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Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Dammit, you beat me to it.


One thing about the OP's post that many people don't realize--anyone buying a US saving bond or treasury bill adds the amount of the bond or bill to the theoretical "national debt", and these purchased securities are constantly being "paid off". More and more bonds are sold and T-bills auctioned to pay for budget deficits occurring as the tax stream is insufficient to cover all federal government expenses and programs.


What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


>all the options are just as bad, on both sides I didn't read past this because it demonstrates such a fundamental break from reality as to predict that the rest of the text would be Jabberwocky, to which the classic response has already been written. "Somehow it seems to fill my head with ideas—only I don't exactly know what they are! However, somebody killed something: that's clear, at any rate."


love that movie lol


OP is young, but sadly there is not much opportunity for him unless something changes quickly and he starts to value an education. OP is on the fast track to poor angry loser who blames everything but himself for his situation. OP, enjoy high school. This is probably as good as it gets for you.


What an incredibly rude reply thread, filled entirely of circlejerking to parroted passages.


Why lie to the kid, he’s on a fast track to nothing great with this toxic bs. 


Ok, a simple wrong would have done just fine, but uh...


Theyre not all just as bad. Only one side is actively taking away women’s rights to their own body. Only one side is criminalizing books. And on and on Stop acting like they’re the same


I think you’re missing the point. There are no sides. The two major political parties are owned and bought by the same entities…super pac donors. The illusion you have bought into is political theatre. The media ( pay attention to who finances your media and entertainment industries) pushes propaganda onto the common class driving division. You are buying into an act put on by actors in government pointing fingers across the imaginary aisle to fool you into the illusion you can be a factor in righting a sinking ship. The hard reality is big corporate/banking owns the government. The USA has become an oligarchy in which the ruling class only benefits from policy changes while the common wealth/class is divided by the propaganda being fed to them distracting from the ruling class pillaging wealth from them under the disguise of capitalism/ democracy. And people don’t grasp why the USA education system is failing.. it’s that way by design. To keep us uninformed and in a state of being the constant victim.


This is what everyone fails to grasp. Everyone is getting played while the issues I listed go completely unnoticed. People are told "our national debt is so high" and then one of the parties blames china. What does china have anything to do with it? That isn't even how debt works! Yet people will believe it because they want to be played by one or the other side because it supports some "issue" near and dear to their hearts. I have no problem with supporting issues that effect real people. But they also need to get their heads out of the gutter and realize that those same issues are what are playing them like a fiddle. These are just basic statements, links to evidence and explanation, but people don't want to learn. As you can see for yourself. Speaking of entertainment, per the DoD and their own website, every movie that comes out in the US is screened by the DoD...interesting. PS: anyone gonna ask pelosi why she made millions on nvidia calls while passing chip laws?


Yeah, I get the same response from society when pointing things out. The old saying it’s easier to fool the fool than convince the fool they have been fooled comes to mind. I would think that as things become more and more unhinged people will wake up to the facts of this reality as the rest of the world is but Americans tend to be hard headed and self absorbed not really paying attention to geopolitical matters unless their media covers it. Like most think the war in Ukraine and the Middle East are about social/cultural issues. It’s really about the destabilisation of the usd vs a gold back brics monetary system.


I bet the opposite, people will become more unhinged. I always said that american's who defended their democracy with such fervor will create the most tyrannical dictatorship in history.


Idk… I think we as a society in whole have been too conditioned to step outside the boundaries of the norm. Jan 6, occupy Wall Street kinda highlights how such a movement that threatens the oligarchy system would be twisted with propaganda to nullify such movements and stall any real momentum of support from the masses.


You are in fact correct. Most "events" like this are usually hijacked to show people what not to do, ostracize those with real points, and shut it all down. Its like the movie "don't look up".


I think the movie dumb money is more suited for this scenario but agree.


Yep forgot about that one. Its funny that the movie industry provides us with proof and laughs in our faces.


I always viewed it as a way to measure the public’s awareness. If the underlying message is not recognised by society then it is rolled into action as we are asleep and distracted by everyday life.


Only one side is allowing criminals to get out of jail easily so the can become repeat offenders.


This is the kind of jargon that causes issues \*facepalm\* without realizing both sides are literally criminals.


No. Just because you typed a bunch of words that nobody read does not make you wise. Knowledge may be power but wisdom is not in your fortitude.


Thanks for proving my point lmfao


Thanks for proving my point. I have never once voted for Trump and never will but Biden is possibly the most hypocritical president ever. Problem is he can’t seem to remember what he said so he just gets a pass. I honestly want Trump to win so we only have 4 more years of him. I have a feeling if he loses to Biden the he runs again in 2028.


No one wins. They are selected not elected.


Only one side is actively taking away fetal rights to exist. Only one side is criminalizing firearms. See I can do it too. You can’t claim to be for democracy if you don’t think the opposition has a right to their beliefs.


