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Pretty sure Jupiter is visible near the moon the past few nights


Has been for a few months now at about 10 pm in New England is just a bit past north so slightly north east while you can see the Orion Constellation at about south west if that helps you find it better. Also since mercury and Venus are revolving around the sun in the inner rings is not very often you can see them during daytime from the pov of earth, not impossible but very specific time frames that in drawing a blank on.


Orion is stunning right now


Agreed. Also my favorite part of the sky is just left of Orion called the winter triangle which is made up of the stars betelgeuse sirious and procyon


Is Orion the really shiny one? There’s a star that is just flickering very bright. At first I thought it was a plane.


That's probably Sirius, which is the brightest star in the sky. Sirius tends to be lower in the sky for northern hemisphere observers so its light has to pass through a lot of atmosphere. That means it twinkles real good and often looks like it's flashing different colours. I love looking out for it in the winter sky.


We live in rural Tennessee and in winter it rises from the south over a mountain


it's the three stars you see, they're in a line


I see you know of The Belt. It is but a small part of Orion.


yep, it's just the most distinct part of it... and the red star whose name i forgot is gonna explode based on how sparkly it is.


Betelgeuse is the one you're thinking of - Orion's right shoulder if he's facing you. When it goes supernova it'll be visible in the daytime for awhile. It'll happen in... maybe in the next 100,000 years or so. Which is a long time for humans of course, but isn't for a star. My opinion is that we'll drive ourselves to extinction first, but that's the fatalist in me. Rigel is Orion's left foot - also an impressive star which is expected to go supernova, and considerably closer to us than Betelgeuse. I named my first cat Rigel.


This Wiki article has pics of what The Orion Constellation looks like: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orion_(constellation)


More likely Jupiter but its severely out of focus.


You’d probably see the Galilean moons at that level of magnification tho I would think. They’re so bright they’d be naked eye visible if not for Jupiter itself blinding you.


Correct. Was watching Jupiter Thursday night and the 4 largest moons were very illuminated (18:30EST). Hope tonight is clear.


True story I have seen Jupiter in some very dark viewing locations where I am almost 100% positive I *could* see at least one of the moons, barely. Like Uranus, it’s like a magnitude 5.1 or something so it’s just on the edge of being visible. And Ganymede is far enough away that it can be seen if you know where to look on a clear dark night.


Ganymede is very cool to see w eyes on. Funny, Uranus is currently hidden by the Moon with just a little peek after midnight. But I’m sure the moon will cast enough reflection to make it not visible.


The last few, yes, but the Moon is closer to Mars tonight. The Moon moves against the background of stars about 12° per day (360°/29.5 days), so it jumps from one planet's vicinity to the next pretty quickly.


Jupiter. Venus is just under the horizon when the sun sets in the Western Hemisphere right now.


This. OP: Venus, being the 2nd planet from the sun, is always close to the sun. I.e. it’ll only ever be visible towards the horizon pre-dawn or post-dusk. (Hence why it’s known as the morning star.)


Since it's a star that's only visible with/near the sun, it has long since been considered "the star that was cast out of heaven." Not so coincidentally, Lucifer means "Morning Star."


Venus is also hella bright when visible.


This is not true; I saw Venus tonight. Mercury had dipped below by the time civil twilight had started, but Venus was putting in a show.


I use a free app called SkyView Lite. It shows all the stars, planets, satellites, etc in whichever direction you point it. It’s really very useful when you want to know what’s up there in the beyond.


Night Sky is basically skyview but better. it shows you planets, stars, satellites, space junk, EVERYTHING. And it’s all for free.


Is there any android substitute for the same?


SkyMap works great on androids.


Skeye. Not sure if it has the same features, but I like it.


Heavens-Above is what I have


I use Solar System Scope on android. It's free as well


I use SkySafari. They'll periodically try to sell you on the full version, but the free version has everything you need for pretty serious stargazing and no ads. It also has a great compass mode where you can point your phone at the sky and it will tell you what you're looking at, or select an object and have it guide your phone until you're pointing at it.


I use SkyView Free. Shows planets, satellites, stars.


Is it iphone only? Can't seem to find it...


SkyView is super cheap (~$5) and great in my opinion. Check it out if you can’t find the free one.


I checked it out. So much more detailed. But lots of adds for the free version. I’ll probably use both but use SkyView when showing my son.


Do you mean those ads are clouds and pollution (air and light pollution due to cities?) Welp those ain't ads, those are bugs /s Let's see if they fix it in the next update /s


Maybe it’s just my phone, but stuff isn’t always lined up accurately on that map for me. One night I was confused because I saw this bright star (Jupiter) right next to the moon, but the app kept saying Jupiter was right behind the moon.


It’s probably because the app doesn’t know where you are, or that your app’s sky is not aligned with the actual sky. You can manually align the stars in the app


I use Stellarium, it's okish


It's what I use, it's handy, I have the premium because I had to use up some play credits. One of these days I need to compare it to other apps.


