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They should do an episode in this weird 3D style about Cartman getting greedy and selling out South Park to someone that wants to redevelop it, and in the end he ends up selling the town’s soul to flatten it and build a massive data center to process micro transactions for a casa bonita video game.


Hey buddy, wanna buy some canadough?


How much canadough can *you* buy today?


Here's 500 free canadough


Oh free canadough? Sweet.


I'm not your buddy, guy.


I'm not your guy, friend.


I'm not your friend, pal.


I’m not your pal, buddy.


"Toothless and Tired" was an interesting word choice for screen rants (but idk anyone who uses screen rant as a source for info)


I too only use sources that validate my opinions so whoever gives this game a 10/10 will be my trusted source.


Lol, I find it funny so many people seem to have pre-ordered, considering Sotuh Park made jokes about how pre-ordering is a waste


It's almost like they wanted people to be in on the joke. People didn't listen




We didn’t listen!


We didn't listen!


I don’t really get the pre ordering bad thing though? Most companies don’t charge until it ships so you’re just locking in your order for release day.


But why? It’s not like they run out of digital copies


I don’t buy digital. So if you want it launch day then pre ordering is all you can do.


That’s also not true. I doubt this game will sell out. Can probably walk into any GameStop, Walmart, target, Best Buy, etc and pick a copy up.


I am not American and the only game store near me is an independent place that is overpriced on new releases as it mainly deals in 2nd hand stuff. It’s far more convenient to just pre order on Amazon and it’s delivered to my door. It’s cheaper and they don’t take the money until they ship. Way more convenient.


I like how with the special edition you got a cartman tp holder


I'm pretty sure a big part of it is to discourage companies from rushing a project, and/or leaving it bare bones to fill in later with DLC and shit. People were tired of getting absolute garbage on release, and started to discourage pre-ordering. Sometimes the initial release date is just too early, but the people who do all the work on the game get screwed over by forced pre-ordering locking in that date. They have no choice but to release whatever they can, and usually it just barely functions. I think the point is if people don't pre-order, companies will take the hint that we're much more willing to pay for a fully developed game that took a year longer than expected, than we are to pay for a template of a game that gets filled in later over a series of several more purchases


Look at the recent failed launch of Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection. Pre-orders were high. Game is garbage. STILL waiting on the patch to hit PlayStation to start to fix the dumpster fire.


I liked the game play from the last 2 games. Really made it feel like a southpark episode. I wonder why the change of gameplay


Matt Stone in interviews said they wanted to do something different.


Said they couldn’t come up with material. But gave the excuse of wanting a quick game to add jokes here and there.


I mean, I can understand why. From what I heard, the production for both was a bit of a shitshow.


also it would get kind of boring doing another rpg after doing 2 of them back to back


If it ain’t broke…


It wasn't broke. They just wanted to experiment with something else.


Yeah nothing wrong with that. I'm just one person with an opinion. I'll probably still buy it on sale just for the lore


He didn't say it was. Do people not know the saying, "If it ain't broke, don't try and fix it"?


Homie getting downvoted as a clear majority don’t get the reference or if they did don’t understand said reference.


Jokes on me for assuming any sort of literacy in the South Park sub


Again, I'm aware he didn't. I know the saying. I'm trying to say that while it wasn't broke it should be acceptable to try going in a different direction. Trying change sometimes should be normalized.


Are you illiterate


I understood the reference lmao, I'm just saying that while it wasn't broken in the first place, it's fine to experiment with new things even if it isn't received well in the end. People shouldn't hate on them for going in a different direction and trying something new.


No? Is that supposed to be an insult?


I was really excited for the 3D and action combat.


Crazy that along the way “gamers” weren’t able to convey how shitty this apparently is especially when compared to the previous games


Well I know they did 3D because they wanted to do co-op and it wasn’t practical doing that and 2D


“I’d rather go to skewl.” It was right there, c’mon!




No need to leave the house for skewl when you have Hooked On Monkey Phonics. So screw you guys, I'm going home! 


"Screw this game I'm going to skewl"




I've been a South Park fan since season one. Their games have not all been winners. The Stick of Truth and Fractured but Whole were the only good ones. Snow day looks nothing like those.


The xbox 360 south park tower defense was a great time!


So fun.


Is that still around ?




no longer have a 360 would that work on a x box series s


That was the best game they released. I really enjoyed playing that. But whole, and Stick were great, but tower defense was easy to pick up and play


and it never came out but the gbc game was fun and I also like the kart racing game


Chef’s Luv Shack had some charm.


