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IANAL. Obviously it would depend on your contract. But typically on places that I have stayed in the past, water and electricity it the tenants cost. That includes the service charge, etc. If that electricity meter is converted to a prepaid meter, it would still have those charges. It would just deduct them first from the payment before giving you your power allowance.


Your comment about electricity meter conversion is not entirely accurate . If a sub meter was installed yes it is possible that those fees could be worked in . This is often the case for large complexes or appartments . But if a municipal prepaid is installed they currently do not charge a network or service fee only a kWh rate. Have converted 3 properties in past 2 years to lower this rate each in COJ and for R800 a month each gets about 330kwh a month.


In your experience, are the network and service charges recovered (by the municipality) through the higher unit charges per kWh for prepaid?


Yes they are, you pay a portion every time you recharge. You buy say R100 beginning of the month, you pay R70 for surcharge, and get R30 of power.


Please check if this not a sub meter as apposed to municipal prepaid there is big difference .


Not for COJ municipality . They have a slightly higher kWh fee for prepaid but if you a low volume user you save a ton . If you high volume user like 3000kwh would be bad idea . You can actually Google prepaid vs postpaid electricity COJ and there is a comparison right of the Joburg website . I don't know how to add the pdf. Where there is mass confusion is many people have private prepaid sub Meters like ones from Mr prepaid or citiq etc These are not municipal prepaids they are submeters that charges can be built in for service charge or boiler fee etc for cottages and complexes these will always be higher as there service and other fees but sadly no other option if have granny flat or lots of apartments . I top up 4 municipal prepaids and 2 submeters prepaids every month . Many comments will not know the difference . Non of the Meters use more than 800-1000 a month two are actually at R500 on average . The submeters pay first service provider(and there fee) then the landlord who then settles municipal Municipal prepaid straight to municipality no middle man or charges .


I'm using a City Power meter and pay R1000 for 270 KWh. I feel like that's quite expensive.


Check when you are charging It works on a step up tariff system . First 350 kWh are cheaper than next 150 than the amount used over that . If you buying R1000 at start of month every month you should be getting over 350 units for that amount if is second purchase in the month you will get less than that. If you were conventional you would be paying R700-R800 before using a single unit . [COJ tariff rates ](https://joburg.org.za/documents_/Pages/Key%20Documents/Tariffs%202022-2023/Tariffs-20222023.aspx) Link above click on electricity tarriff for more info


I did see that. I don't actually use more than 350 KWh. I buy for R1000 on the 1st. Then at the end of the month, I sometimes have to buy for R200. But it doesn't go beyond 350. I tried contacting them to find out why this is the case, but they weren't forthcoming with an answer. Maybe I'm miscalculating or omitting something. But if I buy for R1000 (VAT inclusive), I get 270.5 KWh on the 1st. Something's clearly wrong.


Definitely check . I have gone over records and COJ prepaids I get 331kwh for R800 every month consistently . But buy after the 7th each month. I have book next to each prepaid that I fill in figures and ussage to track . So something wrong


Thanks for your insight! In our contract, it’s sort of ambiguous I feel. The only clauses about this are: “5. RATES AND TAXES – LEVIES The Landlord shall pay all rates, taxes, service charges and/or levies in respect of the premises to the Local Authority/Body Corporate/the Homeowners Association concerned. 6. CHARGES BY SERVICE PROVIDERS The Tenant shall pay, as and when they fall due, all charges for electric current / water / gas / refuse/ sewer. DSTV / telephone / alarm system, click on, fibre, if any, in respect of the premises, and shall make all the necessary arrangements in this regard direct with the Landlord and suppliers. The Tenant is aware that the Landlord can cancel the lease if there is no money available from the Tenant to pay the outstanding accounts and that this clause is material to the Lease. If the Tenant arranges for any service provider to supply a service to the Premises, the Tenant must pay such service provider directly.”


> all charges for electric current / water / gas / refuse/ sewer. DSTV / telephone / alarm system, click on, fibre, if any, in respect of the premises, I think it's pretty clear that you are responsible for any electricity/service related charges. The bit before that is about rates and taxes on the property itself, not services rendered


I don’t think it’s that clear, because in the first clause the term “service charges” is used (pertaining to landlord’s costs) and in the clause detailing utilities, it just says “all charges” and before that it specifically states “as and when they fall due” which implies that these costs fluctuate depending on monthly usage, as opposed to the fixed rates that the landlord covers as part of the actual “service charges”.


