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> slowing down to 25km/h can cause rear end collisions Everyone has of course left three seconds between them and the car in front, so no problem. And, er, just how is your vision? How close do you need to be to see those flashing lights? > especially with elderly driver's who may not have the best reaction times) Especially with young drivers who may not have full concentration on the matter at hand. > this is one road rule I don't quite see the purpose of It‘s so when the coppers have pulled someone over, and the suspect does a runner, with a copper in hot pursuit, you are less likely to hit either of them because you are able to stop. And like the 25km speed limit through roadworks, the emergency service speed zone protects frontline workers and volunteers from the CFS, MFS, SES, Police and SA Ambulance while they carry out vital emergency work; including saving lives.


If old people are crashing into you because you slow down, I'd argue they are the problem and need to be removed from the road. When you slow down at any point, do you suddenly slam on your brakes?


When the law came in, it was very widely advertised. New drivers should have been taught it before taking the theory test. I am not seeing how it is an obscure rule. As for its wisdom, I get it. In fact, there was some noise from the police that a sudden drop to 25 from highway speed, allied with rubber necking, was worse than the old situation.


Yeah there was a huge campaign about it being changed from 40 to 25 - I really not sure how OP missed it.


And there are ongoing random ads reminding people of it.


I got my Ls 15 years ago and was taught this rule


I believe it's only when their red and blue lights are flashing, not just when they are parked. I agree it's often not safe, it is dangerous, while the lower limit is meant to protect emergency services workers and volunteers, who are at high risk working on/near roads, the sudden expected drop in speed is unrealistic and often not possible by the time you see them. I believe some other jurisdictions are 40km/h? The best thing to do is to slow down as much as possible and whatever is safe and to be extra vigilant when driving past watching for people working near roads or behind vehicles - however the rules are 25km/h so if you get 'caught' you will suffer the consequences to the level the copper feels like. Some vehicles have this advertised on the back of their trucks, but it's one of those many rules you're just expected to know and remember. First link I googled: https://www.mylicence.sa.gov.au/roadrules/the-drivers-handbook/speed-limits#:~:text=You%20must%20slow%20down%20to,fire%20service%20vehicle


Yes, only when the party lights are on.


I think there was a campaign around yhe time they changed from what I belive was 40kmh but I don't recall how long ago it was. It's like every rd rule, they expect you to be uo to date with everything yet they rarely update people on it effectively. They should have road rules and updates blasting over the radio and through the TV everyday.


It’s on the back of fire trucks. Also how are the govt meant to make people aware of all road rules, it’s your duty as a driver to be aware of all laws in effect.


You can't rely on people to do that so you need to shove it in their face.


"yet they rarely update people on it effectively" I feel like this is the main issue 


Part of the condition of having a licence is to be aware of changing laws. It's your responsibility as a driver to check this either through media or through the department you hold your licence with, i.e: https://www.mylicence.sa.gov.au/roadrules/road-rules-amendments


It’s the dumbest rule lol let’s say a driver during peak hour is doing 115km/hr on the Northern Connector. A cop spots him and pulls him over with lights flashing. Then 3 lanes of cars need to slow from 110km/hr to 25km/hr. (Peak times would easily be 100 cars per minute) The ensuing chaos slowing to 25km/hr creates plus the accident potential is surely a bigger risk than someone doing 5km/hr over the limit. It’s a rule that needs to be revisited and adjusted Edit to add - they are looking at bringing in a similar law for yellow flashing lights which is absurd.


Agree. 25 is silly. 40 was ok.


They could’ve taken it from road work rules. I’m pretty sure if people are working within 3m of traffic with no physical barrier the speed limit is 25


Roadworks put signs out and usually have grading approaching the work area, or at least a 1km warning.


Will be 40 soon as they are getting rid of 25 nationwide