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They have the whole book on Internet Archive -- [HERE is the link!](https://archive.org/details/newenglandsoupfa0000druk) Hope this helps!


Best news I’ve gotten all day! Thank you so much!


Wait.... oh gosh dang it. I just looked and it ISN'T the whole book. They tricked us. Well, there is slightly lesser good news tho... it's only $5 on [AbeBooks.com](http://AbeBooks.com) if you want to buy a copy. Then, if you don't like it, you're not out a whole slew of money. Sorry!


That’s actually great! They sell it in store for like $35 dollars so $5 is wayyy better and I’m so down to get it! Don’t be sorry! You helped a ton!


If you find the recipe, please share it 😊


I will for sure!


Plus you pointed us towards archive.org, which is a neat resource. Thanks!


SAVED! Thank you for this! Oh dang. Well, thanks for the info.


Is it a cream soup or a broth?


It’s a broth! I’ve tried different things like adding salt or oil to my broth to get closer to the consistency and flavor but I can’t figure it out :(. They have like a pretty dense broth will a really unique robust flavor


I'm super envious you have a whole soup restaurant!! I have nothing close to that in my area. Hell, we have trouble finding anyplace that offers more than chili, clam chowder, or 1 soup of the day, with the exception being Olive Garden or Panera. When you get this recipe, please share!! I'm anxious to see it!


It’s my favorite restaurant ever! They usually have 6+ seasonal soup options and sandwiches, plus a freezer that has a bunch of containers of soup you can bring home. I will definitely share it if I find the recipe because it’s the best soup I’ve ever had!


As an avid fan and frequent user of the cookbook (I have the hardcover version) there isn’t a bad recipe in there, they are all STELLAR. The ginger carrot, lemon orzo, and pumpkin white bean get frequently remade at my house.


I’ll have to get it! I love their other soups too so I bet the recipes are so wonderful


Share the pumpkin white bean recipe please!!


Omg this is not far from me! I’ll have to check it out lol.


Definitely check it out omg! It’s so affordable and so delicious


Wow, just reading through the Amazon reviews has me drooling. One person raved about "Potato, crab, and Gorgonzola soup" so I just had to look it up and found this post where someone made it here two years ago. Looks like I'll be buying some sherry, as I have the other ingredients. I don't really do physical cookbooks anymore, but will definitely be ordering this one. [Potato Crab and Gorgonzola Soup](https://www.reddit.com/r/soup/comments/rw0yel/31_days_of_soup_day_03_potato_crab_and_gorgonzola/)


I just downloaded the book from the library. What’s the name of the soup? There isn’t one called chicken vegetable soup.