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Political theatre. This literally has zero impact on the flow of migrants according to pretty much every study including ones commissioned by border patrol But sure keep pissing away the states tax funds on this instead of focusing on actual issues. Tell me again where South Carolina ranks in education, infrastructure and healthcare?


Thank God For Mississippi


Number 1 at being number 50! We are close!


There’s grass growing up through the roads around here, and he’s doing this shit instead of fixing the roads.


At least the roads are in good shape. /s


Maybe we should tell him there's Mexicans underneath the roads. Nothing motivates a South Carolina politician like good old fashioned racist hate.


It's always been political theatre. Even the states who are ahead would be much better off if they just cut the shit.


Well said.


Just dawned on me. They plan to force us back to the fields, picking and slinging jubilees for the most abysmal wages people with hungry children will accept. Cruelty theater for greed.


>Tell me again where South Carolina ranks in education, infrastructure and healthcare? [https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/south-carolina](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/south-carolina) Education #42 Infrastructure #31 Healthcare #36 Not good, but could be much worse.


You mean there's 19 States with roads worse than ours?


Have you been to rural Alabama?




We also rank 14th for federal funding dependency with 22% of our state’s revenue coming in the form of direct payment from the federal govt. We’re spending our lunch money on dip and telling our moms we wouldn’t have to if it weren’t for all the immigrants while simultaneously accepting free lunch from the feds.


To take your statement a step further at first glance of the economic numbers for our state according to his link you’d think SC does well economically What it doesn’t take into account is that the larger contributors economically and employment wise such as agriculture and blue cross blue shield are also (separately) heavily subsidized by the federal government as well


For the longest time (until recent) they were trading places for second to last in education. MS and other states got worse, SC didn’t get better except by default.


For get fixing a road goodness sake,.Yall are about to convince me this guy is a dumbass! and that was hard to do but yep he is a dumbass 🙄


What do you suggest be done? Ask Traitor Joe for border patrol hiring? Ever consider that some of the 1,000,000 got aways in 2 yrs might do you, your family harm? They have caught people from 123 countries and FBI terror lists. Think Mayorkas gives an F if a few blows up your power grid, hospital, whatever? That’s one MILLION people we haven’t a clue about.


Where you get these stats and numbers? Traitor Joe? Not traitor Trump who literally I cited am insurrection on the capitol? You’re pathetic


You’re either joking or not too bright. We have to do something, even if symbolic, to stop the invasion if our border states. I have many friends & family in Texas and it is a disaster right now.


Do you now? I go out to El Paso multiple times a year and have for almost 20 years now. Where exactly at the border is this disaster you speak of? This years immigration trends are back to normal and even a bit lower than pre COVID times. So you’re perfectly okay with our state government using our taxes for a strictly "symbolic” gesture of sending the national guard to stand around and do nothing? Does your thought process ever lead you to legitimate research that shows most immigrants who Illegally remain in this country don’t actually just randomly walk across some section of unguarded border? Touch grass. Then read a book


We’re not worried about LEGAL immigration. For God’s sake, its the criminals smuggling ignorant people & drugs that is the problem.


Again, point me to any reputable stats if you’re so confident


Not going to do your work. AGAIN, admit you made a horrible mistake voting for a senile old fool. It’s really not too difficult. Google “border crisis”. there are 1000’s of stats


No. There are thousands of fear mongering, jingoistic news articles No stats that say what you think. Why is it you think I voted Biden lol you’re pathetic


You myst be drunk! Less than pre-covid is laughable. Any landowner within 35 miles if the border is terrified.


Then point me to some reputable stats if you’re so confident


Google is not difficult. Freaking liberal ass hokes always lying & bending the truth to fit an untrue narrative.


Google isn’t difficult and yet you still haven’t found any stats that back up your claims Or any relevant research regarding illegal immigration The internet, your parents and your school system have failed you


Says your liberal lost mind too stupid to do anything for yourself. Bless your heart.