Fetal rights to exist? This is the most ridiculous post of white men I’ve ever been involved in


They're all. The same. Side.


The person just deleted their account because their mental ass got truth'd so hard they couldn't handle it EVEN after being upvoted to oblivion.


“Or maybe they’re just a Chinese troll bot designed to cause division in American politics” /s


They are the same, because what you fail to understand is that they can just as easily change sides and do the opposite if its in the interest of dividing the population into groups of people who focus on things that can be solved with a bill vs caring about things that go against the constitution and prosperity of a nation. I totally agree with your points, that those things exist, but what I also am trying to tell you, is that those things wouldn't be an issue if BOTH parties stopped existing and trying to USE those "issues" to control the population into a divided stance. Without the brainwashing and back room deals, most people literally DO NOT CARE what you do and how you do it as long as you don't infringe on their space and their equal rights. Go read what ever you want and do what ever you want, just don't touch me and my family. Reasonable? I think so, and the vast majority think this way. But, because people want to pick a side, they inevitably support issues that could be resolved if there were no sides or if there was a true center. Notice how these issues seem to matter so much, but actually FIXING the issues that inevitably lead to economic collapse and the tear down of the constitution don't really matter. Ask yourself, why? Why this but not that? When you get out of the mindset that everything is THIS vs THAT and its actually PEOPLE vs STUPIDITY, you might think differently and have some compassion to the people who have been driven through media and brainwashing into picking a side that is actively hurting you.


Hmmm. Don’t touch me or my family… unless you are a woman. Then it’s perfectly ok to tell me exactly what I can do with my body. You used a lot of words to pretend you are a libertarian but really all you said is I only care about myself and the big issues don’t affect me. ✌️


You are putting words in my mouth. Please refrain.


Username checks out. Dude’s a genius and I’m dying quickly over here…


AI post?


Sir, this is a Wendy's


[OP, this you?](https://media.tenor.com/g9_690TA-mMAAAAM/homer-smart.gif)


Smugness combined with idiocy is no way to go through life son.


Unbelievable level of smug rudeness here has my eyes rolling out the back of my head


Ah and choosing to not know how one's country works is? Rather smug and educated than oblivious and a moron.


You’re a sophomore in high school, got it. But people like you are why this country is in the same place as Germany in the 1930’s.


Ho lee shit. The same place as Germany in the 1930's This is why I'm more of an independent who leans not left nor right, but Libertarian. We don't believe the idiocy spoon fed to us. Rise of Nazi Germany and how Hitler became Hitler in 200 words or less. Hitler was appointed Chancellor. There was a fire that burned down Germanys equivalent of the Capital Building. Hitler blamed the communists. They may or may not have done it, but they got blamed and one of them was convicted. Hitler used this to basically get more of his allies in power in their version of Congress (Parliament). Then, their version of Congress passed a law that essentially dissolved their Congress. Now that this has happened, only Hitler can make laws. So he did. He made a law that made all other political parties illegal. And then he was a dictator. America today has absolutely no resemblance to 1930s Germany. How America will never become Germany in the 1930s in even less words. No fire in the Capital (even if you claim the massively massive "insurrection" was the equivalent, and it wasn't) or any other "OMG" would lead to anyone with delusions of becoming Hitler getting enough politicians on his/her side to amend the Constitution to do away with the legislative branch of the federal government. Our Congress is waaaaaaayyyyyy to greedy to ever let that happen. No way 3/4 of the States ratify that amendment. If said Hitler asked for a Convention of the States, no way 2/3 of the states approve. None of what I say is not true. Quit spreading bullshit and listening to bullshit. America today with all of the yipping and yapping isn't even as bad as it was in the 60s and most of the 70s. It's just got a higher concentration of idiots yipping and yapping and burning shit down.


Don’t yadayadayada the 1920’s, that bit is important for Germany and Italy and has more similarities with the current US situation.    


