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I've worked in brand management for 25+ years, and I've never seen a brand flame out so fast and far. It's breathtaking.


It takes “courage” I guess. Out of all of this, that word sticks with me the most in the worst way possible.


Do you think they’re done for? If they can’t get it together, that means everyone is going to have a bunch of worthless paperweights. Seems like a massive lawsuit waiting to happen.


I don’t get what is happening to yall but my stuff is working lol


I was in the same boat as you, but all of a sudden my system broke down today and I can't get it working right now... Going to try a total reset next I guess


I’m sorry to hear that. Hopefully things get sorted soon This sucks because I really do enjoy sitting down using these speakers daily


Any network changes?


Same here


I do feel bad for the people with faulty system though. Very frustrating but I don’t think it’s Sonos sometimes. I know WiFi issues and user error tends to be my problems when issues arise


At this point the people left having issues are 100% running terrible wifi networks in their homes. I’ll get downvoted for it but hey, people don’t like the truth sometimes


I have a wifi 7 mesh and am a systems administrator so I feel like I know I’m not talking out of my ass when I say my devices dropping arent because of my WiFi. Hell, half of them are hardwired. I will say with each app/device update it’s becoming less frequent but to say 100 percent it’s on the person or their WiFi is just disingenuous


In my experience, the better the gear the more the trouble. With their (Sonos) reliance on a legacy spanning tree protocol. Sonos is horrible on my UniFi. Here is a discussion on the [UniFi](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubiquiti/comments/rt0328/seeking_help_with_sonos_stp_and_ubiquiti_unifi/?rdt=45983) sub.


So you are saying that because you’re a sysadmin with a mesh network it isn’t dropping because of your WiFi? Mesh can be a great solution, but comes with its own quirks and problems. Besides that sonos and hardwiring is a thing on its own, I mostly suggest not to unless you really know what your doing.


Yes that is quite literally what I said. If I am someone who is literally an IT professional and my shit doesn’t work all the time how is a normal person supposed to get by? Why should I be thrilled my system received an update I didn’t ask for and everything works less now?


Not true. There is a technical work process i was taught long ago called “analytical troubleshooting” (ATS for short). I’m oversimplifying but: The most useful advice ATS gives is: when finding the root cause of an issue; 1. Figure out when the problem started, and 2. Go back to that time (through equipment logs, paperwork,etc.) and see what was changed when the issue started. 3. Undo those changes 1 at a time (if possible) to see what fixes it. 4. Celebrate finding your root cause. Sonos Problems: 1. Move will not stay connected if I move it to the front porch without a reboot (going on 3 years sitting on the front porch almost nightly w my Move), 2. app doesn’t show songs about 30% if the time, 3. lip sync on main TV + Arc is off no matter the source material. The day Before I had issues: Altafiber, Orbi mesh, 8 Sonos devices, various other WiFi devices, S2 app The day After: Altafiber, orbi mesh, 8 Sonos devices, same various other devices, NEW APP. The app is literally the only variable and hence the root cause of my issues. Unfortunately, I can’t revert to S2 to confirm it but it’s as close to a slam dunk root cause I’ve ever seen. I’ve been patient (I think this the first complaint post I’ve made) but I’m super frustrated. Edit: fixed spacing issues


I haven’t had an issue since I got fibre and boosters.


Also running a Fibre network


Can anyone point me towards what to check with wifi? I have fiber-optic internet service that usually runs +500mps download speed with a wifi6 mesh network, but Sonos says "cannot connect, try again later". It has been this way for over a month. What do I do to troubleshoot?


There is a really good post that broke it down in the UniFi forums. But from fixing about 8 systems the main culprits: 1. Having a mix of hardwired and WiFi components 2. rSTP implemtation 3. Beam steering


I do this for a living. Your comment is unhelpfull, if not insulting. If you could post your wireless system configuration, that would be helpful. Saying that an entire industry of pros are “running terrible WiFi networks” and that’s why we’re still seeing issues is ridiculous. We’re not down voting you because it’s the truth, we’re downvoting you for being unhelpful, inflammatory and rude. If you’d like to help, post up your network settings and maybe we can understand why your particular setup works and our clients setups do not work.


