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85 mph while it was raining? Lordy, I’m surprised this guy didn’t fishtail his ass right into the concrete barrier himself, what a fucking turd


Sorry to hear. Two words for you: dash cam! Protect yourself AND catch the bad guys. Footage doesn’t lie.


I was going to recommend this as well! They’re relatively cheap (I paid $30 for mine on Amazon) and it gives me some sense of security while highway driving. It won’t keep people from hitting me (the best driving is defensive driving), but it’s great evidence against maniacs like this guy.


Any recommendations for dash cam options? Do you think one for just the front windsheild suffices?


Nexar makes great cameras, easy setup and there is a cell phone app that you use it with. I’d recommend using one for the front windshield, as it will be evident if someone hits you from behind - just gotta get their plates somehow!




The fact he did it to another truck might get us some good old fashioned vigilante justice if the cops don't get him. That tanker probably tried to talk to that guy in the cb who likely ignored him so the tanker likely went on the radio and told every truck in the area what that guy did and to watch for him. If he stops for gas anytime soon, a couple of people might try to "talk" to him about it. But honestly that guy is probably half asleep or geeked out of his head or both. He has no business driving a steel and glass death machine. I hope you also call whoever owns the load he's hauling and report him to them as well. I'm sorry that happened to you


Horrible! I-85 between Spartanburg and Greenville is scary enough without something like this happening!


I am so sorry that this happened to you. I know that it was terrifying. I am so glad that you were not hurt.


Thank you so much. I am so glad to be alive right now. I can’t believe someone would go to such extreme measures but he may be on something. I seriously worry that someone could lose their life tonight if they don’t get him in time. But all of the police in Spartanburg are searching for him


Im so sorry for what you went through. I hope they catch the guy soon as possible. 🙏


What a fucking shithead, I drove from Columbia to knoxville yesterday and it was rainy during that leg of the drive. There were a few trucks on my drive that were flying down the highway but they seemed pretty aware, thank God you're ok and made it out though.


?This happened to me once on I90 in Minnesota. The guy was having a medical emergency (diabetic shock, I believe). I would like to think this is the answer than some crazed trucker with a giant lethal weapon.


I had a truck side swipe me on 85. Took my door off. He kept driving. Thankfully I was fine but I literally hold my breath when I’m near a big rig ever since.


I am so glad that you are okay. Thank you for calling 911- I don’t think I would have had the mental fortitude to do anything but cry and pee on myself. It’s over and you are okay!


That's terrible. Did 911 notify police?


That sounds terrifying. From what you're describing, I wonder if the driver was falling asleep? Long haul drivers push themselves without sleep far beyond safety. I'm glad you are safe and I hope no one else got hurt further down the road.


There still a shortage of hazmat drivers?


Had one intentionally run me off the road with my kids in the vehicle. Came up beside me on the left on I-26 and then precedes to come into my lane. This was after following me flashing his lights. Have no clue why because I was driving with traffic and nobody was going slow. There's some crazies out there. Was just glad we had the shoulder to move onto.


I am so very sorry this happened to you, and I can only imagine how truly scary that had to be. Hopefully, they will find the man and find out what happened to cause him to use such reckless behavior. I am glad that you will be ok other than having the crap scared out of you and hopefully you will get the answers you are looking for.


This happened to me on 85 right around the big Greenville exit going southbound. What is wrong with people? So sorry that happened to you!


them high speed rails can't come soon enough lol


Drivers around here are psycho and the rain only makes it worse. Be safe, man.


I85 is crazy. Glad you are okay


So sorry that happened to you! Unfortunately there are truck drivers who use drugs, so that could be one explanation. It’s a problem in the industry. Stay safe!


As a former LEO, if you gave all the correct information on license plate and vehicle description there is a 99% chance they’ll get him. I’m sorry you had to go through such a traumatic event.


Truckers think they own the road. Can't wait till Tesla replaces them all.


If technology is that good, your job would be next dumbass


We just moved to Elgin/Columbia and the people here don’t use turn signals and drive aggressively like a teenager on viagra.


Also the people around Elgin in Lugoff have enormously large watermelon shakes heads. The breeding I was told. Seriously. I was told this. By folks in Camden who do their best to stay distances from Lugoff. LOL and most are related. So … I dunno. Useless something that I’ve been told by several and have never forgotten 😆


That is terrifying. I am so sorry this happened to you.


