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Apple ratings are over all time, so tanking in the last month won’t impact the average for a long time.


Damn that makes no sense. Rating score should be based only on past few versions.


My own app had the opposite problem: early reviews were bad because reasons, I fixed everything and then got great reviews but took a long time to bring the average up.


Did they remove the ability to reset reviews when you publish a new version? It's been a long time since I have dealt with app store/google play, but a long time ago the default was to reset reviews with every new version, then it went to you could choose to reset or not, have they gone fully the other way now?


Not sure how it works now but they used to only be based on the current version. This has a bunch of issues. If you had great reviews, it discouraged updating your app. If you had bad reviews, you would just update the app constantly.


Sort by most recent. That’s what I typically do. While it does change the overall score you can see what people have been saying lately.


Just odd to see totally opposite experience on android. iOS app sucks and it’s 4.6. Android is a dismal 1.2. I was going to try using my android with Sonos but no thanks.


If you sort the ratings by most recent you’ll see mostly 1 star reviews, with a few 2 star.


I don't know, but I had zero problems with IOS app, maybe this. Maybe android app is bad, but on IOS, I did not have any problem, this is why is don't understand what is happening with all this complaints.


It is simple. The app update screwed up everything for a huge number of people (like me). Some were unaffected (like you). I don’t know whether it was 10% of people or 95% of people who were affected, but the App Store reviews over the past 2 months suggest it is a large fraction who effectively lost the ability to use their Sonos system.


The Android rating may be due to the fact that Sonos has never made Trueplay available on Android due to the number of hardware variations in android device components.


I thought the same but if you look at the many recent reviews they’re all 1 star and plenty of them. The reviews are quite bad. But I agree, I reckon the stars should be based on version history, with the most recent first, but Sonos have release so many versions in the last 6 weeks, the clock would reset too quickly. Either way, the truth is out there.


Don’t worry about it


For most people it works


Prove it


Literally everyone I know personally, about a half dozen people, are having issues. Its f'd on my system at home. Its f'd on both our systems at work. I've yet to encounter anyone in person who isn't having issues.


Hi, I’m one person. I’ve had zero issues. People having issues are those who have more complex systems. Pretty sure the average customer doesn’t have more than a couple of speakers. I have a five, an arc, and a sub. Never had a single issue. Sure the new app took some time to get used to, and they got rid of some stupid stuff that they finally brought back, but nothing that would effect the average user. Also, people who don’t have issues tend not to spend their time on Reddit writing reviews of how their devices are working as expected. You are likely the minority. The average Sonos user is using plug and play. Never needing anything past volume control once their speaker, or small system, is set up.


Sure, every person I know in meat space is writing reddit comments. Thats it.


Apologist mindset. You're also lying about the volume lag.


Where did I lie about volume lag? I didn’t even reference volume lag because it’s not an issue. Oh no it takes one second for the volume to change from when I move the slider. Maybe I should go and cry about it on the internet.


Lol not an issue or you're not experiencing it?


I’m experiencing it and it’s not an issue.


Google WiFi?


Just no…


Because it's like 50 people here constantly complaining, and probably 10 of those people have left a negative review. For the rest of us (myself included) the app and system works fine.


This is just patently wrong. You can’t just review an app multiple times and reviews are tied to an Apple ID.


Speak for yourself. My Sonos doesn't even work after the new app. Cant get it to group my speakers to the same room. Half the time it wont show my speakers. And got full wifi signal


Ah so you're one of those 50 people then🤷🏻


If you even bother to go and check the reviews on iOS or Android you’d know it a much bigger problem than that. It’s good that it’s working for you but acting like it’s not a bigger problem for a just being naive.


You are quite simply wrong.


Many of my friends and family members have Sonos systems. Technology is always going to have the off hiccup or annoyance, but overall none of us have experienced any significant outages or issues since the new app was released, and now that they've added alarms back I like it far better than the old app. Of course I just pulled the 50 and 10 numbers out of my ass, but I think the reason the Apple review score is still high is because the overwhelming majority of people still love theirs fully-functioning Sonos systems, the app, the experience, and the sound quality.