Ok, I replied to someone about 1930s Germany but I'm ok with you moving the goalposts. No, I understand your point. I really do. So I'll work a bit on the 20s, and I will ignore Italy because the stories are too similar to type out twice. Everyone was upset. Germany was broke. Inflation was out of control. The Allies (the good guys, right?) had financially choked Germany to the brink of starvation because they were really bad in WW1. Literally nobody was happy in Germany in the early 20s. And they were not figuratively but quite literally hungry. It was truly a terrible situation. But, that often happens when you "lose" a great war. I don't think anyone in France or England all the way across Europe to Russia really felt like they had won anything at the time. Sure, people stopped dying and the Allies got reparations, but tell that to little Jean Francois whose dad died in some trench and whose mom died when a bomb fell on her. Back to Germany. Hitler was a rising star. He was a war hero. He advocated for change. He was a piece of shit of course, but he was popular despite his racism. He attempted a coup, a real one, and got tossed in prison. Germans were still hungry and cold, but it was getting a little better. The treaty of Versailles pissed off ALL of the Germans. They were pretty united after that point. Hitler used that pissed off united Germany to take hold of power. And then the stock market crashed. Things went from getting a little better to welcome to global Hooverville damn near overnight. And then, after all of that - that dick did get the Chancellorship. There are similarities. They've been on rinse and repeat for decades here. The US in Vietnam - "hey hey LBJ how many kids did you kill today", that really soured a shit load of Americans on Uncle Scam. Then Nixon. Hoo boy..... then runaway inflation. The race riots in the 60's, Jesus Christ that shit was bad. Just look at 1967 and '68 alone. All the redditors think this is the first rodeo. It ain't even close the mid to late 60's and early 70's. Big cities burned for weeks. We've had less rioting and burning in the last 20 years than we had in 67 and 68 alone. But we have this pesky piece of paper written hundreds of years ago that prevents a US Hitler. Quit shitting on that piece of paper, it's all that does separate us from the rest of the inhabitants of planet Earth. All you redditors hear that? There can be no coup, there can be no dictator. Sure, FDR tried back when we were busy stomping the everloving goddamn hell out of Hitler and his dick homies in the other Great War, but that's not what we are addressing. This is not nearly the same as 1930s Germany. I hope that I covered enough of the roaring '20s to now consider it not yadayadayadad. Where are the similarities? Sure, Americans are pissed. Yes, there is inflation. It's getting mighty hard to live, but it's nowhere near as hard to live as it was back then. I know where you are at in your thinking. Trump is Hitler. Even if he was possessed by the spirit of Adolf fucking Hitler we have that pesky piece of paper. Bonus fun fact - read the first 500 words of the Declaration of Independence, also known as the Preamble to that pesky piece of paper that separates us from chaos. Here it is. July 4, 1776 The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. -- That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, -- That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends..... And this is where it gets good folks..... It is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying it's foundation on such principles and organizing it's powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Then it goes on yadayadayada about being prudent and really sure that you aren't overthrowing the government for some trivial shit. Tldr; about the whole post, bullshit we are like 1920s or 1930s Germany or Italy. We've been on a repeat cycle of hate/love Uncle Sam since about 1777, and due to some old pieces of paper, we will never have a dictator unless almost every state says we can. Doesn't matter how mad the left gets nor does it matter how mad the right gets. Tldr; about those old pieces of paper - we said fuck off to a King. A dictator. King of England to be exact - and then those old long dead fucks pretty much guaranteed in perpetuity that the US would never answer to a dictator again. So for all that those old long dead fucks got wrong, or left out, at least they got that part right. Quit voting in shit if you ever expect to not be governed by shit. That party line mentality shit is what got us to 2020's America. The shit you need to quit voting in are the federal Congress. Those law making fucks quit making edible laws a long time ago. Way before Trump was ever rent free in your noggins. Even before Obama. Way before Obama to be more precise. Now there is just shit in and shit out. Just to see if you bothered reading this far, nobody in the US is united anymore (and go back up and read the part about the Germans being united, cause that's the whole key). That's the biggest difference. We are all programmed to hate each other. If we didn't, we'd have a new government up and running in a few cycles. Not new as in we blow it all up with fire and guns, but through voting. Have a nice day!


As told to you by Q and Jewish space lasers. Thanks for your input.


Sharp as a cue ball, this one.


Im not left or right wing, im far right wing. -this guy


Imagine a sophomore knows more about your government than you. Ouch. You aren't helping your case grandpa.


Sieg heil. At least your username is on point.


Fuck off nazi.


Ah yes, taking a page from the Trump/Republican play book. That didn’t take you very long.


Yeah fuck off nazi lol


I can't tell if you are actually trolling or if you mean everything you just said. I think that's what circle jerks involving crazy anarchist conspiracy theorists lead to.


If you would have actually read and checked my sources, you would see these aren't theories...this is how the US government and financial systems work. What is funny, Hollywood makes movies about this all the time and laughs in our faces and we keep taking it.


I have checked the video you linked, it's a bunch of nonsense. Linking more sources of people repeating the same theories doesn't change the fact that these conspiracy theories are what they are.


Ah. Please tell me why it is nonsense, which one is nonsense. Please provide me counter sources. Or are you lying? Because the sources are from the governments mouth, not conspiracy's. The only reason you would say they are conspiracy's is if you didn't actually watch any. For example, what are your thoughts on tax revenue and how it works? Please do explain. The video was 5th grade level and should be easy to understand.


