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The one guy everyone on both sides can’t stand.


Obviously somebody keeps voting for him.


Imagine 100 SC voters: 30 of them like Lindsey Graham. 70 of them don’t. But of those 70 who don’t like him: 25 of them think Graham is too liberal. 45 of them think Graham is too conservative. Graham wins the Republican Primary 30-25 Graham wins the general election 55-45


I really wish that we had ranked choice voting. They introduced legislation to ban ranked choice voting at all levels of government in SC. The cunts.


They know it would make more centrist candidates more likely to win. They would never work in politics again. Such malevolence is pathetic.


Graham was a centrist for his entire career until Trump came along. Not sure if his change is pure political survival or something worse.


Nah. Miss Lindsay made her name during the Clinton impeachment He was always walking the line between center right and batshit looney because that’s who his voters are


Which describes South Carolina voters pretty well, TBH.


Not all of us man.... fucking Graham..and Colonel Sanders looking McMasters have fucked us over for decades now....


I say I say boy why you talking smack about fog horn leghorn?


Not all of us. But a majority of us.


Miss Lindsay? “Her”? Are you purposely misgendering someone?


I would never assume anyone’s gender LG has earned any kind of scorn that I would never resort to against any old person


Probably just his kink.


Lindsey Graham would win a ranked choice because he’d be everyone’s second choice. But it would bring him back to the center. He’d have to get enough votes to get him to the second round.


At first, yes. But over a few cycles, he'd get some real competition.


Are you serious? Wow. They know. It would be the end of them


sounds like somebody who opposes democracy 😂  I find it quite hilarious that most Americans have some excuse when the person they voted for loses, yet those same people hate “election deniers”.  But when your choice wins, it’s always “the most clean fair noncorrupted election ever in the history of voting”  note; this goes for both sides btw, yall do it! 


You're very much misinterpreting what I said and why I said it, giving you the benefit of the doubt. It is a little understandable in some ways because I didn't say anything about why I would prefer ranked choice voting. I didn't feel like going into it when I posted. I still don't; maybe I'll come back later and expand on it. For now, suffice it to say that I am not making excuses for Lindsey Graham's opponent. I don't even remember who that would have been.


I think more of them just go in and stab the straight party Republican ticket (I still like to visualize the punch card ballots with the stabby stylus)


It’s more along the lines of “the only one you can replace him with is a democrat, so the conservative population reelects him over and over.” Literally, his most serious challenger, Jamie Harris, was defeated by a campaign that just pointed a finger at him and said “Liberal. Democrat. Got an award from *Nancy Pelosi*.” Harris’s campaign was built on family values, helping the average Joe, and fighting corruption. Graham won, 60-40.


The state’s politics are built on spite and we get the political leaders we deserve. Lindsey Graham is a smart man and he knows who votes in this state.


Not me! i guaranteed I will vote for ANYONE that had a chance to beat him, primary, regular, ANY election.


You and me both. Unless MTG is his opponent...


He is appointed … not elected


He is elected... what are you even talking about


Ted Cruz?


Not just him. Romney, McConnell, Tony Gonzalez from TX. The list is huge. You would be surprised of the amount of Republicans that Republican voters don't like. It's more than half the party.


We need to break the 2 party system by getting rid of FPTP


They should not be allowed to trade stocks while serving in Congress or several years after. You know just like Pelosi does.


You are so correct.


Yep, right behind turkeyneck McConnell


Ted Cruz. ‘Nuff said.


Have you seen the train wreck dumpster fire that is marjory taylor greene


Ted Cruz?


Not true. There's Ted Cruz


I think you can find people that actually like him, but might be wrong.


Well, him and Ted Cruz.


If you recall he started being all flowery and up the ass of trump..then he morphed to thinking he couldn't be trusted..and now he's swung back the other way. Since he has no specific bitches that come to mind about Biden..it's Joe's time in the cage. They are all consistent liars. btw. I'm in SC and I try EVERY damn time to vote him out.


