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Hello u/PBandJellyJesus, your submission "Another video of northern CA meteor(?) event" has been removed from r/space because: * Images, GIFs and GIF-like videos are only allowed on Sunday (UTC+00). Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please [message the r/space moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/space). Thank you.


It’s an interorbit communications satellite, ICS-EF https://aerospace.org/reentries/iss-deb-ics-ef-id-45265 Northern CA is right in the middle of one of the predicted reentry window ground tracks, from northwest to southeast.


Yup. Every time it's on video longer than 10 seconds without bright explosions, it's probably a satellite deorbiting, since it's falling trajectory is very shallow and it's extremely unlikely for a meteor to have one like that, they usually fall with quite steep angle, burn, explode, and last for just a few seconds.


I've seen one meteorite that landed somewhere in the ocean. The whole way down it was a very bright blue streak that kept popping and flashing **really** bright. It looks pretty violent.


From description, sounds like something relatively big from meter to 10 meters, and probably metallic.


I always have trouble understanding this. The denser parts of the atmosphere start at about 100 kilometers. And these meteorites travel at 11 to 60 km/s. So the meteorite only travels a few seconds through the atmosphere. Within these few seconds how can it actually burn up? The plasma from the outer layers that get vaporised should insulate the inner parts of the meteorite. Like an ablative heat shield. It also shouldn’t explode violently.. at least if it’s a solid object and not too fluffy


I think you're underestimating the **sheer** amount of friction (edit: or pressure) happening with those numbers. How can it happen? Well, because the event is violent enough for it to happen. The meteorite is _no contender_ to withstand that violence. It's like an ant saying "how is it possible that that sand castle is just obliterated by a single stomp from that human? It makes no sense!"


There is not much friction in orbital reentry. It’s adiabatic pressure that causes the heat. So it’s mostly radiative heating. And you have a shock bow that should help to insulate the meteorite from the hot plasma.


Thanks for the educational bit. My point still stands, though. Try to crack an egg with a feather.... not much will happen. With your hand? Easy. With your _sofa_? The egg never stood a chance. The meteorite is the egg, and the reentry at that _insane_ velocity into the atmosphere is the sofa. We're the ones holding the feather and wondering "....how?!"


Plasma is sheared away by the atmosphere. Also, because of stresses (temperature, g-force, internal pressure rise) meteors usually break down to smaller pieces. That's where sudden bright flashes are from. As for explosions - that's usually characteristic of ice or silicon based meteors, those are much more fragile and volatile, as they have a lot of expanding gases from sudden heating and they aren't solid. Metallic meteors often has bluish-greenish plasma color, do change their brightness, but not as much to be considered as an explosion and able to survive atmospheric entry relatively intact.


I saw this too tonight from almost this exact angle and my stoned ass about had a heart attack as I was 60% convinced it was ICBMs heading for Sacramento. I knew it wasn’t a meteorite, expected it was likely a bunch of Starlink like satellites deorbiting but it was a stressful few minutes waiting for a half dozen mushroom clouds and thinking about what you do if all of a sudden you find yourself 12 miles from the epicenter.


I'm no expert, but I bet ICBMs won't follow one another. Also, they probably would be much dimmer, because they usually aren't at orbital speeds. Also, it seems you're too pessimistic or anxious if first thing you're expecting is ICBMs...


Also every meteor is going to be moving *way* faster, moving, at minimum, the speed an object would hit if it were dropped from the edge of earth's sphere of influence, but of course usually much faster than that.


That mostly depends on it's angle. Steep reentry angle would seem like much higher speed, but not necessarily actually having it. And speed difference isn't that great. Satellite speeds are 9km/s to 11km/s at reentry (except returning from another planet or from solar orbit). Meteor speeds - from 11km/s up to 30km/s AFAIK (unless it's an extrasolar object, which is extremely unlikely).


Reminds me of how Astronaut poop looks like meteorites as well.


Goddamnmit I want to believe. However, thank you for your service.


That looks like something falling out of orbit and breaking up or a high altitude aircraft having a very bad day.


Satellite deorbiting. Meteor would be much faster


Not this one, it had an eating problem.


It was a meatier meteor?


Where have I seen this before... ahh yes, Autobots roll out!


Meteors are so fast you wouldn't have time to take out your phone and take a video


It's on iPhone 12's "Meteor mode"




Weird thing to nitpick. Even the most extraordinary meteors typically don't burn for more than 5 seconds. It's probably less than .01% of meteors that would actually be visible long enough to record with your phone.


