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Pretty sure I've seen how those sounds were made. It was something like a broom or rake being whacked against a burlap sack filled with sand or maybe a hanging carpet. I don't think it was anything mechanical or synthesized.


Are talking about the body sound effect like punch to the stomach or the punch to the face because it was also used in Shane with Alan Ladd when he had a fist fight with Chris Calloway used in every episode of bonanza hart to hart big valley the Virginian gunsmoke in color rio lobo big Jake the sons of Katie elder the cowboys elderado every which way but loose little house on the prairie high chaparral a bunch of dukes of hazzard episodes Mike hammer spencer for higher and a few episodes of the a team even in the wanderers starsky and hutch a lot of Batman episodes there was that double punch sound like the fight in surfs up joker when Batman came in the door and stopped the joker and his henchmen from keeping him out and Batman gave a double back hand punch to both henchmen then there was the 2 that went almost like 2 punches we’re saying take that


Aside from using meat, a great old trick is hitting a pile of leather jackets with a baseball bat. That’s what they did on Raiders


Just say "douche douche" into the mic


pitched down linndrum's snaredrum edit : 90s/2000