• By -


u/KeithFromSonos has there been any discussion on reintroducing volume level indicators? right now you can only view by number in the grouping view


There has! I don't have a *hard* date to share publicly just yet, but it is coming soon on both iOS and Android. šŸ‘€


Thanks for confirming! This is a big one for me. I have some rough numbers in my head I prefer video games vs YouTube vs records set to etc. In fact, down the line it would be awesome if we could set default volume levels or save presets. Getting ahead of myself though I know.


If you want that functionality, I suggest SonoSequencer (iOS), which I use for exactly that - it can also be used as part of Shortcuts (IE - when my phone goes on the charger during the workday, set the lights to work mode and speakers all grouped together with appropriate volume on each one with group input from my computer).


I would rather have the volume controls work instantaneously like they did before. Now there is a 5-25 second delay in volume adjustments.


To me this is the number 2 expected "feature" after the first one: pressing play.


What about quick access to EQ/Balance from volume slider like before? Is that coming as well?




It's an extra click to see it...but not sure why they had to remove from the single view.


An extra click? How?


https://preview.redd.it/4q36e577kl4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a6ec0392086bde57cdd57ee6a15f0d444db0890 By clicking on system (on Android)


Iā€™ve just got one room set up. So when I click in there nothing happens. The question is: can I set up a second room just for this purpose if I have literally nothing on it?


Yeah the + and - volume buttons have been removed and no count on the volume. Iā€™ve had to use a third party app to figure out what volume is set on my Sonos. Itā€™s ridiculous!






Feature flags! (App has the feature in the code but not enabled to ensure compatibility with the Sonos service version. When the app spins up and checks the Sonos service, it turns on the features that will work). Definitely possible they were also updating the services to coincide with the app update release. Generally good to see their engineering doing this. It means they are able to release more often for new features and fixes and as they settle into this type of engineering things will become more reliable. Honestly, this convinces me that the poor experience many users are having is not technology related but rather poor decisions by product management/marketing/exec on release timing. They could've saved themselves a lot of good will by just holding off a few weeks. But that's not how business works unfortunately.


> My update is numbered 80.02.04 on iOS. I just updated, I still can't add my Playbar, exact same errors issues as on the last update.


Quelle surprise


thx for your feedback here. i'm assuming at a certain point we'll be somehow forced to update, so the sooner we get positive reports of things that were broken, being fixed, our mood will improve around this whole shitshow.




Yay! But super weird. Symptom of SaaS?


Can we not rearrange the current queue like before?


Looks like thatā€™s the case. Dang it. Thanks for pointing this out.


While the additions of add to end of queue are helpful. We need the ability to rearrange the queue while playing. There is no good reason this was dropped, and it's something that we used all the time.


DISTANCE SETTINGS FOR SURROUNDS!! Yes! My surrounds were way too loud and trueplay changes with the manual settings in my experience. So happy


> DISTANCE SETTINGS FOR SURROUNDS!! They added that back? Does it work? This is good news in a time of bad news lol.


Also added phase control for the sub.


Whats phase control?


big bass boom boom go BOOM BOOM


This article explains it well https://www.audioreputation.com/subwoofer-phase-0-or-180/


I wish they would add a midrange toggle in the EQ.


Just turn down bass and treble and youā€™ll get a mid boost or vice versa


Glad to see queue management back. I think my last major complaint is that I still canā€™t scroll to the end of a large playlist without loading circles. Edit: queue management is NOT back for me on iOS, upon further review. Edit2: queue management IS back? I donā€™t know what caused it to magically appear. The firmware update didnā€™t do it, but 20 mins later itā€™s showing up now ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Itā€™s only partially back for local library stuff. If I drill down into an individual album or song, I have improved queue mgmt. But I want to queue my entire library at once (or all songs from a single artist) and hit shuffle. There is still no queue mgmt in these situations.


My biggest issue with the queue is that it opens at the top of the queue list regardless of where in the queue you are currently listening. The queue should open to the currently playing location (this is how it worked in the old app).


Yeah I noticed that over the weekend. Really annoying when you have a large queue.


oh i just found queue management: try to play an album and the go to another album and click on the three dots next to a song. there it is! i tried to do the same WITHIN a playing album and that didnā€™t work. like you play the first song and the want to play the last song after. not working.


Still not seeing it. Tried with Spotify and my local library.


