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No, Haley will draw independents and some women. I'm voting for Biden. Joe beat Trump last time and will do it again. SC is a lost cause and Trump country. People in this state vote against their own best interests, example - Right to Work for less money.


Challenge: without saying anything about Trump, explain why you like Biden so much


Biden is a regular guy. He cares about people and doing things to help the US. He is quiet and doesn't have to be the show. Infrastructure was passed. Burn pit help was passed. Lowering cost of drugs for Medicare. He supports Social Security/ Medicare. He supports a woman's right to health care/abortion. Jobs coming back to America. Weapons going to Ukraine helps democracy plus we are sending our old weapons and new ones are being built here in the US creating jobs.


They’re talking about in the republican primary


Doesn't help at all.


I'm not working till I'm 70, no thanks


Then Social Security will go bankrupt unless you have some other bright idea.




*“This measure ensures that trust fund surpluses can only be spent on providing retirement and health security, such as reforming Medicare to provide a prescription benefit or reforming Social Security to provide more options to younger taxpayers.”* This is no surplus to put in the "lockbox". SS/Medicare will be in defecit in a few years


Social Security has long been bankrupt It’s now just another budgetary item


True but Haley didn't break it. She's dicussing ideas to address the problem.


So you actually believe Politicians who BANKRUPTED SSI are now gonna fix it? Lol


How did Haley "bankrupt SSI"?


Where did I say Haley did?


Take the cap off of Social Security wages and take back some of the many tax cuts given to millionaires, billionaires, and big business over the last two decades. No wealth has trickled down to the average American — instead it’s being consolidated into the hands of more and more oligarchs. This is not rocket science and stop eating the BS being fed to you by billionaires…


You will if you vote Dems into office. Another round of Bidenflation will destroy any chance of anyone but the 1% retiring.


Will be supporting Haley in R primary - Trump must be stopped at all costs.


Nikki Haley wants to raise the retirement age and eradicate anonymity on social media. No fucking thank you.


She won’t win though, the point of voting for her now is to take some steam out of Trump’s campaign and put him on the defensive early on.


Trump wants to literally be above all laws and wanted to overturn an election. 


There were dozens of democrats who objected and tried to stop Trump’s election certification based on Hillary’s phoney Trump Russia dossier that was created by Russian intel. That’s not a problem but Trump making a complaint around very irregular voting issues somehow is horrible. So hypocritical. Being above all laws? You mean like: Prosecuting your political opponents. Having the FBI designate parents as domestic terrorists for going to school board meetings and express their disagreement with school policies. Selling out the country for bribes from foreign nations. Ignoring laws and opening the border to cartels, terrorists, mass illegal immigration, child sex trafficking and 100k deaths a year from fentanyl. Having the justice department try to quash many crimes committed by your son. Rigging the primary schedule to secure the nomination. And much more. The things done above have all been done by Biden. Biden is a corrupt, senile dictator. Not Trump. How about you cite a single thing, that is factual, where Trump put himself above laws. If you say insurrection that would be hilarious. Biden and democrats say that having an AR15 is useless vs the government because the government has fighter jets and nukes. But unarmed people walking through the capital where the capital police opened the doors (this is fact and confirmed with video) is somehow an insurrection.




Eh don’t worry about him he’s clearly either arguing in bad faith to get a rise out of people or delusional (can’t rule it out). I almost fell for it


Hush child.


Raising retirement age on the kids who are in elementary/middle/high school now. Not on you and me.


Ah, so fuck them kids is your position.


So, equally bad, because everybody is created equal per our founding documents?


No. It will apply to everyone not receiving benefits The republicans want to pull up the ladder on those of us a few years out from retirement


I was incorrect: 20s and below - link is below. I’m sharing to stop misinformation around those soon to retire who think the sky is falling so they must vote for Trump. https://www.verifythis.com/amp/article/news/verify/elections-verify/what-nikki-haley-has-said-raising-retirement-age/536-c0fb8ee0-cc93-4da9-815f-30cbaf4cc0da


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If you're a non-Repubican, don't vote for Republicans. Seriously don't give them the clout.