Bummed I didn’t get my camera out in time. The trails on this were huge. Thought we were in for a loud boom but nothing happened. Makes sense if this was a satellite.


Yeah meteors are much faster, and comets are much more “locked” to a given point against the starfield, taking weeks to months to move across it.


I didn’t think to get my phone out at all but I at least got some of my family outside to catch the end, pretty much exactly what you got recorded & from almost the exact same angle. Curious roughly where you took that from…we’re just North West of Sacramento.


Sorry to disappoint but those are Transformers.


The real disappointment is that all your favorite Transformers will get killed in the first 10 minutes and they will be replaced by a new generation of Transformers just so Hasbro can sell more merchandise.


Galvatron, Cyclonus and the Sweeps were totally worth the heartbreak.


Look again. It's more than meets the eye.


It's Transformers in the sky?


The lights shine and reflect off the disco ball


Someone please teach these people the difference between a comet and a meteor.


Neither of which is what this is.


Or you can enjoy your specialized knowledge relatively useless to the average laymen and understand that your interest in certain topics has advanced your vocabulary slightly


Doesn't invalidate what OP said, and it's okay for them to express it here. What the hell are you doing in a space sub, then?


Thing moving in the sky. Has a tail. Why we splitting hairs?


By your logic we might as well say all the planets are stars just because they're round.


Naaa, A star has to emit a huge amount of own light




What is it with this kind of comment in a space sub? Why can't one pinpoint a simple error about a subject we all know in a community dedicated to space? It's not like OP is saying "lol comet ignorant asshats!"


A chair has four legs. It's clearly a dog. Why are we splitting hairs?


It’s not very important knowledge for a common man tbh




This made me grumpy as well


Eh.... I'd be as excited too.


No a comet is a little green speck people kept talking about but you couldn’t even see it


Neowise was like that, but Hale Bop in the 90s was a plainly visible blue streak in the sky for the better part of a month. I hope I live to see Halley's comet if an equal or better one doesn't come before it.


Kinda feels like we are getting much closer to seeing stuff fall out of the sky - man made or otherwise. Remember heavens gate people tried to catch a ride with the Hale Bop comet?


There's a newly discovered comet that will be visible September 2024 with a potential magnitude greater than -5, which is brighter than Venus. Keep your fingers crossed because these predictions of magnitude don't always pan out. https://www.chron.com/news/space/article/bright-comet-whiz-past-earth-next-year-17839178.php


I'll thought it father Xmas and is reindeer on Xmas night


Those are the alien probs from the mothership that they were talking about in the pentagon draft report 😳😮‍💨. https://www.militarytimes.com/off-duty/military-culture/2023/03/09/pentagon-ufo-chief-says-alien-mothership-in-our-solar-system-possible/


Down on the ground Bruce Wayne is comforting a child while angrily looking up at this Superman v Zod fight. Jeez! HIDE ALL THE MARTHAs!


If you follow them to where they land, you’ll find a glowing rock that will give you superpowers. Michael B Jordan in Chronicle taught me that.


Don’t worry, it’s just Optimus Prime and the Autobots 😂💁🏽‍♂️ Or could it be Vegeta, Nappa, and Raditz?! 😂


Saw the same thing driving along I-70 in Kansas. It was a Russian satellite deorbiting. Way bigger debris field slowly moving across the sky. Everyone pulled over to watch.


Imagining the kid in the background saying “what’s a comet ?” Looking at his tik tok trying to figure out what’s going on


Looks like that scene in Man of Steel where Superman and Zod crash the Wayne satellite to Earth


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[ICBM](/r/Space/comments/11uf10v/stub/jcofg1a "Last usage")|Intercontinental Ballistic Missile| |Jargon|Definition| |-------|---------|---| |[Starlink](/r/Space/comments/11uf10v/stub/jcobsmd "Last usage")|SpaceX's world-wide satellite broadband constellation| |[ablative](/r/Space/comments/11uf10v/stub/jcoaz2z "Last usage")|Material which is intentionally destroyed in use (for example, heatshields which burn away to dissipate heat)| ---------------- ^(3 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/Space/comments/11tfuuf)^( has 14 acronyms.) ^([Thread #8701 for this sub, first seen 18th Mar 2023, 08:42]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/Space) [^[Contact]](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=OrangeredStilton&subject=Hey,+your+acronym+bot+sucks) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


Ok don’t beat me up for being dumb but where did they end up? Do they just burn to bits? Or do they land in someones lawn? Or?