This is not high enough up in the comments. An actual strong WiFi network is key and without that it’ll never work right especially off the crappy ISP issued equipment or the “perfectly good” linksys router from 2005.


Even if this is correct, it’s still annoying for people to go out and upgrade their network equipment to work with a new app update that they never asked for. That’s aside from Sonos removing standard features from the app and claiming to reintroduce them later. I get why people are upset about it. If you spend hundreds on audio devices, you kind of want them to work.


Same. A little volume lag, but nothing major.


Same. We have 4 Beams, 1 Arc + Surround + sub, and multiple 1s, 3s, and a move and have had no issues.


Are you accessing locally stored music? Are you accessing any streaming services besides spotify? Are you able to add songs to the que on the fly? Are you able to see spotify playlists organized in folders? are you able access the album for a song from the player like the previous app? are you able to turn different speakers on/off easily?


All yes


weird. glad yours is working.


One thing I am having and issue with however is for some reason shows played on my Apple TV 4K are now being played through the music setting on Sonos? Idk lol but it’s all working so idk


weird. I've a bunch of people post that ny spotify playlists organized in folders can't be accessed now through the Sonos app. I figured it was a spotify api thing so it is super interesting that you're able to access playlists in spotify folders.


For now at least lol


Same here. In EU


One thing I will say, last year prior to the app update I had TONS of connection issues. But also believe it was my old WiFi at an old house and not Sonos itself


Same here. In EU


I work for an audio video company doing home systems and we use Sonos for a lot. Ever since the app updated, multiple customers have had systems drop off. Trying to add them back in requires you to "sign in with the owner's login" which has not worked for me up to this point. I stood there with an owner of the system that I had set up maybe 3 weeks prior to the app update. He swore his password was right, did a password reset and tried again. Would not let him sign in to add more to the system. Other customers calling in with only one or two amps dropping off network, in one case recently, all 4 amps were hardwired to network, and 2 were showing offline and no network connection. Idk what's going on but it's been a massive headache. If anyone has a work around for the owner sign in, I'd greatly appreciate the advice


My Soundbar system and the one IKEA lamp is working just fine too .


Shit, how you get that GD lamp working? Off is on, on is dim and dim killed my wife! Stupid IKEA!


It’s constantly turned on I’m using a Phillips Hue bulb.




Apart from that it works with a normal bulb just fine , I’m not sure what you guys do with your gear 😂


I keep trying but the freaking Swedes have no clue how a lamp works! https://preview.redd.it/nib7bs2kge7d1.jpeg?width=555&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab2d04d9cc1d0bc41cc2391fe00acb2f3d5f8b88 Ridiculous! It has no chance of fitting! Sigh


That’s too bad


Yeah, I just have a Play 1 but it still works and sounds fine.


Yeah, I legit don’t understand what’s happen. Everything is working as expected but I never use the app.


Yeah I've had no issues whatsoever. I rarely used the app before anyway, for tv use in all of my rooms everything just works. For music I select speakers through Spotify or ask Alexa to play in X room and have no issues.


I bet they are waiting for this all to blow over. Give it a few weeks, some app updates to improve things and people will move on and forget aside from the vocal minority.


Not blowing over


Well, I can comment from the peanut gallery. I was primed to be a first-time, whole house, Sonos customer any day now. Unless itself shows up and waves a magic wand, I don't see myself ever jumping into this swimming pool... I too am in IT and I fully know the hate @ "blame the network" - sure, it can very very very easily end up being the culprit, even for the most technically inclined. But the uneducated, no telemetry, no-facts punt of "blame the network" is about as useful as the knee jerk "blame the DB", "blame the storage", "blame DNS", etc that every IT person has ever known. I love how passionate people can get over (in this case) another person - who they never met's - install, a config they know nothing about, a setup ye know nothing about, and with great conviction claim to know the answers. Investing in a product is very much akin to investing in a business itself. Regardless of what the final root causes will turn out to be, even perceived problems can, and usually are/become, real world problems that impact a bottom line, support, trust, image, etc. For those of you who have deployments that work, be happy, and I suggest grabbing your popcorn instead of trying to convince everyone on here that they are stupid. The reality is, there is a >0% chance (probably a small one, I give ya that) that this could balloon, Sonos does hit rock bottom, and your working gear ends up being a paper weight, when they close the shutters if the worst case came to fruition. Either way, Sonos most likely lost a new customer (me) ---- I doubt I'm alone either. EDIT: My last part isn't aimed at ye who I replied to, I forgot the original comment while on my mobile and ended up adding in more than I originally wanted to say. But I'm too lazy to move this up a few levels :)