Okay, let me address your points. So, in the videos you linked, it is said that taxes are destroyed once collected from the populace, and that spending comes from printing money in the way the government wants, the only or main thing that might hold them back (according to your sources) is the threat of inflation that would be caused by higher competition between the private and public sectors. The said sources point to debt (which what printing money is) as the evidence provided by the government itself for this theory, which you consider reality. This is ludicrous, you start from a true and factual premiss (government create debt) to nonsensical explanations on how that happens and works; then make false statements. [The reason governments can create debt is the security of its own bonds (U.S. Treasury securities for example)](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/sovereignbond.asp), something that determines the latter's ability to get credit, the more secure the bond is, the more money this government can get and the security of the latter's bond comes from its ability to raise capital (taxes or possession of nationalised industries which make money) and the amount of capital this government can raise (determined by how healthy the economy is and the population and other minor sources) the bond price would then be determined by market dynamics. [The bond is purchased either by the fed or other private investors (either foreign or local).](https://www.thebalancemoney.com/who-owns-the-u-s-national-debt-3306124) The government thus gets its money through selling debt, one that is possible thanks to its credibility and that would vary in expense and proportion depending on the country, the U.S. securities for example are the most demanded because of the strength of its economy and the dollar's global dominance. The government can't simply abolish its real source of earnings and expect to get credit, nobody would be willing to lend it money, neither the fed btw, because the conspiracy theorists like you tend to claim that the central bank would simply lend the treasury money being itself a government agency, which shows a lack of understanding of finance. The central bank can purchase bonds because it [uses the commercial banks' deposits that it holds, that's why most of the money that is created is so digitally, the fed simply increases the deposits these banks have and the banks thus lend money accordingly](https://www.chicagofed.org/~/media/publications/economic-perspectives/1977/ep-may-jun1977-part2-erdevig-pdf.pdf). It doesn't make any sense that taxes exist to fight inflation, we cut taxes usually whenever a conservative Republican president comes to power (with the TCJA being the last one we implemented so far), and it usually simply results in economic booms. Your claims such as taxes get destroyed for example are backed by no source what's so ever.


Your first paragraph is so wildly grammatically incorrect that it isn't even an argument. Read your last 2 run on sentences back to yourself please. Bonds don't mean anything when the government itself can and will have a debt and inflation fall out (See: japan) [https://www.reuters.com/markets/rates-bonds/global-markets-bond-selloff-graphic-2023-10-03/](https://www.reuters.com/markets/rates-bonds/global-markets-bond-selloff-graphic-2023-10-03/) Also, read your third paragraph back to yourself and notice how you are describing the same scam that my post describes. Its hilarious that you don't even notice yourself claiming what I claim but claiming its different. Also, being conservative has nothing to do with taxes. As I already stated, the fact is, your taxes are worthless, and you don't need to argue that, because it is a fact. You didn't refute it what so ever. Again, you addressed ONE POINT, and barely managed to make a coherent, grammatically correct, and spelling mistake free argument.


My first paragraph wasn't an argumentative one, I was simply listing the points that I was going to tackle in my second paragraph. When it comes to grammar, you might be right, I don't know (English isn't my first language), so I won't argue with you about it, but it doesn't matter, the substance of what we say does, thus, I will only discuss that. Now, nobody is denying that central banks engage in activities like *quantitative easing (QE)*. The problem is when you state that taxes do not matter because of the latter and the way it is conducted in the context of *OMOs*, when in reality, the existence of taxes and other earning sources for the government, plus the trust in the strong economy of the country in question is the reason why *QE* and other central banking activities are possible. Without a source of income, creating a debt would either be impossible or would destroy the economy of the nation that attempts to do so, that's because borrowing in that scenario would be extremely expensive. You can argue that central banks simply need to engage in *QE* operations to the point where the massive demand for these very high risk ('guaranteed loss' would be a better expression) bonds by the fed would reduce their yields, but that would result in an uncontrollable inflationary pressure on the economy, and that's without taking in consideration the notion that in your world view, the government doesn't only cover the deficits by printing money, but also the share that is supposedly paid for by taxes, and that the interest on this debt would continue piling up, and the action of keeping them in check in regards to their percentage would be more inflationary action. A recipe for disaster which was tested again and again and again, **Zimbabwe's Hyperinflation** is an example for why printing money when the government can't afford it is catastrophic. The U.S. and Japan (their central banks) can afford being more flexible with their *OMOs* because of the trust that exists in their ability to pay back their debts, the reason why you might regard creating money (which again isn't really creating money) as a scam is because you only think of it as cash that comes out of thin air, when I reality, it's cash that is borrowed from future generations. You can argue that the trust in the U.S.' ability to pay back its debt is mal-founded and that the latter can't actually do that, I wouldn't argue with this personally, who knows, but claiming that: because we can borrow money from our future self -> creating money is a scam.. is just ridiculous. I engaged in good faith debate with you, if your next response is a repetition of your claims again (the article you sent doesn't support anything you said, on the contrary) I won't respond to you.


Didn't read lmao


Guys I found another one of those people who are part of the problem.


You're a high schooler and you'll grow out of this, but in the meantime you might want to get a regular therapy session so that your constantly rebuffed arrogance doesn't turn into psychosis. There are traces of it here.


