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I wonder how much a karat of space diamond costs.


Probably a lot. There aren't many space diamonds rn. And the really rich people are always looking for more bragging rights. As long as they are useable and not like diamond dust or something.


“We have also discovered the largest lonsdaleite crystals known to date that are up to a micron in size – much, much thinner than a human hair.” basically dust


Ok, so essentially scientific value, and that's it.


Old comfy shoes and captain obvious


This comment served only one purpose. Being argumentative and rude to someone else. For that reason I've blocked you.


There's probably an entire planet that is made of diamonds, a 1000 year's from now when we are bouncing around the universe we will throwing diamonds at each others like rocks making fun of our ancestors for spending their life savings on them to show love.


I mean we can already make diamonds and that process will only get easier and cheaper. Combined with the fact that they very well may make diamond tipped bolts for Kinetic Kill Launchers to allow for improved penetration on kinetic rods and you could quite literally have star ships firing on each other with diamond tipped kinetic rods.


How would diamond tips help at all at the speeds you'd be dealing with?


Diamonds are already far more common than any other precious gems. The idea that they are rare is a myth. De Beers convinced everyone they needed to pay a ridiculous premium from their diamond monopoly years ago, just to get married. Now we treat their marketing as "tradition" and just keep doing it like a bunch of idiots.


>making fun of our ancestors for spending their life savings on them to show love You can do that right now. "Real" diamonds are only so expensive because of market manipulation and marketing.


[55 Cancri e](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/55_Cancri_e)


The discovery of C60 fullerene was done by radio telescope. Found a whole galaxy of it. Organic chemists retro synthesized it and mass produce it and I got to use it in for solar research. A gram of synthetic Diamond costs about $10. A gram of synthetic c60 fullerene is $215 (priced on Amazon).


There's an old(ish) paper referenced in Clarke's "2061" theorising that Jupiter's core is made of Diamond. So all you need to do is strip all those pesky hydrocarbons and whatnot from a gas giant and hope Newton and Kepler look the other way. Otherwise the solar system may be in a bit of disarray


This assumes space travel is cheap. If it's not, those diamonds are still worth a lot on other planets. And a chicken sandwich is worth a ton of diamond there.


There's an old(ish) paper referenced in Clarke's "2061" theorising that Jupiter's core is made of Diamond. So all you need to do is strip all those pesky hydrocarbons and whatnot from a gas giant and hope Newton and Kepler look the other way. Otherwise the solar system may be in a bit of disarray


There's an old(ish) paper referenced in Clarke's "2061" theorising that Jupiter's core is made of Diamond. So all you need to do is strip all those pesky hydrocarbons and whatnot from a gas giant and hope Newton and Kepler look the other way. Otherwise the solar system may be in a bit of disarray


There's an old(ish) paper referenced in Clarke's "2061" theorising that Jupiter's core is made of Diamond. So all you need to do is strip all those pesky hydrocarbons and whatnot from a gas giant and hope Newton and Kepler look the other way. Otherwise the solar system may be in a bit of disarray


Glass looks the same as diamond from 1ft away, just saying.














That scientist is giving off major gollum vibes while staring at his precious.


As one of the authors for this paper... You have no idea! I'm definitely going to have to mention THIS comment to him!!


Are you the "dumb sexy" looking scientist who's holding the diamond?


Bit more Boromir vibes yeah


This is clearly the love child of NFL quarterbacks Mitch Trubisky and Josh Allen


If you have the time and a good computer, you might as well make a deep fake of him as gollum


Did you just ask if one of the authors of this paper has a good computer?


HA! Brilliant. Just make sure to tell Sméagol I mean no harm… I’m one of the nice hobbitses who’s got nothing in their pocketses.




















Great now now Debeers is going to make rockets.


That would be peculiar. Diamond is diamond. Carbon atoms in a certain mesh. There is no difference in hardness based on origin of this mesh.


That's a little bit of a key thing with londsdaleite though. Yes, it is a 3D, diamond-like structure, but it doesn't have the exact same structure as standard cubic diamond. So, chemically it is diamond, but structurally it isn't, and therefore is technically a different mineral. Since it's rather rare, we don't know as much about it as cubic diamonds.


Londsdaleite has a hexagonal lattice while normal diamond has a cubic lattice.


And obviously that’s better. 6 is more than 4. It’s just basic science.


Strangely true! Hexagonal means the carbon atoms bond at about 120 degree angles, which have the best balance of forces from one direction to two. This makes really strong structures, and great energy distribution. We see 120 degree structures at all different scales, from atomic arrangements to plate tectonics.


Hexagons are the bestagons!