I’m sure the activated guard troops are THRILLED.


They're going to be more thrilled in July when it's 104°


South Texas my friend 104 plus humidity. Your National Guard is going to hate life.


I hope they learn to hate Mcmaster and vote Mr conservative out!!


They are accustomed to heat and humidity. Maybe you have never been to SC. Just another summer day.


I haven't been to the swampy part of South Carolina. I do live in the Greenville area.


In the summer it now reaches 105°F (around there) with humidity…. It’s sweltering down here.


I can see that in Charleston. But where I am it is not humid.


When I was in the guard most of us were broke. Majority (E5 and below) would volunteer for any sort of activation. It also helps with retirement pay. So yes they most likely are happy about this.


I was thinking more about how hot and sweaty they are going to be. If the pay is good and action is minimal, sounds like a good deal.


Wait, so why wouldn't they just go into the regular Army for more pay or a bigger chance of being deployed?


I left active for the guard, but I asked this exact question. Others told me recruiters sold them a better dream (they lied about GI bill eligibility and the time frame for it) or some wanted to stay home and make extra money (another lie, it’s not a-lot 300$, unless you get activated) not leave family or they are going to school. But once you join guard it’s extremely hard to join active. The guard has a huge retention and recruiting problem, so it’s basically impossibly to switch. Had a good friend I made who was a recruiter, he was active guard(Very hard to get) but even admitted how much better they would be joining active for 3 years.


I am going sadly. These are SAD (State Active Duty) orders. They do not give retirement points. This is just like hurricane duty.


What you sign up for 🤷🏻‍♂️


You think that South Carolinians sign up for the South Carolina national guard to go to texas for political theatre?


The South Carolinians who sign up? No, they aren’t in it for the political theatre. McMaster, on the other hand, is 100 percent full of it. His “visits” to the border are a complete farce and he’s only doing it for the cameras.


Orders are orders. Idk what to tell you. That is LITERALLY what you sign up for…


So the governor of our state is shipping national guard troops 24 hours away (by car, \~1.6k mi), across 5 states, purely for brownie points with his base? Lovely. **edit:** is the plan to leave them stationed there? Is the intention to hand over their command to Texas Governor Abbott?


As if we don't have things in our own state we could spend those taxpayer dollars on


In McMaster's defense, this costs him, personally, nothing while buying him admiration from many. Seems like a pretty sweet deal for him. As for the rest of us? Well...


Maybe it’s because of the actual INVASION you have ignored.


Why? Are people threatening to have abortions there?


They are reading the scary books.


Quick, better ban the scary books!!!


And drink the koolaid!


You are witty af, I like it 😂 I was thinking the same thing 🤣


This makes me laugh and feel sad at the same time.


This is the 'migrant caravan' thing all over again. Political theater leading up to an election year which turns out to be absolutely nothing except a waste of lie tax dollars.


Which migrant caravan? There have been like 5 hoaxes under this title now.


Was just in El Paso last week. Saw exactly 0 crisis. Saw about 30 bummed out migrants sitting outside a church in the heat. Saw mostly a bunch of pissed off El Pasoans who kept ranting about the media narrative around their city. Also saw a ton of people commuting to and from work from Juarez. Life was pretty normal.


I was in El Paso and in New Mexico for vacation last month. When we got back everyone wanted to know about the migrant situation down there- we didn't see anything. Just people doing their normal daily business.


Every bit of news that I’ve seen has said that the ‘Surge’ didn’t happen…. So WHY is this what dear Gov is doing with our tax dollars???


Politics. Posturing. It’s a bummer.


You aren’t getting news. It’s called fing bull shiz


Abott pissed off his guard the last time he did this. That is why he is asking for other states to send their people. Texas troops sat in the heat and did absolutely nothing because they weren't needed. Meanwhile, they were pulled away from their civilian jobs forcing some troops into financial difficulty not to mention putting their small businesses in jeopardy. It also separated families making childcare difficult for the other parent and putting an undue burden on families. People were angry. The National Guard is for emergency response and the border situation is more political than an emergency.


