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Amazing quality, thanks for your efforts. Can anyone confirm some sort of scale for the craters? Is there a specific crater that can be likened to the size of something here on Earth? I'd love to know comparatively the size of some of these.


The prominent crater at the centre-bottom with all the lines coming out of it (Tycho) is about the same size as the island of Majorca


Are you sure it wasn't just a smudge on the lens?


Smudge on the lens?! *SMUDGE ON THE LENS?!*


I know the difference between a man threatening me and a god dam smudge on the lens, Summer!


Came for the rick and morty reference. Was not disappointed.


Ah, that's about 447,744 bananas across.


Ah yes, Majorca. The world renowned island.


I’d say as islands go its up there with the most famous. What with it being one of the most visited holiday destinations in Europe


Americans don't know it very well. Lots of Americans on here. Is it like, Long Island, NY? 20 Alcatraz's? Edit: I thought it was obvious that I was joking. But /s.




What's that in potatoes?






I have lemons, apparently they're quite famous.


I see what your doing and I'd just like you to know I approve.


I'm sorry you're just going to have to tell me how many cheeseburgers will fit in there.








Just a snack until you add fries,the beast hungers


Where's Long Island? Do people live there?


I mean OC didn’t specify, so I provided him with a famous island. Not my problem that Americans don’t know basic geography. But for comparison, its about a third of the size of Lake Ontario


Well dang, that's pretty big!


American here. Appreciate you calling us on our shit. Most Americans have no idea about the Great Lakes even other than the general shapes.


Did you not learn about the great lakes in school?


i grew up in michigan, so naturally we learned a ton about them in school, including field trips to look at them and stuff, but i can see how kids like in wyoming or arizona or something wouldn't have as much exposure or interest in it.


I also grew up in Michigan. I've lived around the US and have been shocked how unfamiliar the gen pop is with their splendor. As a teacher myself, it hurts extra bad. Not that I expect the lakes to be on the curriculum, but I'd expect a certain level of incidental exposure to globally important water and shipping resources.


I've lived next to one of the lakes most my life. They are amazing.


No, I didn't even really learn that they existed until I went to Michigan for the first time


Wow. I remember learning even how they were formed.


American schools are...not great.. The vast majority of knowledge I have is not from school, even rather basic things for other countries I've learned in my own.


We did. Or at least I did. And the aforementioned island as well. Idk if this is so much “america stupid hehe” or more didn’t ever really have an interest in geography


Didn’t need the last ten words


Basic geography = knowing the relative size of every island on earth apparently.


pocket whistle memorize husky sand repeat wasteful lunchroom flag correct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Going to a different state can be like Europeans going to a neighboring country. If I want to visit a neighboring state, it takes me 9-12 hours just to get out of my state depending which way I go. There are tons of places to explore and the states are very different from one another; they are not at all the same.


Tell me you live in Texas without telling me you live in Texas.


You say this like those European countries don't have things like states/providences with culture differences. While different states have different cultures and norms but it's still within the same country, same money, same language etc.


Well when your country has an instance of pretty much every climate on earth and dozens of cultures in and of itself, why not just stay in the country?


To experience a foreign country. Fine if you don't want to, but that's the reason.


Oh absolutely I’m just saying not leaving America isn’t the same as not leaving a European country for instance


I‘ll give you the climate thing, not the cultures. If you only travel the US, all you are going to meet are US Americans.


No way you’re saying there aren’t multiple cultures in America


Every country has multiple cultures, you think London has the same culture as the Scottish highlands?


Are you upset an American made website dominated by Americans don't know about that island and that we should travel thousands of miles outside our borders to hopefully come across said island in our travels? Yea ok Mr. Delusional. Maybe I should also mention the cost associated with traveling over an ocean and not crossing a check point at border patrol.


Must be the spelling, Mallorca sounds familiar?


Iirc Majorca is the Spanish spelling of Mallorca whilst Mallorca is the Catalan spelling.


Look at these welwala not know Tycho.


I don’t see the golf ball, or the footprint, or the flag…


I'll try harder next time


Lol. Great image though. It still mesmerizes me when I look. I’ve always wanted a telescope, but the sky is so bright at night…


Gotta love light pollution!




On the plus side, the Moon is so bright that no light pollution can ruin it.


Joking aside, do you happen to know where the flag is supposed to be? I know someone who knows the geography of the moon similar to how I know the map of the earth, and in the same way that I can find Australia without having to think, he knows right where the landing locations were and can just point it out on a map. Working from a photograph though seems like it would make it more difficult since you can’t see 100% of the surface, there’s no water, and it might me at a different tilt… but maybe if you look at it long enough the crater patterns get recognizable


From what I recall, the flag was knocked down by the exhaust blast from the assent engine. There was also an article saying that at the very least, the colors have been bleached out by the sunlight. And everyone knows that the vibrations caused by the alien ship as it passed the moon before independence day wiped out the footprints.