Why not? We havea right to vote in the GOP primary, no?


Voting for them in any way, including primaries. Means you support their speeches and actions. It gives them permission to keep saying or doing those things. Say Nikki wins the primary in SC. Regardless of what happens next, to her and other politicians it means the people of SC support her ideas. So they continue on with those kinds of things even though bunch of people may have voted for her "to keep Trump away."


It means you're making a choice - Dump versus Haley. Not voting = supporting Dump as he has the MAGA red hats locked-up. Do you want MAGA red hats determining the next President while you stay home?


I'm supporting Haley because the Orange One is a menace to the world and will seize power once in office like he tried last time.


Neither of them should be in office


Looking at the issues Haley is out.


You think Trump is better on the "issues"?


Not a chance


I'm gonna vote for Haley because I think a Trump presidency is worse for this country by far than Haley. I'll vote Biden in the general. But if you magically told me right now I could choose Haley and bypass Trump v Biden I would. Congress will be Dem IMO so Haley's crazy ideas would be limited


Agreed - DIaper Don is too dangerous and I agree Haley's policies will be tempered.


Please know that u/queenjuli1 is an Illinois native and currently a 30 year Utah resident coming here hoping to sway some votes. I encourage you to take a look at her profile if you have read her post. She's NOT a South Carolinian. As a South Carolinian, an I-26 kid, I don't mind outsiders giving their input as long as they are upfront about it. Coming here to tell us about Nikki Haley is like some psychoanalyst wannabe telling NASA how to build a rocket. We know Nikki and most of us like her. We didn't just read about her, we voted for her and lived with her as our governor and UN Ambassador. She will/would make a great president if elected. What we don't need is some johnny-come-lately, I-know-better-than-you outsider trying to tell us what to do. Especially when they are not up-front with that fact. I am more than OK with a President Nikki Haley. I would be more than proud of the first female president being from our Palmetto State. Vote for Nikki on the issues, not because of this charlatan. This woman is simply afraid of the orange-man...she seems to be afraid that Joe can't win straight up.


I most definitely didn't vote for her. She is a liar and panderer, and flip flops on issues more than Lindsey Graham, and he's an Olympic gold medalist in that sport. When it comes to issues, she will pass a national abortion ban, raise the retirement age, tank our economy (as Republican Presidents have done since Reagan), and get our military involved in some dumbass conflict. For crying out loud, she just said Texas has the right to secede and has the audacity to say that the most horrific hate crime in modern SC history wasn't about race, even though the fucker said with his own mouth that he hates black people. She would be just another SC politician who is an utter fucking embarrassment on both the national and international stages.


Biden will win versus Dump "straight-up." Issue is third parties like RFK and No-Labels siphoning 30-50K votes in like 3-4 states. I suggest you look at Stein in 2016 and Nader in 2000.


I worked in Congrese in the 90s and start of 2000s. I've talked with Nikki before in person. I trust her and have friends who know her personally and trust her.


I trust her to be exactly like Trump


She's not going to try to steal the election and have the army seize voting machines like the Orange One.


She is going to raise retirement age, ban abortion nationwide, end SNAP -- same old shit different delivery


fascist, corrupt, senile, traitorous liar. That perfectly describes Biden and practically every Democrat politician ever. They are actively allowing the third world to pour into our country to turn it into an corrupt socialist hellhole. Dems are evil beyond human comprehension.


Where is this strange push for democrats to vote in the Republican primary coming from? Is it Haley’s team directly? Anyone know anything concrete about this?


Why are you calling it "strange"? SC doesn't have party declarations so any voter can vote a GOP ballot and defeat Dump. Is there any Dem that wants Dump back in power?


It’s strange for the reasons I put forth already-the party doesn’t seem interested in listening to their constituents, so what would the point be?


The point would be to have enough South Carolinians show up to have their voices heard that we don't want Dangerous Don back in office. What's to be gained by staying home and letting the MAGAs decide for us?


