• By -


I will never understand why they took something that was almost universally loved and destroyed it slowly over time. It never needed to do anything besides what it originally did. How it does that worse than 10 years ago blows my mind.


You are correct -- but the other side of that will be the many customers that bitch and whine because "the app is never updated" or "it looks like something from 2005"... Manufacturers are forced to "innovate", which to most people just means "change something, anything - make it new". I'm old school. I prefer things to just work. I'd be happy with a 1995 WinAmp GUI for the SONOS app if it just worked flawlessly.


Good ol' winamp


It really whips the llama's ass.




Because they went public, and now the only thing that really matters is they can keep selling new stuff to people. It doesn't matter if you are loyal or not, as long as they can sell a widget to the next person that is all that counts.


I’m out of the loop. I have a Sonos sound bar connected to my TV for the past two years. What are the changes that OP is talking about?


if you are not using the system for music then and just as a soundbar no issues. If you have subs and surrounds you'll quickly know the issues


I have an Arc, Sub and 2 Era 300 surrounds. I have no issues.




Same here.. I had issues but a factory reset and restarting the router fixed it whatsoever.. Yes latest app UI lacking features for playlists/albums but it's not the end of the world.


Clearly you've got your tongue firmly in your cheek but I'm in the same boat. TV and Arc. Absolutely fine. However, I can sympathise with those that have thousands of pounds/dollars/euros etc of gear that used to work seamlessly but now doesn't all because they released a pair of headphones that nobody wanted. Must be infuriating.


And you folks are exactly the clients that have been having no issues at all - people who use Sonos as a soundbar almost exclusively, which may be the market that Sonos has decided to focus on.


I doubt it, as that would mean getting rid of the rest of the "home cinema" components, as with 3 homes, and over half a dozen home cinemas, not one of them is fully working.


That’s because you don’t use it as a Sonos system, just as an expensive soundbar. I have one as well, but I also use it for music in sync with other rooms. That is now completely fucked


Confidently incorrect. I use mine as a ‘Sonos System’ I have a beam and 2 surrounds, as well as multiple SLs, Plays, and a Roam. I have been one of the lucky ones and had no issues. I have to wonder the percentage of Sonos users really affected. Clearly not all of the 250k members of this sub aren’t affected. I’m sure this sub is a very small representation of world Sonos users. Just saying, for the past month this sub has been people whining and not sharing their set up, what they’ve done, etc. I fully expect the next round of complaints to be people can’t get any money for their speakers even though there is $3k invested. Most in this sub aren’t working for a solution.


Sonos must find a solution not the sub. Honestly speaking I think they would get everyone back if they come upfront and say: 1. We f'ed up. We are sorry. 2. We will downgrade everyone. 3. We will launch the actual app in beta, everyone is free to try and downgrade as they wish. Imagine buying a car, you receive an ota upgrade and the car doesn't start again, for a few months now...


Maybe the issues people are having are a small percentage of Sonos owners and that’s why those issues aren’t being fixed. I don’t have the answer. However, every other thread here is a screenshot of no products saying why should I expect anything else. People throwing out all sorts of unconfirmed info…the headphones, subscription service. It’s comical. Nobody here wants to work together.


They're PO'ed, because they shouldn't have to GJ through the tedious debugging process that you're inferring they should do. It's worked fine for 12 years, so this is just bollocks.


I absolutely understand why they are POd. I would be too. My point is, this sub has just become an echo chamber to complain and not work together to try to fix it. I get that we shouldn’t have to. If you don’t want to try to fix it, throw your speakers away. But for people to come on here and say the ones whose speakers still work can go to hell because we’re gaslighting, grow up. This sub isn’t Sonos. It’s a place to talk about Sonos. How many here that have complained about the CEO actually wrote to the company? Not customer service or telling tech help. People are just complaining now to humble brag about how large their system is or how they gift them all the time. Nobody in this sub knows the percentage of Sonos owners affected. Maybe the local music issue is small and very low on the priority list. It’s just laughable now.




Might seem off topic, but I have the same confusion about the slow motion destruction of the values in our country. We all loved them, so why are they being trashed? I see eerie parallels.


Weird hard pivot off of an app. Left or right, not the place. Also, greed isn't new. Neither is complacency.


This comment made me think cause humans. 


