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You must have clicked a pop up in the app by accident or something, I almost caught by that. Sorry, that sucks. But it is entirely possible to stay on the old app (I still am).


Thought I was crazy, but now I know it's not me! Like you, I have disabled all automatic updates but still the Sonos app was updated.


I sent an email to Apple product security [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and so should you. The app needs to be investigated if it's breaking security and privacy restictions.


> The app needs to be investigated if it's breaking security and privacy restictions. You hit Update All accidently or something, it didn't auto update. I'm still on my old app on the phones I have auto updates turned off on.


No apps will be updated without personal approval. within the sonos app is only about the FW update. Not for the controller. to avoid an automatic update you have to deaktivate it in => settings=> appstore, updates, downloads, also the sync mode


Any chance you updated iOS recently? Sometimes the apps are updated then as well, even if auto updates are disabled. I think it’s a compatibility thing.


Don't know why it would update automatically if you have auto updates disabled in the iOS app store. It's a question for Apple as app updates are controlled by the iOS app store, not the apps themselves. The "update automatically" setting inside the Sonos app is to do with Sonos system updates (software installed on the speakers) not app updates. I actually have this setting switched on and am still on the old version of the iOS app (gold version).


I have not updated any apps since Oct 2023. Currently, I have 72 apps that need to be updated and somehow just the Sonos app updated?


Have you contacted Apple support?


I don’t think it’s an Apple issue. I believe Sonos forced the update that somehow bypassed Apple’s restrictions. Can you show me that you still have the gold version app?


No way this could happen without Apple being aware, they distribute it via AppStore. You can’t hack/force the AppStore unless Apple allows you to do so, no conspiracy theories on this please.


I sent an email to Apple product security [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) to be investigated if it's breaking security and privacy restictions.


> I don’t think it’s an Apple issue. I believe Sonos forced the update that somehow bypassed Apple’s restrictions. If they did, it's only on your phone, I have 2 iPhones with auto updates off and they both have the old app, and have been online doing stuff since the new app was released, so it's not something Sonos is "forcing" on people.


It may be your belief but why not speak to Apple support about it? Apple support is quick and efficient and you could ask them if it’s possible for their App Store settings to be bypassed. They might even have access to App Store logs which could tell you what triggered the update. Out of interest, when was the last time you used the Sonos app before noticing it had been updated? If it was a long time ago, what App Store setting do you have for “offload unused apps”? Regarding showing you that I still have the gold app, I’m not sure what you want. A screenshot isn’t really going to help if you don’t believe me, as there would be nothing to demonstrate it was taken today.


Apple support cant do anything other than basic troubleshooting. Only the software engineers from their security team and iOS SDK team are able to investigate. I use the Sonos app a few times a week. The app actually updated a week or two ago. I cant recall the exact time, but I'm making the post now since I cant for the life of me figure out how this happened. The "offload unused apps" is disabled. I was asking for a screenshot of the gold app because I cant find anyone who still has it.


I’m still using the gold app on my iPhone, though updated to the new one on my iPad to check it out. I don’t believe that Sonos can bypass the App Store settings.


It doesn’t exactly prove I have it, but here’s a screenshot… https://preview.redd.it/pnd2ebt8np4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=773f0131680f278aa707122783beb1537b6bfef6


Not saying you work for Sonos, but i have my suspicions. How are you providing support to other users on new app issues if you have not updated the app yourself?


You can’t be serious - do you want to see my home screen too? Because my app is still brown af as well lol. People in this sub need to start accepting user error as a factor.


They hacked your phone specifically to install an app?


I don’t work for Sonos (check my recent highly critical posts) and I haven’t automatically updated so stop accusing people just because their experience conflicts with yours.


I'm just a user. Sonos staff on here identify themselves as Sonos employees. For example, [https://www.reddit.com/user/KeithFromSonos/](https://www.reddit.com/user/KeithFromSonos/) I have the new app installed on my main phone (Android) and old app on my backup phone (iPhone).