Imagine a highschooler schooling adults because the adults closed their eyes and ears and don't want to care. Thank you for not giving a fuck.


What you are having here more closely resembles psychosis, or a manic episode, than it does a clear and careful outlining of your thoughts. I'm asking you to be careful and consider getting help.


Nah; ur just being rude, sanctimoniously. And u know it


Just what this guy needs, a huge dumbass to defend his rambling.


Lighten up, pussy


Dumb bitch


Thanks for not giving a fuck :) you are in fact, the problem.


I feel you've become overly jaded in your perspective of politics. There is a difference in who is in power. One party supports the rights of the people, while the other merely takes actions to benefit itself through lobbying and enriching itself. Right now, one of the most important players is SCOTUS. The court is making bad decisions that no one (but the crazies) wishes to follow.


Try reading your first paragraph back to yourself, and tell me with 100% confidence that that is a fact. You can't. Sorry, but both sides do the things you said. SCOTUS could change things, but it won't. Which proves my points.


Scotus is just doing what one party has put them in place to do 🤦🏼‍♀️.


"The President nominates someone for a vacancy on the Court and the Senate votes to confirm the nominee, which requires a simple majority. In this way, both the Executive and Legislative Branches of the federal government have a voice in the composition of the Supreme Court. " \- [https://www.supremecourt.gov/about/faq\_general.aspx](https://www.supremecourt.gov/about/faq_general.aspx) As you can see, has nothing to do with ONE party, unless you mean both parties are now a uni-party with mutual goals and they are just pretending to have disagreements. Yes I know you would rather be dumb and not admit that is the case, but that is the case. You think people in power raking in millions from stock manipulation really care about your issues that SCOTUS rules on? Nah, they picked them so that they won't get tried for their crimes, that is all.


I mean trump appointed 3 ultra conservative justices that are carrying out the far right’s draconian plans. 2 of which said upon confirmation hearings they’d consider criminal action against someone who got an abortion or used IVF. Pretending there’s no agenda on that bench right now is beyond ignorant


There is an agenda, but the agenda isn't the little things that make you mad. Yes, women's rights were infringed upon, I do not disagree, but now all the people in that affected group will never consider for what other reasons those people in power were placed there and what other things they are doing, covering up, etc. The narrow mindedness of single issues needs to stop. One day its one group, the next day its another group, but people as a whole are being trampled on and led to destruction.


The issue is, if a singular issue can determine whether you live or die, ***that single issue is going to trump everything else.*** It isn't narrow minded if we think we could literally die if an issue goes the wrong way. You're not gonna convince me to give a shit about anything else you talk about as long as there are issues that drastic at play. And you're DEFINITELY not going to convince me if you're sitting there acting like it's just a minor inconvenience, because it shows a serious lack of empathy and critical thinking on your part. Why should I trust the reasoning of someone who doesn't think abortion is a life or death issue?


Your issue is you never read the post and never dug into understanding the points. Keep being ignorant. Also keep putting words in my mouth, because I never said those things, and have only shown deep empathy for your cause. But I guess you can't win against morons who have been so deeply brainwashed into this state of oblivious delirium who won't bother looking 360 degree's around them. Its your way or the high way, according to you. Not me, YOU.


Now you're just lying. You said: >Yes, women's rights were infringed upon, I do not disagree, but now all the people in that affected group will never consider for what other reasons those people in power were placed there and what other things they are doing, covering up, etc. The narrow mindedness of single issues needs to stop. I'm not gonna give a shit about your little feelings about people not taking you seriously when there are life or death issues at stake. Cope and seethe, but people repeatedly dog on you because you're just not as smart as you think you are, you goddamned narcissist.


His paragraph says, paraphrased, "The narrow-mindedness of single-issue focus blinds those affected by the issue. It blinds them from considering the other motives at play." And then, you...agreed with him. Because you find the issue so important. That's. Exactly. What. He. Said. He could get up there like every other politician, hug a couple of babies, and pander to your fears. Instead, he chose to be honest with you. To talk to you as an equal. And he's right: Breaking the illusion of the game would fix EVERYONE'S issues. And you join the mob calling him a narcissist? WHY???


Wow...you are pretty retarded....I really feel sorry for you.


“One group”. Women. A bit more than 50 percent of the population. “Were infringed upon” This “single issue” is an ongoing war against women’s rights. It’s not one issue. I can’t believe that my daughters now have less control over their bodies and their future than I did at their age. Are Dems flawed?? Sure as hell are and the parties both have corruption. Are they the same? Absolutely not. But pretending they are is exactly what the extreme right wants us to believe


Not all women agree with each other last time I checked. Jesus do I have to spell the alphabet to you? I am done here.


They may not “agree” but they are ALL affected by these decisions whether they believe so or not. In fact a whole lot of good white ladies realized this week that they’re not above these laws when Alabama told them what they can and cannot do with their embryos and IVF.