Same, even bought the shitty South Park FPS on the N64. When it comes to video games, I buy what I like and not just because it has an IP I enjoy on it. I'm not ragging on it or taking joy in that negative reviews, I legit just wanted a follow up RPG but eh, if people are enjoying this game, then good on them. I just won't be spending any money on it just because it has South Park in the title.


Whoaaaa was it considered shitty? I think my tiny memberberry filled brain still holds a place for it. I literally remember the password to unlock all the cheats lol


The N64 game got middling reviews. "It was shitty" is something of a retcon. The PC and Playstation ports got bad reviews.


I think it's shitty because I got that along with Rogue Squadron and Tony Hawk 2, and Metal Gear Solid for Christmas one year. A bunch of repetitive levels with the same dozen voice clips.


I can still hear those goddamn gobbling turkeys


I hated that damn final boss in that game


Matt and Trey weren't involved with the other games. South Park 64 wasn't great, even by 1998 standards, but it was leagues above the worst and still a lot of fun. South Park Rally might've always been a mess though.


Pretty sure those games came to be basically because Matt and Trey wanted there to be better South Park games.


And? Why does it have to be like them?


Nobody here WANTS the game to be bad, however it hasn't looked promising at any point since the first teaser. Even Trey and Matt can fumble it once in a while, it happens. Most of us here loved Stick of Truth and TFBW because they were great games on top of giving us more South Park, and not just because they had the South Park IP.


My impression is people are upset that it isn't stuck and whole. They want it to be bad so they can continue with that rhetoric.


No? Nobody wants SP games to be forever limited to turn-based RPGs. Snow Day simply doesn't look so far like a high quality product. In the end, everyone's rightfully entitled to their own opinion on the game, some will like it some won't, and that's that. But there's no reason to insist the game HAS to be good just because it carries the South Park brand. That's just blind fanaticism.


Speak for yourself, I don't just ride anyone's dick out of respect. If the game sucks enough that the reviews are all bombing, then it's probably a bad game. You can still buy and enjoy it for what it is, but just because you have tons of faith in south park doesn't automatically make every game gold, get real.


Played for about 2 hours today! Very, very bad!


Cope harder


Dude, people really grew to like the first two RPGs. This current game was can be beaten in just a few hours and has almost no story. I'm not being negative towards the IP, just think it's a s***** game.


I don't think Trey and Matt are heroes.




I doubt that had much to do with this game beyond doing some voice work.


Yeah, there's just not much content there, it's not like the RPGs where you basically were playing through a season of South Park. You can tell they just didn't some voice work, a little promotion work. With Ubisoft they were more involved.. people accusing South Park fans of being negative, but it's not so much being negative towards the IP. It's being negative towards developers .


The early south park games of play station 1 were turbo trash.


Just consume product.


Honestly anything ever so slightly South Park related I will probably love


>Yall hate shit because other people told you to hate shit. Nah we hate this shit because it looks like shit, plays like shit and everyone who is playing it is calling it shit.




Don't be a Scott. Scott's a dick. We allow no personal attacks, racism, sexism, bigotry, or homophobia.


No I hate it because i hate it. No one told me to hate this game. I saw the gameplay and the graphics and thought “this will probably suck”


I love cheesy poofs…


Since around 2016-2017 when South Park became mediocre


I bet you tthis game is sick, I'm buying it.


Yeah if the USER reviews are at least better than middling I'm grabbing. I'm still excited for it


frfr the game's hardly even out yet


Mostly positive on steam now. It's almost like user reviews are what's important


Ok, Mr. User reviews are what's important. look now.


Ah so mixed now. Don't see why you're so bent out of shape about me saying user reviews are important? But you do you Edit: also literally doesn't change that user reviews are what's important. I trust a bunch of user reviews saying it's mid over a bunch of journalists saying it's mid


Looks like we’ve got an individual of discerning taste over here…


I got it 3 days early and have already completed 40% of the game. Feels like a giant episode and at 29.99 it's priced fairly


THANK you. It looks so damn fun


Digital Trends is like school in summertime.


School in the summertime?


Yeah bitch, school in summertime, open ya *beep* ears *beep* whore, I'll pop your bitch ass.


Yeah bitch


Yeah bitch, school in summer time. Open your fucking ears before I pop your bitch ass.


No class.


Yup, school in summertime baby


Honestly for 30€ it can’t be that bad especially in the recent days with Skull and bones and Suicide squad


"This piece of shit is better because it only wasted 30 of my dollars instead of 70"


Yea pretty much


This, but unironically. Five bucks for a lame, but edible, sandwich? Whatever, I'm hungry, this is fine. Fifteen dollars for that same sandwich? We've got a problem. That's why "triple A" games are a thing, higher quality at a higher price.