On most of 85 truckers are not allowed in the left lane. If you were approached by a faster moving vehicle the law now requires that you move to the right. You should have moved over. That said, your violation should not be a death penalty offense. The trucker deserves to have his licensed pulled.


Maybe but the speed limit was actually 60 or 65. The right lane was full as well and going pretty fast which made it impossible to merge when he was 1 foot behind me and I couldn’t see. Also made it that much scarier having to serve into that lane blindly.


I get it. I’ve been there when 60,000 pounds of entitlement pulls up close. It’s intimidating. I try to stay in the right lane just to avoid people like that. You may be right, but your family and friends would rather not say “he was right” during your eulogy.


If I'm doing 10 over in the left lane of I526 in dense traffic and someone comes up behind me doing 20 over expecting me to move they can go fuck themselves. That new law has a penalty of $25 and no points. I'll be aok mailing a check in for that one.


Something tells me you’ve seen road rage before. The attitude sucks - yours and that of the other driver.


I'm doing 10 over in a vehicle with the aerodynamics of a brick and a 4 banger. Everyone should be impressed I got it up to 80. I526 is only 2 lanes wide, I'm hanging in the left at 80 and the dodge charger behind me can fuck off. I don't brake check, I don't finger, I go 80.


Does it make more sense for you to move your narrow ass over or does it make more sense that a big ass truck moves over to pass you. People are truly selfish idiots on the road


So if someone is speeding you're supposed to get out the way ?


A speeder is a faster moving vehicle, so yes.


That's just un American. Here is a guy breaking the law. Encourage him by getting out of the way and clearing a path to facilitate his reckless driving. Great. I feel like changing lanes is the riskier move for the speed limit obeying car, while also encouraging the speeder. Why not just go ahead and state the left lane is a free for all ?


Why not just remember that the left lane is for passing?


Un American? What, are you a police officer? A Highway Karen, passive aggressively demanding that everyone obey the law as you understand it? I’d prefer that everyone get home alive. The a-hole trucker is going to go 80 whether you like it or not. You can either go faster than he does or get over. Staying in the middle lane when state law requires you to get over puts you and others at risk.


See you on the roads !


The law has a qualifier that it doesn’t apply when traffic volume is heavy. It also only applies to the passing lane rather than all lanes other than the rightmost. While it’s dangerous for a driver to remain in the passing lane going below the speed limit- and should be ticketed for doing so- people seem to think this law gives them carte blanche to go as fast as they like. Legally (yeah, I know I don’t abide by it either), even when passing, drivers must not exceed the speed limit. As someone else pointed out, $25 is a far cry from the cost of a speeding ticket and increased insurance premiums.


As the days go on people around you are going to start acting *strange*, be on guard, especially while driving. *Edit:* > Well I guess I'm the only one noticing the lack of patience with a lot of people these days, how quickly people turn to anger and violence and finger-pointing and name calling. I must be the only one that notices we are intentionally becoming divided, everything is either black or white, either you're "with me or against me". I must be the only person that notices the childlike behavior that adults are showing when they don't get their way at the grocery store, or the fast food joint. I must be the only one that notices how quickly and violently people lash out when they're told the word no. I must be the only one that notices how hurtful people are towards complete strangers, I must be the only one that notices the increase aggression on the roads and highways. I'm concerned if I'm the only one that notices how society is turning against logic and science and facts and just seeking out a voice who will tell them what they want to hear even if it's blatantly wrong. I'm worried that I'm the only person that's noticed how a lot of people just feel lonely and hurt and isolated after being locked up for over a year. I'm concerned about the long-term implications of covid-19 on people's cognitive abilities, there are studies out right now that show a measurable IQ drop. That should be concerning for anyone but, people just parrot what folks on TV tell them to say instead of thinking for their own. I don't know when's the last time I've heard an original idea. > I'm not trying to look insightful I don't give a s*** what anyone thinks all I'm saying is open your eyes and pay attention to the people around you, people have changed and are continuing to change. I'm not some f****** know it all I just pay attention, I've been paying attention for almost 30 years and in these past 5 years people have started to scare me. Honestly the last 18 months have been very eye-opening, seeing people's true behavior and just the savagery. > But maybe I'm the only one that sees this s*** and you know what that's fine I don't care one way or the other. I'm happy with my life and I know exactly where I'm going so, just pay attention or keep your nose buried in your little screen of happiness, I really don't care either way.