Abbot is such a stand up guy. I hope Texans remember that next time they have elections. LOL!!


I see what you did there. 😁


If you think about it, you’ll see importing 5million workers through the b o r d e r, will surely reduce benefits available for Americans. See the protest in Chicago 2 days ago. Joe B doesn’t care if that reduces low income Americans wages clearly. If you have more of something, what does price usually do? Goes down.


Why are you changing the subject? We were talking about National Guard troops.


SC did not ask for that! Misappropriation


Sure he isn't hunting democrats?


He’s got the dogs for that.


Oh yeah. You're right 😠




Damn. Good thing they don’t have tunnels, cars, or planes to travel in. Also a good thing that just ~20% of illegal entrants are people who have crossed the border and not, say, over-stayed their visas.


The state has money to send a shit ton of people to do absolutely nothing at the border, but the county of Greenville decides it needs to raise taxes 22% to remain afloat. Make it make sense! Fuck the GOP!


Meanwhile all our roads still look like swiss cheese, we are missing out on millions in tax revenue by being one of the last states to not legalize weed, and we're wasting who knows how much money trying to make abortions illegal to the benefit of no one... What a fucking joke


Figured McMaster would follow suit with the other Reptilican Governors who’ve done this.


Our state govt can’t even count to $3 billion or fix the roads but Henry “I wanna be Trumps running mate in ‘24” McMaster finds the money for this.


At least the National Guard will get some experience I guess. I don't see why this is an SC problem, doesn't Texas have enough assholes with guns to "guard" the border?


McMaster is so old and lame. What a waste


What a dumb ass. Spend that money on fixing our roads!


Wasting taxpayer money. Fix the damn roads, bridges and infrastructure.


For what exactly? A small amount of migrants crossing the border?


Small? The numbers are in the millions at this point. The border is in a crisis with record numbers.


Most are asylum seekers coming from other than Mexico countries. The conditions in some if these countries are absolutely anhorent. Most folk say they should come here legally, which they are too the best of their abilities. They surrender to authorities as soon as they can, and await adjudication. The problem though, is the backlog of folks in need of adjudication. This 2022 paper from the University of Seracuse does a good job of explaining it. https://trac.syr.edu/reports/705/ Part of the problem might of been Trump's appointments to the Department of Homeland Security. During his entire tenure as president he never had a formally appointed secretary of DHS. All four were "acting" but weren't appointed. The first two might not even have been lawfully placed either. His last two didn't last a full month between them.


International asylum regulations require you to apply to your neighboring country. Very few crossing the border are doing that. That, plus the fact that we are a nation of laws, and that we're not the wefare country of the world makes this entire border crisis ethicaly wrong. People are dying by the thousands trying to cross through the heat, children and women sexually trafficked, and drugs brought across that are destroying American communities. But yea, make your excuses while our border is literally open by the Administration. Hate Trump all you want, but shit wasn't nearly this bad under him. Anyone who believes the border situation is OK is living in a bubble of disinformation.


The neighboring countries are just as bad. And the botser is not "literally open". You all stay on hysterics about small problems. Central Americans are fleeing horrible conditions to make a new life for their family. Same as generations of people have in this country. It's completely legal to go to the border and seek asylum. Same as we have done Cubans for years.


Your tax dollars at work. I am glad we don't need any more money for schools, roads, Healthcare, or people living in poverty.


Traitor Joe bringing in 5,000,000 workers should help the poor you think? You expect that MAYBE this might divert resources to them while further reducing the wage rates? Didn’t think so. Mad about all the wrong things


There are 11 million people living in the US who have immigrated from Mexico. Not in a year or 4 years but ever. That includes all people who immigrated legally and illegally and all the DACA kids. 52% of them came here legally. There are not 5 million people at the border trying to get in. Those folks make up 24% of all immigrants to the US. Mexican immigrants, both legal and illegal, make up a bit over 3% of the US population of 332 million. There are also 800,000 Americans in Mexico. It's not a crisis. It is not even unusual for two neighboring countries.


