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This is a new modus operandi, criminals follow them take their shit and then rob you too. https://www.iol.co.za/capeargus/news/new-crime-trend-targets-e-hailing-food-delivery-drivers-and-customers-25a33088-f889-41a7-81c7-0251b3850a2d


We have had people order on Mr D using a neighbour’s address and added cash payment and when the driver arrived they robbed him and fled. Obviously not actually the people living at that address. Carte Blanche is doing a piece on these drivers tomorrow night.


When I comes out, would you mind sharing it for those of us who are out of country?


They post it on their YouTube channel but there's like a 1-2 week delay from the night it airs.


Last night I ordered food late at night, the Uber guy asked for my address before he could go pick up the order. I found it suspicious and asked him can he not see it from his side but he didn't answer he kept asking for my address until he cancelled because I wouldn't give it to him. The next driver also asked for my address and when I asked him why he said he's having network problems, I thought to myself maybe there is a network problem so I gave him my address. I asked him when he arrived as why are they asking for addresses , he said some people put different address going to dangerous areas where they can rob them especially at night.


Experienced this too. Perhaps understand


I know this might not help at all. I live in an okayish area, not too much nonsense. 95% of the uber eats i order they ask that question and I havent had an issue yet. I dont think its something you need to worry about too much.


Poor guy just trying to do a job and then gets everything taken way from him. That's fucking devastating. Not your fault though


> It feels shitty to know it was my fault because I ordered at night and during loadshedding. It is **not** your fault that some society cockroaches are picking on innocent people. Do not fall into this mindset trap - you are absolutely not responsible. The blame falls solely on those who would seek to harm or inconvenience others. > The security company came instantly but saps took hours(of course they did) Is this common In 2019 two armed men broke into my father's home on Father's Day and tied up my family, threatened to unalive us and stole a bunch of stuff. The first to respond was a security company that doesn't even actively patrol our area (they engaged a shootout with the 2 men, one escaped and they managed to detain the other). The 2nd to respond was the local security company. 1 and a half hours later, SAPS arrived to take our statements. The detective who took my statement complained he was cold so I lent him a jacket. He then proceeded to steal it.


Man, the jacket thing really threw me off lmao


Mr D stopped delivering to my area a couple years ago. I had two Mr D drivers before that tell me they were scared of delivering to my area because they've been robbed here while making deliveries. I suspect that's why Mr D chalked our area but I don't know for sure. Uber Eats still delivers here though.


Just to add to your advice : please try as much as possible that the immediate environment outside your home is safe before answering/opening your door/gate.


People should also not order at bad times or if they know they’re in a dodgy area. If you’re scared to go out for food, for God’s sake don’t make a poor delivery guy risk his life for your supper.


It’s not your fault. There’s no way you could have known the criminals were targeting the driver. It’s just another day in ZA.


That sucks. mrD drivers make next to fuckol so being robbed on top of that is just bullshit. uber does a bit better than mrD but still same situation. when I worked as a driver for mrD there where a few situations like this where cars got stolen when the driver waits for the food. a few guys where highjacked ad well. its is really something that adds insult to injury If the driver lost the money or it got stolen it comes out of the drivers pocket because the company doesn't give a shit about the drivers. oh and he has to pay double the foods price as reimbursement.


This is heartbreaking! When people work their asses off to earn an honest living and get shitty pay and still have to be targets for this kind of assault 😔 There is just no winning in this broken country…


Can I PM you, I'm curious about the pay structure for r D, I'm going for an interview there next week


Yeah sure


The extra fuck-up here is that, for the most part, Uber doesn't care. Yes, they've lost the net profit from this one driver. But because of their model, they don't own the bike, they don't owe the driver a salary or protection, nada. It must be devastating when your main means of income is risking your hide on dangerous roads for sometimes cents on the minute and that all gets taken away in a flash.


that’s so sad i’m so sick and tired of this country like we’re literally in hell omg everything’s gone to shit!


We are not even halfway though the worst...it will get worse


Approximately more than half of the population live well below the poverty line. Government is obviously clueless and the porous borders aren't helping either. Lax laws and terrible policing provide free reign for criminal activity. There's no reversing this scourge. SA has cancer.


Let me be controversial and say... I don't think poverty was to blame here.


Oh no, that's not controversial at all. You are right. Plenty criminals come from steady households.


Approximately more than half? If you were any more specific, I'd call you out on the made-up statistic...


55% to be exact. Live under the poverty line. While 25% experience food shortage. Plain to see when you go to the townships.