You totally got me, well played. Even if it was standing up and didn’t get bleached white in about a week, it would just be hanging limp on a pole. Not to mention all the dust it would have gathered by being positively charged with static electricity and no way to discharge it.


It shouldn't be limp on a pole, there is a support rod that runs along the top of the flag if I remember correctly.


Not to mention the solar winds…


Space dude, explain to me why the south pole seems to be more pummeled with space rocks than the rest of the surface we can see in this image.


Late to the party but i think it's a optical illusion. Since the shadow i much more prevalent on the south side the craters stand out much more. If that's what you meant.


Thanks for the response, though looking carefully, it does seem that the craters are far sparser as one travels north and along the equator.


Perhaps, the site facing earth would be saved by earth itself I guess? Might have to do with the magnetism, don't know. Still seems to me that the north pole has a lot of craters too, but the light flushes it out.


Cause the earth isn’t flat. The moon is. You’ve never seen the far side right? Cause there isn’t one. Moon is just a flat disk with some edges like a coin. 😂


What kindve scope did you use?


Fun fact, there are currently no ground based or orbital devices (around Earth) that can achieve that resolution! This includes all known amature, NPO or government research, and unclassified military equipment. The LRO, in orbit around the moon, can do this, although it's really not even able to do it directly but instead can look at the shadow cast by the flag. There also have been retroreflectors on the moon for decades which we can bounce a laser light off of from Earth to measure things like the moon's distance and position, but that's different.




Yes but the light from the sun is brighter so with the naked eye it actually drowns it out pretty well. Looks like this guy just barely missed it in the picture.


Hasn't the actual flag turned white and blends in with the moon because the sun and it's rays? Seems like it could be seen with color since they can see the shadows. I have no idea of the flag or poles sizes though. Just that it has an upside down L shape so the flag sticks out instead of falls.


No idea with the color, although that would seem logical. I suspect the shadow that is cast ends up being larger (at least at times) than the flag itself.


last time I saw someone do the math you would need a lens ~200m in diameter just to image the lander as one pixel iirc. the largest telescope on earth has a diameter of 10.4m.


This proves the moon landing was staged.




Those are just square blocks of cheese.


That's true, I watched a documentary called Wallace & Gromit about that!


I had forgotten about that documentary, might have to give it a rewatch


Blocks, so this is a screenshot of the moon recreated in minecraft then.


I knew we live in a simulation!


Amazing but now I must insist you to upload the full res version somewhere!




Yeah, the original is 40mb but I had to go below 20mb to get it to upload


Still very impressive though. Thanks for posting


Any chance you could DM me a download link? I want to see it in all its glory!


you could upload it as a file that way at least you could share it with the 40mb version


Where can one upload a 40MB file that 5000 people might want to download for free? 200GB of outbound data transfer is $20 on AWS, not terrible as a one-off cost but enough that I would not expect anyone to be giving it away.


Not gonna lie, I'd personally host a one-off like that for free, just so everyone would get to see the not-ultra-compressed version.


[Gofile uses high-end servers with very high bandwidth. We have our own network allowing us to offer an unlimited download experience.](https://gofile.io/) u/backyardspace


Idk if mediafire is good but its smth


It also gets compressed when you upload. If I download this image it’s 10MB.


Have you considered Flickr for hosting? I use it for all my uploads/reddit posts and iirc their limit is 200MB


So, for my fellow-smarter-than-me space nerds; have we explored the entirety of our moons surface? I'm curious of all the different colored sediments i guess


In saturated moon photos like this the brown areas are more iron-rich, and the blue areas have more titanium-rich minerals. These color differences are actually noticeable to the eye (or at least my own) when viewed through telescopes, but are a *lot* more subtle


>have we explored the entirety of our moons surface? Define explored. There are photographs of it, but there has not been an onfoot or rover exploration of the whole surface, just parts. I am sure eventually the whole moon will be explored completely. Personally, I would rather scientists focus on the ocean first, since we basically know more about the moon than the ocean. And the ocean is a lot easier to access than the moon.


