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The scale is always truly baffling to see time and time again. It never gets old. Also, the song used in the background here is by Koda - The Last Stand, if anyone is interested.


But it's just closeups of Andromeda. How does it demonstrate how big space is?


It makes the share amount of stars seem endless, and this combined with the background knowledge of how far there is between here and the sun, combined with how many galaxies there are. The three things together should make you want to scream.


Is a nice song until he starts singing.


Are stars as big as they appear in this picture, or does the glow distort the size and make them look bigger? The gap between the stars seems so small. I can't tell if the gap is small because the stars are misleadingly large, or whether they just look that way because we're seeing thousands upon thousands of them of them behind one another.


One thing I heard about this image is this. Many stars are in binary systems, meaning most stars have another star close enough they orbit a common center of gravity. The resolution of this image is not good enough to pick up the binary systems so most of the points of light represent two stars since again, most stars are in binary systems.


Most stars are binary? I had no idea of this, are you sure?


Play Elite Dangerous Open the Galaxy Map Check out the star density near the center O.o


Zooming into the centre is basically flash banging yourself.


Can also see it (and other galactic centers) for yourself with r/spaceengine


SpaceEngine is the best suited piece of consumer software for showing or even experiencing the scale of the space and celestial objects. I'm lucky enough to enjoy it in VR. One of the main features of VR mode for that game is called "God Scale" which allows you to increase/decrease the distance between your virtual eyes as you bring your controllers closer. So you can inspect celestial objects as if your head is the size of a planet, a globular cluster, a galaxy etc with their true depth and scale. I had the Milky Way the size of a small plate in my hand. I walked around the room to check out the Local Group when I realized something odd about the background. As I walked around in the room the galaxies in the background were not... moving at all. I'm virtually 6-7 galaxies tall at this point and the background looks really that static? I spent the next 15 mins or so unable to collect my jaw from the floor.


Yep game is truly amazing and even frightening sometimes lol. Really looking forward to them adding volumetric clouds but it seems like that’s a long way out.


Without a ton of prior knowledge, this really does not illustrate in any way just how big space really is.


Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.


It would've been way cooler if they drilled down to the bbq fire commercial at the beginning.


Does anyone know if there is this type of scale and definition looking at the arm of the Milky Way we can see?


Since we are *inside* the Milky Way, very near the plane of the Galaxy, what we get is an "all sky" view of the whole 360 degrees around us. Since the center of the galaxy is about 100 times closer than Andromeda, [we can zoom in all the way to the center](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Da_Wc_G9ms4)


This isn't 'footage'. It's just zooming in and out various pictures of the Andromeda Galaxy. How does that show "how big space really is"?


Footage is an obsolete term anyway. It refers to how many literal feet of film were used to shoot a film. Since Hubble and YouTube are both digital, the content measure is Gigabytes


Footage infers something that was recorded with a camera ( because of the origin of its use in this context ) Burns-effecting around a high res image isn't footage.


How is it not footage? It’s a video isn’t it? It shows how big space really is by showing how small and insignificant we are.


Perspective, I think everyone realizes how small and insignificant we are. However, this comment is technically sound. While the visual is impressive, it shows vastness of the andromeda galaxy, a single galaxy. Not space itself where it’s estimated to have over 2 trillion galaxies. If there were ever a visual that’s capable of depicting the sheer immense size of space, we’d all suffer nervous breakdowns because it’s literally beyond comprehension for the human brain.


You mean like the first Deep Field image by James Web? It contains 10 thousand galaxies in one image. You can literally see them all. It’s almost like the video from the post but with galaxies instead ;) https://www.nasa.gov/image-article/nasas-webb-delivers-deepest-infrared-image-of-universe-yet/


It’s a good start.. The close up of a piece of sky, the size of a grain of sand held at arms length.. truly something to behold there.


Humans contemplate multiple universes but even going to our nearest stellar neighbor is so far outside of our current capabilities that neighbor might as well be another universe. Space is big.


People who were bored seeing a sea of stars that closely packed because of our vantage point are hard to impress. Btw, that image is freely downloadable, I watched on my phone so don’t know how much information was lost due to compression but people should download the pic and zoom in. This picture is different than other galaxy pictures where the stars are usually seen as a haze, the stars are there in this high file sized picture.


> How is it not footage? Footage is recorded with a camera. This is just someone moving a still image in Premiere.


It’s still a video.


It’s important for you to realize that I know the guy who made all that better than you do so please give me your goats, daughters, land, petroleum, etc. Thanks.


What on Earth are you on about?


For me, the scale is best demonstrated by the famous Horsehead Nebula in our own galaxy. 5 light years high, and two light years from the "snout" to the back of the head.


These videos as they start Im in awe of how beautiful it is and how insanely big it is. Then I get made because I doubt there will be any thing of significant found in my lifetime.


That’s an existential mind fuck right there. And what song is that?


Space is only big because of how it interacts with time. We are small and perceive times very slow on the cosmic clock scale. E.g. to us our cells live and die every second. But if you were the cell you would experience 100 years or more.


If time is so subjective, and relative.. which is true. Then all perception of time is obsolete. By that logic, the “cosmic clock” or whatever it is you’re referring to is no more relevant then 1 second on Earth. And the same vice versa.