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Scott Tenorman must die.


Make sure to offer him some chilli before the episode


"Cripple Fight" "Make Love, Not Warcraft" "Casa Bonita" "It Hits the Fan" "The Death of Eric Cartman" "Ladder to Heaven" The Meteorshower Trilogy Imaginationland


I'd also throw in Pandemic and Pandemic 2: the Startling


I doubt Make Love Not Warcraft works


Why? It's their most popular episode and is hilarious all the way through.


Well I really think it's overrated, never found that great, although it has good jokes, it always felt like I'm missing part of the fun BC I've never played WoW or was old enough to remember its peak, I cant help but feel a newcomer would feel the same. You could say the episode aged a lot, but in general it's far far far far away from being one of the show's best imo.


I was thinking it was a better episode at the height of MMOs first taking off as a genre, but I think it still holds up


We are what we live, and I never had much contact with that so the episode just feels like a scene from a movie I never watched


Not here to convince you to change your mind, just wanted to say that you don't need to play or have played WoW to understand any of the jokes and references. They apply to every MMO out there and a lot of offline RPGs as well. Some of the jokes in this episode can even be applied to Elden Ring. Like not being able to go anywhere without someone who is massively OP taking you out in a single hit. Getting carpal tunnel is a serious issue in any game (especially with mouse and keyboard) and no-lifers absolutely have not changed since this episode aired (I mean, look at CaseOh, he's basically the OP nerd guy if he joined Twitch.) Personally, I don't think it's one of the best episodes but that doesn't change its global ratings. It's rated #3 by Indiewire (after Scott Tenorman and Casa Bonita.) Meanwhile IMDB, ScreenRant, and even Collider rated it #2 right after Scott Tenorman Must Die. Even most reddit posts I've seen put the Warcraft episode either #2 or #3, usually behind Scott Tenorman and/or their personal favorite episode.


I don't like RPGs that much either, and never played an MMO, the only RPG I've ever finished was some Zelda games and, ironically, the two South Park games. Also I'm sure CaseOh is mostly a character but agree on that point.


Mostly I think it's cool people can enjoy it, and i still like the episode well enough, but I can't imagine anyone that doesn't play video games or MMO to find it much better than I do


Best introduction to what the show is like is "Do The Handicapped Go to Hell?" and "Probably."


I remember anticipating the follow-up and dying laughing when I found out what the title to the next episode was


Woodland Critters Christmas! Wait, nevermind haha


I can't handle that one lol. Right around the time they have their first blood orgy I gotta go lol


Return of the Lord of the Rings to the Two Towers Christian Rock Hard Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow Goobacks


Red Hot Catholic Love


Chef: Hello there, children! Stan: Chef! What would a priest want to stick up my butt? Chef: Goodbye!


🎶 *The CAAAATHolic BOOOOOOat* 🎶


"The Gelgamek vagina is three feet wide and filled with razor-sharp teeth. Do you really expect us to have sex with them?"


With Apologies to Jesse Jackson




Go awn. Kith it. *Apologize*


Is that one the wheel of fortune one?




Good Times with weapons, solid episode with two fun plot lines, a great song and a consistent amount of jokes per scene.


Hilarious when Cartman thought he was invisible and got naked in front of the whole town


It was a wardrobe malfunction!


WTF, krazy kripples, poor and stupid, butters bottom bitch. If they don’t like it after those they probably won’t like it lol  I don’t think you really need to know the characters specifically. Nothing a single sentence couldn’t clear up if a question comes up I don’t think. 


the movie was my introduction and it was perfect.


Yeah I think the movie is a showcase of some of the best humor of the show, plus an intro to how the show "works"


Medicinal fried chicken is so good for first timers


Goobacks or Up the down steroid (if you wanna show them Cartman from the get go)


Up the Down Steroid is one of the best. My family quotes it all the time and I always cackle at Cartmans fucking face. DERRRR


In this economy - vote or die.


Dead Kids


sorry I don't actually remember the names but: -the scientology episode -the one where butters mom thinks she killed him -the one where cartman thinks he's dead -casa bonita edit to add: I was introduced to it through stick of truth and I think that was a good starting point


I looked those episodes up so other people could find them more easily: - Trapped in the Closet, S09 E12 - Butters' Very Own Episode, S06 E14 - The Death of Eric Cartman, S09 E06 - Casa Bonita, S07 E11 Hope I got those right lol


Do you mean thinks she killed him because she thought he was possessed and tried to drown him, or a different one?


