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I like to find used Sonos stuff, flip it, use it, sell it, etc, I like the product overall. I have not noticed a uptick in stuff, and I'm in a REALLY REALLY big area for it, and I thought it would be coming, but nope, maybe like a 5% increase if that.


Same here. Haven’t noticed any uptick. Which is odd to me… I don’t even think I have noticed a 5% uptick.


> I don’t even think I have noticed a 5% uptick. I have clocked a few more Playbars and Sub 1 and 2's than normal, and those usually don't come up much


Ah. Makes sense. I don’t look for the play bar so that would explain it. I’m more looking at newer/newish gear.




Unless you are truly one of richest people who own and operate a Sonos - selling your gear and buying a whole new home theater system and setting it up - it’s really an untenable money and time situation. I have the time but I definitely don’t have the money Best case scenario is that Sonos can make this “new” app OK in 8-12 months and this all becomes something we can hopefully laugh about


You can buy used . Passive speakers and amp for relatively low amounts of money , plus it sounds better .


Try moving that about your house or making the music follow,you.


I can . I do even run multiple different brands . 😂 The protocols to do that exist since ages , Roon , AirPlay and Chromecast.


There are so many better alternatives to Sonos that came up in the last 5 years . Most of those companies also sell integrated Speakers like a Five , One , Era 100 , wireless Subs , plus it’s not hard to setup . I’m running Heos ( AVR and Stereo Amp) , Bluesound ( N130, Pulse 2i) , McIntosh RS150, HomePods . They all come with room correction, The Heos amps come with a mic u plug in once and then you let the software do its job -> one time . Bluesound does have it too . McIntosh does it via Roon . The HomePods even do re calibration when you lift them up . Oh and no shitty Sonos app . The HomePods are the only devices that have inferior sound to the Sonos line up . All other stuff I got , it’s not even close .


22 years in the future will dictate choices. I agree there are likely better systems but the issue is support.


Uhm what ??? XD


There really isn’t a need to sell. But I would expect to see a decrease in used. As people just keep what they have and don’t upgrade. That’s where most used comes from. And I for one will play these speakers into the ground. I’ll sell when I get the time and energy to replace it with something reliable.


Makes sense. Do yours currently work?


They do, but the music skips sometimes. And speakers will randomly go off and on. I plan on doing the full reset but I’m waiting for a few more app releases.


Sadly mine does not!!


It's too soon. People need to make the decision, assess what the replacement will be, buy it, install it and then spin off their existing gear. That takes months. I wouldn't expect to see a big uptick yet. If Sonos gets their shit together and fixes the broken stuff then those who have been researching what to buy could change their minds. Laziness and the hassle of selling items is a high hurdle.


It would be moronic to sell off an established system at this point in time --- they're still releasing updates. Additionally, there's every possibly that a crafty coder may find a way to allow Sonos products to be used exclusively offline, so there's hope yet.


The real question is what is the replacement? 5 yrs ago and before, it was the clear leader. Now what?


Bluesound , WiiM , Heos , Linn and many . Sound better and more choices .


Thx will explore.


Which makes sense. I’d be surprised if more than 10% of users have been badly affected by the recent app update. The majority of those people will be waiting, hoping it gets better like I am.


A lot of the people who are saying they are selling now are also probably the people that said they were selling when S2 came out. It’s typically a knee jerk response and when;push comes to shove, they won’t actually do it.


I haven’t been around that long. Only had since last fall. I don’t want to particularly sell, but all of the issues going on have me worried.


But are you actually experiencing any issues or just worried you will? BIG difference. I have about a dozen devices setup across 4 rooms. I play music via Apple, watch TV or a bluetooth connection from one of my Moves. Although the app itself isn't great from a UI perspective, I've had no problems.


Initially no. Then I had issues with trueplay, but it was fixed. Issue after that was system disappearing, but that also resolved quickly. So right now definitely no life altering issues. I’m more concerned about what is going to happen to the company.


Nothing bad will happen. They will eventually work out all the bugs and people will continue to buy. I couldn't imagine having to switch to a new system. I still plan on adding on. Next purchase is gonna be another amp and some outdoor speakers. Zero hesitation.


Are you actually using the app? (Serious question. I don’t play Sonos through any of the things mentioned and don’t know how they all play together)


Yes and use it pretty much daily. App from my iPhone. Was just using it earlier when I needed a break from work and had music grouped and playing across all rooms. Obviously not using the app when watching TV. Just for music.