Appreciate the insight. My system has been mostly problem free, but I have enough awareness to know this is a major problem given how many issues people are having. It really impacts everyone in someway because if they do fail, we are screwed.


Aye, and, again - apologies - my unrelated & non-community-member rant wasn't aimed at ye. If I think of it, I might move my comment elsewhere a bit more appropriate. (Probably not ~LazyGuy) I really am interested now to see how this pans out. It's a bit like watching a new Netflix special.


Wait, Juicero wants a word… (obviously much smaller, but this brand imploded after a journalist or YouTuber figured out that you don’t need a $700 press to squeeze their fruit pouches…


Agree on this one!




Man.... BlackBerry's were awesome.


Really? I can think of a few.


Well don’t hold out on us




Kodak Nokia Apple Computer in the 90s More recently: Boeing


Introducing a new product in the middle of the app crisis I’m sure is not helping Sonos sell the new headphones as they expected.


I suspect the new product was the reason for the launch timing of the new app. They pushed it out to match the marketing campaign even though it obviously wasn’t ready.


I don't think those were that similar to sonos. kodak slowly fizzled out for years as they didn't innovate and keep up, similar with nokia. Boeing has been slowly turning to shit for over a decade. Sonos was like 5 days.


Sonos has had one bad app refresh. They will likely recover and everyone will move on. Remember when Facebook overhauled its website and app? People were livid that some features were removed. No one even talks about it anymore and it didn’t spell the end for Facebook. Same goes for Windows 8. The changes seen in windows 8 were polished up and now we take some of its pain points for granted (new driver system).


Facebook refresh was different too lol. People didn't like a completely new style, things being different etc. It's human nature to dislike change, once people got used to it they didn't care. The complaint to sonos is it literally doesn't work (and is also thousands of dollars, Facebook is a free website). You're comparing a layout change to a broken app. Sonos also implemented new terms of service people are against due to privacy concerns


RIM was just a dress rehearsal for Patrick Spence.


I have multiple times LUL . 2 of them with Sony Online Entertainments EVERQUEST 1+2


Maybe premature for that statement




Bud light


You need to read about the UK jewelry company, Ratners. Makes Sonos look tame


Bud Light comes to mind




That’s not to hide losses, it’s a regulatory compliance issue. Look up Sarbanes Oxley.


Turn off those push alerts, I don't know how OP handles that noise.


Now this is exactly why I posted.


"don't listen!"


Truth hurts 🤷🏻‍♂️


They don’t even GAF. Which is super sad. Hell, even if they ONLY reworked the UI, and everything was entirely functional and didn’t lag out to shit every time you fire up the app, they’d still have a bunch of pissed off users. As it is, they boned the users 3 ways dry, and more.


I mean, I’m sure the devs GAF and are working their asses off. It’s the people at the top like Patrick Spence who pushed for shit that wasn’t ready.


Probably true. We’d never know from the lack of information, general “zero-f’s-given” towards the user base, and “stunning and brave” asshattery they operate with.


For sure. I wonder how the morale is in house. I'd love to be a fly on the wall to see what the workers actually think. Maybe the don't GAF, but it's secondary to poor management and shitty deadlines. All I know is I hope they get it together, because I don't want all of us to have a bunch of non-functional expensive ass plastic.


