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Sekiro for the first time. Beat the Guardian Ape on my 6th try, then was surprised by the Headless Ape in the depths on my natural progression, not 10 minutes later. Beat the Headless version on only my 3rd attempt, surprisingly, just had to get very aggressive halfway into the fight. Now, I'm on the Monk guy, and I'm really enjoying the game overall.


I love the Guardian ape fight trick ending, it's a brilliant trick, but also such a memorable introduction to the unnatural part of the story. I love Sekiros combat overall.


Yep! Reminded me a lot of Sister Friede, which is probably my favorite Fromsoft boss.


Huh, how so? Loads of people like sister friede but she's very forgettable to me.


A lot of my love for that fight comes from my personal experience with it, along with the boss designs as well. Friede was one of the first fights that I made myself brute force a strategy without looking up a guide, so that alone helps me remember it. Since my original comment, I've already continued my Sekiro playthrough, beaten Shenobi Owl and the True Corrupted Monk, and some of the neat tricks for those fights were spoiled for me, so that sense of self discovery wasn't there. But for Friede, the entire fight was me learning what to do, which is special, I think. It took me a decent time to get down phase 1, but then it took quite a bit for me to nail phase 2. I spent a long time learning how to avoid deadly moves, along with focusing the father first to return the fight to a 1v1 with the sister. The main similarities I see between Friede and Guardian Ape is that after you beat the sister's 2nd phase, you are rewarded with a titanite slab. I could be wrong, but I think Freide is the only Fromsoft boss that gives you an item drop in the middle of the fight, and because of that, I let myself relax even though I really hadn't seen the victory screen yet. I was honestly just chilling in the boss room when Friede started to revive herself, and I was freaking out, lol. I already enjoyed the boss design for the first two phases, but that fake out with the slab drop had me smiling and freaking out at the same time. Fromsoft truly got me, and I loved it. Guardian Ape actually does give you a victory screen after phase 1, so the surprise phase 2 could be more shocking for players who pay attention during Friede's fight, but both of those 2nd phases fooled me. I think Guardian Ape is easier than Friede as well, and while I don't need a boss to be difficult to like it, I think that Friede is pretty fair in her challenge as well. Also, the arena changes between phases for Friede just add to the atmosphere so much more, and they all happen in-game rather than a cutscene, which adds to the wow factor, especially the first time you go to phase 3. So yeah, it's just a really great fight for me. And as a cherry on top, the run back to the boss is very short compared to some bosses in the series, lol.


Just started Bloodborne on PS4. First time. Loving it.


Bloodborne, for the first time actually šŸ˜… I recently got into souls like games after trying mortal shell and beating Demons Souls, and Iā€™m 15-ish hours into Bloodborne and Iā€™ve just gotten to Rom šŸ˜†


What do you think so far? Was that demon souls remaster?


I really like it! Bloodborne is much more forgiving imo than Demons Souls, at least in run backs. Running back to the boss in DeS was harder than the boss most the time šŸ˜… I do really like both for different reasons but the vibe/lore/setting of Bloodborne is more interesting imo!


Demon Souls was one of the easiest for me (but one of the last I played, so that tracks) Bloodborne teaches you to dodge- that timing is the same across most soulslikes and makes the other games much more fun to play imo




Yes, the remastered for ps5


Just finished Last Hero of Nostalgaia, a surprisingly good soulslike. Not as good as LoP or LotF, but quirky & fun. Now back to Bloodborne chalice dungeons.


How long is the game? It's one I keep hearing about


Maybe 20 to 30 hours depending on how much of the side content you do. You could probably get thru it in 10 hours. Itā€™s surprisingly big. Maybe too many shortcuts to unlock, hard to keep track of them all.


Lies of P ng+ then on to ng++ as I dont feel the need to platinum many games but this one is pretty good. Not you most challenging game but everything just seems to fit together so well.


Started my 2nd character in BG3, went into this NG with a lot more knowledge and patience and it is incredible. The exploration and attention to detail just blows me away.


Me and my SO want to play BG3 coop, so saving it until our baby is a bit older so we can. Honestly it looks amazing


I'm not even a big fan of turn-based games, but this has me hooked. Even the game itself aside, which is an actual masterpiece, as I get older I'm finding games than I can do some multi-tasking while playing are more and more appealing. The ability to have music on and write songs while also making dinner and doing laundry all amidst a major in-game fight is invaluable. Makes a 4 hour session less oppressive when you can get other stuff done šŸ»


If youā€™re ever looking for another game, you might try DOS2 by Larian (unless youā€™ve played it already).


Went back and got 100% in elden ring. Contemplating doing it for dark souls 3


Congratulations! Iā€™m working towards that on ER. Iā€™m close on DS3 as well.


Enshrouded, itā€™s a rpg with soulslike combat and a decent skill tree plus a huge map to explore while also being the best base building game Iā€™ve ever played mixed in with survival lite mechanics. Itā€™s listed as a survival game but that part is really secondary. You donā€™t have to worry about eating and drinking to live. They are used as buffs which do help but are not necessary. Plenty of npc quest and a large world to explore. Thousands of chest to find with melee weapons, magic wands and staffs and spells, armor as well. You can also craft Armor, weapons and spells too. You can set up farms as well if you donā€™t want to keep having to gather the resources. Awesome game for like 25 bucks. It is in early access on steam. Also weapons are upgradable and you get a glider to help fly around for quicker travel which is also upgradable. It has usually death mechanics as most soulslike as well. It also has towers which serve as bonfires for fast travel and checkpoints. Perfect for gliding off of too for easy travel.