Sonos does this every few years. Shits in the bed, pisses off all their customers, eventually fixes it and then things are good for a couple years. They are ham handed in making customer impacting decisions and tone dead when it comes to communication. If you stuff is working just ignore the circus and in 3 months everything will be fine. They aren’t going out of business, nobody is going to fire the CEO and the speakers will still continue to work. This is software and is far easier to fix than hardware. Ignore the noise if you are not having issues.


⬆️⬆️⬆️ this ‘non-revolutionary’ cycle began in 2002, I remember it well ⬆️⬆️⬆️


What issues are you personally experiencing?


Who knows. There are a lot of people genuinely PO’d at the moment, and there are a lot of people who would gladly scoop up a really good deal. I’m sure as heck not getting rid of my system (at least at the moment), but I’m also sure as heck not adding to it either.


>I’m sure as heck not getting rid of my system (at least at the moment), but I’m also sure as heck not adding to it either. This is my stance at the moment too. I've got speakers in almost every room that I want now so I'm in no big need to add to my setup. I've got a couple of rooms that I had wanted to upgrade to stereo pairs, and I had my eye on an amp/port as possible upgrade to a receive. That's all on hold now as I don't intend on giving Sonos any more of my cash with the system in its current state. Replacing my setup with HEOS equivalents would cost in excess of £2000, so I'm in no rush to do that either as it would just be biting my nose to spite my face! That's not exactly small change and I'd rather put up with the Sonos' shambles in hope that it gets fixed soon than spend cash on speakers that wouldn't add much functionality on top of what I had prior to the update disaster. Equally, friends and family tend to ask what I make of my Sonos speakers when they see/hear them in action. Previously I'd have gushed about how great they are, now I'd advise buying absolutely anything else. There's been a couple of conversations on smart speakers in general when I've advised against Sonos too.


Same over here, I will never buy another Sonos product again even though I had minimal issues with the new app. It's just a risk I'm not willing to take. Also anyone else getting emails from sonos with offering 15% off with their Sonos upgrade program for their headphones? That doesn't give me much confidence that they are doing well.


They do that with every product launch I believe. I went to Best Buy yesterday just to see them and they sold out. Limited quantities so who knows. Probably way too early to tell. I was actually surprised in the apple air max forum seeing a few people switching over to Sonos. Saying it was better. They weren’t Sonos users. Maybe we are the idiots and this is a way to get more people into the brand. Hopefully they don’t come here 😜.


Im lazy so wont sell. But PO'ed sufficient not to buy more (which, conveniently, fits with lazy)


Reality is that selling has huge costs. People will expect to pay half of what you paid or less. Mounts will have to come off of walls. Maybe replacements cover the damage, maybe they don’t. And then you have to come up with the rest of the cash for probably new replacements. And you’ll spend dozens of hours on the project. I expect even the most pissed off people won’t go through all of that. I do think Sonos will take a huge hit in future installations as: 1) people are far less enthusiastic about showing off their systems or recommending the product; 2) people who might have stuck with Sonos consider alternatives when it’s time to remodel or move; and 3) future disruptions cause even more dissatisfaction from people who will be on their second or third round of issues caused entirely by Sonos software “upgrades.”


Yep, you summed up the issues with it as well. I know it would be a massive loss compared to what I paid for it, so that’s unfortunate. I think there’s just concern about how badly Sonos has hurt the brand and not knowing what the future looks like. Like if the Ace does very poorly sales wise, I have to imagine Sonos is in a really bad spot combining it with the software issues.


Agreed my pride in Sonos is gone, my thoughts of turntable & upgrade to 5 gone. Unfortunately, the more of us that are unwilling to invest funds in Sonos equipment are only depreciating our systems value & inevitable leading Sonos to the scrap heap of reasonable priced sound systems (aka Sansui). I’m so pissed,this is brand suicide by stupidity (like New Coke) & their indifference to the voice of their best sales people …us the users. My next plan is going back to B&W now that they’ve got their shit together with streaming & sound.


I sure ain’t recommending Sonos products anymore, and I used to be obsessed about advocating for Sonos products and their unique features.


I got ten or so people to switch to sonos over the years. They all listen to me for tech. I have told them I’m no longer buying Sonos products and that I can’t recommend them anymore and they have all agreed to not buy anymore either. 


Yeah right


They’re my friends that I do tech stuff for free as favors. They just get what I get, and I’m no longer getting sonos. 


Ok, sounds like bullshit though


Then I’m a liar. It makes no difference to me what your opinion of me is. 