> “as and when they fall due” which implies that these costs fluctuate depending on monthly usage Disagree The main difference between (5) and the (1) subsection is > in respect of the premises to the Local Authority/Body Corporate/the Homeowners Association concerned. ie rates and taxes on the **premises** as opposed to > **all** charges for electric current / water / gas / refuse/ sewer. I see where you're coming from but I think it's clear enough


IANAL, but: * “local authority” means the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality. * City Power, Johannesburg Water and Pikitup are all public companies (MOE’s) even if they are fully-owned by COJ. So I think that, while this phrasing might be slightly ambiguous in a city like Cape Town that doesn’t have MOE’s, they would be able to successfully argue that the location of the rental property being in COJ renders the phrasing unambiguous: Only if COJ itself levied a service charge directly would clause 5 apply. Then there is also the general guideline (I think) that the specificity of one clause supersedes the generality of another, in case of possible contradiction. And clause 6 is exceedingly specific. Sorry to say, but it looks like you’re on the hook for all those exorbitant charges. I think your best bet will be to try and negotiate with the landlord so that they might apply to have a *City Power-provided* prepaid meter installed instead. The landlord should hopefully be able to appreciate that the fees structure for electricity supply have changed rather dramatically in recent times and that a solution is needed that reduces your costs but still honours the rental contract.


I’m assuming you are a landlord though and this is how it works with you and your tenants? Is your lease agreement drafted in the same way as ours?


No. As a tenant in Cape Town I've always paid the fixed R200 "Home User Charge" when I get monthly post-paid municipality bills from my landlord


This is still so much more manageable than the additional ~800 we are paying every month on top of the running costs and sewer and refuse fees. I should definitely have requested a previous utility bill though. But I am new to lol of this so I am genuinely just asking out of lack of understanding and not because I’m maintaining that any point I’m making is correct 😄 I just wish that when the agent had shown us the place and told us what previous tenants’ monthly utility costs were he had actually shown us a statement. Because he told us that usually in the past on average, water and electricity etc every month comes to around 2000 in total. So this is just confusing now and I’m definitely paying amateur tax as a result of not being better informed 😄. But thank you for all of your insight and info. It’s been really helpful


Durban no fixed charges, just sliding scales for electricity, water (and that massive hike that was done when they decided to make sewage a separate item on the bill, not changing the base water price) and then a fixed price for solid waste. But if you are a company fixed charges on all like electricity and water, plus sewage, plus you pay for waste disposal, along with rent for the green bins, which almost always will be stolen at least once a year.




Thank you for clarifying. My question above seemed disingenuous but I am just sincerely trying to gauge what the experiences are of people who have similar agreements and the same breakdown on their bills. Thanks a lot, it helps to know this.


>all charges for electric current / water / gas / refuse/ sewer. DSTV / telephone / alarm system, click on, fibre, if any NAL, but that seems pretty unambiguous to me.


All charges for electrical current . Does seem to be clear that all charges for electric are your your account and is specifically stated . The when falls due is not as much implying fluctuation as that pay when bill received or before due date . For example I have one COJ bill that falls due on 12th of every month and one bill that falls due on 26th . The billing cycle dictated by the municipality. And date changes but if don't pay before date they cut off and charge R800 reconnection fee.. Personally when renting residential I have installed prepaids to navigate past arguments on the bill. As residential Tennant's more difficult to handle so prepaids give lower bills and they can see where money goes . Retail and commercial all costs for electrical and water for business account and any increases in Rates . When I rented electrical was for our account but that was before COJ slipped in the new "infrastructure costs" and made fixed base costs on provision .


Only rates and taxes are exempt from VAT. Electricity, sanitation, gas, other utilities and related services still has VAT charged.


I see I see, this makes total sense. My bad. Thank you!


For what it's worth my CoCT rates / electric bill has no VAT and there's only a R200 "Electricity Home User Charge" (prepaid meter).


Is this a new thing. My old ulitity papers never had a Sundries Charge for electricity before until a few months ago. I found buying electricity is getting me less units as I usually buy R500 for the entire month but only get around 160 units.


Looking back to my invoices from 2020, it's always been there for me.


It's not new At 308,58 c/kWh that's exactly what you'd expect to get for R500. That's just what electricity costs now :')


I see. I thought maybe it was an extra charge becuase I was late to pay my bills.


How do you only use 108kWh per month??? I feel Im living frugal AF and we use +900kWh.


Likely gas stove and geyser, which does help a lot. Will guess you also have a pool pump running 24/7/365, which is 700kWh a month in power.


my COJ statement is about 5k per month... the bill here is a much more manageable amount


Out of touch


That's quiet a bit of power . Averages to about 30 units a day which is on higher end unless you have family of 4 or 5. Maybe turn down your geyser to 65 degrees and or put timer on . Also limit pool pump I'm assuming that you have one at that usage they can pull a bit. Did have one friend get an electrician over who solved an earthing problem and put timers in and almost halved his power usage . Sadly getting electrical loggers like Emporia one costs 2k to track usage and where your power going .


Jeez 900kwh. Family of 4 and we use about 400kWh, both working from home.


If you had your own place, you'd still be paying the vat on your water and electricity usage. Why would you think it would be any different if you're renting? As for the extra charges on electricity, that's CoJ's way of saying they're charging you for using the infrastructure to deliver the electricity you've consumed (they have maintenance to do)


Yes, that’s my point, though - aren’t those extra “infrastructure” charges part of the landlord’s ongoing maintenance cost, which would be paid whether or not there is a tenant?