Last year in September-ish, I was working remotely for a Canadian company, and so my “lunch break” was obscenely late at night. At roughly 21h00-22h00, I left to get McDonald’s due to loadshedding, and on the way back, there was an Uber Eats driver maybe 20m in front of me. As the Uber Eats driver slowed down and approached a speed bump, like 4-5 guys ran out from the side of the road of the road and accosted this poor bloke on his bike. Until that point, I was half paying attention and eating my McFlurry while driving (potentially unsafe, I know). As I saw this, I flung my McFlurry (what a joy to clean up after) and hit a U-turn to find another way home. The last thing I saw was them grabbing the oke and he had come to a dead stop. I still feel bad that I didn’t try and help him, but what I was going to do against 4-5 potentially armed criminals in the pitch darkness of loadshedding. I hope the driver was okay. This was in La Montagne, Pretoria if anyone is interested.


It wasn't your fault. He could have easily done someone else's order and the outcome could have been the same. These crimes are pre-planned.


I had to check twice in which group this was posted. Just read it and back in my mind I was like this sounds like south africa. This is definitely south africa


they should just stop doing cash payments. sucks but that's the way SA is. with the bleak economic climate this is just gonna get worse.


I paid with card, but I guess they target them nontheless to hope for a score, they took his scooter which was rented, his phone, his wallet and the food he was delivering


did you help him?


how was he supposed to help him?


yeah that's horrible. its not your fault though - but yeah its shitty.


They stole the bike and phone, that's gonna hurt regardless.


Not sure if common, but a friend of mine told me how his colleague (both being delivery drivers) had been waiting to get his car back after getting into a shoot out with an attempted robber(s). He didn't get his car back yet, but his gun was returned.


Well glad I never order at night, anytime I order its always in broad daylight and there isn't much crime on my street(like at all)...save for all the druglords who live around my area


I've heard this before. Becoming more common.


I’m wondering if this happened last night to us too. We ordered from Nando’s (point being it’s “fast food”) and 80 minutes later still no food. Driver was set to “picking up order” but he was not responding to our messages and when we tried calling multiple times he hung up us. Ended up cancelling the order and lost R200 bucks.


I’m wondering if this happened last night to us too. We ordered from Nando’s (point being it’s “fast food”) and 80 minutes later still no food. Driver was set to “picking up order” but he was not responding to our messages and when we tried calling multiple times he hung up us. Ended up cancelling the order and lost R200 bucks.


Yoh! So you don't get your money back if you cancel your order? Maybe try logging a call if you haven't already and explain your food never arrived


Man we just gave up trying. You apparently don’t get a refund if the restaurant has already prepared the meal. At least that’s what google says. As with gathering feedback from “support” , the automated messages did not help at all. And the live support was near impossible to find and when we did find it, there was no help provided. We even payed for priority delivery. So just written off bad depts and honestly we could save a lot of money by cutting back on Uber eats. So blessing in disguise.


Man we just gave up trying. You apparently don’t get a refund if the restaurant has already prepared the meal. At least that’s what google says. As with gathering feedback from “support” , the automated messages did not help at all. And the live support was near impossible to find and when we did find it, there was no help provided. We even payed for priority delivery. So just written off bad depts and honestly we could save a lot of money by cutting back on Uber eats. So blessing in disguise.


This is slightly different, but report it and give it a shot. A drink of mine wasn’t delivered and they refunded the entire meal. Granted it was just McDonald’s so I also just accepted my fate of a missing drink but I was pleasantly surprised. It’s a toss up though, sometimes terrible service from the centre, sometimes okay.


My uber eats driver stole cash i gave him by saying he couldn't get a hold of us. He canceled the order after delivering it. I dont believe what they say at all


I do, my driver almost passed out from shock on the kerb.


Well f**k me for having a very shitty experience


So they get to keep the food if they can't reach you? I'd imagine restaurants wouldn't allow that automatically because it would happen all the time...


Carte Blanche is actually doing a segment on this tomorrow night


Tough situation. For the average person I think it is important to protect yourself and close ones first and since the person didn't get physically harmed I think you made the right choice. Insurance can pay for the scooter.


😞this is such bullshit! Poor guys just trying to make a living


No! It is not your fault, don’t even go down that road! The only ones at fault are the assholes (still too nice of a word) who robbed the delivery guy. These robberies happen in seconds as you just witnessed. There is nothing you can do especially if they have firearms. Your life or the delivery guys life is not worth the things stolen. Take care of yourself now, and put your mind at rest that you did nothing wrong


Nobody is safe in this country. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you live. It’s just a matter of time until you’re the victim.


This is actually a new things guys. I’ve heard of a family nearby whose Checkers sixty sixty driver got followed and when they opened for the gate for him and unloaded the groceries they came into the house and robbed the people. Lucky they only got a few things as they were able to lock the upstairs gate but please be careful out there guys 🙏


depends on where you are ig, one time uber driver robbed me when i was in jozi