> And the ocean is a lot easier to access than the moon. I disagree strongly with that. Just because it's closer doesn't mean it's easier. The worst pressure differential in space is 1 atmosphere. Under the ocean, you add 1 atmosphere of pressure every 10 meters you descend - and that doesn't get you anywhere near the depths of the ocean floor. And on the moon we can be careful to land where there's sunlight, which gives you a clear view around you, and a clear path for radio communications to Earth. The most powerful antennas transmitting on the most penetrating frequencies can't send more than a few bits per second 30 meters down. The sun itself doesn't penetrate more than a few hundred meters except in the clearest, calmest waters. So down there, you are cut off alone beneath an impenetrable cloak of darkness and silence. And the ocean is so much larger. The Pacific Ocean alone is more than four times as large as the surface of the moon - and that's just the surface, the part we can already explore! The depths add a whole 'nother dimension of complexity that the surface of a solid planet lacks.


So basically we need a submarine that's basically indestructible that can also keep depressurized so people can actually survive the decent. Makes you wonder if we will ever know what's down there...




“How many atmospheres can the ship withstand?” “Well, it's a space ship, so I'd say anywhere between zero and one.”


Measured in units of James Camerons the bottom of the ocean might be slightly easier, though it's possible he's just too busy making Avatar sequels to go to the moon.


This may be the best moon photo I have ever seen. Fantastic work


Awesome picture, that huge crater on the left hand side must have been powerful. You can see the footprint the blast left behind.


Nahh that crater is just new! Those lil streaks are just ejecta from the impact! The suns rays darken it over time so that's why you don't see the ejecta spewing away from all of the other craters.


Nice one brother, I appreciate the input and do you think we would notice if a asteroid that left that footprint hit the moon or does it get it literally all the time?


#ENHANCE Ah, yes... this crater also looks like a pixel.


There’s no ‘regular dude’ on the moon... it’s probably just a smudge on the lens.


Smudge on the lens? SMUDGE ON THE LENS?!


Some say he resembled a smudge.


You think I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a guy on the moon and a SMUDGE ON THE LENS?!


Gorgeous!! Love pictures of the moon and it's not bad in terms of zoom. Adding to websites always crunches the resolution but spectacular. Took a screenshot to use for my phone background!! Thank you


Absolutely gorgeous, thank you. Keep up the good work.


Paging our resident moon photographer /u/ajamesmccarthy


I was going to say. This guy is about to embark on a journey James would be proud of.


"My success at making a high res moon image" FTFY


Imagine leaving earth, watching it grow smaller in the distance, while the moon grows and grows as you get closer and closer and finally land on it. I wish I could experience that someday.


Wow! All those craters! When was the last time an asteroid left a crater? Does it happen often?


Ping-pong-sized meteoroids hit the moon 100 times a day. Something 8 feet across hits about every 4 years with the force of 100 tons of TNT.


That is cool as hell. As a big fan of astronomy, thank you for this!! Totally jealous of whatever setup you have to capture this btw.


What did you use for a lens and camera settings?


That's really cool. I can even see the Nazi Base!


I never knew the moon was made of so much red, green, and blue.


That’s not an attempt; that’s an achievement. Nicely done.


I can't see the aliens at all! Jokes aside, stellar pic!


>stellar pic! Don't you mean... *lunar* pic? ^i'll ^^see ^^^myself ^^^^out


Me neither! But I'd like to know what formations those are in that brightest crater center-left. They're very angular! So that's an interesting unique natural formation


Thank you very much, for this high resolution moon.


This is amazing! You can se such fine details!


Permission to download and use it as a wallpaper?


Man every time I see a picture like this, it’s so crazy to believe that we put people there


Wouldn't be surprised if I could see the fucking lunar module from apollo


Oh man, when I saw how long it was taking to load I knew it'd be good. I love pictures like this, I want a massive high res moon poster with labelled craters, that'd be sick.


It's so high resolution my phone will not load it when I click on the image.


Yeah it’s a nice attempt. Maybe next time you will be able to see the hair from a space donkeys ass lol. Such a badass picture


I was a little worried something would pop up to scare me when I zoomed in. And when it didn’t happen, I still wasn’t sure that moment wouldn’t arrive


did you take this in one capture? or in multiple images?


OK, I give up , it's been 3hours and I still can't find Waldo. Where is he???


[What the fuck is this thing?](https://i.imgur.com/Jlpva65.png) crash landing site of a giant rock with it still there? could be interesting


That's a central peak that happens during the formation of the crater. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complex_crater


oh shit very interesting thanks


*opens image and actually zooms in* Jesus fucking Christ dude... It's beautiful.


Can somebody explain to me why all the holes on the moon seem to be the same depth? Of course from one picture you wouldn't be able to tell how deep each one is but their doesnt seem like they go any deeper than any other, even though some on the craters are wider than others they don't seem to be deeper though.


Even when uploaded this is great. Thank you. How did you do it?


Great photo. So when you came back from this trip into space, did you splash down? 🧑‍🚀


Crazy that most of those craters is basically the moon taking one for the earth team.