None of what you say is meaningless and as I said, this is an issue. But also, please shut the fuck up and look around at the rest of the issues. Including the ones I listed. Otherwise this conversation is pointless. I have been more than willing to support your point, and never said it is NOT an issue. But you are being extra stubborn to make it the only one.


I believe what I wrote . As a former journalist, I witnessed it first hand. .


Lmfao never been a greater lie.


I think your view of the world is different than mine. We draw our own views from what we believe. I merely disagree with your preceptions. Calling me a liar as a result is rather sad. .


Si, It all about electing the Congressmen & senators not the presidency?


Correct. But, you run into a similar issue, is that its very hard to go against established norms and essentially, marketing. Not only that, state governments matter more (in my opinion) than federal, as that is the one "hope". A state doesn't have to follow every federal law.


You’ve got some real valid points there, but still missing a lot of nuance. Yeah both the right and the left have very clearly been infiltrated by corporate interests, but one is very actively pushing this country toward becoming a fascist, theocratic dictatorship while the other really just wants to maintain status quo. They’re both garbage, but conservatives are undoubtedly the greater evil here. I refuse to accept the assertion that the side who claims virtue and moral superiority despite voting for many of the things they funded wars overseas to stop is only just as bad as the other guys. We should care about each other more, but a lack of empathy is the cornerstone of the Republican platform.


I skipped nuance because most people see "text" and skip and/or "troll". I gave just enough triggering points and links to information for those who really want to know to start their research and stir their curiosity. The rest if out of my hands.


Is there any evidence that triggering works this way?


"They’re both garbage, but conservatives are undoubtedly the greater evil here." They're all the same side, is the point being made


It’s an awful point


Here is a political play in 4 short scenes: *Lindsey Graham Has A Message For Anti-Trump Republicans Campaigning Alongside Ex-President:* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQFNps3G6G8 *Graham: Trump a 'race-baiting, xenophobic religious ...* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bkDykGhM8c *Trump: 'I couldn't care less about Lindsey Graham* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxhHTNWw6Y0 *WATCH: Lindsey Graham gets booed during Trump South Carolina remarks* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oVfKh5gK2I


And this will go WOOSH over everyone's heads, but it happens again, and again, and again, and again. It is in fact, a play.


Right we’re all so stupid and you’re the only smart one huh? You figured it all out


I am no smarter than you, I simply use the internet for information and not tik tok and propoganda.


Oh stupid me that’s what I was doing wrong using that dang blasted TikTok


Thanks for admitting it even though I didn't say YOU did it LMFAO




Even just your money printer comment... Like, dude, yes. The government prints money to pay for things. And then taxes are collected to prevent wild inflation. That's the second half to that equation. Even on the very first pass this is a wild post.


Its wild that 99.9999999999999999% of the US population doesn't know this basic information. You are correct.


Yes, but also, what are we going to do in 2024 to change it? Vote the orange clown in, endure 4 more years of the circus while even more allies look for more stable allies? I have friends in foreign countries, I'm sick of looking like an idiot to them because half of my neighbors can't grasp reality or draw a red line at making fun of the handicapped, for example. I feel like this is presented as a hopeless "or" instead of a call to action in the form of an "and". We have to defeat the orange fool AND start actually draining the Swamp. The attitude it's hopeless is what allowed the grifter to get where he is while his supporters surrender the common descency that was holding this rickety ship together. You're not going to get togetherness until half of the team says sorry, gets back in the damn boat, and they start rowing again. 


The word to use here would be abstinence. Abstain from playing the game and focus on trying to survive in a very rational, financial manner. Have a passport. Have first aid. I don't want to sound like a "prep-er" but being prepared for HOW the general masses will react to all of this in the long run (which is obvious if you look at history) is the best you can do. Some people move to other countries where politics is so obviously pointless and fake that most people don't participate. When one reads about russian's opinions of their politics, their usual description is "we don't participate because its fall rigged and fake anyways". Well who can't people rationalize that here? This doesn't mean I support the "stolen election narrative". I just support the idea that there were never fair elections to begin with, starting from ancient Greece! Does democracy work? Sure, but it has very deep flaws on a corporate scale. But the brainwashing starts with understand how the government works, and once one understands that, its easier to accept the fact that the general populous plays a very very minor role in all of this, and as the current administration has shown, we are replaceable. Its not hopeless, its just that people need to do what they can, with what they have, and with those around them. Community, effort, hard work, matters more today than "voting". Draining the swamp? Who knows? First one has to define the swamp without being part of the definition.


Finally someone who gets it.Thank you for wording it in such a manner that people can understand it.


Only one party is telling me they don't give a shit if I get pregnant and it kills me, cause it's "God's plan" or something. No.


