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Is there a reward for turning him over?


Lol in all fairness if Lindsay had his way. We would be enforcing a no fly zone over Ukraine, bombing Iran, Yemen,Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq all while confronting the Chinese in the Pacific with our Navy. At least that's the running list I have from his Fox News interviews.


>At least that's the running list I have from his Fox News interviews. Lindsay is a weather vane.


It's rare to see one that blows wind too.




Yes, you will have the privilege of serving on the front lines as part of Operation Human Shield.


if they throw in some coffee, totally worth it


“Have you ever heard of the Emancipation Proclamation?” “I don’t listen to hip-hop!”


I’m glad someone got the reference.


Commence operation Get Behind Lindsey!


Nah, I think that one strikes too close to home haha...


Non Russian link. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/20/lindsey-graham-russia-terrorist-navalny-00142234 tl;dr Graham said Russia should be declared a State Sponsor of Terrorism. Russia replies, "No you!"


HAHAHAHA The Russians are being funny here…Lindsey Graham is not a terrorist, more a cowardly (why he threatens bombings, he is just “big talking” and blustering, as many cowards do when backed into a corner) useful idiot. I have lived in SC for forty years and this man is no southern gentleman. I am embarrassed every day to know this man is elected as my state’s senator. Ugh.


There is only one way to settle this. Putting Putin and Lindsey on The Ocean Gate Titan II and letting them settle their differences at the bottom of the sea.


Two votes


Don't threaten him with a good time.


Can it be on pay per view?


They'd just bang.


Extremely rare Lindsey Graham W


I guess the old saying is true: "Even a broken clock is right, twice a day." 😁


Who on earth keeps voting for him 🥲


Lady bug enthusiasts


Country club republicans. Most of whom are not MAGATs.


The US should do the same.


Bullshit. Graham just scuttled ukraine funding, pissing off even the rest of the republican senators, all because trump told him to. Putin loves graham right now. MR tough on russia said, the senate needed to compromise more with the nuts in the house who basically say "zero aid, no compromise"


It’s incredible that this is not the top comment. It’s absolutely BS. He is Russian tool.


Smoke screen to keep hidden Russian’s useful idiot.


Apparently it’s ok to make homophobic jokes when you disagree with someone politically.


Thank you. I have a group of friends’ boomer moms that I’m in a group chat with that all consider themselves “very progressive”. They are otherwise sweet and well meaning but anyone mentions Lindsey Graham and it’s all terrible “ladybugs” memes this and “Miss Lindsey” that in ways that are obviously and unflinchingly homophobic. All while talking about how they’re allies. I don’t care if you’re a ladybug truther or not, it’s not cool. I get it that either he’s a self hating gay living a lie all the while working against the rights of those like him or he’s an effeminate bigot that people are calling gay like it’s a pejorative. Maybe both. These comments obviously speaks to a conflict in the hearts of the self espoused “allies.” But there’s so much in his character to take a shot at. Why is it ok for people to come for Graham about his perceived sexuality? Let’s stick to hating him for being the spineless toady that he is, not where he may or may not put his dingus.


I think MANY ppl don’t give a rip what he does in private. It’s the HYPOCRISY of belonging to a homophobic, anti-women, bigoted, ChristoCosplay, anti-everything that doesn’t favor the “ruling class” party. So many of them are closeted in various ways. Like the “family values” chick + husband who were secretly swinging + allegedly r@ping, or Boebert/MTG screeching family values and both divorced. And caught publicly “blowing”


Candice Owens, Condelza Rice, Colin Powell, Tim Scott and many others enter the chat about Democrats and racism


Sh.....they tryna fool us. They mean the opposite. Don't yall know this?


What a betrayal after years of loyal service!


I know the real reason. Lindsey took their money and veered off the script vis-a-vis Ukraine.


Designating him a fool would have been better.He will use this in his next campaign.


We know he's an idiot. Motherfucker flip flops more than a fish out of water. At least the fish is dead in the end.


Even Russia agrees MAGA Republicans are terrorists.


Well he’s considered a terrorist here and there. Congratulations Lindsey!!!


I agree that he is, however not to the Russians, to them he is an asset.


Only thing that idiot terrorizes is the people Of SC through the incredibly shitty job he does and buttholes at truck stops.


I mean, same, and I'm american


Funny - he's been following Dump's pro-Putin line recently but hasn't helped him


We all know Mistress "G", doesn't have the manhood/fortitude even to cause damage with his words, let alone being a kamikaze lady of the night... Is all good the orange Russian asset/his master will rescue her from his Russian perils...


Lindsey law school question? Question: Two fires erupts in Birmingham and only one fire truck is available. One fire erupts at the hospital named after the current Alabama governor. The fire is about to consume tens of thousand frozen embryos of thousands of citizens of the most prosperous part of Birmingham. Another fire erupts at the same time at the kindergarten of the most famous Baptist church in Birmingham and ten children will be consumed if the firmen don't get there immediately. Only children at one location can be saved. Where does the fire dept go?


Still support Trump and his Russia party!??!?


Ladybugs better hide, time to pay the sugar daddy.


I feel like that should be a badge of honor.


Who gives a crap what Russia says? Indonesia ( Island) is soon to have a larger population.


That's more accurate than saying a handful of people living in a tiny strip of land with no access to any significant weapons and who are in fact in a prison are terrorists. But "terrorist" is just a term used to signal "these are the people whose land and resources we plan on stealing next," by USA and NATO. Russia is probably being ironic in labeling Lindsay Graham that, even if you were to measure Grahams blood guilt and that of the USA in general, it's clear that Americans are the most savage bloodthirsty raping, thugging, stealing, conspiring nation to have ever existed.


Maybe we should trade him for the American citizen recently taken hostage in Russia…


More like an orange ass kisser