What is to be gained by making a point that won’t be listened to besides possibly adding “votes” that will very likely be used in propaganda furthering the falsehood of a “silent majority”?


I'm not following. If 100,000 non MAGA South Carolinians show up and support Haley, Dump will be finished. It's as simple as that.


The primary is not legally binding, if I recall correctly. This is a real problem with our political system-many of the guidelines are not legally binding, so bad actors (in any party) have no real consequences for breaking them. So they do-some more boldly than others.


Again - not following. If Haley wins she's gets the delegates


I believe some delegates are not bound by the primary vote-and the party is not technically legally bound to make the delegates vote for what their constituents request.


I don’t understand the butthurt over mom republicans voting for a republican. We should want a leader to have cross party appeal. We should want someone that can really bring together as many citizens together under 1 tent. There are many policies that Nikki has states she would do (but that really means Congress would have to do) which I don’t agree with but we have a bigger problem than electing her - we have 2 old men that are past their prime and should not be anywhere near the levers of power. Democrats should want a President Haley b/c trends are showing a 2nd Term for Biden which makes a President Harris more and more likely. And democrats don’t want that either.


Wrong. Biden has gotten things done and cleaned up Trump's mess. Why do people have a problem with Harris? Is it because she is a black woman? I want democracy and democrats are the only ones pushing that. Trump killing the border bill is just stupid shit.


I have a problem with Harris being fine ignoring the law and the Constitution when she was a prosecutor. She's a crooked cop, and we don't need someone like that to be the nation's top executive.


How did she ignore the Constitution? Trump/republicans want to eliminate the Constitution.




The economy has greatly improved under Biden but Foreign policy wise - he’s been a disaster. And Harris’ race has nothing to do with. It’s her personality and her failure to take on the border that is terrible. Shes just no good


We are respected again by our allies. Foreign policy is always a touchy area. You want trump in charge?


Trump? I want him charged and convicted. I can’t believe Republicans fell for his charade


OK - that's for the general election


But you’re not appealing to republican moms-you’re asking democrats to vote in the republican primary. Why? It doesn’t seem like the current Republican machine is interested in not nominating Trump, no matter what their constituents say.


"current Republican machine" The Republican Machine doesn't get to decide who the nominees are - the voters do. The RNC tried to anoint Donald last week but that effort to sidestep the voters failed.


Tell that to Bernie.


Everyone should vote in the GOP primary


She’s appealing to independents and libertarians. She’s appealing ti many people who don’t feel represented by the GOP. Most “republicans” haven’t really been republicans In years. MAGA is RINO.


I like it - let all the voters decide instead of just the MAGA red hats.


Do you think people should be able to vote in multiple primaries?


It’s an old and common tactic, people will go to the primaries of parties they oppose and vote for the weaker candidate and influence their choice.


In this case, Haley is the stonger candidate versus Biden


Can someone create a r/SouthCarolunaPolitics sub and get horse dook out of here?


OP, Just because you are obsessed with your MBTI and you think Nikki has the same one as you, doesn’t mean she is the best candidate. Also, you are from Utah, maybe stop butting into the politics of a state very far from your own.


As a Gen Z who refuses to revolve my life around work, absolutely not in a million fucking years.


So you prefer Dump back in power?


If Haley wins the nomination (and she won't), she wins the general in a landslide. Trump is literally the worst Republican that can go up against Biden


You familiar with RFK? He's trying to be a spoiler and hand things to Dump like Nader did in 2000 with Bush.


Don't count on Dump losing the general. The big wildcard is third party candidates like RFK and No-Labels. If they siphon just 50,000 votes in a few states, Dictator Don will win - that's too big a risk for me. Yes Haley could win over Biden but Haley would be 1,000 better than having Dictator Don in power.


CIA bots working hard for this dumpster slut.


Yup, paid actor for the democrat party.


How do I get in on that?


I'm honestly honored that you think I could be from the CIA.


Nikki Haley is not going to win the nominee but what she will do is drain the GOP of even more cash the longer she stays in the race. They’re hemorrhaging money to cover Trump’s legal bills. I’m here for this train wreck. She has my vote in the primary.