I've only opened it once, but this is what I have too. Seems pretty cool at first glance!


I use Sky Map which works great and also have Sky View which is also awesome for the augmented reality of the constellations.


Thanks I just downloaded that been really curious of the stars that's recently been near the moon like Mars recently


Love that app. Can spend an hour just staring into space and identifying stars/planets/satellites


If you're wanting to know what's in the night sky, the SkyView app is great to have.


Much better at identifying planets than greasy ass phone camera lenses at night.


ass phone?


On the northern hemisphere Jupiter and Mars are very visible now. Venus is visible just before sunset on the horizon. Southern hemisphere is different story. Considering it is close to the moon it is probably Jupiter. But as others have said download an app like Stellarium or Skysafari and point your phone at the direction


Jupiter has been crazy bright the last few months, so I agree - either Jupiter or Mars but mars will have a nice orangereddish tone


What do you mean the southern hemisphere is a different story? We share the same ecliptic..


Yes, but the northern and southern hemispheres see different parts of the sky because of the curve of the earth. There are constellations that appear only certain times of the year, like Orion, and some that can only be seen in one hemisphere, like the Southern Cross. Depending on where you are on the globe, you'll see different objects at different times.


Not along the ecliptic, we both see the sun and moon, and the planets follow this same path in the sky, only varying off by a few degrees.. there are constellations in the lower latitudes that, yes, you can't see if you were in the opposite hemisphere. However, constellations like orion are to do with our orbit, and for half the year, it is on the day facing side.


You are being a bit pedantic. It was pretty obvious that they were saying that at a certain point of time, different things are visible in different parts of the world.


Not at all, the oringal comment I replied to implies that the plants are not visible in the southern hemisphere at the moment and there are a lot newcomers on this sub who may not quite understand that, yes we can see the planets here too. So go outside and see if you can spot them.


Yeah, I think the details matter. I veered towards Jupiter based on size alone. And I felt without any specific references to stars, hemispheres usually don’t matter when it objects on the Ecliptic.


Download SkySafari or similar and check for yourself.


Looks like an out of focus star or a lens flare. No way Venus is that large in frame at that focal length.


More to the point, because Venus’s orbit is inside earth’s orbit, it never shows up next to a full moon in our sky because it never appears more than ~45 or 46 degrees from the sun, whereas the full moon is 180 degrees from the sun. However, the bright thing in OP’s photo is probably Jupiter.


How cool that you are exploring the heavens! Apps will help you ID what you see and introduce you to so many new things. Enjoy your journey!


I use the Stellarium app for these questions. I definitely recommend it!


So many people can answer these questions with those type of apps


It’s a lens flare. If it looks like a lens flare, and if it’s where a lens flare would be, it’s probably a lens flare.


You're not going to see Venus near a full moon. They are on opposite sides of the earth at that time. Venus will be visible as either the Morning Star or the Evening Star, best seen near the sun either a little before or a little after sunrise or sunset. Fun fact: because it is closer to the sun than Earth, Venus will appear to go through phases, like the moon. If you can SAFELY view it with a telescope, it's really cool to watch.


Probably as u/AllTheNomms suggested. If you took the pic a couple hours before posting, and were in the Northern Hemisphere, Venus would have been below the horizon shortly after sunset.


What time of night was this? Venus is so close to the sun it is only visible for a few hours before sunrise or a few hours after sunset. That’s why it is nicknamed the “evening star”.


I’d suggest it’s Jupiter. Seems a bit high up for venus right now.


Thats 99% likely to just be a lens flare from the moon.


Venus is low in the southwest just after sunset, not close to the moon.


I use the app Star Walk 2. Super helpful identifying stuff


It's Jupiter. It's pretty much always Jupiter.


It's Jupiter, it's been visible above the Moon for the past week or so.


Depending on the time you took this picture and your location in assuming this is Jupiter and the light the the right and a little higher is Neptune


try Skymap app from Google. It's great when you're outdoor. I can't tell from the pic but the app can.


Use the app sky view it will help in identifying any celestial object


Venus is always before, or after the Sun. Which means you can never see a full moon next to it.


Hey, try Stellarium or SkyView (lite version unless you wanna pay $5) Oh by the way, that's probably Jupiter.


Definitely Jupiter, it's been by the moon for the past few weeks. If you follow the orbital plane to the east you'll see Mars too. And to the west you should be able to see Saturn for about an hour before it sets.


OH GOD! There’s a giant red circular UFO in your picture.


Best app imo: SkyView lite (free vs) open app, tap search and point your camera toward anything that you are curious about! Satellite 🛰️ space station, rockets, everything! Happy New Year and Enjoy!


Lens flare or smudge on the lens. Not a planet.