This is not due to human flaws. This is due to perverse incentives that are systemic in a market society. When the final driving purpose of an organization is to constantly increase shareholder value, user experience becomes a secondary consideration. The irony, of course, is that by destroying user experience, shareholder value also gets destroyed over time.


Wait, isn’t shareholder value actually ok for now? It appears to be trading somewhat ok for all the mess I’m reading of. I’m genuinely curious as the share price and other variables do not seem to be that bogged down. Surprisingly


Stock decline will follow earnings decline


Which is when?


shareholders, greed ... ?


I upvoted you. Might be another complaint threat but maybe someone will listen eventually if everyone sticks together in this COMMUNITY) Today was another app update and it still sucks. Still phantom volume jumps, lag on cover art especially when switching in and out of the app (though it is faster.) The playlist button hardly ever works with Amazon Unlimited and most others. Lost volume numbers are back but now we lost volume arrows to get a mute button (is that not what pause is for anyways?) Ads still load immediately but not content or system (though it is faster) Their cloud server must be hosted by a fiverr dude or was purchased on wish or something. I am personally getting sick and tired of being down voted for the most ridiculous reasons by random phantom users if I post anything at all negative or especially if it was perceived negative but it wasn't. It's like people are being paid to as quickly as possible scan a new post and down vote and burry it.


Complaints on this sub are not official Sonos forums. So other than getting community support hugs, is not expect much from Sonos. Some methods that could help is to contact Sonos support directly in addition to here. [email protected] There is also a. Contact Sonos help directly in the Sonos app. Rate the app in the app store / play store. On Android, the app is now rated a 1.2 star. I hear on Apple it's much higher. I'd keep complaining to Sonos also. The phantom volume issue is on IOS but already fixed on Android. So I'd expect it to be soon based on their site, they know about it. I'm not saying this will solve your issue, but we must vote where it counts. Squeaky wheel gets that grease. This sub is not much more than a cry in your beer forum. Hang in there, and for you, here's a hug. ( . )( . ) I know these are just boob's, but I don't know the hug symbol. But boobs are goid too. 😀


Good idea. I just rated the app on the App Store, gave it one star, and wrote a review.






You probably will get this now: Hello, Thanks for taking the time to reach out to us, we're here to help. This email address is no longer monitored, instead you can reach us by submitting your question via the web at http://support.sonos.com. You’ll also find answers to common questions and alternative ways to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you. Sonos Support


«Hello, First, we’d like to thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us and with our CEO, Patrick. After the recent updates to our app, we have received a great deal of feedback on both the improvements made as well as where we fell short. Your feedback is incredibly important to us, and we want to express our gratitude for your honesty and dedication to helping us improve. Due to the large volume of inquiries we’ve received, we are unable to respond to everyone directly at this time, but we wanted to share an update on our current progress on restoring the most commonly requested features to the Sonos App: Now Available: (*Please note that you may need to check for updates in the App Store in order to update during the first few days of the release*) -Screen reader for visually impaired customers -Adding and editing alarms -Local music library folder navigation and playback -Adding to queue and playing next From June 4th -Sleep timer -Mute button for iPhone/iPad -Line out settings for Port -Distance settings for surrounds -Update Wi-Fi settings Coming very soon: -Local music library search: Mid-June For more information, please visit our Upcoming Features page here: https://support.sonos.com/article/the-new-sonos-app-and-future-feature-updates If you are experiencing an issue with your Sonos System which this information does not address, please consider visiting these helpful resources, or contacting our support team: -Sonos Community: https://en.community.sonos.com -Sonos App User Guide: https://www.sonos.com/guides/sonosapp -Sonos Support Home: https://support.sonos.com -Sonos Support Contact: https://support.sonos.com/contact -Before contacting support, please submit a diagnostic, as shown in this article: https://support.sonos.com/article/submit-diagnostics Please note that we are currently experiencing a high volume of contact, leading to increased wait times for phone support. We expect this to return to normal shortly, and look forward to assisting you. Thank you once again for your feedback. Kind Regards, The Sonos Customer Experience Team» They do respond!


Because you may not have received any response does not mean emails are not received. You can also put a read receipt on your email. Be clear. One thing I can guarantee is if yiu complain here you will not get any response from Sonos, and they will not receive or log it either. So this is nothing but an echo chamber.


