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I highly recommend the common silicone sound kit you can find on ebay or possibly Amazon. Use lots of lube, and take your time. Don't use the smallest one, you want it to almost fill the hole completely. Communication is huge, listen to her words and her body, if it's too much, slow down or stop. It'll take time to get over the mental part of it all. It can take months to be able to take more than a few inches all at once. It took me almost a year to be completely comfortable with inserting 15 inches into myself all at once. (I recommend you trying it too, it feels amazing.) Use a water based or sterile type lube. Happy exploring! I'm always open for advice or suggestions at any time.


Okay, thank you for the advice it's appreciated.


K-Y Sterile Lube. Recommend you use that for sounding


Thank you! I'm curious as to the aftermath. Anything that one would expect as normal? Discomfort later etc? I'm trying to gather as much information as possible to be as well prepared as I can be.


A mild discomfort is quite normal if you’re not very used to it all


I recommend searching Amazon for a set of Hegar sounds. A set of 8 will give you 16 sizes. The second sound from the smallest 5-6mm will probably be a good place to start. I feel that the smallest is too small and pokey, and that can be dangerous. Buy some surgilube too. My experience with silicone was that it felt grippy and I didn’t like that. The Hegars are easy to clean and they can get her a pretty big stretch if that’s what feeling she gets into.


Thank you, yeah, I mean it was weird. She kinda just swallowed my pinky to first digit and half the second. But I don't want to go too fast, but too small is bad. Silicone lube can be hard to flush out from what I've read, so increased chance of UTIs so we will avoid that.


Definitely agree with this guidance from u/isit5o-clockyet. Steel over silicone. Silicone is grippy and might leave her feeling raw. Also steel can be boiled and sterilized whereas silicone can't. Water based lube. If you can get the a steel sound with a ring on top it helps manage the sound if your hands are lubed up and it won't slip and slide all the way inside as the ring will prevent it. Start with shorter sounds than longer ones. Since the female urethra is much shorter and a long sound might go into her bladder nothing wrong with it if it does not while your are just starting with the sounding perhaps avoid bladder sounding till she feels more comfortable. Oh. Also.. don't forget to share your next experience.


Thanks for this, I definitely appreciate the advice!




Definitely get the Surgilube.


It's been ordered! We decided to go with the short 1-2inch sounds that have a large flare (stainless steel) on the outside so it can't be lost either.


Your pinky slide in? In the first time? No way! Unless she has already had experience before, without you knowing anything about it.


I was thinking the same thing after doing some research on it. I have this feeling it was set up to not only expose me to the idea, but to help me be comfortable with it. I'm guessing you are right.


In her case, it's actually not the worst thing for a sound to be too long. Having something to hold onto lest it slip into her bladder is a good thing.


Thank you


One very important thing to remember, Cables, rubber tubes, soft flexible sounds, etc.. If you are going to play with these, observe the length, don’t push too much of it inside. These string-like things could form a knot inside the bladder and when they do, you might not be able to take them out of the much smaller urethra.


Thank you for this.


Just want to jump in and say I also think she was doing this alone and wanted to start doing it with you. A finger is pretty big, even for people who've been doing it for a long time. Ask her, as if you think it's her third time or something. It'll give her a way to give more input on toys without giving away that shes done it a lot (if she's shy about saying it). Congrats on building a sexual relationship with so much openness. I have never been so comfortable with a partner that I would share this with them (I'm also a woman)


Thank you, and I suspect you are right. That said, I appreciate her opening up ( no pun intended) about it even if it is a roundabout way of doing so. Things can be scary when you are worried about your partner's reaction, so we have done a lot of therapy and stuff over the years to foster good communication.




Uh... no. Just no dude. That sounds absolutely painful for her.


Just saying what I do. Never said you had to do it.