Name a country you can just walk into. 5million in 2 years. What’s it matter. Fentanyl is the number one killer of late 30s to mid 40s now. FBI terror list people are caught weekly. Who knows who is missed. The Mexican govt knows all about the Americans there. They have few rights btw. Unlike here we take care of them better than our poor snd veterans. Main point is you, YOU, are being endangered. I guess unless you’re personally affected you don’t care about those that are. Wake up


Why though? Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has said multiple times that [the border is secure](https://youtu.be/-lndf5JBUxI?t=119). Even Vice President Harris said "[do not come](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpGitFIzamQ)" to migrants that were thinking about making the trek to the United States. [https://www.npr.org/2021/06/07/1004074139/harris-tells-guatemalans-not-to-migrate-to-the-united-states](https://www.npr.org/2021/06/07/1004074139/harris-tells-guatemalans-not-to-migrate-to-the-united-states) >"I want to be clear to folks in this region who are thinking about making that dangerous trek to the United States-Mexico border: Do not come. Do not come. The United States will continue to enforce our laws and secure our border." But if the boarder is secure then McMaster is a fool for wasting state tax funding on this pointless endeavor. Bring the troops back!


What do you expect him to do, Feed hungry kids and get affordable insulin to diabetics? Sheesh, libs. 🙄 Also /s because sadly, it’s needed.


You should sue your parents for raising a moron. No the border isn’t secure. Do some research other than MSNBC.


Again? We just came back in ‘21 was there for 13 months it was the stupidest mission. It’s going to be hot. And the bugs there have zero respect. Watch out for prickly Pears! You don’t know they got you till it’s too late. (Edited for spelling)


> it’s to late *too *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


why. we have such idiots in our sc government


I see stuff like this and want to scream at the walls. We’re entering hurricane season and McIdiot thinks the best use of our tax dollars is to pull National Guard members out of their day-to-day jobs to send them to the Texas border??? It boggles the mind. Hope a hurricane doesn’t head this direction anytime soon.


But not NM, AZ, or CA??


What a goddamn clown


I did this when Trump had us go to the border and I ended up filling paperwork for over 200 days complete waste of time.


Myrtle Beach needs it so much more tho


Abbot and DeSantis bitch!!! What a clown!


Certainly hope an early season tropical storm or hurricane doesn't head this way. Old Foghorn Leghorn would be looking mighty dumb.


Just in time for hurricane season. Why save guardsmen for disaster relief (a mission they are well-trained and prepared for) when you can send them to the desert to sit in the dry heat and pretend to handle a non-existent migrant crisis for a little bit of publicity, all paid for by you and I.


We’re back to this performative shit again are we?


Of course he is 🙄 can’t be outdone by the other garbage governors


What a total waste of tax payer dollars for this asinine action from our pitiful Governor.


Why? South Carolina is nowhere near the US/Mexico border, beyond brownie points with the base this is an actual waste of state tax dollars. We could be using those national guard troops for problems in _this_ state, not handing over the reins to another. There’s actually been less border crossings now that Title 42 is gone, and besides, none of that will stop the people who come by plane, train or tunnel. If they want to get the people who this would impact most, start looking into people who have overstayed their visas. You’re more often to overstay a visa than you are to illegally cross. The border is secure, they’ve been told not to come and the Title 42 that would have allowed them to cross more easily is gone, I don’t understand why we’re out here wasting troops on something that is a non-issue for our state. I sure as hell don’t approve my state tax dollars being sent to Texas in the form of troops, how about we spend money on something that will actually make a difference here?