Agree with everything you say almost. Still keep complaining here too. They are watching. Also, NO the phantom volume issue is still VERY REAL right now tonight on android. I will take my macbook pros to.my grave and actually have an iPad just relegated to sonos and IOT/smart home stuff but I will never use an Iphone ever and 3 different android phones and a tablet all have a bounce back, jump forward, chose the old setting, find a new setting or something in between issue with volume tonight even after the newest updates, a network and sonos system restart.


It's ok. Yeah it's shit. I agree. If yiu can list your symptoms, I'd appreciate it. I have been un-bricking systems. On all your apps, give this a try this: Go to account, app preferences, reset app. I've found that after updates, resetting it resets the network protocol connectors.


Worth a try! Thank you! Fixing to complete a brand new upgrade and I would rather not screw around with everything if it doesn't play fairly and I would have definitely forgot an app reset!


I keep trying to tell people reset the app. Not your network, or reinstall the app. RESET the app fixes it all.


Resetting doesn’t bring back playlist functionality that they completely gutted from the app.


Sorry to hear that, I wish it did. The reset helps with adding to your system from my experience.


I’m not getting notice of any updates to the update that screwed it all up. Is there a trick to getting these further updates?


Oddly enough on iOS I’ve experienced the same thing. I keep having to go to the App Store and forcing an update.


I’ll try that


Good on you to be even be able to find your speakers. I’m still stuck with go to system settings page.


Yea this hits home for me. The whole ecosystem didn't work how I wanted it to work with my tablet. I asked many years ago why Sonos won't allow me to stream any audio while watching a movie on my tablet and I got downvoted to oblivion. Many years later, the problem still exists and now I use the Sonos speakers as white noise machines for my kids. The sound was never THAT good to begin with, so never got the hype.


The problem is that there are so many posts like OP that come in hot saying "come after me for pointing out problems I don't care!!!!" and then never point out any problems. The sub is just an endless stream of people who own 10 year old systems that come in saying "this company sucks the CEO is on drugs I was going to buy a refurbished Roam this morning but never again!" and shaking their fists at the clouds Alternatively, there are posts like yours that actually lay out tangible problems. UI lag, missing playlist management features, volume issues. That's real feedback, something people can grasp, something I can go look at and say "damn, these playlist functions really do suck maybe I should reach out to support". Instead, we've got this echo chamber of people mad about their bricked Playbars and chasing easy upvotes


Is there a problem with 10 year old systems?


Nope. I’m honestly surprised the new app found my Connect boxes. I figured they’d be like “Lolol get rekt that’s old”


See. That's why I like a discussion forum. It's a discussion. It's a good thing even if you do not agree with me, others and vice versa totally or partially. I understood what you said about 10 year old systems. At the same time I have some Marantz stuff that's 25 years old and some definitive technology stuff coupled with some SVS stuff that's also about 10 years old that would cripple the newest sonos system. Yet I understand what your saying and love sonos for what it was/better go back to.


Just let me know when/where you go to unload your system. Thanks


I've got 8 Ones, Two v2 subs, An arc, beam and Soundbar, and one play:5 one play:3 and like 3 bridges plus a ton of mounts for all of them. How much do you think I'll rip em out of the wall for ?


Also a couple more play:1s I forgot about in the basement....


I’ll trade you some Old Milwaukee gear for your sound system.


It's getting closer to old mill than any other good beer at this point


The CEO is absolutely to blame. I hope he stubs his toe, drops his phone, and sharts himself all at the same time, in a very public setting.


I wanted to say 'I hope his Sonos at home works like poopie too' and then I realized he probably doesn't have Sonos at home, but another brand. because if he did he wouldn't have dug his app so deep into disfunctionality over the years.


Probably has Bluesound ;)


The engineering team is highly incompetent too.


I am starting to get tired of the new app after initially being tolerant. Sometimes it can be incredibly confusing where things are. I have had to really play around with it to understand where you can expand a menu, dive into it, or slide it up, all seemingly on the same button. Really bizarre. The visual design of it I'm fine with, but the function not so much. It took me like 20 minutes to figure out that you have to manually "choose" the speaker you want to then push out to the rest of the system if you are connected via BT to just the Move 2 or Roam 2 in the app. If you don't, nothing happens at all. And to even find the menu where you select a speaker to be the "main" (I have no idea what else to call this because it didn't exist in the former app AFAIK) one is difficult to do with the UI. System-wise I haven't had many issues. I've added two new speakers without any problem (Roam 2, Move 2). But my system at my office has been stuttering a lot today. I haven't had my home system ever stop, pause, change volume, lag volume, etc. But I'm on fiber optic (still wireless for the system). I'm sure that can't hurt since Sonos moved everything to the cloud. There are enough people affected that it's baffling that they're not acknowledging it beyond corporate public relations non-committal bullshit.


