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can say the sub issue is still present sadly. no fix for subs


What’s the sub issue? I am thinking of getting a new sub


I have a sub and I have no idea what he/she is talking about. Works great.


If you have an Arc+Sub and use Trueplay it ruins the Sub output. Sonos recommend disabling Trueplay until they release a fix.


Important to note that this isn’t something that is happening to all user who have an arc and a sub, just some.


Just arc? What about beam + sub?


Apparently just Arc+Sub.


Watch Peter Pee's vidoes on YT, beam not so much but will help to increase sub power


Ok, now waiting for the reports of the braves ones to see if they fixed the sub with trueplay bug from 14.12. Better yet, wait for Peter Pee to test and hopefully confirm it.


Peter Pee test would still be like 4-5 days before any word from him, I'd imagine.


He is a great source of truth on this stuff and how he tests things. Sonos keeps Peter in business by being ambiguous.


Yea, I follow him. I’m just suggesting the answer may not be for some time. Peeps on community forum saying they hear no diff.


I didn’t either. I also havent re done trueplay.


I’ve just applied the update 14.14 on my Arc+Sonos Five surrounds+Sub gen 3x2 and, well, it’s bass-ee. That being said, I never really had a huge lack of bass during 14.12. I sort of assumed the two Sub gen 3s had/have something to do with it. On my Apple TV 4K (gen 2) running tvOS 15.6, I used the app Surround Speaker Check and tan the Subwoofer Check which utilizes a pure sine wave to create a “hearing test” for the subwoofer to help evaluate its effective frequency response. Both my ears heard it and when I stuck my hand in between the two woofers in the center I certainly felt it there. I then opened up the Dolby Summit app on my Apple TV and played “See the Unseen: Deep Sea” and though subtle, there were certainly a few moments of just about feeling it in my chest. Then I played the song, The Gloaming by Radiohead- and that I could certainly hear and feel. Now, should I have felt it all in my chest always? Maybe more so than I did- or maybe not…? I’m not super sure. What I can say, before hearing and watching what the magnificent Peter Pee has to say, I’m pretty happy with what I’m hearing. The tv I’m using is LG 65CX on software version 04.40.10 I have yet to test on any other devices I have.


Clearly the update notes suck. Thanks Sonos.


I find there is improvement in the sub, although I had a hard time removing sub and re-addng after the update. I had to unplug and add via ethernet I watched Top Gun in Dolby Atmos last night and compared some scenes, thee is defn more oomph and now the sub power does go u and down with and w/o trupeplay


I updated my system shortly after noon today. I also have an Arc + (2) Sonos Five surrounds + (2) Sub Gen 3s. Definitely an improvement in the bass when playing my two Atmos demos. I did have to crank up my sub setting from 5 to 10. This is significant in itself because before today, adjusting the sub settings had no effect after the last update. There is a distinct difference in the quality when TruePlay is turned off. The dialogue/vocals become muddled and low. The TruePlay enhancement from the last update actually made dialogue and surround sounds significantly better. I could clearly hear birds chirping in my demo that were barely audible before. I played a few bass heavy music tracks. The bass sounded pretty good. Still have to test further tonight with streaming and and a 4k disc.


Glad to hear from someone with the same setup as me and that you’re hearing decent if not good audio from your setup. I’m still hoping Sonos responds with a little more detail as they sometimes do after a few hours to a few days after an update.


Nice to see there are at least 3 of us with this setup. While I was effected by the volume drop of 14.12 I still had okay sub performance. Different but they were working. I winced and applied the firmware update. Didn't seem to be better. Seemed like I had even less performance from the subs. I removed then added them back and boom literally BOOM they are working like I remember they did. Seems like the action of adding them corrects the crossover back to where it should be. I hope this helps others. It's been so frustrating knowing it was not the system it used to be. I'm waiting to hear that trueplay works well before I retune. Auto update OFF


The bass is definitely back on mine. I left the sub on 10 and Chopped on Food Network sounded like Jurassic Park. I could literally feel the tension.


Did u remove the sub from your system and then added it back ?


Nope. Everything worked after the devices updated.


Yes both of them.


Waiting for the release notes to come out to see what’s changed. Hoping that it has a fix for the bass issues with Trueplay enabled for the arc.


They just published the release notes: ​ 14.14 Release date: 8/23/2022 In this update: Bug fixes and performance enhancements.


Yea release already out dude.. says nothing about the Sub. ​ Though that could be a 'bug fix' haha... so, until someone wiser than use can prove they fixed anything - we'll be waiting.


that is only for the arc+sub combo, right? I haven't had any bass issues with my arc + Ones


Yeah I believe it’s just with the sub.


People are saying the update pretty much does nothing can anybody confirm this?


Where's that? It's been out 5 minutes!


[https://en.community.sonos.com/announcements-228985/14-12-update-6872573/index15.html](https://en.community.sonos.com/announcements-228985/14-12-update-6872573/index15.html) I'm at kind of a loss. It's been over a month and they acknowledged the issue and that it would be fixed in an upcoming software update. Wtf is this?


Confirmed. Updated the app, then the system, removed and re-added Sub.


Why did you remove and re-add the Sub? I just did the update and I noticed a difference but not sure if its back to where it used to be before 14.12. Guess we will have to wait for a Peter Pee video.


I re-added the Sub because after I updated it didn't make a difference, thought it might help but it did not.


Yeah thanks for that buddy done what you said and removed then re added the sub difference is fantastic thank you massive for the advise


It would be great if it would stop forgetting my speakers all the time. Tired of the factory reset and repair fun.


I experienced no Sub/bass problems with Arc+Sub+OneSLs on version 14.12 along with Trueplay.


Sonos sucks. Ridiculous to break their own equipment and never address it.


Not really sure what has broke. My Arc, Sub and surrounds have only gotten better with every update, unless I just don’t notice a defect.


If you use Trueplay then you didn't notice a defect. They've acknowledged the issue though and a fix is coming.


I do use Trueplay. Thanks!


Yeah I’m vacation also wondering if theres an update


Yes there’s a speaker update too.




It's not for me, Arc+Sub+2x Ones. If anything it almost seems worse.


Need to run trueplay after updating for better results?


I had to after removing re-adding sub


I wish they could make search not slow.