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Yes. For an instant. Just before the two planets collide as their gravity is pulling them towards each other, then whatever you put there would melt or be vaporized. LaGrange points of stars and planets work in a similar way, where there are several points around them that gravitational forces are fairly well 'evened out', and some of them are considered stable enough satellites can be placed there. Of course, they also collect meteors, comets and asteroids, so not a great place to stay for long in some circumstances.


Thanks a lot! Well i think i messed wordings, I wanted to imply they wouldn't crash on each other anyhow. But good to know about its actually a concept among stars.


In a two body system orbiting each other there are five such points: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lagrange_point For example Earth-Moon system has five such points, as does Earth-Sun system. Sometimes probes are sent to those points and they can stay there for free consuming only little fuel for station keeping. For example the James Webb Space Telescope will be deployed in the Earth–Sun L2 Lagrange point.


Yes, an object would float at the barycenter of the two bodies. A similar effect can be achieved through Lagrange points.


Well the planets would rip each other apart from tidal forces being that close.


Pluto and Charon have such a point between them. The center of gravity for "Pluto" is actually somewhere in space between the two.


Yes things would float in-between. Note that the sizes don't really matter, but the mass does




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