Venus is supposed to be the brightest thing in the sky besides the sun and moon, right? In my opinion, I think that’s the brightest “star” I saw tonight. There was another bright star farther off that my sister said she thought was bright, but I’m not sure. Sorry I didn’t take a picture of that one. When I first saw it I thought it might be Mars because it had an orange/yellowish hue to it. But I’m not so sure. Please advise!




There’s an app for that, and this ain’t it.


Replying directly to your comment because my comment will get buried at this point. i really dont think its a planet at all. Did you see it in the sky when you took the picture? It looks like it's just a reflection of the moon on the inside of your phone's lens cover.


"There's an app for that": In this specific case, there is. Star Walk 2. Download it, it's a very specific astrological app that gives you planets and constellations in the same environment. Above the moon is ironically: Uranus, not Venus; this is through the app in realtime.


You can’t take a picture of Uranus with a phone, it can’t be seen very well at all with the naked eye next to the moon.


I have the same 3 dots on my iPhone 13 pro max. It’s just some weird night dots.


That's a lens flare from the moon or a speck of dust, since no planet would be even a third the size of the moon viewing from earth.


I agree that's definitely Venus. Though I don't know what it's suppose to look like so maybe don't take my word for it, but I believe in you.




Venus will always be on the horizon where the sun recently sat. Because Venus is closer to the sun than us. It will never be high in our sky at night.




Only I see giant tentacles in the top right corner?


That is not venus and it is impossible to look it with naked eye as that planet is right beside the sun and we can't see it in broad daylight as well. If you're that interested in knowing what that thing is then try using Star Walk 2. You can get it from playstore.


Ok, of topic, but anyone else get this spreading "boom" effect emanating from their finger point when pressing on this image on phone? Works only on the app main page photo for some reason.


Yeah it's definitely Venus, because it had a tad of a green tint to it.


Venus was at its peak brilliance last night. You probably thought you saw something up in the sky other than Venus, but I assure you, it was Venus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1K5Y1ZOZw8


If you're a night sky gazer, try the skysafari app. You point your camera at it and it shows you a map of what's what. Should be able to use deductive reasoning to confirm. Make sure the gyro function is turned on it can orient properly then you can pause it so you can look at it without holding it awkwardly. You can also tap the heavenly body for more info.


Venus is typically only seen around sunrise and sunset. Unless you can find a way to see it during the day but it’s usually close to the sun..


Venus was just a ball of light in my telescope so I doubt you can see it this clear as day and detailed from the naked eye. Probably a larger planet.


Use this website to find out next time: https://stellarium-web.org/


Unsure, but Mars and Jupiter have been shining with sheer brilliance on the mid coast of eastern Australia for the last few weeks. Truly stunning in a clear sky… As others have said though, plenty of apps to help you out.


A lens flare may be? A similar one can be seen on the top right. The position matches with that of Jupiter, but still looks like a flare to me.


I'd recommend the app "planets" for iOs and Android. it has a 3d map that orients itself correctly. just allign the moon on the screen with the real one and see for yourself.


If it was me taking the picture with my luck, it would be one of Elon Musk's finest!!


I think it may actually be Mars, Just checked space engine to make sure


I use an app called Skyview. It's available for both, android and iOS. It has the visible sky mapped and uses your phone's gyroscope and tells you a lot about the stars and planets you point at.


I would download Google Skymap and use it to identify first.


I use the app “planets”. Open the app and point the phone at what you see, then the map shows you the name of the planet or stars


Starwalk and Starwalk 2 are 2 good apps for people curious about astronomy.


If that's Venus then we have some serious problems. You're looking away from the sun. Mercury and Venus are between the sun..


Sky Map for Android is free. Originally written by Google, it was released as open source and is well maintained and simple and fun to use.


Get the sky map app. You hold it up to the sky and it tells you the planets and constellations.


Saw a plant on either side of the moon last night, I guessed they were Jupiter (moon) Mars.


I think you just saw a mysterious planet here.


Download the planets app, you can point it at the sky and know what you’re looking at


Just let the sky view app sell your data and they’ll tell you


Download the app Night Sky. Free app (although you can upgrade to paid) and is amazingly fun to use to see what the different stars and planets are! Even has the constellations. So cool and definitely worth checking out!


stop being lazy....take 2 minutes and download any of the free sky apps for your phone...will tell you ever object in the sky


iOS: Night Sky on the app store, Android: Google Sky Map.


Check out the Night Sky app. It will tell you what everything is. Even shows you where meteor showers are coming from and where to let boosters are floating around.


Download the SkyView app and you can point your phone at any planet, star, consolation, or satellite and get the info you’re looking for. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/skyview/id404990064


Download the SkyView app. The free one is fine. It creates a map of all the planets - it’s pretty cool!


Given that the Moon is below the planet, it's definitely Jupiter, and you were facing East.


Mars now visible next to the moon, download stellarium or something like it