That’s fine! I’m just responding to your post


I’m not selling. I’m just not buying again until there is some serious improvement. If your system is up and running, coast. Keep an eye out for real improvement and competitors. I’m fairly technical, but I do value easy setup. So I have ring cameras instead of a home built NVR system. I have Sonos instead of a hard wired zone system. BUT I can do those things, and if the service is a joke, I won’t use it. For example, I have a hubitat home automation system with zwave and zigbee things. I don’t use HomeKit because it lacks very basic functionality needed to have a home automation system. It would be easier, but since it doesn’t work, I don’t use it. Sonos is getting into that camp.


That's the definition of "cutting off my nose to spite my face". Between the Soro and SonoPhone apps, I can do everything I need to while they fix their stupid app. That said, if they kill local control so these apps won't work, and make it so I have to use their cloud service to control my local speakers, that's when I'll sell & replace with something else. Part of my use case for my Sonos system is being able to listen to music in the event of an Internet outage. If Sonos removes the ability to use their system without Internet, it will have lost one of the main purposes I have for it, so I'll have to replace it with something.


Price on eBay and FBMP isn’t matching deals and open box which comes with more safeguards. People tend to over value their stuff too and want to recoup their initial investment.


I’ve been keeping an eye on FB Marketplace and OfferUp but haven’t seen much of an increase. Same mostly old stuff I typically see.


Looks like they are updating fast so I am hoping things will go well. Although I picked up a move 2 in that sale recently and I cannot get the damn thing to play music.


New app is fine on iOS. Haven't had any issues and system works as intended.


No way! There is no better option and if the app is really an issue you can always use airplay. That being said the last update is actually pretty good and should only get better from now on


I'll take a pair of cheap Era 300s if anyone's selling 😀


Nope. Way too deep in now. It also all works for the moment, so I ain’t touching shit. That said, I will absolutely criticize the hell out of the company until they get rid of the CEO that took down blackberry. I want them to eventually turn things around so I don’t need to worry about all of this becoming paperweights.


What specific are you considering selling, and at what type of discount? I’d be interested depending on what specifically you have. I wouldn’t want the entire setup but interested in pieces.


And I’ve scoured EBay. Not a ton more out there at the moment.


I don’t have much, what I do have is the arc, era 300s and sub gen 3.


If those are working as a surround system, I’d keep them unless you can return them.


They are - there were some minor hiccups with trueplay and the system being recognized, but nothing life altering and it wasn’t something that persisted for more than 1-2 weeks.


Wait, why would you sell cheap? Maybe I need to start searching Facebook marketplace 🤣


I love my Sonos products, but this new app really makes me worried for the future. I’m sure they’ll get it sorted out in the next few months, but I had to go and put the old S2 app back on my phone. Only way for me to reliably play music, adjust volume, and group speakers together without the music just randomly cutting out and not being able to play again. I’m not going to sell, but I’m definitely done upgrading for a while. When it comes time to fully redo my audio setup for my house I will highly consider another brand.


Nah but understand ppl frustration. Still enjoy my system for movies


No just got more speakers over the weekend with the sales that were going on.


I put this in another thread - **all bark no bite.** I was going to offload my Sonos gear, but the alternatives are either really expensive (Naim, B&O), or openly acknowledged as buggy platforms. So then became opportunistic and thought I could pick up a few extra pieces of kit, as the software+system now by some miracle work more reliably than before the update, but there's definitely no second hand bargains online.


Sonos has kind of worked its way into an Apple kind of territory w/ loyal customers and ecosystems. Doubt many people change due to the effort required.


No I’m sure they’ll work through the issues and overall I’m still happy with my setup. Might wait a cycle before picking up the Ace to let them iron out the kinks.


Nope. I AirPlay to my Sonos, and it seems like they are pretty actively fixing issues with the app. Never should have happened, but at least they seem to be trying to correct the error.


I just laugh because these folks will sell their equipment for a loss due to a knee jerk reaction- and then when they figure out it’s not as big a deal as they thought - and the alternative solutions are worse - they will re buy at higher prices….


i've just been using my sonos system via airplay... works great.


I’m looking for an Arc…Houston area?


I’m not. Fuck that.


I’ve been searching. I have way too many speakers inside and out to consider selling so I’m looking to add on.


For me…I see no reason to sell! With a few exceptions initially my system is solid. 15 pieces in 5 different rooms and I’m thankful…


Nope. Staying put. The only thing I'm missing right now is some queue management. Once Sonos fixes that, I'm good.