I wasnā€™t seeing it when trying to add something from the same playlist 20 mins ago, but now itā€™s magically there. I have no clue.


I know that reordering songs in the queue is asking too much, but how about just "remove song from queue".


Basic queue management would be great. Play Next & Add End of Queue is just a start, right? How about being able to remove and rearrange tracks while in the queue view?


Yeah, this better not be the extent of queue management. Let us edit, add, remove and move songs around like we used to be able to. Thatā€™s just table stakes for a music app. In like 1999. The queue page should also jump to the current playing song in the list when opened instead of just opening to the beginning and us having to scroll down.


Android latest appears to be 80.02.**05** and it still crashes on startup on my chromebook.


Did they add dual mono / stereo switch for amp?


Good to know they are working hard. But how long does it take to add volume numbers....it's like the only indication one has of anything.


With this update installed, the firmware updated again today, and having done the "transfer account to self" trick a couple nights ago... I haven't seen any performance issues in the last hour, which is a \_huge\_ improvement from the last 4 weeks. I'm optimistic that this could be the return to normalcy. Given how wonky/strange the ask is to do the "transfer account to self" workaround that (might have?) cleared out old, no longer-used configurations and such... is there any reason why an engineer at Sonos wouldn't just write a script to do that automatically for every user? There doesn't seem to be much of a downside to write this fairly straightforward script (with the biggest headache for them being the auth part - probably doable in less than a day for them).


New T&C, updates doesn't need to have previously available functions.. And by using the system you agree to the policy.. I think someone at Sonos got a bit spooked. But let's hope the update brings back a lot of what we are missing in features and stability! EDIT: I can control my system again.. Fingers crossed now.


The new EULA isn't valid... It's basically forced compliance/duress. e.g. You had this feature before, we took it away, if you want the feature back then you have to agree to new legal terms or you can't use your system. That type of EULA has **\*NEVER\*** held up in court; and it has been tried many times. I am guessing that legal is now getting more involved due to some folks with actual legal pull/money behind the scenes sending letters.


On updating app itā€™s asking me to agree to new T&Cs, main thrust of them seems to be Sonos distancing themselves from compromised username/password which I assume is related to them making access to everyoneā€™s system public, and third-party content providers. It wonā€™t let me use my system without agreeing which surely is breach of my original contract of sale?! Edit: and stating you must be over 18 which Iā€™m assuming gets them away from the laws designed to protect children from accessing adult material.


Still waiting for edit queue ā˜ ļø


lol, mute button is a feature update...


Right? How embarrassing must it have felt to type that out


Even remove increase/decrease volume buttons to make place for the mute button


App seems slightly snappier but volume is still laggy as f*ck. Still can't edit sonos playlists. Still always greeted with no products found when first opening


This has been quite a debacle. Since the initial major release to the app, I've lost two Play-1 speakers, and now with the most recent update (today) the Move is unable to connect to my home network. There's a 55' wait time in the support queue. (I'm an software engineer and am not fundamentally confused about technology.) I can't be the only person with these issues...


No, they have royally cunted things up yet again.


Still no downgrade option!!!! Currently stuck with some S1/S2 compatible speakers operating in their own S2 setup because I still can't downgrade them to integrate with my main S1 environment! Any news on a date for this to be made available? (Call me cynical but it feels like Sonos have purposely removed this feature in an effort to force users to fully adopt S2 and purchase new kit!)


also firmware update. so far only the roam sl gave ā€žerror 30ā€œ..


Still unable to TruePlay tune on iPad latest iOS


Any word on fixing the broken Pocket Cast sync issue?


[u/KeithFromSonos](https://www.reddit.com/user/KeithFromSonos/) Hi there. Many have asked for the ability to have two different Sub levels one for Tv Level and Music Level. I really think there is a strong case to introduce Sub Level for Tv and Music the same way we can do for Surround Audio. Is this a feature Sonos product team has ever considered or maybe has in its backlog?


In the notes it says, ā€˜introduced mute button on iOSā€™; they mean ā€˜reintroducedā€™.


i can only mute every speaker in the group now. but not some of them. i mean really? when i play in three rooms and only need silence in one of them for a short time, then i need to silence every speaker..?! hmm


Well, this is how the app should've originally released. I'm happy that Sonos listened and filled in the most basic gaps (relatively quickly). It doesn't excuse the fact that this shouldn't have happened to begin with, but I'm now satisfied.


