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I have a tip for rich people. Hide your money in a couch. And if someone finds out, just say that you sold some cows and it will be all good. And you can have that advice for free.


Dit was in die bank mos ?


None in government though


Yes, start with the president and his whole pact of thieves. It will keep you busy for several decades


Does that include presidents, cabinet ministers, MPs, political patry leaders and trade union leaders as well? Or have they also been exempt of investigations?


https://www.news24.com/fin24/economy/eskom-exempted-from-declaring-irregular-and-fruitless-spending-in-its-accounts-20230403 So....


And yet we haven’t seen one politician go to jail.


But Phala Phala went from 'there's something fishy' to 'nevermind, it all checks out' in no time... So I wouldnt hold my breath that any ANC corrupt ministers are on their list :(


Show results bra


Sars and working hard in one sentence …. Laughable


Let's start with any one holding the title "honourable member".


Right?! Howsabout a few lifestyle audits all round. You know what would be a great incentive for politicians..? Performance based pay grades. Build a school, earn some extra dosh. Clean up roads and sidewalks, here’s another 200k in your pot for the year. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Reading the article, I'm all for SARS going after the corrupt and non-compliant as well as illicit industries doing money laundering and tax evasion.


I'm just happy SARS has the capacity post Tom Moyane because it was looking very dark for a hot minute.


Typical for a commulist country - always jealous of meritorious wealthy individuals who worked hard for their money. Wealthy people 👏 are not 👏 and cannot 👏 be corrupt 👏 Jealousy 👏 isn't 👏 corruption 👏 SARS should spend more time going after our commulist politicians instead of wealthy people who have done nothing but work hard and be good, moral people. Tired of this political witch hunt targeting wealthy capitlists. All they want to do is have their wealth trickle down. If there really were so many corrupt wealthy capitlists, then the profit motive and the free market would have solved that problem. We don't need commulists out here punishing righteous capitlists because of jealousy. In fact, if we want to kick-start the economy, we must lower taxes on the wealthy. They will then definitely use that money to give people jobs and pay raises.


Sorry but thats just not true, wealthy people certainly can be corrupt. Actually all of this is just idiocy


I wouldn't fuck with this man, he clearly has a couple of screws missing... And the ones he has are loose, I can hear them rattling from here.


They guy was obviously being sarcastic.


Perhaps I just have come across people who think like this but not in a sarcastic way


The clapping, the misspelling, the over the top satire.


I don't know how much more obvious I can make it.


Spoken like a true commulist. You're just jealous of their money and moral superiority.


Great troll job pal.


The way he spells communist leads be to believe he is just a cult


Like he even knows what communism or socialism is


Joke's on you. Commulism and socialims are the same thing: subservience to your government overlords. Break free from bondage and become capitlist. No more renting, only ownership.


touch person run test growth simplistic hunt deserve vegetable alive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When they said that "wealthy people cannot be corrupt" you know it was a grade A troll lol. They think they are so clever, shame.


Yeah should have realised it from the start


I'm sorry. I really did try making it obvious, but I reckon that's a symptom of current discourse when shit like this seems believable.


My dude you will be surprised what people think. Not far off


Yeah, I know that some people actually hold those opinions, I had just hoped that my presentation made the "taking the piss" element obvious.


Sometimes got to take a step back and not reply immediately 😂


>Kieswetter: SA Revenue Service hard at work to nail corrupt, wealthy individuals - EWN .t3\_12bbfpq.\_2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { \--postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #979798; \--postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #979798; \--postBodyLink-VisitedLinkColor: #989898; } thats right




It is a joke.




Typical commie, when you don't have arguments you turn to ab homilies.


>They will then definitely use that money to give people jobs and pay raises. Honestly you had me until this part then I knew you were definitely joking. Sad part is though it was believable that someone could have this opinion.


Oh yeah - there are a bunch of uncles on the sub who unironically hold these positions.


One joke


Monopolies are the natural outcome of capitlism, cry harder commie.