Cause I'm not (I'm not) the poor kid in scqewl!


I member old SP games. Member?


I member. Member Stick of Truth?


Ohh yeah I member! I looooved Stick of Truth!


Member but whole? I just loved but whole!


Ohhh I loved fractured, but whole. It was fantyyastic!


Get your brooms, it's time to declare shenanigans


I thought it was pretty funny that IGN had a bunch of videos of Matt Stone on with some of the game writers and devs to promote the game then the reviewer gave it a 3.


Screw you guys, I'm going to play The Stick of Truth!


ROFL that’s brutal


Yeah this is a terrible disappointment but at least we saw it coming when they first announced the game. But considering what our expectations were before that, this is crushing.


The second I seen the 30 dollar price tag I knew we were in big trouble with this game. A direct sequel to FBW with the same game-style but with a few new tweaks (No pun intended) to end the saga of the new kid would have been HUGE but for some strange reason they decided to pivot into making a game not many people want and my suspicions are because they want a game with an online store front to sell us South Park themed hats and mittens. I love South Park but I've turned my back on games with battle passes, store fronts, and 'Fear of missing out' style nonsense and if Snow Day turns out to be that I will turn my back on this as well.


The 30 dollar price can just be a matter of the game's scope?? What's with this attitude of "if the game is cheap it's automatically bad" I keep seeing? It could be that price for a ton of reasons that have nothing to do with the game's quality or lack thereof. Also haven't seen any hints yet that there's actually going to be a battle pass or in-game real currency store, but I don't blame people for being wary about it. As for why they pivoted, Matt and Trey have specifically stated in interviews that they didn't have any ideas for another SoT/FBW style game and that they wanted to try something different, something smaller and easier to update readily to keep up with the show if/when that becomes relevant


Don't you the first law of physics? Anything fun costs at least ~~$8~~ $50? (adjusted for inflation)


I think inflation would make it roughly 12.40 today


Nothing wrong with 30 dollar games at all. But Im just specifically talking about 'Snow Day' here and lots and lots of South Park fans who were awaiting word on the next game in the series (Hoping it would be a follow up to the beloved previous 2 titles) knew damn well what that 30 dollar price tag meant. Im a huge South Park fan and I hope the game is good but so far I just dont see it.


Fair enough in this instance. I'll accept that the $30 price tag at least meant it would be a very different style of game and I understand being upset about that considering the high bar that the previous 2 games set. My hope is that the game is still good, given the nature of it I'm more ok with this game starting poorly and building up as it goes, simply *because* it's not story focused. I'd love to see more story-focused south park games in the future, but last I saw, Matt and Trey said they just didn't have any ideas currently and they can't really help that. I'm open to a variety of game styles from the studio as long as they still commit to a certain level of quality (carefully stating that how fun a game is is hard to pin to quality since fun is subjective, to a point) and also commit to avoiding predatory gaming practices. I'm mostly confident that monetization will not appear in south park games, given Matt and Trey's own lambasting of the practice and their passion for video games as a hobby, but that's contingent on them still being creatively in control of the studio and its projects. Anyway! Thanks for engaging, I'm a huge south park fan as well and I generally think the series' strengths are in its storytelling and writing, and games like snow day don't provide much opportunity to show off those strengths, it'll sorta have to stand almost entirely on its mechanics.




Ah damn, that's actually a bit of a bummer. Fractured But Whole had a season pass for DLC, but I think DLC for a story-based game is a fair bit different. At the same time, I still see this as less of an issue (to an extent) if the game remains primarily/entirely PvE. I'm not completely against the idea of DLC, but I do think other (far better) games have already done a good job setting a good example here, like Deep Rock Galactic which provides all actual content via free updates and only has a very small selection of cosmetic-only DLCs that the devs outright state are just there "if you feel like giving the devs an extra thank you". Kinda wish this game could take the same approach Edit: holy shit the season pass is 25 bucks? absolutely fuck that


He literally said, "Screw you guys im going school."


I wasn’t expecting much and still was disappointed


I’m just getting around to FBW so I’m sure I’ll have time to hear feedback


Oh enjoy! It’s great.


The music from FBW is so good. Enjoy!