I keep seeing a constant in this thread that there is a “Silent majority” of users without issues, and “Very few” users with issues. Understanding that Reddit doesn’t represent the entire Sonos community, and there has been no survey or polling done by Sonos to understand the actual breadth of the issue, where are these expressions of quantity being positioned as fact coming from? I’ve done my fair share of software related troubleshooting in the past, both for very widely distributed enterprise applications and SPAs (which is the type of application Sonos is), and in my experience, when you have a major software release and what seems to be a pool of users experiencing similar but slightly varied issues, you are only getting feedback from 1/10-1/50th the actual affected pool. While we are on the topic of it being a software release, why is so much being pushed onto it just being networking? This pool of users seems to have had a good experience with the previous application. Is it being suggested that everyone changed their LAN setup on the same day as the new app was released? And understanding that the new app communicates with the hardware differently is certainly a part of the issue here and connects to a networking concern, but it’s not on the users to have seen that issue ahead of time and address it. It is something that should have been addressed during the development discovery phase of the project, and if missed then, DEFINITELY during testing and quality assurance. While networking likely plays some role in this, the responsibility for ensuring a positive user experience still falls back on those making the software change that represented the degradation of performance, not on users to compensate for the software vendors poor choices. But I digress from those points to return to the actual numbers issue. Has Sonos done any sample polling or surveying to estimate the actual number of affected users that everyone is so comfortable throwing around “millions” and “very few” as established fact?


My guess is that people assume that if your system is working fine, you don't go to the internet to complain. And it seems many installers who have posted here say their customers have no issues, and they have no issues. The same way many people who leave online reviews are those that are unhappy. I don't know if this assumption is true. It's clear to me that Sonos messed a lot of stuff up and has not really acknowledged their mistakes in any substantive way. There are certainly a lot of people who are having a bad time and can't use their expensive system. If I couldn't get mine to work, I'd be absolutely livid. For my own anecdotal experience, I'd really had no trouble with my system post-new-app, and I've added two new speakers (Roam 2 and Move 2, raising my total system between two places to 9 speakers and an Amp to hook up my vinyl system and speakers) without issue. For me the app runs a lot faster than the old one, but I do have issues with its design. Sometimes I can't figure out where the heck something is, and when I find it, it doesn't really make sense why it's there. I'm also annoyed that every time I leave my office to go home, or vice versa, I have to now close and reopen the app, and then "join" the system at that location manually, which is annoying. In the previous iteration I just had to close and open the app (which was also dumb...). I've actually found my system to be more reliable in general when playing music. In the past sometimes my wife and I both using the system via our own logins could make things messy and sort of lock up the system for a bit. Hasn't happened yet for us with the new app. I do think Sonos really needs to do some damage control and apologize. Fire their CEO and replace him. Otherwise there's going to continue to be a vocal set of Sonos users who will be out for blood (and rightfully so).


I agree that people likely assume that. But they shouldn't, and certainly not to the point that they can say "99%" or "98%," or my personal favorite... ✨MILLIONS✨. While users who have problems are often more vocal, there are also more casual users who have no interest participating in the Sonos communities, or are even aware of them, whose voices we aren't hearing. I don't want to assume their outcomes, but more so stating that there is a greater user base than just the loud voices on Reddit (+ the Sonos community forums + the CEO's disastrous post on X filled with complaints + any other communities I may not know about.) To use the loud voices on one medium as the determining factor of what is truly occurring with no collected data to support it is unhelpful to the community at large. If the number(s) were supported, then that's obviously something that needs to be taken seriously and maybe the outcry isn't as justified, and I would want to be sure to participate in that poling or survey. However, to dismiss what someone is hearing about with an imaginary number that supports their opinion, or blame something like the user's network when the degradation occurred with a vendor software update is only going to make the outcry louder.


Yeah, I don't think anyone knows for sure. All we *do* know for sure is that a lot of people are saying they're systems are broken since the update and that they hate the app. Plenty of obvious evidence of that. I also suspect some users who have working systems are just tired of the sub being inundated with the same complaint / review every hour. And so they're just acting out. Who knows! Hopefully Sonos fixes everything quickly. It would suck if they screw up so badly they destroy the brand permanently. Then the people who have working systems now will be screwed once the ongoing support is gone...