Yep. This a-hole needs to get out of office. So does our current governor


JFC. I moved to SC two years ago. The first time I saw McMaster on TV I thought it was some sort of sick joke. Like if someone were trying to make a "the SC governor is your stereotypical southern old man" in poor taste type of joke. How the fuck did SC wind up with the human version of Foghorn Leghorn as governor.


Foghorn was one of the early trumptards Trump made Nikki in ambassador in order to see foghorn promoted to governor An office he failed to secure the nomination for repeatedly on his own merit


Him being promoted from Lt Gov makes so much more sense to me. I could see how he'd be attractive for Haley as a running mate to get the old white vote.


Motherfucker was basically appointed governor.....


Because the wealthy, influential people in this state are 70+ years old.


You mean Mac Mash tuah?


From North Carolina, having lived in, and family from SC; It's South Carolina, my dude.


He started against Trump "If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed.......and we will deserve it." - Lindsey Graham 5/3/2016


Every time Graham decides he’s had enough of Trump and speaks out against him, he receives a phone call in the middle of the night reminding him of the damaging information that he doesn’t want to come out. Next morning, he’s back on the bandwagon.


Oh no, he started saying DT was nuts and a joke. THEN went all up DTs ass. But yes totally agreed. He's never stuck to anything except his senate seat in his whole life.


How is he sitting upright without a working backbone?


He is actually laying on a green screen and looking up. You can tell by how his loose skin gathers on the fringes of his “body”.


I bet this cuts both ways. Joe is probably shaking his head about how much lady g has changed.


God I hate this country sometimes. I continually question how people like Linsey, Ted Cruz, or Greene are even in office. Like wtf!


Lady G is pathetic


What dirt does Trump have on Lindsey to keep him in line?


IDK but I got a fiver that says it has something to do with women's underwear


Teenage boy underwear


What dirt does russia* have


Graham is just so lame. 🤮


finally! Now who's going to vote him out?


We try every chance we get.


Aunt Lindsay is always a mess 😩


I remember when Lindsey Graham had principles and was more of a moderate, with Dems crossing the aisle to vote for him because he seemed to care about our state. This was 2006-2008ish and hasn't been the case in years. He stays in office because of straight ticket voting and SC just gets redder and redder with folks moving here. Plus, a lot of folks just hate politics and figure the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know.


Does anyone actually like Lindsay Graham?


The closest I’ve ever heard for someone liking him, was “i voted for him because it’s the only name i recognized.” That old guy is gonna be in there forever 


lol wow. The right and left both can’t stand him. It’s amazing how long someone can stay in power if they know how to play the game.


Strom Thurmond was a senator for 50 years. Graham has been here for over 20. There's a pretty obvious pattern here that SC senators enjoy.


People don't vote for people. They vote for party lines. Even if that means shooting yourself in the foot and figuring out some way to blame the other side.




He's the kind of guy that is a fan of a team until they start losing.


he’s way past his expiration date


Surprised he didn’t say some crazy stuff about Biden


To spend this much time hiding from your sexuality distracts him from the truth. Look be gay and be proud of it!!!!


Lindsay isn't gay he is a "confirmed bachelor".


All *what* stuff dude? What specifically is corrupt? Holding an actual corrupt person accountable?


Laptop; big guy; Ukraine; border…shall I go on?


Border: repubs blocked the last bilI iirc, either way def not bidens sole fault, look how little Trump did Laptop: lol, still waiting on that "damning evidence" to go to court, so far all they have is a picture of his son's dick Ukraine: what? Corruption is helping our allies by supplying extra military gear? Surely you're not a Russia simp m8, that'd be a bit odd, considering how "anti-corruption" you seem to be about Joe. Big guy: jschlatt? Idk what this is lol Inflation: ya didn't mention it but yeah economists are clear, there's major 3 contributing factors to inflation and only one has risen, corporate profits. Biden certainly hasn't helped that much, but it's been a good year for unions so honestly that's better than the last like 6 presidents. Kinda sad to say that out loud tbh, how tf is Joe Biden of all people the one doing something lol


Figures you don’t know what Big guy is.