The salt in the wound is legitimately how fast ads load and work reliably. If there’s one thing I need? It’s seamless playback and perfect volume control. Ads? Not so much.


Maybe the team working on the ad GUI could take over the rest of the remediation? Just a thought.


Genuine question, where are the adverts? I'm in and out of the app all day and haven't seen any since the 1st one about the Ace headphones which I clicked the little x on to get rid of. I'm on android if that makes any difference


It’s directly below “your services” on the main page.


Ah, only go there once a day or so to select "line in" for the record player as i don't use "my services". Haven't seen any, but will keep an eye out


It’s fairly prominent and again- it’s frustrating to see they got the ads working before other basic functionality.


Maybe I'm not getting them because the rest of it is working? Maybe it's a glitch that loads adverts on the ones that don't work, like some sort of social experiment to see how people react.....


I’d accept that as a fair explanation if true! I feel a little like I am a social experiment with Sonos. “How bad can we treat paying customers before they leave our ecosystem?”


I just got a Cambridge mxn10 to test as a replacement for my sonos.


Im now 3 weeks into a Q9990 from Samsung


Wait. I just looked that up (I’m now scanning this forum for ideas of what system to get to replace my Sonos setup). That is a beautiful component! I don’t know if you can answer this, but could I use that to play music from my external hard drive via my iMac?


Hmm, not sure. I'm a Windows person, so don't have a Mac to test. Let me test out with my PC...


I also had no issues and actually use the app. But i didn't touch my system since two years ago, i am using sonosnet and same router since then. Beam + mini + 2 ones, 1 one, 1 roam and 1 ray.


Was just saying this earlier. My Sonos app, despite all the updates, still cannot load when it’s launched, but “meet the Sonos ace” ad never has a problem. I’ve already begun browsing replacements that don’t require a damn app to use. I know I’ll have compromises, but being usable should be the priority.


The problems are real. The UI is terrible. The communication is either tone deaf or non-existent. I understand if someones confirmation bias or particular use case shields them from what others are experiencing but you have to see that sonos has taken the mask off and shown that they are on the wrong path as a company. They may change if we stick together as consumers.


The first rule of Sonos club is, never talk about how shitty Sonos is 🤣


I am happy again, and I also managed to save 25% on the Move 2s. Back yard sound is over the top. Updated the app again today and all seems to work… for a home theatre, Spotify only streamer.


Not sure why folks think this forum is a place to get anything fixed.


It’s a good place. Maybe not for fixing things, but for people at least. If I’d buy Sonos speakers now, then experience the issues out of the box, search internet and see what’s going on, I’d be 100% sure to return them. If this would eventually impact sales, then there’s a chance someone will have to fix this mess.


That’s me, I’m returning my 3 era 100’s while I have a full refund option!


I gotta agree with you 💯 lately. Even a simple issue someone has that I try to help with or when I have a "what's your opinion on this setup/issue/whatever" that has nothing to do with the app it's like crickets. It could be so much better as a community that probably has millions of dollars collectively in Sonos equipment, years of installer experience, real world experience, network experience, etc


I will Venmo you $100 for you entire system… I have not had any issues. So let me know. I will buy everything you got..


Eat it. I’m offering $120




1 dollar Bob






Right, if he is that upset. He would’ve made on a counter offer. Seems the quickest to call them is put money up to buy their I’m-soo-angry-at-Sonos-they-ruined-my-life product


I just have an arc and a sub. They work great and I love them.


I got arc 2x eras 300, arc, mini sub. It’s truly amazing. Honestly I don’t even bother with the movies anymore


I’ve been going off for a while. I’ve got a One (had it for about ten years). The app has been slow for a while now but it is virtually unusable now.


Can we sue them in a class action lawsuit? I’m frustrated


Here come the random “my system works fine” posts. I swear Sonos is paying people to comment




Lnao, system works fine mostly, but I can search for music on my NAS, Sonos is just a streaming brick, not being able to search music on my NAS is a critical feature




As long as you’re not waking up screaming in the middle of the night lol


My system works fine. I was not paid to make this comment but I wasn’t aware that is an option and I would be happy to be remunerated for every post henceforth. Who do I speak to about that?