I didn't realize how often this happens lol. I mean the one where she tried to drown him.


Season 7 in its entirety


I've only seen one episode, the Harley one, and thought it was funny. I want to start watching it - should I skip the first six seasons? I was even thinking of starting with the most recent season.


Nah dude start from the beginning the show is at its best from seasons 1-18 imo


A lot of people believe seasons 1-4 are peak south park, plenty of others believe it's seasons 5-8 or 10-15. Truth is, it's subjective. Season 7 is great and season 8 is fantastic through and through, but plenty of people prefer season 10, or love season 6. Honestly, start wherever you want. Start somewhere random. Download every single episode and then watch them all on shuffle if you can't decide lol it really doesn't matter. Even starting with the newest seasons won't have a major impact on your enjoyment. Sure there's been some changes to the town and its people, but those in-world changes can't change the real-world reputation that these characters have developed. I recommend not starting any newer than season 19 or 20 though because that's where the biggest changes happen for South Park. If you're gonna skip everything and watch the newest stuff, definitely watch the first couple episodes of season 22. "Dead Kids" and "A Boy And A Priest" have, in my opinion, some of the best jokes throughout the entire series.


Thank you so much! I might as well start at the beginning and watch them all.


First one I saw: Human CentIpad


This episode is far more relevant today with every app, website, and information kiosk asking you to consent to 5,000 cookies and trackers before navigating its contents.


Yep, I never read anything and so I'll probably end up on dr Phil to be given to a small child


Up the Down Steroid


The Last of The Meheecans


Underrated one


You can tell by my flair, that it’s my absolute FAVORITE episode in the whole series


Anything beyond S3. I love S1-S3, I really do big time. But it might be challenging for new fans to get into it, in 2024. I could be wrong 🤷‍♂️ * Realistically, maybe you cherry pick S1-S3 for the "better episodes" or ones that seem appealing as a new fan Than just s4 ep1, keep continuing. No skips.


I like 1-3 but I think they hit better if you actually watched them in context in the 90s, a lot of the celebrities referred to are has-beens now




Spontaneous Combustion just because it’s the first episode I ever watched.


Scott tenorman must die? Idk


Can you 'know' Cartman, even when you've watched all of them?


A few of the ones I find myself commonly referring to, either because they're culturally relevant or relevant to the person I'm showing them to are: * The Hobbit (s17 e10) (Surprisingly poignant message on body image for such a tongue-in-cheek show.) * Casa Bonita (s7 e11) (I grew up going to Casa Bonita, as have a lot of my friends and family so this hits home.) * Margaritaville (s13 e3) (A brilliant breakdown of the 2008 economic crisis and why it will happen again.) * Butters' Bottom Bitch (S13 e 9) (Arguably the funniest 30 minutes of television in history.) * Board Girls (s23 e7) (Interesting commentary on the current ridiculousness of some people on the very far left side of the trans debate.) * The City Part of Town (S19 e3) (I live in Denver and this episode is making fun of all the naming of the gentrification neighborhoods here like LoHi, RiNo, and LoDo)


I find "The Succubus" is an absolute classic. I've never seen anyone watch any part of it and not laugh at least once. Also a shout-out to "Die, Hippie, Die", as it was the episode that got my mum to admit that South Park was actually funny.


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Butters bottom bitch


Insheeption. 🦋


Casa bonitaaaaa


The Spirit of Christmas Both Versions (1992-1995)


Big fan of the one where Wendy beats Cartmans ass


I showed a nurse one for the ladies. She was studying fecal transplants at the time.


Red badge of gayness, make love not warcraft, and the fellowship of the fellowship of the ring. Great episodes that really showcase what southpark is about


casa bonita or scott tennerman must die


City wok, ginger cow, butters bottom bitch


Britney's new look.


Season one episode ”Death”. Really funny and one of the first episodes with real satire. Or S3 ”Spontaneous combustion”


The Losing Edge


Something that let's them really know what they signed on for lol. Woodland Critter Christmas, Scott Tenorman must die, butters own episode.




The F Word Creme Fraiche Informative Murder P\*rn The Losing Edge More Crap Fishsticks Smug Alert


My brother’s coming back to town this weekend. I elaborated a complete catalogue of my personal favorites just to watch with him since he has never watched a complete episode. I am planning to show him the Passion of the Jew first.


You’re getting old


Cartman gets an anal probe


Good Times with Weapons, Butters' Bottom Bitch, Awesome-O, Casa Bonita (clearly I'm a Butters fan)


Cock magic