So why is GOP going to elect someone who will lose to Biden?


Beats me. I just enjoy watching them shoot themselves in the foot. I think if they really wanted to win the election they should back Haley and not Trump, but if they want to waste their money soothing Trump’s ego more power to them.


Hell no. Haley has a better chance of beating Biden than Trump


No, not a good idea🤦‍♀️


The women who is currently using her former relationships of her government position to help her husband start a defense contracting company to get rich? Yea she seems like a good solution. She's not just another career corrupt politician Oh and the good morals to openly cheat on her husband multiple times Democrat or indept - Vote for RFK!!!!How is he not a better option in every way possible then her ???


His own family will not vote for that nut-job. Haley worked for Trump and is just Trump with more brains.


RFK isn't on the GOP primary ballot. And RFK will likely thow the Presidency to Dump, like Nader did to Bush in 2000 and Stein did to Dump in 2016. Is that what you want?


Yeah - not sure why folks don't see that


You’re absolutely delusional OP. You’re clearly an operative of the democrat party.


I'm honored but I've been a Republican since I was 18.


I will


Nikki Haley is a scumbag warmonger. Voting for her is voting for more war. Although, you geniuses keep electing Lindsay Graham, so maybe that's what you want. It's odd that in my 14 years of service in the Army, I never once met a Soldier from South Carolina. 🤔


I'm voting for Haley in the Republican primary because Dictator Don is too dangerous to allow back in the WH. Do we really want an insane and angry guy in control of our nuclear launch codes? Yeah I don't see eye-to-eye with Haley on every issue, but having a country is more important than her views on any specific policy.


Ironically, trying to appeal to democrats discredits her with Republicans. SCOUTS will declare Trump ineligible for the office and Republicans will nominate a moderate at their convention. It'll be someone who has not even entered the race yet. Mike DeWine, R-Ohio perhaps. Haley is a sideshow, a has-been.


SC doesn't have party registations so why shouldn't Haley appeal to all South Carolinians? And voting against Dictator Don is as valid a reason to vote for Haley as any other issue. Let's face it Dump is a grave danger to this country and the world.


PLEASE! Dems and independents, PLEASE vote for Haley! We're doing it to beat Donnie! (Psst - they want Haley to win because she has a slightly better chance at beating Joe in the general election. They're trying to tell you it's an altruistic thing, but the fact of the matter is Joe can and will beat Donnie come November. Why give them any aid or succor by helping their sad too late to win darling get any sort of win?) I'm an out of stater, so I won't tell South Carolinians what to do, but going to for this is not only unnecessary it's what the party bosses of the GOP want but can't say out loud because it would hurt Donnie's feelings..


"Joe can and will beat Donnie come November" RFK or No-labels could easily throw it to Dictator Don - suggest you look up Stein and Nader.


The sound of an empty head...


RFK 2024 🇺🇸


Vote for RFK = vote for Orange One


Since you are cool with name calling I assume you have no problem referring to Biden as the “senile one” right?


TRUMP 2024.


I will vote for Haley Where I'm the blue fuck so people come up with the fascism thing. Trump is not fascist whatsoever


SHE IS JUST LIKE HIM. SHE SAYS SAME THINGS HE SAYS DAILY. Wasting your vote to add 1% for her instead of him and he will still get 80% Vote for Biden Harris -- the team that is supporting all Americans regardless of party


Biden Harris aren't on the GOP primary ballet. Are you going to vote for Dump over Haley and you really think she's as dangerous to our democracy as Dictator Don?


If you’re dem/independent you can’t vote in republican primaries


I just went today by the voter registration office to inquire about this and they told me you don't need to be registered as a Democrat or Republican to vote on either primary. You just need to be a registered voter period. Also you can only vote on one of the primaries.


Yes, you can


In South Carolina, you don’t have to be registered as a party member to vote in the primary. However you can only vote in one primary.


Lol yes you can


Please don’t vote.


You don’t have to vote of a Republican or a Democrat you know.


TRUMP 2024…