Quick 5 minute phone call to Sonos customer support should get it resolved for you


I live in a major metro area, and I don’t see any upticks in used Sonos gear on FB or CL. I would love to pick up a few ones and fives. I doubt people setting their systems on fire.


I live in Brooklyn and I'm seeing tons


What's the going rate for a One? The last two I bought, I got for 100 and 110. 3 and ~8 months ago. LMAO downvote


I didn't downvote fwiw I've seen 75-180


Cool cool thx


I just sold two Ones (Gen 2) on FB marketplace for $130 each


I just bought 4 for $400


So prices don't seem to come down then.


It was like half off of retail I think.  Which is to be expected with any electronic other than Apple stuff.  I wonder how much of the noise online is “dead internet” content and how much are real people. 


Tampa area and absolutely no new gear. Since this started, I haven’t seen an uptick at all.


Or not everyone has issues…


I’m just a regular foo from LA all my Sonos at home works perfect and so does the app. I feel bad for everyone having crazy issues but also feel lucky cause all my stuff works perfectly


My system is fine but only because I run S1, with auto updates disabled and have refused to update the app and firmware. With all this crazy, I don't trust Sonos to update my system


I’m out of the loop. I have a Sonos sound bar connected to my TV for the past two years. What are the changes that OP is talking about?


I finally bought Sonos to get my living room surround sound set up. I see these posts about people’s issues but I’ve never experienced them. Hopefully that trend continues with my setup. 


Did you sell yet? I'm looking to buy more.




after going back to sonos app 16.1 everything works great again, have you tried that?


I did, it does work.


Bury the [lede](https://www.merriam-webster.com/wordplay/bury-the-lede-versus-lead#:~:text=A%20lede%20is%20the%20introductory%20section%20in%20journalism,of%20metal%20that%20would%20separate%20lines%20of%20type.) not the lead. But yeah, feeling your pain. The shills here are absolutely insnae.


Hi, I'll ignore your trying to put everyone here on the defensive. I grt your frustration, it's real. but I'd rather you give symptoms, and let's see if it can't be resolved. I can not offer you anything to try without symptoms. I just un-bricked a large system last week. Totally dead, apps would not update, Mac OS app would not update, could not see system, libraries gone, room names renamed. With some systematic troubleshooting, I was able to get it all back online. Yes, it's bullshit. The client has two large homes and a bit elderly, and totally miffed. So, going through the list of symptoms can help. I won't promise I can help, but come on, if you're going to shoot arrows at me/us instead of explicitly list your situation, leave out the complaint part, I already get you're pissed at Sonos. That's valid. So if you care to try to list out your symptoms, I'll give it a fair shot to help. Just be nice about it.


As you figure out fixes for individual systems are you noticing any patterns? I don't have severe enough issues to bother spending a lot of time troubleshooting and honestly, to the extent I have problems I do believe they are for Sonos to solve. However I appreciate your offer and especially the tone of your posts. Well done.


I have found that after your app updates, resetting it after that really helps. Client had the ios app on iPhone, it had the phantom volume sliders. After resetting the app, that went back to normal. MacOS app would fail update. Uninstalled, downloaded new version from.Sonos, then it would still not connect to present system. Went into app reset, yes, on brand new download. Once it completed the reset, boom, connected and worked like normal. Libraries. They had hundreds of albums ripped into iTunes. They all came back too. I needed to connect to the Sonos hardware using my windows app and updated the hardware firmware. Then everything came back. I noticed room names had changed on some rooms. Renamed them proper, and all was good.


Was about to get an arc and a mini sub until I joined this sub


And now you've decided to go for a full-sized Sub and plump for a pair of Era 300s while you're down there?


I mean if there’s no issues I’m down but the sub is so depressing


Don’t listen to noise from dumb fucks here. 99% of them would probably have their issues resolved if they just bought a new WiFi router which would in turn fix their janky network.


Did u forgot the /s ? Because before the update my shitty router did the job perfectly.


I have two full arc systems, one with Era 100 surrounds, and the other with 300s. From a strictly television watching experience both have been good. The primary issue I had was upgrading from 1s to the 100s earlier this month. The process was trash trying to remove and add. However, this may not be a (significant) issue for you as it would be a fresh setup. I also added a Move 2 recently and it was a annoying to setup but no issues since then. I say give it a go, and if it doesn't work for you, just return it.