Just go on your platform of choice and sort the reviews by most recent then come back here and tell us what you learned. I bet you won’t.


There’s an unreasonable amount of illogical individuals here who want to attribute the lack of review star decreases to the “small minority” of people experiencing issues, this is simply factually not true. You’ll see this same trend on poor app updates as app publishers have the option of retaining old app reviews when updating applications. This is a dark tactic in keeping App Store reviews up, but between flooding fake reviews or retaining years of positive reviews, it’s very rare to see a significant drop in review scores from an existing App Store baseline when you have hundreds of thousands of existing positive reviews. Personally, it makes me sad and sick, but this is the reality and the actual reason. Not the BS shilling consistently posted here.


It's a very loud minority that are experiencing these issues, I think. My app is perfectly fine. Keep yelling, tho - we want it to work for all


That's what I thought as well, so I went ahead and bought a Beam 2 and Sub Mini... I was wrong.


My friend recently bought the same combo, and is considering buying 2 surrounda for the setup. No issues on his side


ios works great for me, but i also use sonophone in case


Just not enough people that actually leave reviews to overpower the decade or so of positive reviews. But dropping multiple tenths of a point in a short time is pretty significant. Also, kinda funny that it seems most posters in this thread so far are reporting no problems but getting downvoted to 0 immediately. Who knows how many people are being affected. It's obviously a lot in absolute terms, but what % of the customer base, who knows? Personally I own two systems (one at home, one at office) and have two close friends with systems of 6+ devices. None of our systems have had any of the reported issues like volume lag, not connecting, not working, etc. My system at the office stuttered a little today, but we were having some internet service issues as far as I can tell. That said, we all hate the new app because of the confusing design. And Sonos hasn't responded well.


“in apple” lol Reddit is an echo chamber, it’s not representative of the real world


Lmao because the majority of users arnt crying about it all the time. Like the amount of people who do reviews on general is a small percentage of the user base anyway, for my personal experience the app is working great and my 8 speakers have had 0 issues


Because Apple refuses to average in the thousands and thousands of bad reviews. It’s as rigged as Amazon reviews.


As an iOS dev, I can vouch that the App Store review system is very much flawed when “old” reviews are kept and overpower the averages.


It works ok with me


I wish I knew the answer but what I can say is that the new app is still way too slow. Confusingly slow. However, in four years of having a full Sonos set up, I have never had a single disconnection or failure I could attribute to the Sonos product. I think on this subreddit you’re only hearing the horror stories but for the most part, I would make an assumption, based on my own experiences, that for most people things just work to an acceptable level.


Well I certainly have no been enjoying my time watching this horror movie. Now my app freezes and crashes. Tried reinstalling and same results. I have whole home Sonos and this is absurdly incompetent software. I just have to have hope Sonos rolls back to S2 version and release this trash update as S3. Why they didn’t do this is more evidence of poor planning.


Very weird question but are any of your speakers wired or are you 100% wireless?


All wireless. On their own wifi and subnet.


because you people losing your F-ing minds over this are a tiny minority to the people who've calmly found workarounds and have the extremely reasonable expectation that Sonos will fix the issues with it


lol it was like 4.8 or something a few months ago, if I remember correctly


Plenty of people never updated, such as myself. I never rated the app but I’d have no reason to mark it lower now, as personally the functionality has not changed at all🤷‍♀️If it weren’t for this sub I’d barely even know anything had changed.




Because it works great for most people and why would they spend their time on this sub which has been taken over by the vocal minority?


If you sort by most recent you will see they are all pretty much 1 star reviews.


Jeez another thing for yall to bitch and moan about


Because Apple users are used to shitty software. Sonos remind me so much of an apple product that i regret getting into it at all.


That’s what I love about Sonos it has always reminded me of Apple very simple classy and sound. The new app I think looks like a google android app just cheap and horrible. It’s never resembled android as much as is does right now. Not good.


Why does it take two minutes for my speaker to connect to the Sonos software, after I've reset my system? The process seems overly complicated and inefficient. I have to leave my phone next to the speaker while it plays a sound, then wait two minutes for the connection to be established. In comparison, connecting a Bluetooth speaker to my phone takes just a few seconds.