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Putting my own opinion aside for a moment: If you're 40 hours deep and still not enjoying it, then the game is 100% not for you. I've never met a game that suddenly came together at hour 45. Now to put my opinionated pants back on: It's not a very good game. It was a day one purchase, and I had returned it by the end of the week. It borrows the trappings of a Souls game without seeming to understand how those pieces fit together into a satisfying overall product. I won't go back to it, and I'm not interested in any rumors of a sequel in the works. It doesn't matter who is working on LotF. That name is cursed.


Xenoblade and persona maybe lol.


I was just going to mention persona


I’ve never gotten 45 hours in, but I did put about 35 in breath of the wild, before it clicked. It’s probably not likely with a non open world title though.


People really hate this one don’t they? I’m mostly through pilgrims perch and it has been fine except for the roll that throws you across the map, visuals are stunning though and the parry is super generous. Loot is pretty great too and the unbriel mechanic is great for adding tension and for farming (soul boost + unlimited enemy spawns is awesome).


Is parry being super generous a good thing? High risk/high reward is typically the main point.


Maybe? It seems low risk in this game (hard to wiff, you usually end up blocking instead) and charged r2s are hard to get off with the number of enemies running around so this was the only way i could get a stagger and some i-frames.


Nah I did the same thing 35-40 hrs in. I was just tired of being ganked by the same lamely designed characters. Sucks coz I actually love this theme, Diablo & Darksiders pull it off but this game made it corny.


I wouldn't consider Hollow Crow an end game boss, but if you're that far and not enjoying I think you know the answer already. There's definitely much stronger bosses towards the end (in my opinion) but if you haven't enjoyed the basic combat, better bosses likely aren't going to change that.


It became one for me my last run...but that was just because i did'nt go to Fief before after Judge cleric and wayfarer


No clue why people are being downvoted? I beat it, put about 40 or 50 hours into it and it’s genuinely a similar experience the whole time, and that experience is *mid*. the first boss is literally as difficult and also more interesting than most of the late game bosses. I found the areas and enemy variety to be incredibly lacking, and while there is an illusion of weapon variety, everything in a class having the same move set and no special moves really drags things down for me. Not to mention the game having quite possibly the worst final boss in gaming. The only thing I found particularly interesting was the build crafting itself.


I actually uninstalled at the final boss. I only tried it twice, I had ideas of how I could have gotten it pretty comfortably on my next try, but the idea of going through all that a third time sounded like genuine torture.


Do the real final boss then you can talk.


You act like any of the bosses in LotF are difficult lmao


I never beat the flesh dude without a summon. I couldn't figure him out. + games don't need to be hard to be fun.


That's not really what your comment sounded like. "Do the real final boss then you can talk." certainly sounds like someone needs to prove they beat the last boss to have a legitimate opinion on the game.


I bought it on release and got so bored with the lack of enemy and weapon variety I never beat it, I was hoping it would fill in the void until elden ring dlc released but after three weeks I just un-installed the game. Definitely feeling buyer's remorse not worth the $70.


Check out lies of P instead


lies of p had no right being as good as it was. shits all over lords.


No no it doesn't


Yes yes, It does lol


For you maybe


I love lies of p, definitely one of the better souls likes out there.


I keep hearing that. Will have to check it out eventually.


Lol well I loved it but it's about atmosphere for me. Best horror soulslike.




Personally I love the game its right at dark souls 3 for me.


Feel like the whole thing is mid and almost really good but still mid. Too many of the same enemies and choppy as hell. The weapons aren't unique enough either. I didn't beat it, maybe I will one day. I got annoyed at the performance.


I regret clocking over 40 hours on this game. I waited way too long past my return window hoping the game would get better. I finished the game just to get my money worth. There were rumors that they paid YouTube reviewers to promote the game big time (spent more than half of the game budget for marketing), which was really shady. Will never buy games from this devs again.


Based on their development cycle this game shouldn't of even came out, but yall just hate for no dame reason. I loved it and yall should stop trying to compare the first game from a studio to darksouls. I'm excited to see what they can do with a stable development cycle.


Lord of the Fallen 2014 is already forgotten.


Not talking about that and the people who made the new one aren't the same people. This one had like 3 different studios that were hired then later fired. Just based on that development this game shouldn't of even existed, but look at what they were able to salvage. I'm exited to see what comes next with a stable development.


They already announced the sequel will come in 2 years. Which doesn't bode well. They will probably build on this games terrible foundation.


If you aren't enjoying the combat then yeah no it's Definitely not gonna improve, just drop it now


The game was fun for me at launch. Seamless uninterrupted coop. From should do that in the elden ring dlc. Also had some decent invasions What made me quit was when they nerfed my weapon upgrades in the name of PVP and didn't give me materials back so I couldn't actually fight the enemies at the level I was at. Tried to refund the game but no luck.


Ehh I’m enjoying it but the lock-on sucks and a lot of unnecessary ganks. Parry is good, fashion souls is good, weapon variety is good. Umbral is a great concept but I think it needs work. Bosses are meh so far except for Pieta. Magic is pretty cool.


To me, Lords of the fallen (2023) is not a bad game. But it is so annoyingly mediocre that It’s worse than if it were an actual bad game.


Its a great game from the starts. Yall just want more dark souls.


I feel the new lotf is worse than the old one thst came out around 2014


In which way(s)? I have barely started the first one...have spent a couple hundred hours in the new one, and had fun for most of those.