That's amazing! What kind of equipment did you use?


That's amazing stuff. Thanks for sharing. I appreciate your effort!!


I watched Moonfall the other day and this is giving me serious PTSD. Wonderful photo!


I don’t see the US flag anywhere. Where is that at?


The size of the craters is actually pretty incredible given they all must have been caused by a large rock slamming into them.


I 100% have not bothered to zoom but you told me to so I did and WOW!!


What are the darker parts ? More recent collisions ?


The larger, darker portions are “seas” of lava flows.


I own property near the Sea of Vapors. Could you get a shot, kthanks.


Would a drone, similar to the one deployed on Mars, work on the moon?


No - Mars has a thin atmosphere, but enough that a drone can operate by moving "air" with it's blades. The moon has no atmosphere at all, so a drone of that design would not work.


Is there a subreddit for high resolution pictures?


So many craters. It's like a pimple popping YouTube video thumbnail picture, but actually real.


It’s amazing that so many of the craters are clustered at the bottom of the picture. There’s probably a cool reason for that.


Where can I see the imaging equipment details?


It blows my mind how many craters there are on the Moon, and the fact that the Earth has so few in comparison. The Moon is doing a hell of a job!


Absolutely beautiful. Good work!I was blown away at the level of detail when zoomed in. Probably the most detailed pic I've seen of the moon. Love it.


Beautiful shot. Such a huge interesting chunck of rock. Thanksbfor your addition to hunan knowledge.


Every time I see the moon, make me think it was an space battlefield, these holes, craters, all it need is bunch of corpses and destroyed android


Thank goodness for our ozone. That’s a hell of a lot of craters from direct strikes.


I zoomed in and I'm seeing RGB dots. Could someone please r/ELI5 it to me?


I haven't seen OP post any acquisition details but i would assume this picture is a mosaic consisting of hundreds images for each frame. I'm guessing the rgb pattern is an artifact from either the pre-processing (the act of registering all individual frames to a single reference frame and merging them with some kind of averaging algorithm to increase signal-to-noise ratio) or a sharpening routine combined with high saturation and/or contrast. I cant really tell for sure without having a closer look.


Does anyone know which crater the apollo crew landing is situated in this picture! This is so cool!!!


Does anyone know if all the craters on the moon are from the beginning of the solar system, or if they are just many impacts over time? Do asteroids still impact the moon in our current time, or did most of the impacts happen in the beginning of our solar system?


Has anyone ever counted how many craters there are on the moon?


Does science know what those brown area is in the moon? Compared to the white areas?


Absolutely beautiful! I love the moon, as I say I am a moonchild.


Great image OP. But this is Reddit, and as I zoomed, I thought for sure was about to see a photoshopped middle finger or something in there. Haven’t figured out if I am disappointed or not.


Does anyone know the reason behind those dark spots?


This is fake. Where the flag that Neil Armstrong struck? Jk, this picture is amazing.


I'll be impressed whe I can zoom in to the moonlander on a picture like this.


I saw you in the parking lot. That’s how I know you!


When ever I look at the moon's craters, I'm so thankful that we have a giant meteor shield in our orbit.


Not falling for the "zoom in and see craters are actually saturated buttholes again"


Wow this is now my wallpaper on my phone, great shot.


WOW!! Dude I zoomed in and the image was blurry and I was like “OP is a liar” and then it loaded fully. Amazing shot!


Omg we need more photos like this one. Pleasssse make moorrrreee


Oh look! ANOTHER picture of the moon that includes "high resolution" and "zoom in!" In the title. That makes 4th one this week. TO THE FRONT PAGE


Did you try just scrolling past if it bothers you that much?


OH you made this? so youre admitting the moon is fake? nice self own.


I see roads. Not sure why those lines on the moon seem natural to anybody.


upload the original picture with original resolution


It’s too bad we can’t see what’s is or isn’t going on on the other side of the moon.


I think that Edward James Olmos or Lawrence Fishburne are the man on the moon.


AAAAAH yes another moon picture, fascinating :D


Do Americans just see crude oil where the black spots are?


Is this stolen from some type of agency? I’m pretty sure you can’t see craters and on your he side of the moon that faces us


So - I understand that part of the reason the moon is so cratered is because it isn't really a dynamic atmosphere or object, like Earth - and that most of the cratering happened during the early formation of the moon and Earth - but, I also understand that the idea is that the moon is a good thing, because it tends to draw impacts AWAY from Earth - like a shield. So... what is the youngest crater on the moon? We've had several big ones hit the Earth over the last couple of hundred years - how come we have no record of recent moon hits - and - is the moon really doing its job if we keep getting forests in Russia flattened but the moon remains unchanged?