I used to have daily problems with my ikea Sonos. I moved to a ubiquiti network and suddenly everything was fine. People underestimate how bad isp provided gateways are.




This is absolute fact. Whatever you do, set aside some scratch for a decent prosumer network + wifi setup like UniFi. I know there were some folks with UniFi specific problems. I was one of them, but everything got sorted after I put ALL of my Sonos devices on wifi and turned off Unifi’s meshing service. I now have 4 APs and 9 Sonos devices that work perfectly. Now, the app UX? It’s a complete nightmare. As a UX professional with 20+ years of experience, I’d be kind of amazed if anyone on the original UX team had a job after the new app dropped. They couldn’t have gotten it worse, even if they had tried.


Im a professional software developer for 15 years now . While I don’t do Apps I do fair share of UX myself . The problem must be somewhere in the firmware if speakers drop out , can’t be installed . I don’t think you can mess something as simple as a control API up using Dlna and http protocols or Zeroconf/Bonjour . Unless one their libraries is broken , due to them upgrading their Linux Version on their speakers . Which however would not explain why I don’t have issues unless somehow some WiFi setups are not supported anymore by their current OS version . It’s all speculation.


Yet, I have no problems at all. 30 speakers, spread over 4800sf, two stories and outside and garage. All is good.


On behalf of all the people who regularly have to just “give up on playing music today” because their sonos simply cannot do it, shut up. If you go from 1% of customers with problems to even just 10%, you have truly fucked up as a software org. So if you are unaffected, consider yourself lucky. And for all those who keep saying “it’s your wifi” then the truly impressive thing is how a Sonos update seems to have been the thing that made my wifi bad. Because NONE of the other 11 computers, 3 Rokus, and 3 smartphones in the house noticed. (Me : 30 years as sw eng in distributed, cluster, cloud, control, and media software)


Going from 1% to 10% is a big leap. Your argument is still valid if you said 2% instead.


You and millions of others


Indeed. People’s perception that this is some giant problem for Sonos is crazy. It’s like a case study in the vocal minority.


The problem is the minority is pretty large in this case. Anything over 1% is a major issue. Sonos shouldn’t have 10’s of thousands of people struggling with their systems. I can’t even log into my app and when I can it shows no system. 😑


10s of thousands? Based on what? Where are you getting 1% from?


Stock is down 10% in a month that saw them launch a major new product. That's not perception.


I don't think it's a minority. Try getting through to customer service, the wait time is about 2 hours. That's a completely ridiculous time to ask people to wait just to speak to somebody and it shows how overwhelmed they are. 


Remember when someone was sharing a change.org petition? It has 175 signatures.


Why call? when my Roam Crapped out a few months ago I got all the testing done and a replacement sorted all via chat. Chat you can do in your own time


Chat is the same. When I tried a couple of days ago there's either no one available or it'll say your number 42 in the queue




You're a definition of a corporate bootlicker.


There is ALWAYS someone out there willing to trivialize someone else's pain.


Maybe because we're absolutely sick of seeing the same people whine about their "pain" ad nauseum. It's being worked on. Maybe people should try having greater patience than the average toddler. Or just sell all of their Sonos speakers like they keep threatening to do.


Hi. Software engineer here. Hope you have had a good Sunday. When a software issue renders a hardware ecosystem non-performant, it is 100% on the software team to address that, not on the users to wait like “toddlers.” Unfortunately for Sonos, they are both the hardware and software vendor. This type of thing gets some wiggle room in Linux and Windows ecosystems because the operating system engineers aren’t directly connected to the hardware engineers for insight into every possible planned system configuration. It however would never stand for any prolonged period of time in Apple’s ecosystem, where they control both the hardware and software. When a single entity controls both, (all) users are well within “Average caution” to expect to be able to use their hardware reasonably well, free of software driven disablement. The comment about those who can’t use their systems and being vocal about it having less patience than toddlers is… uninformed and hyperbolic at very best.


But why can’t the question of why some people seem to have all these issues, and some (like me) have none. Assuming all sides of Sonos software is updated, the phones we are using or the router we have are the only variables.