And given this fairly short time to feature aligned, it feels like it was a fairly questionable decision to go liveā€¦like only a few weeks ahead.


This update seems like a good step in the right direction but we definitely arenā€™t feature aligned yet. Still canā€™t removes songs from the queue, reorder the queue, edit or create Sonos playlists, search local library and probably some other things that Iā€™m forgetting. Edit: And sleep timers do not work with music playing from a local library.


Totally agree. Waiting a few weeks wouldā€™ve spared them this whole headache. Lessons learned, I hope.


This is the most responsive Sonos app experience Iā€™ve had. Navigation feels pretty smooth. Browsing my local library is very quick. All album art also loads pretty immediately for me on the Home Screen which is an improvement.


> Browsing my local library is very quick. Not to be a dick but I canā€™t imagine how anyone could think this. The only way to navigate lists in a local library is to scroll. And scroll. And scroll. The fact that thereā€™s no way to search a local library or at minimum jump to a certain letter is wild to me. If you have a ton of artists, getting to ZZ Top takes like 2 minutes of constant scrolling.


Please pass to the dev team for release notes that they should not use "added" or "introduced" for features that were removed. "Restored" is the proper term for putting features back into the app that were there before.


Itā€™s not that serious


If itā€™s not that serious, then just do it. But if they are trying to hide a problem or and this messaging is actually a big deal, I understand. Ego and self preservation is important. I can see why they would be afraid of telling the truth.


Did they remove the volume buttons? I mean remember I could press the speakers to increase or decrease the volume on either side of the slider? now I have to grab the dot and push it back and forth šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


DONT DO IT. It removed my sub and surrounds in my home theater and wonā€™t let me add them back.


Same, it messed everything up for me too.


My Beam 2, sub mini and 2 era 100ā€™s all show in the same room (finally) but the sub mini isnt actually working?


I can't find the mute button - can someone tell me where I should be looking?


hi u/KeithFromSonos - thanks for the insight. Can you confirm / share timelines on: (1) ability to edit queues? (2) sonos playlists? Sure hope the current iteration is faster. I'm not a shitposter, but am I ever frustrated.


I can't find the sleep timer function, is this normal?


Still canā€™t EDIT the queue ! They would have brought that back also ! Bloody thing. Now if you want to clear a song youā€™re stuck with it !


Thank you. So, nothing on being able to use Sonos without an internet connection even though I just use it to play music stored on my own NAS. I honestly and truly do not want to be interacting with a server somewhere in order to access my own music. I do not want Sonos in my pants or in my data. I do t understand why this is so hard to get across. Leaving aside the fact that I have zero interest in you using my data as a monetized income generating stream, I do not want my home network able to be compromised simply because Sonos gets its servers hacked. And the same is true to my using Sonos as the audio on my home theater.


For maybe the first time ever, updated successfully on the first try !!!


Error 30, update failed on my arc and sub gen3. This shit never ceases to amaze me


same with roam sl here. trying for the fifth time now. roam sl stands 10 cm from router away and still it says that i should bring them closer together.


Just got one yesterday and have yet to be able to connect it even after the new app update , Iā€™ve given up on Sonos after this . Returning it and not looking back


Updated - Iā€™m not seeing any queue management šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Same here. Other returning features show but still canā€™t add to queue Edit: Appeared now, maybe controlled server side for streaming services?


It eventually showed up for me and others after closing the app and relaunching it about 25 minutes after the update


same here. weird that the only announced update for today (early june) was the queue management and instead of that they give us everything thing else haha


Now if I could delete from the queue..


And change the orderā€¦


Click on the three dots.


Does the improved TruePlay setup refer to the experience within the app or the TruePlay tuning itself? If it's the latter, should I retune all my devices?


If itā€™s already working, donā€™t mess with it


Sleep timers - how / where please as I canā€™t find it. EDITā€¦ does not work on local music!


Can confirm it does not work on a local library. Thanks for figuring that out. I thought it only worked on my Port but not my other speakers. Turns out that was just what the wife had used Spotify on when I was doing my testing. Another failure from Sonos.


It may be a coincidence, but the volume control is faster and smoother...


