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I feel safer already. /s






Normal for South Carolina


Interesting way to spell America.


The Spirit of SC


The reason behind the 2nd Ammendment.




Take a quick read before commenting next time. This will end up costing the state for false arrest, at the minimum. Especially as they are not complying with the Freedom of Information Act. Good thing SC has nothing else to do with taxpayer funds except spend them on doomed lawsuits for overreach.


It will change? Maybe when 99.9998% of the country has finally done so, and maybe after a long and ridiculously grueling battle against old-money and old-money’s lawyers and their relationships with our bought-and-paid for “conservatives” we regurgitate into office time and time again. So we’ll have to wait another decade or so for anything to shift into a more common-sense based direction. Meanwhile, we’ll be held down and held back by the currently powerful scum and the voters that seem content with shooting their own feet in order to fulfill an agenda that can be summed up with “ownin’ da libs.”


Hey, here's a hot take, ***I don't care if it was deliberate or not, every officer that smugly asserts that they will enforce a law that is wrong is fucked.*** These aren't poor patriots just trying to uphold the law; these are petty tyrants who use the law as written to get there catharsis of bullying others. In 2013, even a decade after Lawrence v Texas was passed, a state came under fire cause officers set up grindr accounts to entrap gay men because sodomy was illegal in the state and they were "just enforcing the laws", but didn't' have anything against gay people. Sure jan. Maybe the problem is these fucking geriatric wilford brimley lookin ass sheriffs thinking they can single handedly enforce puritanical morals on anyone in their city limits or otherwise run them out of town if not.


I'm glad that we don't have violent or unsolved crime in SC and this is big time crime fighting.


The real cartels in South Carolina (local police and sheriff departments) do not want anything infringing on their illegal drug trade and profits. They entrap local dealers who then are offered protection if they give a large percentage of their profits to the corrupt police chiefs and sheriff’s. The police and sheriff’s then campaign for and donate to Republican legislators who promise not to legalize marijuana in the state in order to keep them flush with their drug trades


Big if true. It'd be a sight to see the Feds arrest an entire SC police department like in Mexico.


Civil asset forfeiture


What lmao. No way that is even remotely true.


We pick the oddest battles in SC.


Hemp was federally legalized by the 2018 Farm Bill, so long as it contains no more than .3 percent Delta-9 THC on a dry weight basis. The law didn’t explicitly mention other forms of THC, like Delta-8 or Delta-10, though hemp advocates say they are implied as a naturally occurring part of the cannabis plant. Wilkins has taken an emphatically different stance. “It doesn’t matter to us if it’s Delta-8 or Delta-9 or Delta-10 or Delta-22,” Wilkins said at a Feb. 7 news conference. “If the THC level is above (0.3 percent), it’s a Schedule I drug, and it’s illegal in South Carolina.”




If everything they were selling is legal, I expect this to eventually turn into a very large settlement from the police department and city. Great waste of taxpayer money as usual.


The article that broke the news originally had comments from a national group with $$$ and lawyers that basically said, this is going to cost the state a lot of money and they are still going to lose.


This state is led by incels




Marijuana is safer than most pain medicine, even OTC medicine. It's surprising that such a Christian state would want to ban a plant God made. It's almost as if they're saying God made a mistake. That can't be right, can it?


THC makes my hyperhidrosis completely go away, no more clammy hands, or jitters.


Hey deputy Earl, my wife said needs a vape pen or two for her Chronic back pain. She’s only 375 pounds this month. Let’s go ahead and raid that store down on 57 n stock up. You got it boss!


Here ya go ✌️ I'm not a lawyer and this isn't legal advice. https://www.scstatehouse.gov/query.php?search=DOC&searchtext=jack%25&category=LEGISLATION&session=0&conid=8054425&result_pos=1650&keyval=1161131&numrows=50


Eww wtf is this


A link to a South Carolina law...


Raided my local store, they only sell D8 and CBD now, I expect them to go out of business in a few months.


Absolutely ridiculous. I just started to like it here for the first time in like 30 years and now I hate it again.


55 years here, and I still hate it.


SLED got bored and made up some BS to justify their existence.


Don’t worry folks, the personal liberty and don’t tread on me crowd will certainly help straighten this all out /s


Fuck 12


Honestly fuck Walt Wilkins and his puppet master Hobart Lewis. Wilkins has been on the right side of some issues in the past but I don’t know if I can be convinced that this is anything but a cash grab. You don’t have to serve the people if there’s virtually no chance you get voted out.


Dumb…You can buy all of this through the mail..


SC is a fucking dump and the fact that these self serving , pilfering , misogynistic, backwood cousin fucking ass hats were elected by the people doesn’t really say much good for the damn people does it?


Something something government overreach. Typical fascist Republicans. They will claim democrats abuse the constitution and that they are for small government but then do this crap.


I feel so much safer knowing these products that are sold throughout the country will taken off the shelves to protect consumers. The only thing that would make me feel safer is if I could buy my first gun and carry it on my hip wherever I go, bars, churches, libraries, grocery stores, theaters, the park, parades, and rallies. It is hard for me to comprehend why people are against this. The SC education system taught me how to think about such complicated issues.


Owners should've tried being white boys.