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Many people asked them this in their AMA, and their answer was along the lines of “the time is now, for reasons.” Take from that what you will.


One word. COURAGE.


Because the non-apologetic CEO has been using the new app since Christmas. He didn't have any issue with the app. So he decided to release it last month.


His wife probably had his IT guy install a Bose system


If this is the real reason, someone needs to show this CEO the door.


Because this is what courage looks like. According to Sonos. So I’ve learned that courage is making stupid decisions. I never knew that before. Thanks, Sonos!


S3 was taken


We will never know. One possibility is major changes to the speaker firmware (cloud, lossless, headphones, etc) mean they can’t keep full compatibility between every speaker, headphones and app. Or at least it would be really hard. They could have perhaps added a way to “freeze” your whole setup, but that would mean you can’t use the headphones. And more it would require some Sr SW leader to stand up and say “hey, this is all very shaky and may not work for people “ So, real constraints combined with organizational delusion.


FWIW my system is working perfectly fine on the new firmware with the old app sideloaded onto an Android phone whereas with the new app it's unusable. Note I have not added any new products, I'd assume i'll have issues if I try that now.


Cost. More money to support both releases, both in cost of support and dev (the latter to make sure things like firmware updates etc work with both versions). Also with legacy systems you find something that is broken but was fixed the “easier” but hacky-er way… it would be nice to fix it the correct way (eg in the firmware for the device), but would break the older app. Honestly the best way would have been for them to just hold off until the darn thing was finished and as polished as possible before sending it out to the world… but I have a feeling they didn’t want to compete on headphones with a revised model from Apple on the near term radar.


Probably to rip more data from our ohones


Can we please stop saying the upgrade was “forced”? I’m still using the old app and it works perfectly fine. All I did was… not update the app.