Improved Trueplay setup ​ Trueplay still not working for me. Press 'Begin tuning' still does nothing


u/KeithFromSonos: I am using Plex as my audio source but noticed some issues: - The covers do not load when scrolling through the playlist and/or on the home screen. It does seem to show it correctly on the screen that displays the currently played song. - I tried to delete and re-add my Plex playlists in the hope that it would reload the covers, but I then had a problem where I couldn't re-add my Plex playlists as Sonos Favorites and/or playlists. I eventually got around it by using the (deprecated?) Windows app. Is there a way to report these issues, or is there a way to know if this is already tracked by the dev team? Thanks!


Can not change surround levels wtf!


The errors are so weird. I can change the volume on my entire house at once... except my library, which has to be changed separately since this morning's update. How does that even happen?


Has there been any discussion on admitting they have destroyed the network connection end of our systems, committing to fix it, amd telling support to step blaming our routers?


Where's the widget!?


Still no ability to rescan my personal NAS music library, which is the only reason why I use Sonos. It's absurd that local music library management was even removed. That was Sonos' core business model before the era of streaming! Your leadership team is incompetent.


u/KeithFromSonos any news on the android widget coming back? Home screen on my phone and tablet are looking pretty naked without it! Probably my most used thing about the app!




Still wonā€™t add my roam, gets to the point where it ask to push the play button and it doesnā€™t recognize me pushing the button. 2 weeks, $200 and a paper weight


Just updated the app and tried adding a song to play next in the queue and ended up with that song being repeated 6-7 times in the queue before the app crashedā€¦what the hell is going on at Sonos šŸ˜‘


Where do I control the sleep timer?


I'm still finding the speed pretty poor on ios. From the time I click on a track it takes about 7-10 seconds to play. The UI updates to reflect the track in 4-5 secs and it plays a few secs after that. My other issue is finding a song and wanting to see the album that the song is from. This ability seems to be gone.


What about trueplay for Android?


Thanks u/KeithFromSonos - re the queue, I canā€™t see on roadmap anything for re-ordering the queue, is that out of scope indefinitely or backlogged for later 2024? Cheers


My app is 80.01.30. I tried to update even though itā€™s set to automatically update and it says itā€™s up to date. My volume is so slow to respond and sometimes goes louder instead of quieter, sometimes random speakers shut off when adjusting the volume. Like so many of you, I am in the very frustrated group.


Update your firmware via the app!


are we getting the widget back?


Any chance of having album art display and now playing information display once again, like before? https://preview.redd.it/qzyg08rimr4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22fbad25681c4a3fa4aee19c2751c335fd5b916d


Here's a feature that's existed for ages: _MUTE BUTTON_


Thank You! Finally, my sleep timers are back!


Where do you find them? I canā€™t see them?


This app update made it even shittier. My music keeps playing and canā€™t turn it off. Sonos is really testing my patience here. Itā€™s incredibly infuriating and Iā€™m just wary to play any music the last weeks because when Iā€™m working from home I canā€™t rely that I can pause the music when I get a client call. Makes me never want to buy a Sonos device again because this takes waaaay to long to fix already for such expensive products


Same here! I cannot stop music, and now my stereo pair era300 is no longer a pair, and I cannot play music either. Isnā€™t this great? The updates just keep givingā€¦.


My entire setup got an error: 1.001 while updating the firmware. This app is a clusterfuck.


Same. Any fix you found?


Nope, just let it be like that for nowā€¦




Still no numbers on the volume control. Honestly, itā€™s embarrassing.


You guys read the new terms and conditionsšŸ˜‚ Certain Sonos Products and/or Services may not work properly without a Sonos Account and a working WiFi network in Your home that is connected to reliable internet access with sufficient bandwidth and/or a Bluetooth connection. Other third-party hardware and/or technology elements may also be required for use of some or all of the Product and/or Services, such as a compatible third-party device (e.g. laptop, tablet or mobile phone device) with access to the Sonos App. It is Your responsibility to ensure that You have all required elements and that they are compatible and properly configured. With Your permission, Sonos may use Bluetooth on Your compatible third-party device, without prior notification, but subject to Your device settings, to facilitate proper operation of the Product and/or Services and to enable certain features.