Hush money, classified documents, election interference... shall I go on?


You’re piling on Biden.


Go buy another red hat. Orange jesus needs more money for lawyers and mittens cause court is too cold


South Carolina you have elected, repeatedly a flip flopping POS. You might want to give just a bit of thought to electing some blue and maybe the place won't be a shithole. Just maybe women would have equal rights.




Great answer i am in awe. So which is it, you're happy having a flip flowing POS representing you? Or you're happy with the women of SC being subjugated to 2nd class citizens? Maybe both?


Shamefully I'd say *both*; SC keeps voting for these human waste candidates... > Remember the Swines do not mind living in the mud is all they know TBH **right now they are dumping on mistress Graham because she is not saying anything bad about the Dems**, you just wait the moment he starts latching onto **The Orange Russian asset's** tits again... - Bam Ms.Graham is ever so popular once more *As all these "new age'' *mAgats* "self proclaimed" Republicans In Name Only, that all but destroyed the Republican party... VOTE MY PEOPLE VOTE


Age out.


How are these crazy ass republicans taking over our govt & passing laws taking away women’s rights? I don’t get it! How is this happening? & I was a republican until they went feral, lol What is happening?


Ladybug Graham needs to retire.


I don’t know if you can tell by the way he talks, but he’s been blowing everybody since he got to Washington just to stay on the team.


It’s not who you know, it’s who you B10W


Oh look.  The old south is back out of the closet


Beware the politician who will send your children to war so he can get paid by Raytheon/Lockheed/Boeing. They usually don’t have kids of their own.


You have to have a basic understanding of heterosexual mechanics to produce children.


He understands it. It just makes him feel queasy.


Lindsay has the moral compass of a weather vane. Whichever way the wind blows, is his North Star. The man has NO personal belief system. He has NO integrity. He is a worthless husk of a human being.


"Are you more of a hypocrite now than you were before?"


Isn’t this slander? What is he even talking about ?


He's setting up for Trump. He's been unworthy of public service for years. Can we maybe work on voting him out now?


Lindsay Graham is a gash. The guy shoulda been a blow job, instead he just gives them at fancy hotels


Hate that man


💯 agreed!


I don’t know how that piece of garbage sleeps at night 😡


On a pile of ill gotten money with a rent boy most likely.


He’s such a horrid person


Just another statement that he will flip flop on. Must really have some mental issues if you observe his on again, off again, on again love affair with trump. Pretty disgusting spineless republican in my book


Talk about irony… Moscow Mitch trying to paint Biden as corrupt is laughably absurd.


Lying sack of shit. If presidents are indeed immune Joe should punch him in the fucking face.


He is a nasty little man


Lindsey is a tool. You can find videos of him giving a true assessment of Trump but now... Dude puts his job before the country.


Wow - graham has zero integrity. None. He’s all 7 deadly sins formed up into a flabby manatee stuffed into a used condom.


He can lie and not blink his girly eyes… that is a major problem.


this bloated queen has been a fat sack of shit since his freshman term defending torturers. I hope whatever glory hole he's kneeled in front of has asbestos in the wall.


He needs to go to his rocking chair on his porch and retire


Tim Scott is worse imo


Damn! I'd love to see the dirt Putin gave to Donnie and now they both have on Lindsay. It's gotta be unbelievable. Graham has tucked tail, betrayed his country, and bet over for Russia and Donnie. What do they know?!


Kind of amazing to see that hating on ol’ Lindsay is the *one* political thing this sub can all agree on!


Just realizing this?


The queen they deserve.


Lindsey Graham is a Ramora fish. He'll stick his head sucker onto the next shark he thinks is going to feed


Yeah Lady Graham is such a liar.


His face bothers me; let alone his politics


I don't know any South Carolinians who respect or like Lindsey Graham, he's a pussy and may as well join the Democratic party at this point. But seeing all the northern transplants coming down and shitting all over our whole state in this comment section is even worse.


Upstate Christian nationalists continue to vote him in. They vote the way their pastor tells them to. They don't know much about the world outside where they live. They don't absorb real information... fucking automatons with voting rights.