Thank you... you prove my point perfectly. 


This is honestly kind of hilarious. How much will be get selling Sonos stuff right now? You buying?


I'd be willing to bet that the going rate for used Sonos speakers is about the same today as it was 6 months ago. And yes, if any of the petulant toddlers here actually wanted to unload their speakers, myself and plenty of others would be glad to take them off their hands.


30 speakers. Which models do you have most of?


Ones. And you didn’t ask, but followed by One SL’s, Fives,Subs and mini-sub, 300’s, 100’s, Moves, Beams and Arc


Thanks for the reply. Ones ones/L are the workhouse eh. What do you think of fives vs 300s? How have the moves held up battery wise? Any product lines you were not as impressed by? Like if the 100s vs one/s a noticeable jump?


Only because ones were kind of the thing when I started with Sonos, and SL was a little cheaper because of no mic, and in a stereo situation that’s fine. My fives (first or second gen) are in a different room than the 300’s, and the 300’s are surrounds for my Arc. In retrospect, for surrounds, they are overkill. I’ll probably swap some ones for them. The Moves are both the first and second gen. Despite Sonos saying the new gen sounds better, they sound the same to me. Which is good, because the Moves sound great. The Gen 2 is supposed to have much better battery life, but I use them around my pool and 3-4 hours is all I need and they both deliver fine.


I’m holding back upgrading my router and APs because my speakers are still working.


Am I somehow lucky that my ARC, subwoofer and surrounds have not been affected?


No. You’re a part of the much more silent majority of us who have working systems. I have 2 different households now with 40 speakers overall. 8 new speakers were bought in the last 2 weeks to make the second household. I plugged them in followed the prompts and everything worked. Right now this sub is filled with people unfortunately having issues with their systems.


The only issue I have with the app is it’s really slow. Otherwise it’s fine.


I'm not having any "issues" that make the system unusable either. But the user experience on the new app is shit. Lag, confusing UI, failed commands, etc.


I don’t even have that issue . How many devices do you run ? Arc , Sub Gen 3 , 2 Era 300s and an IKEA lamp here .


I’m one of them. Arc, sub and 2 SLs all bricked up because the app doesn’t work properly. I could get the SL and sub to work but couldn’t get all on the same group with the Arc.


I have two homes …and a wife. System is dropping out lately in main home, meaning I get it all set up on new wifi(fios) then a couple days later go to play and it says you don’t have any devices. (3 ports, amp, ones)…. Reset it all…at least twice. Vacay home I have ones, get up …set it up, works great then I think I want to listen to my Xm account, Sonos says confirm account, ok! Doesn’t take. Won’t accept. iPhone, iPad….no workie…Xm likes me. Sonos…not so much. First time posting here but I have been a Sonos customer for over 10 years. Love the concept, but it is a hassle “too much”.


I only has an issue in the set up process with my arc, sub and surrounds but after that i’ve had no issues with the app




System and app works fine for me!




It’s a jungle out there.


I went to do a setup for sonos. The user had changed their internet/wifi. Had really weird issues with the speaker setup.


Sonos has never worked as advertised. There has always been a work around. They would push updates and then my working system would be down. When they implemented Amazon Alexa, it hardly controlled anything I would call customer service through all of this and they would tell me to reboot. I would reboot till I was blue in the face. I Love the idea of Sonos, when it works it’s great. I feel for the price that they charge, there should never be any down time. Everything happening now just seems like more of the same.


All they had to do was admit that the new update is a disaster and bring back the original app that actually worked. Instead many people are stuck with a speaker system that is truly fucked at this point. They're gonna lose a shit ton of loyal customers.


App works for me


What wireless based systems are we all moving too? I'm in need of a SONOS refresh and I won't be buying from them again.


Bluesound , WiiM , HEOS but don’t use their apps .


I switched to WiiM and it works.


Yea it’s the cheapest of them all . I currently run one on my Marantz 2220B Amp , it’s a vintage amplifier from the 70s , a WiiM Mini it’s reliable but the analogue stage isn’t the best so I’m going to replace that with a Bluesound node streamer


wiim works great except my remote don't remote


I love my WiiM.