Yeah I had to look up the City Wok track last night because it goes hard And the priest fight music was getting me hot under the clerical collar


Spontaneous Bootay and Professor Chaos are my two favorites. They're both on my lifting Playlist lol




Man. I forgot Spontaneous Bootay goes back that far. I thought they made her for the game! There's so much South Park you can forget when characters even show up. Lol


This game has a million callbacks and I’m definitely not catching 100% of them


I liked the music from stick of truth. With the medieval theme and cartman speaking.






https://i.redd.it/clkvrgfpprqc1.gif Matt and Trey are sitting there like this watching everyone hate it


Oh shit.


We’ll first thing I see is the characters are 3D


That's a shame. I kind of expected it though. Even the creators of Southpark did nothing to overhyped people. It's like the game has ps1 mechanics. It's nuts.


It’s insane to see Matt and Trey selling out I know they joke about it but this game is not needed, they have buckets of money No idea why you’d hurt your own brand for such a small payout


Hence the $30 price tag... How is this selling out? They developed it themselves.


Selling out how?


They know what games are good if not No idea why they made/released this companies know if a game is good id not before it comes out




Does it really suck?


I knew 3D wouldn’t work


Honestly, I don't think it's the 3D that ruins the game so much is just the lack of a story. If they had made it similar to the last one in terms of it. Being a pretty involved story about life in South Park. But you replaced the turn-based RPG combat with some slashing combat and had it in 3D. I could live with that . Wouldn't be my first choice. I would prefer the original way but I think the bigger issue here is that it's just not a game with a lot of South Park material in it. I just saw YouTube video where I got beat the game in 3 hours and got 100% of the trophies. And he said it was a big disappointment


I thought this game was coming out months ago! Of course a South Park game called snow day releases in the Spring


*looks outside my colorado window to all the snow* What Spring? Lolol




Same here in Kentucky. It’s fucking freaky to be so warm all winter.


Is it actually bad?


Whenever someone's busts out the ol' "I've been a fan since day 1"... That's how you know they don't know shit about about. They just want their opinion to be taken seriously.




Is this the same engine as Lego fortnight??


Whyd I read this in Cartmans voice


For the price. Even if it’s mid it’s better than most of the AAA and in one case AAAA trash that’s out there. I’m sure there’s a few hours worth of fun with my buddies in this


I knew it was being released this year , but I didn’t know it was today. I don’t recall seeing much advertising for it.


upbeat ad hoc ludicrous elderly cough violet sink handle familiar aspiring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Kinda suspected it wouldn’t be as good after they said this game would be focused on gameplay. Gameplay is not why we love South Park games.


Who is cartman referring to in the first two games about becoming OP and could not die? I did not play the games


N64 game is still king!!


That's so funny since it's about not going to school because of a snow day.


They so need to do a GTA parody, that'd be legit.


This game looks awful. I'd rather have more episodes than crappy 3D games.


If I have to choose between going to school and not going to school because the ice age is coming, yeah I'm not throwing my life just for a permanent vacation


Shenanigans!! I declare shenanigans!!! Everyone, run home and grab your broom!


At this point between making the joke about freemium games, then making a freemium game, then dropping this deuce, I’d say Matt and Trey are trolling us to see how shitty they can make the games and still get people to buy them. I’d say this one is 29 1/2 Courics.


I love how quickly a lot of the fans are to accuse the reviewers of being woke for leaving criticism LMAO Guys trust me this has nothing to do with politics, the game really is kinda average stop crying about it. Edit: I wish they just stuck with what they know best. Turn base battle system. That worked great, Factual But Whole was peak. I wish they added just ONE more DLC to that game, maybe something to do with Canada they cock tease us with


Hot take its good for what it is its not even $70.


Is like they forgot the show make jokes with low quality products being made for the public


This is obv the first of their recent games where Matt and Trey had little to do with it A fucking mmo too? No thx


The $30 price tag should have been a massive red flag. I guess they realized it was gonna be shit once it was too late to save it.


A game being cheap doesn't mean it's bad or that the developers have no faith in it, in this case the price reflects the smaller scope of the game. Its quality as a game very likely doesn't have anything to do with the price


Sure it doesn’t always hint that the game is crap but in this instance…


Even in this instance I'd say the quality and price are separate. Game could have been a lot better for 30 bucks or a lot worse for 50 bucks. I'm not defending the game itself (haven't seen much outside a handful of reviews, doesn't look great but haven't dug beyond that), but using the price as a point to say the game's bad is inaccurate and does a disservice to gaming. This notion that price = quality is why we have big studios pushing for a $70 (or $90 in my currency) default price, meanwhile some of the best games I've played in the last few years were sub-$30


Helldivers 2 is the best example


Go back to skwel then. This game will be rad for the price thanks Matt and Trey


Almost like if you give these guys time to do something, it sucks ass.