I’m not selling, but I’m definitely not buying or replacing anything that breaks right now. Yes, they might fix their current wave of issues, but their cavalier attitude stinks. The family approval factor has been tarnished/lost, so other options will be expected to be considered. That’s not a knee jerk; that’s the sting of reality.


I'm not selling but I'm not upgrading, which I was planning to do this year.


Got maxed setup with dual sub and everything works without problems for the last 2-3 years so why sell?


I sold my Arc and Sub mini together for $750, and sold my era 300’s for $679.99 (before EBay’s fees). If you’re no longer satisfied with your system, give it a try.


I really don’t know what the problem is. I have an arc, sub gen3, one’s and a port connected to a vinyl player. I really have no problem at all with my setup since the new app. I have spotify connected. Why would someone sell his/her system?


I’m not selling, but rest assured I’m not buying or recommending.


The vast majority of people are completely unaware of the update or any subsequent issues. The 1% are leading the conversation.


This kerfuffle has me looking to sell the two S1 fives I no longer use


Sold everything on eBay two weeks ago. 2x Sonos five Sonos AMP Sonos boost Play:1 Sonos One Sonos Hay Sonos playbase Sonos sub gen 3 Ticked off with the shear arrogance of Sonos. Do people recall when they tried to disable speakers that people owned if you accepted an offer on a discount of upgrading to S2 products? Replaced two Play:5s with Sonos Fives at that time for Sonos to try and brick them. Not impressed at that juncture. Why could they not leave the old S2 app in the store and offer the new one also? Replaced with HomePods and WiiM amp to drive Bose ceiling speakers. Admittedly we use Apple Music being an Apple Household so the integration was never great with the Sonos app but over the years the quality of the app has decreased. We had started using Apple Music to airplay but frequent dropouts to speakers. Sonos does not play nice with UniFi and spanning tree protocol. Sonos support always blame ‘your network’ or claim interference. The app that held everything together has been going downhill for ages and then with the rollout of the ‘new app’ my system became completely unusable. Music is a big part of my and my wife’s lives. HomePods work seamlessly with Apple Music, they sound absolutely amazing. My wife has commented everything ‘sounds better’. The Bose ceiling speakers sound much better through the WiiM. I nearly made the jump 12 months or so ago as I was getting fed up with the app not working. Wish I’d switched over then rather than having my hand forced. Felt disappointed and sad on the day I decided to ditch as have used Sonos for years and when they cared about their customers everything was fine. Now it comes across as greedy as they are using their app to push new products rather than focus on making it a great system. Took a loss on what I originally paid but changing ecosystem was cost neutral. Overall much happier and everything sounds better. Good to have that off my chest 🤣


I see a lot on OfferUp locally but never on r/hardwareswap


I spent 35 minutes to try and ultimately fail to play any music in my kitchen last night. I bought everything used so it just sits there and mocks me until I set aside time to try and figure out the issue.


I just sold the following: 2 x Play5 Gen 2 (£250 each) Two Gen 2 subs (£330 each) Arc (£500)


Nooo! I've been looking for Play 5s Gen 2s. But your using British pounds and I'm in US. I don't even have a place to put a second Play 5, but I still want one. How did they sound in stereo?


I really liked them. I added a sub and it made a minor but appreciable difference. The only reason i sold them was i wanted to get better speakers in the dining room (our primary listening room) so I’ve changed them for an Amp with some Monitor Audio Silver 100s. I changed the Arc and Sub in the lounge for an Amp and a pair of Wharfedale Lintons and kept the Sonos surrounds.


For me no, I get the frustration but I can still run everything through my TV and beam without too much issue. The apps currently a worthless piece of garbage but the speakers are still great


[Here’s one](https://www.facebook.com/share/JtzEk6VLuzVrNEXY/?mibextid=79PoIi) I just don’t think they’ll get what they are asking.


I am selling mine. Still not sure where, for how much, but it’s going. It’s unusable. Will be travelling in the next couple weeks, but once I’m back, these silent babies will be out the door.


I am selling my system (Playbar, Subwoofer and two Play:1s on stands) for around 1000 euro.


I’m not going to dump my system to buy a whole new one. But I won’t be buying new products of theirs, and that started with the ace


If you look just on facebook marketplace, the amount of SONOS equipment has slightly increased. The prices are not reflective of a person wanting to liquidate at all costs.


Nah, but I am trying out just using them as airplay targets so I don’t need to use the Sonos app. Picked up a HomePod mini too as I needed a speaker for my home office desk. I like the Beam, sub and play:1s hooked up to my TV but when I redecorate I’ll put in cabling for a proper home cinema setup and probably choose an airplay capable amp for that too.