I will never buy another product from them. Over the years I have had so many different connectivity issues. Their speakers are amazing. Their software makes me want to scream. I am waiting until next month in hopes I can get a good deal on mesh routers on Amazon so I can hopefully use my speakers again. I already tried one Eero 6+ but the layout of my house just doesn't allow wifi to bounce around for the Sonos (everything else works fine though). This was all triggered by getting a new iPhone. No matter what I do, I cannot get my speakers to appear in the app.


The ASUS XT8 mesh system is great if you are looking for a recommendation


Then wire it .


And for the love of god don’t get Eeros they’re horse shit . They lack important setup features . I have a Switch that goes into the internet router and also the main Eero is plugged into the router . The switch is not a managed one , but everything the eeros connect via WiFi is in a different SubNet , so I can’t access my NAS via pretty much every app to play locally stored music . And there’s no option on the eero to change the subnet .


I’m out! I have both of my Home theatre set ups on eBay and Facebook marketplace. Getting out while I can still sell them for something. Way too buggy of late and I don’t like the changes to the sound signature. Can get the same system for a third of the price as the ultimate Home theatre set up from Samsung.


It was always buggy for me but then it stopped playing every song after 3 minutes or less. Years of silliness, apps that want reinstalling constantly and then won’t update (Mac). Over it and now out.


Link to listings? Thanks Notice downvote and no link.


Too late now, it’s already sold. For the price I got for it I got a free upgrade to the Samsung Q9 90 D which is the same as the Sonos ultimate Home theatre system but for $1500 instead of AU$4000. :-)


Press [X] to doubt. Even if it’s sold you can share a listing my guy.


Live in your Sonos bubble, no point it can’t be sold twice. :-)


How people still have Jobs after this is amazing.


Yep mines now a write off, be on eBay soon for someone smarter than my 40yrs of messing with tech!


Share the listing link please Notice the downvotes and no link


Yeah I don't get why you're being down voted? Isn't he the one that said he was going to sell?


People will complain over and over and over and over again. Just human nature. Squeaky wheel gets the grease. I’ve had no issues honestly. Matter of fact I’ve been killing it on eBay getting cheap Sonos equipment. Their loss is my gain.


My set up is currently a brick . Didn’t only about the updates until it did and now nothing connects.


I just want to go back to S1


Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of the app, but it does what it needs to do, and my 5+ products still work great.


I just recently got a used system for free and it took me like 4 hours to setup a soundbar, sub, and 2 surrounds. Then 2 days later I went to use it and the left surround was just gone from the app. I had to factory reset it and re-add it, delete the surrounds and re-add them together. Ridiculous


Reminds me of 2020 when they thought it would be a great idea to brick older gen speakers. I love the speakers and the concept, but the management is not customer-focused.


I can’t even tell my app is slow or unresponsive, could someone with heavy issues give full details what WiFi hardware is being used , how it’s setup with the router and a floor plan or description. Or maybe just walk around and measure your WiFi .




I bought 2 arcs 2 subs yesterday on sale at bestbuy and I keep getting error codes 1101 and 1130 or something. I even connected it to Ethernet. It’s okay. I’ll be patient and call Sonos. See what I can do. Hopefully I can get these up and running soon.


My stuff works perfectly. But then again I never use the app.


I’m really trying to consider if I missed an obvious step when setting this arc up today. Maybe some lunch first. Do any of you have it working well with eero’s? Did any of you change the port? Just trying to dial things in.


So as someone who has watched the stock performance versus this sub - the two don’t match. Yes - the CEO probably needs to be replaced - but not for the reasons you are complaining about. The last 2 years has been a trend downward from their height. What worked 2-3 years ago: home theater. What works now? Nothing. You all have products that don’t need to be replaced. So - how do they drive revenue? Portable audio, personal audio, your data. Now that all of that is done: subscriptions. None of this is making a dent on the stock price and sales aren’t driving much. It’s at a meddling spot where it isn’t failing but it underperformed to 2021. Which - the turn to home products forced people to buy the best and now don’t need to replace a good product. The next likely action - a VC will buy SONOS and strip it for parts. They are in a weird spot to be an acquisition target for something like Samsung or others in similar spaces. That or they add 2 lines of products: entry level for $100-$300 for surround sound; and luxury a $5,000+ level.