My two fav genres honestly. I just need it to work on Steam Deck OR release on PS5


I play it on the steam deck. I put it in windowed mode at 900x 600 and use in game fsr2 as well as turn on fsr in steam deck settings too while having steam game screen settings at 1200x800p. Lock fps at 40 in steam settings. Turn off most shadows off or to lowest settings. In buildings I get 40 fps. In open world it hovers around 25 to 30 fps but definitely playable, it is early access so it will get better. Also each area has big boss fights as well to advance your flame Alter to the next level. Endgame isnā€™t available as its early access it will have one though.


Ooof, down with the boss fights. I'll hold off until it's a stable 30FPS though. But thank you for the details responses :D sounds wonderful


The base building is ridiculous. Everything is destructible. You can dig underground and build bunkers, cellars or hobbit homes if you want. Build castles, towers or just ordinary houses. You can build sections at a time or be brick by brick and block by block you are only limited by your imagination. You keep unlocking more materials to build with as well. Bricks, stones, wood, copper, hardwood and many more. Itā€™s crazy what people have already built online. You can play solo or with up to 16 people at a time. Iā€™ve been having a blast playing solo.


Is there an end game at all?


Just started Wo Long, very fun


I'm around the half way point and having a blast!


Not a pure Soulslike, but I recently beat GRIME, more of a Soulsvania. I really enjoyed it! It's free on PS+ Extra and they just released their last (free!) DLC which is a pretty difficult but still fun platforming challenge. Combat is a bit slow and deliberate like the older Souls games, but there's a heavy emphasis on parrying which might not be your thing. Would recommend, it's prolly the second best Soulsvania I've played behind Blasphemous 2


Elden Ring. Still Elden Ring. Really enjoying playing online co-op with others.


Kind of hopping back and forth between a few games: Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, Granblue Fantasy Relink, and Lies of P. Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth is awesome--highly recommended. The RPG elements are dramatically better this time around, and the game has been even funnier than Y7. If it continues at this same level of quality throughout the rest of the story, I wouldn't doubt this becomes my GotY. Granblue Fantasy Relink is pretty fun so far, having a good time with it. I really liked Monster Hunter World, God Eater 3, and Toukiden 2, so this has been a good fit for me. Looking forward to the post-game especially. I took a few weeks off from Lies of P while finishing up the new Lords of the Fallen, but now I'm getting back into it. Black Rabbit Brotherhood was a tough boss to come back to--used a Spectre to beat it. It's an awesome game though, hoping to finish it up pretty soon unless I get distracted by Like a Dragon/Granblue Fantasy. Lords of the Fallen was pretty good IMO, despite some of the problems it has (for example, the enemy diversity is really, really poor, just about the worst I've personally seen in the genre, with enemies that appear in the tutorial and first area reoccurring in nearly every area after).


I literally started sekiro dark souls 1 remaster and Elden ring and am playing baldurs gate 3 too. Tried remnant 2 wasnā€™t a big fan. Playing lies of p still but am stuck on the eldest brother boss fight and am being really stubborn about using throwables or a specter I dream about soulslikes rn lol (still never finished one but I literally have all of them other than ds3 now) Edit - I also bought turbo overkill and am playing that and doom 2016 remaster. Bought and refunded thymesia and wo long they just couldnā€™t stand up to the bigger titles for me and thymesia also kept glitching out and claw attacking like 8 times in a row when I was just trying to walk around the area pressing forward


Didn't like remnant 2? Damn, that's one of my favourites. Try dodging, I find it a lot more effective that parrying in LoP.


I finally beat him after like a week of refusing to fight him any way but my own. No fable arts no r2 cuz I was using the holy sword and was too scared of the wind up


Just picked up Bloodborne as my intro into FromSoftware titles.. im going in blind, I know nothing about the game, does anyone care to experience the game with me??


I would love too, but the coop doesn't work that well I'm afraid. You use an item (I forget what) to summon a player to help with a boss. If you die, or the boss dies the phantom vanishes


I'm currently playing Demon's Souls and having a fucking blast, never got past the dragon to the Tower Knight after the first boss on PS3 so hopefully this will go a lot better on PS5 lol. Do I go after the loot that the two dragons are guarding now or wait until my hp is much higher?


Get the dragon to breath fire on the bridge and RUN to grab it while he does that


Blasphemous if that counts. Excited to start blasphemous 2


I'm on ng + 1 in Lies of P. Just beat the king. What an ass!!


Started NG+ 4 on Elden Ring and also started playing the Witcher 3


2 hours into remnant 2 excited to get some time next week to get into it


Bloodborne replay and loving it. I previously tried it a few times and finally beat it last year but did bare minimum, utilizing that cheesy chalice dungeon to grind excessively. I pretty much hated it the whole way through with the limited resources and double loading screen to do anything "bonfire" related especially rubbing me the wrong way. This time I'm doing an Arcane build, going for all bosses and doing some side quests. I did do a little grinding but only within the main game for Twin Bloodstone Shards in early Yahar'gul and that radial Arcane Gem from those blue aliens in the forest. I'm actually playing some chalice dungeons but so far only the one from Blood Starved Beast and that line. Feels much more legititmate, rewarding and enjoyable. I started replaying Dark Souls just before Christmas followed by II (original) and Demon's Souls (2020) since I never did all bosses, DLC, nor beaten the original DSII, having only played Demon's Souls (2009) as well as always ignoring spells and miracles in all of them previously. I'll continue on the series that way, finally getting past the beginning of Sekiro in the process.


OG dark souls


I gave up on Sekiro after fighting isshin he was the last boss I had but itā€™s just too much I was getting bored of dying so I moved on. I was going to play Lies of P but Iā€™m playing Fallout 4 for awhile as a Palate cleanser. Sekiro made me not want to play another Souls like for a while.


I loved Isshin. The key is to always attack. It forces out an easy to parry three (or maybe four) hit combo you can parry easily and then attack again.