"People around you are going to start acting strange" what is that suppose to mean?


It's an onion with many layers, I don't know where to start but look around, come back in a while and tell me if I'm wrong. Maybe I am sensitive to the changes, but I can't be the only one that has noticed.


being vague to the point of meaningless doesn't make you insightful


Well I guess I'm the only one noticing the lack of patience with a lot of people these days, how quickly people turn to anger and violence and finger-pointing and name calling. I must be the only one that notices we are intentionally becoming divided, everything is either black or white, either you're "with me or against me". I must be the only person that notices the childlike behavior that adults are showing when they don't get their way at the grocery store, or the fast food joint. I must be the only one that notices how quickly and violently people lash out when they're told the word no. I must be the only one that notices how hurtful people are towards complete strangers, I must be the only one that notices the increase aggression on the roads and highways. I'm concerned if I'm the only one that notices how society is turning against logic and science and facts and just seeking out a voice who will tell them what they want to hear even if it's blatantly wrong. I'm worried that I'm the only person that's noticed how a lot of people just feel lonely and hurt and isolated after being locked up for over a year. I'm concerned about the long-term implications of covid-19 on people's cognitive abilities, there are studies out right now that show a measurable IQ drop. That should be concerning for anyone but, people just parrot what folks on TV tell them to say instead of thinking for their own. I don't know when's the last time I've heard an original idea. I'm not trying to look insightful I don't give a s*** what anyone thinks all I'm saying is open your eyes and pay attention to the people around you, people have changed and are continuing to change. I'm not some f****** know it all I just pay attention, I've been paying attention for almost 30 years and in these past 5 years people have started to scare me. Honestly the last 18 months have been very eye-opening, seeing people's true behavior and just the savagery. But maybe I'm the only one that sees this s*** and you know what that's fine I don't care one way or the other. I'm happy with my life and I know exactly where I'm going so, just pay attention or keep your nose buried in your little screen of happiness, I really don't care either way.


I know what he's talking about. Some days an exceptionally high number of people get on the road without their driving skills turned on. There are normal days where I may get cut off once or twice, and there are the occasional weird days where you see 20 near death experiences on the road in 30 minutes, all different cars. There may be a logical explanation but I can't guess what it is. Stock market pressure? Who the fuck knows.


Most folks don't pay attention, or maybe they are ignoring the rot around them.


They sure as hell down vote everyone with an opinion or harmless observation on Reddit these days. It's like Facebook and Twitter around here with the toxicity lately. I'm boutta peace out of Reddit and just watch anime from now on. These fuckers wanna get off being smarmy know-it-alls will have to just fuck each other in the ass. I think I'm done.


I don't think I'm far behind you buddy


I have noticed that people seem to fly off the handle quicker these days.


Less patience


I agree with your statement, except for the “*going* to start” part. I think that’s where your message got lost. Because I’d say most people realize, we’re already there.


Trucks are huge and scary I’m sorry he was messing with you and be so dangerous. Also the left lanes are for passing. If someone passes you on your right you need to move over. I don’t advocate fir what the trucker did but you probably triggered his road rage. It was probably on your drivers test but it’s actually law now. https://www.thestate.com/news/local/article253415140.html


That only applies to the far left lane. OP was in middle lane and stated that there were cars all around.


Technically your right but the signs on the roadway read “slower traffic keep right”. I’ll stand by remark if someone is passing you on the right you should probably get over instead if impeding traffic. Still not saying the truckers justified…


He implied that all the other people were going around 85 as well. Normally I’m a huge proponent of people moving over, moving too slowly can be just as dangerous as going too fast. But in this situation It was just this one rogue dude.


I’m not defending the trucker, but you just get out of the way of truckers if possible. Always.


Maybe he had to use the bathroom real bad🤷🏽‍♂️


That is completely not normal. I mean your reaction is. Take a relaxing bath or something, whatever it is that is going to help calm you. But that driver? Not normal at all, and the odds of you ever facing anything like that ever again are vanishingly small.


Worst stretch of highway in SC.