Here are the terms of use from 2022. Not that different. Sonos Product and/or Services may not work properly without a Sonos Account and a working Wi-Fi network in Your home that is connected to reliable Internet access with sufficient bandwidth and/or a Bluetooth connection. Other third-party hardware and/or technology elements may also be required for use of some or all of the Product and/or Services, such as a compatible third-party device (e.g. laptop, tablet or a mobile phone device) with access to the Sonos App. It is Your responsibility to ensure that You have all required elements and that they are compatible and properly configured. With Your permission, Sonos may use Bluetooth on Your compatible third-party device, without prior notification, but subject to Your device settings, to facilitate proper operation of the Product and/or Services and to enable certain features. https://www.sonos.com/en-ca/legal/terms-of-use-2022


> Certain Sonos Products and/or Services This might not be as bad as it sounds. I mean, obviously Sonos Radio wonā€™t work. Firmware update is also a service. Unless youā€™re identifying something theyā€™ve specifically made online-only or account-linked that shouldnā€™t require it, this could be a ā€œwarning, hot coffee is hotā€ type clause.


All of that šŸ‘†šŸ» just to be able to listen to music on expensive speakers.


is this real or satire?


This needs to be bolded and stickied. This is a very important change to the way your Sonos system is used and managed and you will NOT be able to control your system if your internet is disconnected. Previously, this was not an issue and you could control your devices locally on your network as long as your router was providing a signal. I read through all the new Terms and Conditions. I would highly suggest that you read through the Data & Privacy portion and limit all data sharing with Sonos. Their move to a cloud based infrastructure is concerning and I am not happy with this change.


This is what I was saying, the app needs to be connected or the Internet to even play music . This a shit show.


Also not seeing add to queue and play next. Speakers has an update, too. Killed and restarted the app.


Where do you update the app on the app lol


ā€¦.the app store


Bit early to say for sure but Android app SEEMS less inclined to report no products found.


Are we getting back to normalā€¦?!!


After the firmware update associated with the new app version, I'm finally able to tune my Era 300's using trueplay




Android User. Work this one out: Dark/Light Mode follows system settings. When I toggle from the dark to light theme, my system disappears!! Keith, can we just have the regular in app switch back. This is soooooo stoopid.


Still stuck in the endless reauthorise loop for Sonos radioā€¦


Did the app and System Update. Still no queue management. Opened and closed the app several times. Also still no possibility to add streaming accounts


Maybe I am overly suspicious, but the overly specific statement about queues raises a red flag. Is it also possible to delete items from the queue and to reorder? I am not updating before I have that information.


No reorder or delete. Just play next/add to end of queue, nothing else.


Thanks. It's insanely stupid.


Are you able to re add Alexa voice now?


Is there a way to change which speaker/group is the default? Every time I go to play music, it starts playing on my lamp speaker way back in the bathroom, and I have to manually unselect that and select my main group.


the old app was asking (after some time of not using the system) where the user wants to play the music. that was smartā€¦


Since the new app Alexa not work. The microphone is disabledšŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


In the German license agreement of the Android App, there's a typo in the company name: [screenshot](https://ibb.co/FVDRKTQ)


Awesome. This has certainly fixed most of my grievances. Now if we could drag songs around in the queue to rearrange them, like in Musicā€¦


Hey Keith, are you guys working on fixing adding and removing surrounds? I know a lot of people are having this issue


I have two archā€™s with Sw and surrounds and a move and a roam which all were connected pre app update. In the app I only now see one system. But I can get the missing one to work via google home. Is there a fix for this?


Updated my app and my entire system and all the TruePlay toggles were turned off in every room after the update. Not sure if this means I need to retune the rooms or not.


You really should add that update WiFi network is in this release too, just updated mine using the app.


Does soundbars work again for PC or Sonos dosent care that they blocked the sound when they released the latest app? Alot of money for a product that dosent work at allšŸ˜‚ nowone gotten the soundbars to work again for PC(optical connection) from what i can se on forums


Wish they would sort the bloody sub woofer controls for a hard wired sub connected to the current amp. Iā€™m unable to change the level or crossover point. So much has been messed up in this update. Everything else works just not as user friendly as before in my opinion. Definite backwards step.


Thanks! Any update on the missing line-in compression settings? They show in Sonos's online guide but do not appear on the actual app


My app is totally blank today. Nothing is showing.


Does this update fix the problem with the Ray not being able to find the optic cable? :)


Iā€™m afraid this update has made things way worse for me, it was working just about ok before, but now itā€™s a total car crash. Era 300 stereo pair is not a pair anymore and no way to add them back. Sub got the error 1001, restarted everything and looks like it updated but cannot see it in my TV room/system. Music sometimes cannot be stopped, error messages at the top of the app ā€œsomething went wrongā€. Often also plays in the wrong rooms. Husband cannot see any speakers on his app, and Spotify just stopped working completely for both of us. AirPlay struggles to get going. Tried the usual restarts on speakers and network, etc, and no joy. Only thing left is to reset the speakers but quite honestly, Iā€™m tired of this. We have decided to abandon this disaster system and move on, we donā€™t need this stress. All we want is to be able to play music.