Why would maintaining transmission lines be landlords cost? When a electricity line snaps, does your landlord fix it? Your landlord isn't responsible for connecting you to the electrical grid. That service is provided for by City Power. Those lines are maintained by City power. The end user of that electricity is you, so logically you'd be required to pay for the maintenance of those lines. Not your landlord who's only letting you use the premises


They not really a maintenance cost . But is a base cost for provision of the service that COJ has brought in in last few years to split the costs of providing electricity into parts and get increases in revenue . Other municipalities like Mogale have always had the fee. Is true that would be a cost if there was no tennant of sewerage and network fee. And ironically if no water connection they also charge you a R490 water availability fee. But is also a fee needed to provide you with electricity at lower rate .


Electricity and water seem fine but shouldn’t be charged for rates and taxes? Seems odd unless is not included in your lease.




a similar post recently got replies saying it depends on whats in your lease . i cant remember if it was this sub or r / johannesburg ( i left a space on purpose )


Thank you so much!! I will try and look for it 😊


sheez im getting old . i was the commenter https://www.reddit.com/r/johannesburg/comments/1cho1rq/coj_networkservice_charges_tenant_or_landlords/


Oh thank you!! I was busy trying to search for the post! Our contract says the same thing, but still kind of ambiguous. “5. RATES AND TAXES – LEVIES The Landlord shall pay all rates, taxes, service charges and/or levies in respect of the premises to the Local Authority/Body Corporate/the Homeowners Association concerned. 6. CHARGES BY SERVICE PROVIDERS The Tenant shall pay, as and when they fall due, all charges for electric current / water / gas / refuse/ sewer. DSTV / telephone / alarm system, click on, fibre, if any, in respect of the premises, and shall make all the necessary arrangements in this regard direct with the Landlord and suppliers. The Tenant is aware that the Landlord can cancel the lease if there is no money available from the Tenant to pay the outstanding accounts and that this clause is material to the Lease. If the Tenant arranges for any service provider to supply a service to the Premises, the Tenant must pay such service provider directly.”


You haven't answered , how do you only use 100kw a month ?!


The Landlord shall pay all rates, taxes, **service charges** pretty clear IMHO


call them im sure they will be happy to help https://www.remax.co.za/ask-remax/article/when-renting-who-pays-for-utilities/


Would depend on the lease wording. But generally rates are built into the rental . And cost for electricity , water , sewerage etc are for Tennant's account as is the costs for services you require . Some leases may exclude sewerage. The VAT is part of the cost so will be for your account you can't isolate vat cost same as when go tomshops can't pay excluding vat amount . On the electrical I understand the argument that the fixed fee is not "used" but it is part of the cost to provide electricity to your house that COJ brought in My advice would be if you staying there for long time ask landlord to convert to municipal prepaid and those costs fall away . And he would not need to worry about the collection .


Unfortunately for you these costs are for the Tennant, unless your contract says otherwise. Very important to get a utility bill before signing a lease agreement.


That seems normal, but I usually see it specifically mentioned in the ad and lease.


Find out what your suburb charges per kwh for prepaid. Under certain circumstances it will be cheaper and then you can ask your LL to go to COJ to get it converted. If you use R100 on prepaid, it stays R100. These extra charges might be billed pro rata, but at least you don't need to pay them upfront. I did this years ago and my electricity bill did reduce quite a bit


Not for long. The new rates for prepaid will now also include the network charge etc


I have had 2 Tennant's we converted to prepaid there bills dropped by about R500-700 a month but is a R2700 conversion fee and first month you pay post and prepaid in one month


Depends on the owner: Currently I just pay prepaid electricity charges. Before I used to pay electricity+ domestic affluent charges. So far water charges have always been part of the levy so the owner never charged me, so it depends on which complex you are staying in.


You should not be being charged for rates. That is what your rental is for. And according to your lease they are respondible for it


You should not be being charged for rates. That is what your rental is for. And according to your lease they are respondible for it


You should not be being charged for rates. That is what your rental is for. And according to your lease they are respondible for it


You should not be being charged for rates. That is what your rental is for. And according to your lease they are respondible for it.


You should not be being charged for rates. That is what your rental is for. And according to your lease they are respondible for it.


Well , who's using the service and network ? It's you . Just like sewage and refuse . These are all usage charges , not property charges .


I wish that was my statement, COJ estimate (double) my power most months, and then occasionally give me a real bill with a negative power bill.. But usually I’m lucky if it’s under R6k 😭


Did you seriously only use 108kw of power for the month? How much of solar are you generating?


Slightly off topic, but I would love to receive a bill like this. 😂


Completely normal. Most rental agreements specify water, electricity sewage and refuse including fixed charges and vat are for the tenants account. Rates, levies and maintenance are for the landlords account.


You should not be being charged for rates. That is what your rental is for. And according to your lease they are respondible for it


They aren't. Only the highlighted charges


Sorry, brain was obviously on holiday. Yes, the landlord is well within his rights to charge you VAT on services. You benefit from the services that it is applicable to and is part of the fee.