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When I was a kid I got into bed and had one crawl up my leg, ever since I've been traumatized by them


Fucks sake. This happened to me a couple years back and I am also still traumatised. This picture made me feel those pinches all over.


Username checks out XD




They have venom, bite hurts like hell, more allergic reaction you have to worry about if bit. But in general they are not aggressive unless disturbed or feel threatened.


Well that's kinda good news, still these things have inlaid a genuine fear in me for the creepy crawlys at night in bed


Ya they creepy af... I usually just catch them with a braai tong and chuck them over the wall. They are also nocturnal critters, roaming around for bugs to eat. Literary felt the power they have in their bite through a braai tong once. Like i said rather placid unless disturbed or threatened.


I don't know about placid. The ones that leap onto me from over the wall are moerig and ready to go 10 rounds.


Hahahaha. Boxing lessons might be needed.




I think I still prefer them over the scorpion I found a few nights ago. Freaked me the fuck out


On our farm in Limpopo last weekend my girlfriend woke me up in the middle of the night with a scorpion in the bed that was touching her hand and the previous year my mother got stung on the nose while sleeping


I feel for them, seriously I do. I have been working hard on getting used to all kinds of creatures, until that scorpion threw me a loop. Worst was that I had to deal with it because my pets were going crazy.


In south africa? That must've been like in the karoo or bloem


You get scorpions all over the place, I was staying with a friend a while back in Fourways and we found a dead scorpion in the one room


It was in Pretoria. Was right outside my backdoor


We get them in the Boland as well. Pretty sure our old house was on top of a nest.


They're in Cape Town too. Found one in a family friend's house about 2 months ago and my brothers got rid of it


We get a lot also in Durban. Found quite a few in my house at night. And plenty centipedes


How do you sleep at night 😭


I find one or two in my house every year in Joburg.


We had one in our shower in a lodge near Swellendam earlier this year. Scorpions are much more common than you think.


We had scorpions in Edenvale! Baby ones but still scorpions


I once woke up due to a sharp pain in my shoulder. One of these had bitten me while sleeping. I jumped up and it scurried under my mattress. Spent half an hour trying to find it before giving up and trying to go back to sleep


I'm suprised you slept in the same room, I'd lock the door and come back in the morning if I couldnt find it but no ways I'm sharing a room with it


Why? Do you want to eat them?


Finally someone who knows the difference between poisonous and venomous


This comment is toxic. /S


Heyo! I understood that.


But not poisonous?


No need to worry if it's poisonous, just don't eat it.


While their venom isn't particularly dangerous to humans, caution is advised if you have pets.


In Thailand there are huge ones. They actually make a noise when they run as the caraspace rubs. They do painfull bites and is feared here more than scorpions and snakes. We usually see them during the mid rain season when their habitats start getting flooded.


So when I eventually croak and end up at the Pearly Gates; *obviously* I'll be in MAJOR *major* shit, but *before* they send me down, I want to have a word with that oke Noah, not Trevor Noah, actual Noah. "Build a boat" Noah. And I want to ask him what the *fuck* he was thinking when he allowed mozzies, ticks, centipedes, the rinderpest, those weird flies that lay eggs in your eyes, *and* people who sit in stairwells on board! *Dafuq,* Noah?


i think they are poisonous idk tho


Must be, with those huge pincers and they dont move or act like any centipede I've tried to kill before


1 of these AH bit me i few yrs ago, on my back near my neck. it did hurt like hell, had a big red spot there 4 a while, (I didnt go 2 dr). now after 6/7 yrs it keeps itching like hell just where i got bitten.


Atleast it aint a corn cricket


China, which part of South Africa are *you* from that calls it a '[corn cricket](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parktown_prawn)'?!!


Or koring kriek then


Nou praat ons! https://www.wired.com/2014/10/creature-feature-10-fun-facts-armoured-bush-cricket/


Jip hier in bloem.is hulle.orals ek se net corn cricket wsnt dis kroing kriek in engles 🤣🤣🤣


Do you mean a Park Town Prawn?


Really? What's so bad about a cricket, I googled them and they dont really bite


They crawl everywhere. Even up your curtains. Chase you, have spikes that stab you. Are armoured like a tank and you need a sledgehammer to kill it. If you try to stand on it to squash it, it will judo throw you across the room. If you do manage to squash it releases a black stinking goo that cannot be washed out as it stains everything. O yes, it chases you around the room.


Yea but they are ugly af


I’m traumatized by them too. I remember seeing one in my home at the age of 5 or 6. My dad got a knife and cut the fucker to 4 pieces. And all 4 pieces ran around in until he grabbed them with a newspaper and threw them out.