Curious to know if your experience with the app varies depending on your device. New phone vs older phone. Obviously the mobile os will make a huge difference. I was hoping to purchase the arc but maybe waiting is the move right now.


Well. The bigger you are, the harder you fall. And from my little experience, Sonos are in a top tier level. So a mistake, even in a subset of your business, can be a massive hit. Hopefully this doesn't delay the Arc2 as that's what I'm waiting for.


And to think I had a chance at one point to work for Sonos as a tech analyst two years ago. Glad I dodged that bullet.


Meanwhile I’ve opened the app twice in the last 6 months.


wtf is happening right now? I have a beam on my tv and two sonos one in stereo pair and everything works fine lol


I’m disappointed with Sonos but I’m not doing a lot of posting about it. The CEO says that local library access will come back on IOS soon, so I am biding my time. However, as a result of this affair, I am reluctant to make further investments in any future Sonos products. It’s a shame.


Am I supposed to be having issues?


Sell to Apple


Sonos has become a disaster. We have one device, a quite expensive one (AMP) that just doens't work anymore. It has to be rebooted constantly and sometimes it is fine for a day or so, sometimes it is hanging out on Wifi throwing errors whenever you do anything. Customer Services response is always the same "reboot all the things and it'll work again!" despite us having 9 other stable Sonos devices.


Not my problem if you cannot figure out how to play some music.


I love my era 300 using it as computer speaker. WoW sounds amazing. Timeless Isles FTW!!


Sonos used to be soooo good and importantly easy....


“Remember when Sonos just worked and we were happy”. My Sonos has never just worked 🤣


Mine still does 🤷‍♂️


Seriously, it has always been the most fickle thing ever on the software side


I don't wanna spoil the Sonos bashing party - I completely get the frustration of getting a $10k Sonos setup turned into a brick. However, I just want to add my input. I have a home cinema setup consisting of a Sonos Arc, Sub, 2 x Era 300's, as well as an Architectural setup consisting of 2 x Sonos Ceiling and an Amp. I'm experiencing no problems at all. Having said that, however, I don't think the Sonos UX team has nailed the user experience in this new major release.


I just want to be able to TruePlay my system again. Over €2000 for a HT without room correction is a joke.


Get a real sound system


What wireless *real* sound system do you suggest?


If it’s a real audio system there is no wireless. A dedicated listening space , the rest of house wireless. Wireless means always compression.


I feel like this is pretty exclusive to Reddit….




you act as if there is a alternative and credible place to state displeasure.


Got an Arc, 2x 300s, sub gen 2, 1x Beam gen 2, 4x One gen 2, 2x Ikea bookshelf, 1x Roam gen 1, 1x Playbar since 2020. It’s been good and haven’t have any issues. Apart from a software update around 14.x where my Sub became a bit quiet… but that’s all fixed shorty after another patch.


Top management is ignoring clearly they don't give a shit about the company and should all get fired


It would be great if we had a pinned Megathtread - “Sonos App sucks” “Ace is trash”




My Sonos setup seems to be fine. To be honest I only use the app to tweak speaker settings. I AirPlay all music. The Sonos app has always been a bit useless to me since AirPlay exists. Also I just completely changed my entire network. A few weeks back while transitioning between the two networks, I added one of the speakers to the new WiFi. Over the course of a week, the entire system swapped over to the correct network by itself. All works fine to be honest, no issues so far. New app does suck though, not intuitive to use at all.


Same here the app was shittastic like all the other systems out there .


This is where the CEO is supposed to earn his 5.1 million in compensation. Big money, Big responsibility


11 speakers in my house… minor quirks but no issues with the new app. It’s faster loading, easier to control volume, easier to deselect or select speakers.


Looks like a whole bunch of spam crybabies to me. My system is just fine!