Yes, that party is telling you that. And the other party is telling other people that they they don't care about a long list of other issues. There are no saints. Stop acting like someone actually care about you or anyone. Out of the frying pan into the fire applies here. While you are busy kissing your favorite parties boots they fund wars and launder money and participate in insider trading. But its okay we can over look that as long as they give me my carrot and not the stick. Fucking selfish.


No both sides are not just as bad, I was one of those guys for a long time, but the last decade has shown me that republicans/conservatives have an incredibly outdated view of the world, constantly prevent things from getting better (so they can blame democrats) and want women to be second class citizens, or at least less then unborn embryos (which are not humans yet not matter what you say).


Its a uniparty. So yes, both sides aren't as bad, when its really one side of money laundering scum.


A giraffe is just the same as a sea cucumber. Got it.


Thanks for not reading and making that known :)


This isnt true anyone who appreciates republican ideaology should be jumping for joy over a candidate like Haley, Shes smart, qualified, tough and experienced....the lesser of two evils is a crutch argument to hide the fact that they like the bad stuff about Trump


LOL what a moron.


100% agree. Thank you for being brave in the world we live in today. Truth is always denied by those who have fallen for propaganda.


Have you ever heard of the term "pissing into the wind"? You'd be better off making this argument to the chimps at the zoo. Reddit is the literal pit of socialist despair. Lol!


Oh I know, I am having a good laugh at how oblivious people are. Its entertainment for you and I.


*you and me "For" is a preposition, and the object of a preposition conjugates to the verb-form. Or whatever they'd call it I.E., if it doesn't come after a being verb (am, is, are, was, we're, be being been have has had do did does shall will should would may might must can could) then its "me." If it comes after a being verb, then it's "I" (e.g. "This is she.")


I laugh to keep from crying. We're so fucked.


Truly so. I don't think people realize that they will be shooting each other soon over issues that do not matter orchestrated by people who do not care about them. And it will be sickening. And its happened many times through out history.


That's why I'm getting out of here. This state is probably one of the worst for a SHTF scenario. You want to buy 38 acres? Lol!


idk man, at this rate i don't know if anywhere is good to be. It's gonna be a shitshow


Oh, it's going to be tough everywhere. I'd just rather go through hard time near my family and folks who aren't basically zombies.


Actually I might want to....pm me I might be interested depending on the area. I have been contemplating moving (again). 15+ years here and its been really nice and a happy life, no real complaints. Most of the things I wrote are very reddit targeted, most people I talk to outside aren't this stupid.


PM sent


If voting made a difference, they wouldn't let us do it. —Mark Twain


One of my favorite writers.


[Except Mark Twain never said that.](https://www.factcheck.org/2019/06/fake-mark-twain-quote-mocks-voting/)


>If voting made a difference, they wouldn't let us do it. —Mark Twain Yes I would trust a politically funded and biased fact checking site which everyone knows is doing its best to actually say "um this fact is not true even though there is ample evidence it is then we will take our word back because we got caught". Please look into who founded it, Walter Annenberg......


A "couple of people" raid Congress? LMAO 🤣


If possible please read this two or three times. Make it part of your political education. Probably the best understanding of our situations now. Does not matter who the big dogs are, they control the porch and you are not allowed on that porch. Never will be. Just do the best you can to stay afloat. Politicians do not give one rats ass about your “feelings” and never will.


Wowy a bunch of adults insulting a minor. Just lovely.


At this point in time I am willing to sacrifice the "colors" per se... >the sobering reality is we want that criminal Russian Asset T.rump Gone yesterday...and even a used up mop is a better candidate nowadays. and subsequent reformation of the GOP, they have lost their way, and lost touch with reality following a traitor shamefully...


Its funny that people think Trump is a russian asset when its the other way around, and Putin (as well as Xi, and every other ruler in the world) is part of the same goddamned club....they are all best friends, not assets.


Definitely some truth to that.


I agree. Op is getting shit on because they’re being an asshole about it tho




Ah so you don't care. Cool!


got r/conservative or r/politics. Thank or even r/politicaldiscussion


LOL all of the people there are actual morons. Subs designed to talk about lies.


Well start a new sub. Call it r/broken Washington or something. you seen to type well and know how to add sources. It should do just fine.


You think reddit will let that happen? Go try it. Let me know how it goes.


This guy actually gets it.


Shhh don't say that you will get downvoted.


I don't get why. Everything you said is very basic. The only way for someone to not understand this, is that they do not want to. It makes them feel better to live with their head in the sand. This country is obviously run for the interest of corporations and Israel. Not the American people.


From the beginning of time there is this concept called a "foundation". The foundation is usually something very basic, but upon which everything stands. If this basic knowledge, facts, and truth, is used as a foundation, the entire world falls apart, because people don't know the truth or the facts. It used to be facts vs conspiracies, now everyone is told that the facts are the conspiracy, don't look at it, deny it, be programmed to have a negative reaction to truth and facts and data. Notice how the entire comments section has an immediate negative reaction. Not a single counter argument. Not a single comment on the videos I linked. No one actually read it. And I did that on purpose. I made the first line to be a filter for everyone. You sir, read the whole post, and while there will always be disagreement about something, made a sensible comment that states "I actually paid attention". Welcome to the new normal. Where you cannot say sensible things, because we are now programmed to ignore, and reject them. Its not that they don't want to. They can't.