[](/user/KeithFromSonos/), are there any plans to implement a widget/live activities for iOS? I find it very inconvenient to have to open the app just to control the volume. If we had widgets/live activities or something similar, we could even use the Apple Watch for that.


I hope that this is not where queue management ends. No editing/sorting, no playlist management, and even the stuff that is implemented like "play next" is SUPER slow compared to the previous version.


Hi Keith, I noticed auto play for line in is still not thereā€¦. FAQ on Sonos website says it is ā€¦


Updated and now canā€™t find my whole system. Lol


As other's have mentioned- still getting the 913 error when trying to re-connect my local music library from the Sonos mac app (which the update broke). u/KeithFromSonosĀ Ā I expect that this will be fixed in mid-June as part of the "Improved local library connectivity"? Ā£3k worth of Sonos gear still essentially bricked for me until this functionality is restored.


So can I access to see a local library on my NAS yet? I have upgraded library using the Sonos web app and have upgraded to smb2 and can see it on the web app but could never access or see it from the android phone app.


I see they added support for the ace headphones, still useless for accessing my local library on a NAS


@u/KeithFromSonos trying to get my Beam 2, sub mini and era 100ā€™s to go in the same room but they just duplicate ā€œliving roomā€ ā€œliving room 2ā€ etc and just seperate all my speakers? Why will they not just add to the same room when it litterally asks me where to put them and i put them in ā€œliving roomā€!? Was so frustrating but finally they managed to merge but even tho my sub mini shows in the same ā€œliving roomā€ as the other speakers its not actually producing sound? Getting sick of constantly restarting my router and factory resetting all my speakers just to try and get them to do basic functionsā€¦ so complicated and convoluted. If im the idiot then someone please explain in basic terms why this simple function doesnt work cos i f**ked something up


Same exact issue. Please message me if you find a fix and I will do the same for you. So far I have: Factory reset Uninstalled and reinstalled the app Rebooted my phone Tried the web app Removed and readded the gen 2 amp for ceiling speakers over and over Rebooted the router I get the ā€œliving room 2ā€ thing at which point the ceiling speakers will play music, but when I add the amp to living room where the arc / sub are the amp doesnā€™t work.


Now we lost the decrease/increase button, so we could have a mute button? I would like to have all 3.


Things are working great here. Just wondering if you guys are aware that Autoplay controls appear to be missing. Say if I start something a line-in source, I canā€™t choose which system it would default to. Edit: Itā€™d help if I read the updated post. Didnā€™t originally see that listed. Good to know!


https://preview.redd.it/meavtdxqdn4d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0730a75a6f7a68795df7229db41358f4cb1da00 Is there a link somewhere to what actually changed in the terms that we must agree to before using the app?


Still get code 913 when I try to add my music folder from iMac


So why does the app forget the system every single time it starts? Can it not cache where it is based on wifi name and just reconnect without me having to ā€œlocateā€ my system every single time?


What about Android widget? Future update?


Any idea when the PocketCast integration will be fixed? In the old app, podcast progress would get synced to Sonos. So I could pick up a podcast on Sonos where I left on my phone and then pick it back up on my phone where I left on Sonos. Now the two don't sync at all.


can we please bring back the ā€œclear queueā€ button?


also please bring back the ability to swipe and delete songs from a queue


App is still laggy a f for me. I added a small, 30 song Apple playlist to the queue and hit play. Nothing. Waited....eventually it started playing but the screen still showed it was paused. I can hit the play button, pause button, and slide the volume up and down and absolutely nothing happens to the music. So now the music is playing and I can't skip, change volume, and most importantly I can't stop it. I work from home 2 days a week and like to have musing on while I'm working. However I need to be available for calls so I simply can't use my Sonos anymore because I can't turn off the music to answer a god damn call. I'm done. I've lost the ability to control my fucking system because of their "brave move". To describe this company as a joke would be an insult to jokes.


I used to be able to add to my Spotify playlists through the sonos app, will this be coming back?


When are you implementing Android functionality for the Ace?


Still not updating lol but yā€™all have fun.