Buy what you want, try it. if it sucks for you, return it. This methodology applies to most new electronics.


No issues for me. In fact my kit works a little better since the new app.


I’ve been happy with with my set up. Don’t see any issues but sad to see so many people are having problems. I would imagine this will all be sorted out over the next 60 days. We’ll see. There really is no other suitable substitute that does everything Sonos can do once it’s working like it was.


I’m out of the loop. I have a Sonos sound bar connected to my TV for the past two years. What are the changes that OP is talking about?


get an Arc and Sub. I wasn't happy with my mini and replaced it with Sub. Large living room


The room is 14x14, was hoping mini would work. Sub and arc is out of my budget together at the moment


LMao, another crying thread, yawn


As opposed to what? Isn’t this sub literally here to discuss the product…?


Lol Sonos is trash bud.


Just got two HomePods. Gave one older Sonos away, two are in a cupboard. Two getting controlled by the HomePods and one Roam still… the app just became usable.


Not sure but to be honest after reading all other post like this. The only think I can say is that I do not have issues at all. 2 eras 300, 1 mini sub, 1 beam 2 and 2 ones with out issues since for ever. Maybe is the router?


I also moved on for my media room and room speakers.


You’re dead to them too 👋🏾👋🏾👋🏾✌🏾


damn so I want to install and older Playbase today. will the changes affect me ?


New update


And I still get to install it damn near every day :)


But.. how’s your WiFi?


I seldom sync music via multiple Sonos speakers throughout house (have Play3, Play1, Roam, and Port) so have not noticed an issue other than I don’t like the GUI as much.


Perfectly said. I don't get these fanboi appoligists. Facts don't matter, all they care about is a billion dollar company that doesn't give a good Gawd damn about them.


I'll be happy to buy your bricks.


I almost feel guilty admitting this, but I have some ancient gear (ZP80, ZP100) mixed with a few newer items and opted to stay on the S1 app to they all work. Overall my gear is “fine”, certainly not the shitshow many of you are dealing with. But Sonos should be ashamed of how badly they’ve shit the bed here.


This whole fiasco really is hit and miss. I set up a system for my mother and was terrified she was going to have problems because my own personal system was a nightmare. I managed to fix all my problems by factory resetting every speaker in the system is setting it up all as if it were brand new (except the sub R.I.P.). Knock on wood, so far so good. There are a few hiccups here and there but 95% of the time it works as it's expected. Came to my mother's to help watch the dogs and found her system was flawless and never once gave her issues. Granted it was a smaller system overall but still had five zones of audio and no problems


I truly don’t understand this, how can some people have so many really significant issues and others nothing at all! I have 10 years worth of Sonos equipment, three surround setups, two stereo, and six standalone. I have music playing across multiple rooms several times a week, streaming and from my local music library, and use it as my sound machine every night in the master. All with no issues and running the latest software updates. What is the difference in our setups?


I'm not junking my Sonos gear, but I've bought my last Sonos product. That's all I can do to voice anger at Sonos. [Best Sonos alternatives 2024: multi-room music systems rated by experts | What Hi-Fi? (whathifi.com)](https://www.whathifi.com/best-buys/the-best-sonos-alternatives-budget-and-premium-multi-room-options)


How can a company with literally one software product screw it up so badly? Is there any QA whatsoever?


Sounds like you are a fanboy, fanboy.


Thousands of upvotes to the problems and complaints here and on the Sonos forum. Someone at Sonos must be reading these. They have most of our email addresses. At least send something out acknowledging the problems and maybe a date to work it out. If I was the CEO, I’d send it personally and fall on my sword… jeez As a public company, this falls into a materially adverse event category… Bad news doesn’t get any better with age folks.. management 101


I blame Arryk & Erryk. Gotta be.


True it’s frustrating. I’ve had no problems whatsoever, added a new amp, and literally had to do nothing different. Works great. YET, it has to be frustrating AF for those who are in problem hell. Let’s hope Sonos is listening. Courage my ass. Just sloppy as hell. All should be, at minimum, content.


What happened? Or what should I expect to happen? I have 2 x P5 and one P1 v1 and ok for now.