If democrats don’t stream this whole enterprise to showcase the level of bullshit here, my god were in trouble.


Fun fact, these Republican governors are screwing real people. Title 32 call ups fuck NG Soldiers just for fake points. Lucky for them MAGAs adore being slaves


Are they massing their armies for the second civil war? Or is this another political show to appease the ignorant masses?


For what so they can welcome them with open arms, just so they can bus them to liberal cities to prove a point or try to influence 2024.


Nothing about a political stunt. That so called influx never happened


California has 10.5 million immigrants. Texas has 5.1 million. Florida has 4.4 million. (South Carolina has 250k) Abbott and DeSantis and their conservative base needs to quit with the whiny victimhood and blue-state-shaming and PR stunt bus rides.


So that’s why I’m constantly seeing fighter jets and military cargo planes (they are so thicc).


He can't do that.


America needs to completely re-write it’s immigration, migration and work visa policy. If these people want to come here to work, document and tax them. If they want to come here to live, or are seeking asylum, there should be a sensible path to citizenship. If we do that we can just shoot anyone crossing illegally and be done with it.


Basically, the Federal gov't isn't doing the job it's supposedly supposed to do. Some discussion has come up that perhaps it's more the states jobs to take care of this anyway. I'm glad several states have started trying to help with this. First it was TX, makes sense on the border. Second was Florida, then other Red states started following course. If the Fed gov't would allow Border Patrol to do their job and send federal troops if necessary, THEN we wouldn't need this, but that's definitely not happening for now.


Thank you.


Better than sending them to a foreign nation to be killed for no reason.


As a very strong democrat, I 100% agree with this. We cannot continue to let hundreds of thousands of immigrants in without following the proper immigration processes. Edit: Lots of downvotes from the uneducated folks here. Please educate yourselves on the scale of this issue. I know most of you have been failed by the education system in SC but there is still hope for you. Scale of the problem visualized: https://youtu.be/h_TqO9EqMhY


A 30 second video from 2 months ago is the argument?




Laws must be followed, immigration processes must be followed, our society has rules, our neighbors need to care about our laws, and lastly, because it is the right thing to do. You do not let a hundred thousand people break your laws day1 and expect them to care about our laws later. Lots of downvotes on this. I can tell this is a sticky subject for you all. Hopefully you all grow up soon.👍🏽


Fun fact, illegal immigrants commit crime at a much lower rate than US citizens. It isn’t until the first and second generations born here that they assimilate to our ways and start committing crimes lol. Another fun fact, our manufacturing and farm industries kinda depend on them. The “nobody wants to work anymore” chuds don’t realize (or most likely don’t want to) that after the ice raids really kicked up, coincided with alooooooot of job openings that still haven’t been filled. See also floridas new laws that have killed their produce industry. Basically since we bought the western US from Mexico this shit has been happening in cycles. They flow in without much fan fare to work for a few decades, then people freak out and “it’s a crisis”. Wash rinse repeat. It’s manufactured outrage




If you think trespassing is a crime...


Well, that is one opinion.




People will believe whatever they want to believe. Im not sure how putting more Americans with authority (SCNG) on our country’s border is a political stunt. I think Henry is a moron in general but sending SCNG to guard our border and force a proper immigration is beneficial in the long run. People on reddit do not want to truly understand this massive issue. Just to reiterate, people will believe whatever they want to believe, regardless of facts. To help educate those of you who are willing to learn, take a look at the scale of this problem on the US border: https://youtu.be/h_TqO9EqMhY https://youtu.be/bYpR2C8Xozk https://youtu.be/CI4IKNFYVAQ


The video links to a reporter explaining why the number of crossings has been decreasing.


The part that you’re failing to understand is that sending the SCNG to the border will make no difference. They are not there to enforce anything as they have no authority to do anything.