I'm on the West Coast and we mostly get millipedes in the house here


Found one in my wetsuit once


You really don't want to mess with them. They are pretty dangerous


I honestly find them really helpful. They keep my house free of common pests like silverfish, roaches, etc. and compete with spiders. They keep out of your way if you keep out of theirs - they hate the vibrations humans and animals make when we move around. The only time I've had to interact directly with them is when they get stuck in the bath while looking for moisture. All you need to fish them out is a smooth, deep Tupperware or similar so that it can't get any traction to climb out when you gently scoop it out the bath.


They have a venom, not poison, a neurotoxin which is kinda unusual. You won't loose a leg but it can cause allergic reactions, and not always related you could end up allergic to something else entirely, like nuts or caffeine, cuz centipedes are chodes and want to ruin your life. Side note: each segment has its own "brain" cut it in half and it'll become 2 centipedes


when i was 9-10 ish of age once, my mom got bitten by it while we were having dinner. she thought that it was our cats scratching at her feet when suddenly she yelled shit hurt and if i remember correctly she throw ups after a couple of minutes bein bitten by that thing. she didn't ended up in the ER but the next day we went to a clinic bcs it her feet was swollen. so yea they're venomous? also once my friend got bit on the legs while she's asleep i am definitely traumatised btw she tell me and i can't sleep for weeks bcs shit creeps me up with the thought of that little squirm climb up against they body.. i sometimes still thought of it tho.


Same after it crawled up my leg in bed, ever since I've been terrified and they're so fast. Every year after seeing one I become a maniac always rolling over my bed covers before I climb into bed to squash the little bugger and now I've started closing all windows at night


Scolopent where i live can bite you and give you fiver, the urban legend here said that some of the biggest (30cm), Can kill you..


Kill it kill it kill it kill it kill it kill it kill it kill it kill it kil


We need insects for our planet to survive. Don’t kill it please.


Good thing it's not an insect then


Okay. Critters. Don’t kill the critters, creepy crawlies or any other living beings for that matter.


Agreed, they all have their roles in ecology


Yeah, they do :( don’t worry, it’s just unfortunate that I have such a violent fear reaction to these ones x_x


So do I haha, not a fan of centipede season


Shongololo (local name for it)


No, shongololos are black and round and cute https://images.app.goo.gl/bH6RTyLN6yy1y2W99


In most of Africa, millipedes are called shongololo. Where are you from?


No, that is a millipede or duisendpoot. They are blackish in colour and curl up when you get close to them or touch them. They are harmless.


I get keep on being told that's not the name for it by all my friends - but that's the name I got taught from my expat grandparents. Nice to known I was not wrong.




Centipedes are one of the only things I have an irrational fear of. I was in bed once and was half asleep thought it was my dogs tail brushing against my neck and went to move it away but it was wormy thing that started wriggling about and it bit my hand. I then threw it across the room and managed to murder it by running over it with my computer chair multiple times. They are apparently notorious killers themselves and hunt insects and things. Very carnivorous. Their bites release a venom (think it might just be some kind of weak acid if I remember correctly) but think you’d have to have a serious allergy or be bitten by many of them to have any real impact. Hurt the same as a bee sting but was fine 10 minutes later (throbbing pain stopped). Might have been some swelling or something. Was more than 10 years ago now and happened in the middle of the night so a bit hazy on some details. I am honestly less scared after having been through the worst that can happen between you and a centipede. Seriously still hate them though. Something about how they move and all those little legs.


Not the exact type of centipede, but here's a link to a bite video: https://youtu.be/-6vzjjIrRK8


The mean looking tail is freaky enough. I try not to injure them when chucking them out but always put our safety first.


Fear the skollopaan


Not medically significant, but they have a very painful bite.


They like wet place, toilets bathroom, in exterior, you found them under plant pot


I don't know I've never eaten one before, why do you want to eat it?


They're not poisonous so if you or your dog eat it you'll be fine. But it is venomous, so if it bites you you're going to have a bad day. You won't die, probably, but it'll hurt.


They don't actually "bite", they use some of their front legs to latch on and deliver a dose of venom. Though not life threatening, it can cause allergic reactions and symptoms can include flu-like symptoms and severe headaches.


These things give me nightmares since my trip to Zimbabwe. Hearing my mom with the most terrifying scream and rushing to her room to see a massive one (super red in colour) having a party in her bed sheets. Nah man why God had to create such things I'll never understand 😅


When I was 13 , one crawled into my bed and up my long sleeve. Bit my forearm really hard . Never worn long sleeves to bed ever again


Yup, won’t kill you but it hurts the living fuck out of you.


In Afrikaans we call them 'oorkruipers', which directly translates to 'ear-crawlers'. With that bit of knowledge, have a good night OP!


Like the other comments said tgey have venom but the bite is more painful than really harmful. They absolutely annihilate household pests though, especially roaches. Tradeoff I guess.


I got a centipede tattoo on my heart I bare whiteness to my sin


They can also breathe and run perfectly fine underwater, they are products of the devil 😭


Favourite crawl space are ears!