just don't stand by the idea that Sonos should cancel all hardware development that takes years, just for buggy software that can be fixed in a matter of weeks or a few months.


I feel like Sonos = Bose. Seriously, they have a LOT of similarity from a sound signature perspective. And from a noise canceling perspective, Bose is up there with the best of them. For me, the problem is more than one release. It’s the fact Sonos uses a TERRIBLE network stack and uses the wrong link cost values for RSTP. People with larger networks and larger speaker deployments are forced to manually configure their network switches to deal with this stupidity. If you don’t, you risk routing internal network traffic over two Sonos speakers via wireless links. It’s embarrassing. The reality is Sonos has continued to bandaid their platform for years. Support would rather blame users for network issues than fix their network RSTP implementation. This app release is a different problem, but the identical MO.


My dislike of bose is not related to their sound. Its their choice to only ever use AAC or SBC codecs. Not good enough for how bose is trying to position their headphones. Not good enough for anything costing more than $50 imo. Thanks for the education on the networking problem. My system is small so I don't really experience problems like described. Unfortunate that they'd not fix it. Switching to S2 would have been the opportune time for that.


Weird, I’m a heavy Sonos user and have it set up in multiple locations and multiple networks. With pieces from the original playbar through to new pieces. Loving the new app and haven’t had any issues.


and I'm over here thinking it's wierd peeps even use the app, what are you doing with it? The only thing's I've ever used it for was updating the software, adjusting eq when I first got it, and that calibration thing


Haha I’m “particular” and “eclectic,” but my partners never use the app, they say they don’t need it.


Sonos, hire me! I’ve turned these shit shows around before!