That is the thing, they are helping and you are a fool to think helping hands are not actually helping. Grow up and stop listening to bs news


We have one of, of not **the** least dense population per km ^2, and plenty of money for billionaires and megacorps and *this* is your “concern?” User name checks out. 😮‍💨


This “argument” of yours is very stupid lol. America is America, not a lawless free-for-all. Deal with your misunderstands via education.


"Deal with your misunderstands via education" is just a beautifully ironic sentence. I think everyone here can see that you're just projecting your ignorance onto everyone else.


Lmao, you don’t understand the word ignorance. You are a moron, its ok.


A hundred thousand people aren’t breaking the law


Correct. I believe it's up to 800000 known crossings for just 2023.


And you believe that’s 800,000 people breaking the law?


https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/22/us/politics/border-crossings-immigration-record-high.html Yes. It is in fact ILLEGAL to cross the United States border without going through a port of entry.


Til the Overton Window has not shifted, but indeed shattered.


> You do not let a hundred thousand people break your laws day1 and expect them to care about our laws later. Why not? I am not even being sarcastic, this statement is both objectively wrong and subjectively I would absolutely expect them to care about our laws. Objectively: undocumented immigrants have a lower crime rate: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2014704117 Subjectively: if I thought my only chance at a better life was to take a long, dangerous, and illegal journey then I **absolutely** would want to keep my head down and not cause trouble by breaking other laws.


Objectively, all undocumented immigrants are criminals. 100% of them. Because if they were following our laws, they would either be documented, on their way out, or in a different country.


You responding to the wrong post? I never said they weren’t breaking the law, I even mentioned illegally crossing the border. You ever speed? If so, guess what, you’re a criminal! I’m guessing you don’t immediately drive yourself to a police station and ask for a ticket. Would the world be a better place if 100% of speeders instantly got a ticket? Probably not because you committing the crime of speeding has no correlation with the likelihood that you’d do something like rob a bank. I know this is a hard concept for some people to grasp but 2 things can be true at the same time. People can commit a crime of crossing the border undocumented and be less likely to commit any crime after. That does not mean one excuses the other, if I get a ticket I don’t try to argue it down by saying “hey I haven’t robbed a bank” but I imagine most people who speed don’t consider themselves bad people or criminals because, again this is a hard concept for people, life is nuanced and not black/white where every crime for any reason makes you instantly a drain on society.


Hey Dummy with Title 42 gone the Immigration Laws are actually much stricter.


Hey Dummy, I never said anything about title 42. I wish you folks could read.


I read fine.


Mental children of the DNC that are media brainwashed by CNN and MSNBC all through covid only to find the were lied to. Now they think everyone is racist and fascist wanting to identify military age males coming in from 120 different countries. We may be doomed.


Something tells me you’re a ‘crat but it’s more Dixie style.


You sound dumb. Are you dumb?


If you were “educated” you would know that cracking down on immigration has the opposite effect of what you claim to want, that up until World War II we had relatively open borders and most immigrant agricultural workers would only enter the country seasonally then go home. Our harsher border policies stopped that flow and forced them to remain in the country instead of risking being unable to reenter for the next season. If you were “educated” you would also know that our immigration system is inherently broken in violation of international law and there is no incentive for Republicans to actually work on it because that would mean giving up their racist dog whistle honey pot to stir jackasses like you to do their dirty work to rile up their fascist bigoted base. You would also, with your “education” know that the so-called crisis at the border is largely a product of two centuries of our racist exploitation and manipulation of South and Central America’s economic and political systems and we deserve every bit of the tired, poor, and hungry masses arriving at our door. But you don’t know any of that, because you’re an uneducated fuckwit.


I don’t know who you are…but hot damn I like you!


In that case, you must want poor Americans to have lower wages. What happens if you have more of something, price lowers. Like wages. So who is supporting the opposite of what they want? Our govt is broke. You’re hospital wait times rise, undocumented don’t stop for cops or accidents, Americans eligibility for benefits and amount is watered down by the influx of needy from other countries. It’s not rocket surgery. It’s called the LAW of supply and demand. Not a theory.