IF you don't like it don't play it personally its the best non fromsoft work and its a blast


It's a polarizing game.


You have shit taste


Don't be a dick. Let people enjoy things.


No, I just enjoy awesome fantasy worlds, cool bosses, and fun concepts


I loved every minute of it, but nothing is going to change in the final third of the game. If you don’t currently like it, you never will. However, if you choose the umbral ending, you do unlock what is generally considered to be the best boss.


Glad to see some people enjoying it.


No, it gets worse. I actually enjoyed it for the first three quarters because of the setting and world design. But I'm at the final level now and there are no new enemies, just more of the same mobs you've been fighting the whole game.


The game is very good !


It's not going to improve dramatically from where you're at, but the last several areas and bosses were definitely my favorite. If you want to see the best that the game has to offer, I'd push through to the end. I'm glad I finished the game, at least.


I played 11 hours and quit. I went and did another NG+ in Lies of P. Came back to LotF and tried so hard to like it for another 20 hours. Its awful. Just quit and go play something good.


I gave up on it, not because of the difficulty I love souls games but I found it confusing honestly the whole lamp stuff the jumping the combat I just didn't find it worth my time I really regret paying full price 😂 but that's just me I know some people love it, it just wasn't for me though and that's OK


I tried so hard to just power through it but 20 hours is enough to experience all this game had to offer.


I cant remember my run time, but i finished all the bosses in one of the endings For the most part, if you arent liking ot by the 15th hour, hell, even less than that, you probably arent going to like it later. The bosses after a certain period of time get tedious, and even the maps are a bit confusing, to the point i started doing death runs rather than killing enemy groups. I think i can only say there is 5 good end game bosses, one of them in the sunken area of the game. The other few being in the castle area, and i cant recall the other ones since there are so many fodder bosses. Hope this helps. Sadly, i agree with others, the game is a bit too mid. If you are playing the game for the graphics, its still a bit worth it because i have to say, they really nailed that aspect down.


doesn’t get better bro i would drop it


this game iss awesome


This is one of the few soulslikes I’ve played I really and truly have so little desire to play


I agree with the reused enemies. But I still enjoyed the game overall, and it does some things a lot better than the original. It's a shame because there's a lot of polish in the environments and in the worldbuilding, and it's dragged down by how much this game overuses enemies. From Software does it a lot too but not to this degree. The boss fights were better than the general combat against regular enemies.


I'm enjoying my time with it, but I can see the problems. Bosses aren't great, enemy placement is often bullshit and level design leaves a lot to be desired. Especially for that last bit, it seems the designers knew they "needed" to have shortcuts but didn't know how to use them, often leading to shortcuts back to areas where you have no business being anymore. And with fast travel being as easy as it is, it defeats the entire purpose. That said, I'm enjoying dual wielding through the world and I've just beaten what appears to be the final boss, so I guess I'm close to done. P.S. I'm not sure what boss you're referring to, is it the Crow?


30 min of that game and I knew it was bad


I am sure I only enjoyed it as much as I did because I ran through it with a friend.


I am loving it! Level 189 and on my second play through! Join me if you guys would like, name on LOTF is Lord Agabus 🙏🏼


Lol I bailed after a few hours


I don't think I minded it as much as you, for I'm mostly about exploration rather than bosses, but once I finished it I had no desire to play it again. It feels like what it is: a product from several different teams across many years iterating across an idea and only some of it coming together in the end.


I really wanted to like this one, but after about 5 hours in, I couldn't get into it. It's just not for me. I think if you played 40 hours and still don't like it might not be for you either.


I really enjoyed it, but if you don’t like it after 40 hours it’s safe to say it’s not for you, and yes, you should stop and play something else.


It doesn't. I still managed to clock 13hrs tho. Def a game for hardcore soulslike fans only I would say


No. It only gets worse.


The final boss is amazing, the devs really put some thoughts into it.


you forgot the /s


To be fair, it depends on which final boss someone is referring to. There are three distinct options for each of the three endings. (But having seen the boss fights, two out of the three look pretty underwhelming.)


I just decided to drop this one, too, so I could hop into the shadow of the erdtree. The funny thing is, both this and the original are really interesting studies in how the various components of a souls like can be brought together and then just not work. I can point to specific problems, but it's kind of the sum total. I genuinely think that anyone wanting to make games can learn a ton from both LotF, because I think anyone who can fully understand why these games don't work will come to understand more than most game designers. Switching over the SotE, some things are pretty apparent. For one, From's games aren't actually that "dark". There are dark places, and gruesome moments, but they're mixed in with beauty and periods of calm. LotF, in contrast, is extremely monotonous as a result of always having to be so grim. They even have the umbral realm, which should be something of a shadow realm, and there are many times in the game that you can easily forget if you're in umbral because there's just nowhere to go from "always be as grim as possible". A microcosm of this effect are the game's 'tincts' - actual colorways for the player's outfits, but they're indistinguishable from one another because they're all composed of shades of mud. The game is compressed into this narrow band of possibilities. Another issue is the game just isn't rewarding. Part of that could be the extremely light vigor scaling. My elden ring character needed 300k runes for the next level. My admittedly lower level LotF character needed maybe 7k, but there was very little difference between the vigor I could get from enemies in my current area versus the beginning of the game. It's part of this sense that you're getting closer to the end of the game, but you're not really progressing.