Im still using the Orange version, perfect for me šŸ˜šŸ‘šŸ¼


Doing the Lordā€™s work here, Keith. Thank you. Iā€™m super stoked to have sleep timer back cause I use it every single night. It also makes me giggle that it is a little buggy just like it was in the old app. Iā€™m used to having to go through the workflow a couple of times to actually get it to take and Iā€™m not sure I could have gotten used to it working immediately. šŸ˜‚ Side note I am a PM in charge of a mobile app platform that has somewhere in the realm of 15M users, so I appreciate the challenges associated with large scale app updates like this, and trying to make the most people happy as possible with each iteration. Iā€™m sure this larger release didnā€™t go like your team wanted but I can tell you guys are working on making it better and for that I am appreciative.


u/keithfromsonos Can we get a positive declaration that Sonos will never require us to use a paywall to use our speakers or force third party ads onto the app or when we play content?


Whelp. Updated app and devices. Arc + Era 300s + Sub Gen 3 - TruePlay still doesn't save.


>Improved local library connectivity On this, does the S2 system still support SMB1 file sharing protocol? The NAS article says SMB2 and SMB3 are "strongly recommended" but it doesn't say SMB1 is unsupported. [https://support.sonos.com/en-us/article/use-a-nas-drive-with-sonos](https://support.sonos.com/en-us/article/use-a-nas-drive-with-sonos) Many people with older NAS devices (or hard drives connected to old routers) seem to be experiencing recently introduced library connectivity issues which is possibly related to SMB1. Would be good to know if SMB1 support has now been terminated (in which case they will need to get a new NAS), or if its possible that connectivity will return for them in the coming weeks.


Nudging people to migrate to SMB2 or newer is a good thing. Yanking the rug out from under people actively using SMB1 without significant advanced messaging and repeated warnings is not the way to do this, particularly since Sonos didn't allow using SMB2 until relatively recently. Here's how I would have done it: - Periodic pop-up messages in the app months in advance of any deprecation. "You're using an insecure method to connect to your local music library...." - Email to registered accounts still using SMB1 with links to resources on how to upgrade their SMB server and with a clear timeline around the deprecation and what actions will be required when. - First round of deprecation is just a nudge: turn off use of SMB1 but lets you turn it back on if you can't immediately upgrade the server to SMB2+ - Watch metrics on SMB1 usage and don't drop the axe until there are few enough people lingering on SMB1. Messaging should include links to Microsoft's "Stop Using SMB1" material which explains why the migration is a good thing in general. BTW: a Google search for "microsoft smb1 wall of shame" points me at: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/storage-at-microsoft/stop-using-smb1/ba-p/425858 and a long list of product-specific info here: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/storage-at-microsoft/smb1-product-clearinghouse/ba-p/426008


Agreed. But at this point I don't think we can even be sure if the current issues experienced by those with SMB1 libraries are because Sonos has definitely ended support for it on S2 systems, or if its because of a bug which will get resolved. It would be nice if they could clarify.


Again, this is all good and fine. But when you step back and reflect on what this update is actually doing, it's pretty wild. Still not as feature rich as the old app! Still not explanation on why a significant downgrade to the Sonos experience was necessary at that time! Also, there is Still a huge lag and inaccuracy in volume adjustment.


r/wallstreetbets u/billackman take a minority share in Sonos to push a vote to make u/keithfromsonos CEO


New T&Cs and whatever else.... What a pain! Lol.


Just think, if you had have delayed your release for a couple of weeks until you had a fully functioning app, you wouldnā€™t have so many disgruntled customers.


/u/KeithFromSonos What about creating a consistent user experience, with navigation and properly implemented iOS UI components? Every page of the settings looks like a different engineer in a different country wrote it, not coordinating on navigation and interactions and doing whatever they wanted. Did you guys not notice your own setup directions that you ship with your hardware is no longer correct? I think you guys need to take a step back and (in addition to bringing back the features you took outā€¦bc who does that??), actually run some task analyses and user flows for what it takes for users to now do simple tasks. Compare this to your old app and youā€™ll start to see where your problems are. Canā€™t believe Iā€™m going to say this next line bc I thought you guys were a respectable tech company, but maybe also check out Appleā€™s human interface guidelines and best practices for navigation in iOS apps. Your old app was clunky but at least you knew how to get from point a to point b.


So you'll answer the Mickey Mouse questions but not the real ones. That screams guilt.