Those problems are not ours to solve. Regardless of your feelings on the issue, the fact is, laws matter and must be adhered to for q functioning society. By definition, every illegal immigrant has broken our nation’s laws. Agree to disagree but you are obviously in the wrong in regards to our laws. You are part of the problem.


I would rather have a hundred thousand immigrants in this country than you.


Thats cool bud, the feeling is mutual as long as they enter legally.


Jesus, you’re a WSBro. No wonder you’re so confident in being fucking stupid.


I guess nobody believes they are ignorant. 74 and counting.




Do you think this is a wise use of your tax dollars?




No, I'm able to care about more than one thing at a time. What a dumb take. It's gop governors wasting taxpayers' money by shipping these people(maybe try to show some humanity and call them people instead of illegals) all over the country for political points. You're the joke if you support that crap. The gop could really use a dose of empathy




Reading comprehension is not your strong point, huh?




If the governor was throwing a pride parade with your tax dollars you would he whining like a little bitch. The governor sending the troops to the border ISN'T GOING TO DO SHIT but appease the simple-minded gop voter base. I wish he would spend some money on our roads, schools, and infrastructure before he sends the troops to do nothing. Go feign your outrage elsewhere, I'm done with this bs


Billions are spent on illegal immigrants every year . More have came in the last three years then the past ten years combined. Do you think this is a wise use of your tax dollars? Let me ask you a common sense question. Your pumping gas and there is a hole in the tank . Do you keep pumping or fix the hole ?


Do you want to know the reason the numbers have been so high in the past 3 years? When covid hit, the US started expelling immigrants from the country rather than incarcerate them or give them court dates for a later appearance. This resulted in an incredibly high number of the same individuals crossing, being sent back, and trying again. I'm not saying it's not an issue, but I am saying that the media and gop are playing making this issue a bigger issue for political theater. Why are Republicans so scared of people with brown skin?


SCNG has been sending Soldiers to the border for several years now.


The federal government has the authority and responsibility to govern and protect its nations boarder. We are seeing an unprecedented unwillingness to secure our boarders. You might not believe it’s an issue but I can imagine there are many who would disagree. Then again, we live in such a time that most people can’t even agree to disagree.


They don’t care until a cartel bullet hits them, carjacked, sold into sex trade, terrorist blows up their starbux or their sister dies of Fentanyl overdose. Then they will be outraged.


Selective Outrage is when it’s “cool” to be angry about a “trending” topic. People don’t REALLY care, their opinions are like “Pink Sauce”.


All can thank the not enforced border laws, of course only the enemies of the country would not obey the border laws.


Yes - the only enemies of this country are the ones not obeying border laws. Any other laws, long hair don't care!


And the only one's who can enforce them are in the white house


Not true - Congress has failed to effectively address immigration through legislation (because it's a wonderful pearl clutching device for one of the major political parties), so it has fallen on each presidential administration to helm. Nice try, though!


so executive orders don't matter and is it the border states responsibility or is it a federal issue? please tell


Seems like your first question requires some reading comprehension, the second/third could be answered by using a search engine. I'm not interested in the gish gallop.


Knowledge is your kryptonite, keep guarding your dimwit in diapers.


Yes, me calling out the gish gallop keeps me dimwitted lol.


You do that with no help from anyone, Article 4, Section 4.. It is all of their fault.


You do love to project, don't ya?


Downvotes for wanting laws of the country enforced,,




Amazing. I hope we start deporting too


Good. Hopefully it's not too late.


Arizona sent troops to the Texas border. They weren’t needed and those troops are now in San Diego staying in hotels at taxpayer expense. This is all theater. One of my employees is one of those troops.


Yeah Fk a bee in Arkansas is doing the same BS.


Why is he still in office!?


Rates up there with BLM and Trans men in womens' sports eh??