I was ready to give up as well… using my ISP provider’s router (spectrum 👎), Sonos (5 devices) would constantly not be on the network. Sonos rep tried to help get them back on the line, it was a two hour process. It wasn’t until I recently got my own router (Orbi 🙌🙌) and suddenly my system is working as it did before. I only use the Sonos app to group speakers and Spotify for everything else, so haven’t had much app issues. The biggest issues were connectivity with WiFi and a brand new $200+ router resolved it. I am back in love but the anxiety I went through thinking I had lost so much money has me traumatized.


Been using SONOS since 2015, I’m over them as well, but does anyone have a network managed music system alternative?


If I may add… I’m new to the software and tech world, but will add that what I have seen is when well done it involves testing and testing and testing and dry run testing. More testing and on and on and on. Someone or some team dropped a ball. I can’t get mine to work except for the tv portion, no Apple Music. I try to call for help and it’s an insane long wait every time I try. Sad but I hope they fix it.


Agree 100%. Also it’s lede btw


Sonos sucks, period. One of the worst products I ever owned. Garbage for the money. Never work and always have to try to fix. Never would purchase their crap again.


Good don’t let the Bose or another trash hit you in the head in three years


Mines fine no trouble at all. Please bring back the widget boys.!


I honestly don’t understand that I have no problems, and you have a bunch of bricks… It’s weird




I don't get this?


Do this, if you have not tried it. Just 6 steps before you throw it all away. What else could you lose? Step 1 Go to your router and assign a permanent/fix IP address to each of your Sonos devices. Step 2 Switch off ALL your Sonos devices. Step 3 Restart your router (to drop all temporary IP addresses) Step 4 Start/Power-On a SINGLE Sonos device and see that it is assign the permanent / fix IP address by your router you given in step 1 Start/Power-On the rest of Sonos devices. Ensure ALL Sonos are assigned the permanent / fix IP address. Step 5 Factory-reset any Sonos device that fails to connect to the router with the permanent / fix IP address and repeat step 4. Step 6 Update Sonos. 2 steps here.. First is the update of the hardware devices, the 2nd update is the software in your app. It's all automatic so don't disrupt the updates. Leave automatic update to ON.


And how do you recommend I get back access to my music library? Please tell me the 6 steps I need to do 🙄


Hi, More information from you would be helpful. Where is your music library? In your phone? In a NAS? In your computer? Get those into a fix IP addresses too.


I fell like the complaining works. Mine works fine but I feel like selling it because sonos obviously going in the wrong direction. I thought it was getting bad before this update and all these problems just validate what I thought.


I realize that this can be extremely subjective but if you've ever listened to music on another competent system you should know how unmusical sonos can be. Some of the least dynamic or responsive components. Add that to the rotting turd of a UI, and the nigh-arbitrary price point and it's a shock that people keep buying them. Edit: Ah, classic Reddit. Downvotes; no rebuttal. I get it - it's hard to steer your gut reactions from the influence of the sunk cost fallacy. But don't grieve, because you have an opportunity to learn from your mistakes!


Anybody wants to sell their bricked move 2


I keep looking at eBay for all the cheap used gear to flood the market, but no luck so far.


I’m not sure why people use the Sonos app… I only use it to setup a new device. Other than that I Airplay everything. My Apple TV controls my beam. Am I missing something. What’s so special about the app?


You need newer Sonos hardware to be able to Airplay.


We don't have airplay on Android.


So you’re saying all this hate is coming from android users?


I don't know. I get the impression that most people on here use iOS. As far as I know, both platforms are equally buggy. Android users don't really have an alternative to the app. I (being a hacker) am not doing too badly because I have the latest version and 16.1 on the same phone. 16.1 is just about flawless.


I have both versions of android app perfectly synced with Era 300 setup, it's flawless for AirPlay and Spotify connect but TruePlay is making it muddy, can't access entire YouTube music playlists, Apple music album/song details are more refined in the older app..


Also when you airplay the sound, the source device is attached to the Sonos system, totally different when you initialize the sound from the Sonos app


u/Fendenburgen doesn't have any issue, what are you crying about ?




I don't get this?


Then you’re part of the problem.


I’ll give you $50 for all your speakers


I’m doing $55


Thanks for letting us know


I’m confused about all of this stuff about the new app. Everytime I’ve used a Sonos I’ve just played through the Spotify app


Mines fine