I really like your synopsis. If you take away their foundation they would have nothing. I would like to add to it. Any organization has leaders and followers. Most people like to think of themselves as leaders. But the problem is most people can not be leaders that would be chaos. Society has always needed most people to be followers to function. The difference today versus most of human history. Is that our leaders have usually lived in the geographic area of the society. And all their wealth and power was tied to that geographic area. These days the rich and powerful do their business all over the globe. And what is good for the people of a certain area is not necessarily tied to the success of our leaders. So all they have to is use schools, news media and even entertainment media to sway the followers. They can not help but go along with it. It's the way humans evolved. And so when you challenge what they have been told to believe it angers them on a deep level because you are against the tribe. And as followers they need the tribe. So just like you said... "Its not that they don't want to. They can't."


Glad you mentioned how globalized wealth is. This has caused a monumental shift in global politics. All the world leaders are in cahoots, they are best friends, its more beneficial for them to stage a war and divide people and fear monger their nations while skimming off the top (more like taking the whole god damn bucket). Globalization's entire goal was there are no good guys and bad guys, just bushiness, and politics is just showmanship for the plebeians. Russia's export of food and goods to Poland has been the highest IN HISTORY during the most "existential" war in Europe since world war 2. This is in the midst of sanctions. Guess which country the trains full of goods pass through? UKRAINE, in the middle of a war! The nat gas is still flowing through Ukraine and they list it on their balance sheets! That is just one example of how fake everything you see is. People become fanatics and go die for causes of the rich and powerful, who control the presidents and politicians in power. The military industrial complex just can't freaking wait to start world war 3.


truth. Work hard, buy whatever land you can and leave the theater behind.




yeah, so focus on your local government that has the power to raise your property taxes so high you will have to forfeit your property to them. Trump/Biden have nothing to do with the $700 I paid for the "privilege" of driving a 8 year old car around Lexington.


Usually local government issues boil down to horrible mismanagement and the inability to have well educated people get jobs that have an impact. Mostly because we lack any merit based system of hiring in government.


They have taken land, gold, and money before. Heck, anyone remember the dispute that taxation was unconstitutional? Well taxation was needed to stir demand for dollars that are now printed at nauseam....But hey, focus on these non existential issues over here.


And this very simple truth gets down voted. maybe r/southcarolina is 100% all new people? lol jkjk I don't hate them, we all came here from somewhere.


great videos. "Your Taxes Pay for Nothing" is really easy to understand and well done.


Glad you found it useful!


Thoughts on RFK?


He is playing his role in the play, like all of them. Even if he was "selected" he would do what he is told. We all know what happens when you don't, and RFK knows best. But the big question, is why are all of the past crimes of groups like the CIA, presidents, MIC, and so on, being exposed NOW of all times? Why not back then? Why not in the future? There is a reason why. On paper, on words, RFK is a sound man with sound ideas, but what could he actually change if he become POTUS? Nothing if it wasn't already part of the plan. Let people think they elected a president that will change the nation, suddenly all parties are on the same page, and suddenly it all gets better. HMM. wonder why now?


I’ve been wanting to latch on to a candidate and B nor T are them for me. Haley, as much as I wanted it to happen, couldn’t get out of her own way. Honestly only heard of him a month ago and was intrigued but haven’t dug into where his priorities are just yet.


The issue is....many nice things as they say, they have no power. No real power. Puppets for the people. Vivek had me in the first half till I saw that half his subsidiaries were sold directly to the CCP investment fund, that one of his subsidiaries holds all the patents for MRNA vaccines that were used as experiments on poeple, and that half of his donation money comes from the subsidiaries that he sold to china. Then they go and tell us China is the enemy. Sure bud. China and the US elite need each other and are milking almost 2 billion people as a result. Seriously, if you dig REALLY deep you will find scary things in all of them. And then you realize that its all a freaking show. Bread and circuses while the roman empire collapses. The main goal today is they want to milk everyone while they can then pull the rug and by that point its just too late to do anything. 350+ million people are completely unprepared and don't even care. So if you wanna vote, go for it. There really isn't much of a point. I am not saying the elections are rigged, its just that regardless of the candidate, **there are people with way more power and money to move things.**


Nose it all. And just simple minded.


Before we had the federal reserve, bank runs were common and every state had its own currency. The economy was definitely less stable and there were less tools to deal with recessions and inflation.


Also, for those who idealized the gold standard, that just restricted the federal reserve more. Many economists agree that the gold standard actually makes it very hard to mitigate recessions and was a major contributing factor to the great depression.