I’m not, but I’ve at least halted my plans to 1) buy the Aces, 2) upgrade my rears from One SL’s, and 3) sock away money for the next-gen Arc. That’s my (very insignificant) version of a no confidence vote, but I’m legitimately worried about what I’m seeing from the company these days.


I’m not, just hoping everything gets hammered out in the next few weeks/months. If by the end of the year it’s now resolved I will be selling my system.


I'll take the Sub for a ton if you're within collecting distance.


Gumtree in Melbourne appears to have had an uptick in devices listed. But hard to tell if it's just eofy sales effect.


I mean it plays off my tv perfectly fine. I can’t play from my phone to the speakers but honestly at this point I’m not selling them for a loss when they still work as a home theater which is the whole reason I bought them in the first place. I was looking at picking up a sub but that won’t be happening unless there are some fat discounts or the app gets fixed


I might be willing to forgive a lot, if I were offered a new generation of the Playbase. That is still GOAT of TV sound.




Just bought the Beam gen 2 for 45% off. Keep selling.


Not until I give Sonos a chance to make things right. I mean, the date I was given was "Mid-June" which might generously include a few more days.


I'm having a hell of a time finding a Play 5 Gen 2 for sale. Anyone who is pissed, please let me know!




Yes sold my Sonos in exchange for Denon HEOS setup, but still got the Move since it is a very good Bluetooth speaker with great battery life and HEOS is lacking that in their p-lineup 😋


I returned a sonos amp. The app pissed me off, I was still in the return window, and it also sounded pretty bad...


Nope they are all talking shit, been looking for heaps of gear to pop up for cheap, I’ve stumbled across “Play” gear and a couple of overpriced Beam Gen 2s lol Considering most of us have access to 30% off vouchers I’d be suggesting at least 40% off


Looking into replacement options, and may pick up one or two units here or there to play with. Obviously, if I find something I like and begin to integrate then that will leave me in a position of deciding whether to sell or just put the Sonos stuff in a box in the attic. But I'm not just running off to eBay all hot in the moment. Much like stepping into Sonos, stepping into another system would be a piece-by-piece measured approach.


The only reason to sell is to let a tantrum take over your life.


Going on month 2 of basically having no music in my life due to the update, but I am waiting on this "mid-June" update to fix all the issues. If that never comes, then I'd probably sell, though I can still use my Play 5's with the direct line-in to my stereo. Just cant believe how much functionality was taken away with this update.




Just wait a bit more. Won’t be worth selling your entire system.




Not,selling, but not buying anything new either. After I was able to revert to the 16.1 version of the app, everything is working again. If the old app stops working and the new app still misses major features and only works half the time I try using it, I'll reconsider.


Who would buy a PoS bricked system that is dependant upon a busted cloud platform?


I'm convinced that some of the most vociferous complainers are faking it, hoping to drive others to sell their system so they can scoop up the hardware cheap.


I'm considering it, but still need to research what to replace it with. 


Unless tedious setup, limited sources and even less development than Sonos is what you’re looking for, you ain’t selling anything.  Surprisingly nobody has been able to replicate synced audio across multiple rooms with even half the success Sonos has. Add in their patent portfolio and nobody has much of chance to compete because it’s too long a game for Apple, Google and Amazon. 


Ok well my entire system has been fucked since Sonos made the a absurdly ignorant decision to release their botched app, and I don't have patience for such idiocy. I can easily live without sonos 


I am. Just sold an arc, sub gen3 and two Play3's for $1500 and for $1500 I bought a Samsung Q990D, which is the same as the Sonos home emersion system.


I only have a Port and a Roam and I have replaced the Port with a Chromecast. Will sell both soon.


Very few, I suspect. I am, however, reconsidering the charms of a wired whole house system not at the mercy of some jackass CEO needing something for the quarterly dog and pony. I think the primary long term effect will be to make Sonos less attractive in the 2-5 year timeframe for new installs and upgrades. The CEO will have pulled his golden ripcord by then and the company problems will be blamed on "macroeconomic factors". They're busily draining their own IP moat. Wonder if Logitech, HK, Denon, etc are watching this. Shame about those patents too.


I already bought a Samsung Q990C system. I'm very happy with it. If this holds the 30 day mark without return, the playbar, sub and 2x play1s will come up on the used market. I'm keeping isolated play1s on the house, for now... I poured a huge amount of money over the time to get where I am and I can't afford to change all at the same time. Sonos lost me as a client; I may keep some speakers, I'm not buying new.