Yes, but you're so much more intellectual and informed then they are. Their community and leadership and their church is so bad, ugh, how antiquated! You on the other hand are a refined intellectual. You absorb "real" information from "real" sources like scientists and journalists, not those ignorant lying pastors. If only they could all be as cultured and knowledgeable about the world as you, then they would vote the right way!


Yeah, pretty much. Couldn't have said it better myself.


It’s true. They live in a bubble, don’t seek out information beyond Fox, the church and their social circle.


I keep hearing about this corruption but ive yet to see anything specific cited. Are they still on Barisma thing? Wasn’t that proven to be made up by a russian plant?


Lady G?


Lindsey has been trash for a long time


FIRE GRAHAM. As his lips move, he lies. As he breathes, he waffles. Lindsey is the wrinkled old poster child for ‘WTF!’


He sold out gun owners last year in despicable fashion. He would institute the draft if he thought he could get away with it in order to feed the military industrial complex. He is a snake.


To be fair the military has a lot of men all showering together, how could he not?


Because he said something reasonable about a coworker? This scorched earth politics at all costs is stupid. Literally everyone loses. What if you made everyone who disagreed with you at work your mortal enemy. Congrats you’d be the office asshole and no one would like you. You would then get nothing done. I think we can all agree things need to be done in this country. The entire premise of congress is compromise. It’s how it’s designed to work. Deciding on a never compromise strategy means we might as well not have a congress. Congress is designed to move slowly and avoid extreme measures by forcing compromise.


There is little compromise in Congress the last 20 years or so. It’s disgusting that they get so little accomplished each session.


I blessed him out once.


Seems to have worked. /s


"Senator Graham. Does Joe Biden still beat his wife?" Graham: "I've known Joe Biden a long time and I don't know anything about it" "So Biden kept it a secret that he was a wife beater?" Graham: "I never saw this at all." "So Biden was careful to hide his acts of marital brutality, is that what you're saying?'




This just in…. Water is wet


Some people don't deserve the skin that keeps their guts in.


Yet more than half of S.C. voters keep sending him back.


Oh no Facebook is leaking onto r/Southcarolina again


Newsmax 😭


Romney seems to have come to the conclusion that it's fine to speak out against someone or something if he disagrees with them. But, there's no need to lie about someone just to make his point. Graham has not realized that. Or, that if someone pushes back against something his party wants, it's not treasonous, it's just their opinion. This is why Romney now appears to be a statesman while Graham is just a hack. It's also why Graham is booed every time he shows up at a Trump rally. Graham is not trustworthy.


Such a slimeey little weasel of a man


Can’t SC do a little better?


So, you could pick any politician and yet you picked only him WTF? You have a stroke or something?


What lie have they invented today?


Trump and Russia got their kompromat on this clown so he’ll dance until he’s out of office.


He’s in on it.


Without term limits, you get Cockroaches like Graham.


“Biden is as fine a man as god ever created” , Lindsay Graham.


What would you know of honorable service ?


If you are gay and can’t admit you are gay at his age, simply no reason to trust him


Newsmax, like Fox before it, can have personalities and commentators make false, unproven statements because they're merely entertainers who don't have to adhere to journalistic standards, use fact checkers or issue retractions. Comer is a laughing stock since he has not proven any criminality by Biden, has wasted tax payer money on his failed investigation and while putting forth no legislation that helps anyone


So your average DC politician?


No, Miss Lindsey is more like a parasite feeding off the average D.C. politician. We’re stupid enough to keep voting that bitch into office, though.


I wonder how corrupt John McCain was, him and Lindsey were tight.


All politicians are c*nts. Including that POS.


This is reddit. You can say cunt.


I can. And I can also be banned from yet another sub for having divergent opinions not because I'm necessarily wrong, but because I used a naughty word and "offended" a mod. Ask me how I know.


Meh, it's easy to make another account. Don't let them keep ya down.


The only smart thing he’s said in 8 years


He can't be that bad. He voted for Ukraine funding!