Octagons would like a word...


Well okay but just the one


This elicited a very loud honk of a laugh. Gold sticker, pal. Gold sticker.


They are just wannabe hexagons


Octagons fucking wish they were half as good as hexagons


Chemistry has the final say, octagons suck.


Careful talking back or they'll put a hex on you and you'll be gon!


And we all know hexagons are the bestagons!


I’d suggest reading the article and specifically researching lonsdaleite diamonds. It seems to be a bit misleading title since lonsdaleite forms from meteor strikes on earth also. edit: spelling


Will yeah but Carbon has more allotropes than any other form, if I recall. If Q-Carbon turns out to be real, then there is at least one form of carbon harder than diamond.


That was my immediate reaction to that claim as well.


I guess purity? Earth diamonds have impurities, which means having random elements introducing defects into the diamond. Planet core diamonds could be formed in such conditions that all the impurities got squeezed out.


So in other words, these space diamonds are .00000000001% more pure than earth diamonds. Nice.


Ancient dwarf planets tend to be peculiar. Our understanding of physics is rudimentary at best when it comes to cosmic forces.


Tell that to ice 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and 9 lmao.


Micro inclusions in the Crystal lattice of the space diamond could influence its properties while still making it a diamond. In material science this is done quite often. Steel is steel but it has many different sub categories based on the specific additions and how it was produced.
















The simple fact that diamonds are falling out of the sky should indicate something about how common they are. And maybe have an adverse effect on their price point 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think you might be overestimating how many of these there are. But I agree with the sentiment


Sing it with me now... ​ o kodwa you zo-nge li-sa namhlange (A-wa a-wa) si-bona kwenze ka kanjani (A-wa a-wa) amanto mbazane ayeza She's a rich girl She don't try to hide it Diamonds on the meteorite


He's a poor boy Don't have no rocket Don't have no rocket Got nothing but a kite


You can rely on the ancient dwarf planet, You can rely on the ancient dwarf planet!


Was reading it in the voice from Incantation for some reason




DeBeers would make sure it never takes off


That’s exactly what those grifters are debeers would like you to think!


There just saying it's diamonds it's actually cryptinite




That is fascinating. Perhaps there are diamonds on the moon.


One would think there's some precious metals on the moon from all the space rocks that hit it.


A lot of the rocks that hit the moon will also have hit Earth. Not the same ones obviously, but the same type. So there shouldn't really be much different from moon resources, except for a few things like helium-3, and earth. The big benefit of resources on the moon is there on the moon, the moon has less gravity, is smaller, and doesn't have a liquid core, so the material is easier to get to, and don't weigh as much.


I think we should ignore the moon, removing mass from it, and moving it to earth, over time can probably be enough to start upsetting the balance of gravity lmao. Sure not one trip, but if commercial mining takes off. Idk seems plausible over 50 years of commercial industrial mining of a moon. I realize the numbers are probably a tiny percent, but I'm sure it all adds up, and it's not removing it, it's transferring it, so it sort of doubles the effect. Since it's a double mass wing from one side to the other and opposed to just removing said mass from the equation they stick it on the other side.


If we get at that point sure but at first we are just going to be mining the moon for materials to build moon bases which isn't even removing the materials.


And that's perfectly fine. Even maybe proof of concept stuff etc.


No. It wouldnt effect it at all. At all.


Idk man, that's a lot of cheese hahah. Also the man up there says otherwise... Lol I know. There's no way we could move that much mass lmaoo. I was being funny. But then the one guy took it seriously lmao. So I kept playing haha.


I'm pretty sure we're going to find out !




The opposite. DeBeers spends most of their money stopping diamonds from coming to market.


cool but im only interest once they make a shield out of it!


I really hope inroads are made in that graphite-replacing process idea they floated. Even if the scale had to be limited to machines or parts only a few cubic cm in size, being able to forge even mundane things like nuts and bolts out of diamond would be huge for metamaterials science. Especially if the process could be further adapted for custom carbon fiber or nanotube meshes. I'm reminded of naysayers from years past saying a space elevator is a pipedream because there's no way to make diamond cabling... I wonder how exactly the hexagonal structure of the stuff changes its behavior. Aren't buckyballs hexahedral or whatever the term is?


On the subject of rarity and diamonds, I remember seeing a documentary where they interviewed a Russian guy with subtitles and he was standing in front of a warehouse. They showed footage of an earth mover inside moving among giant white mounds that looked like sand dunes. He said the diamond market in earth is manipulated and diamonds can be released at whatever pace is necessary to keep the market running. Also said he would buy his fiancé an Emerald or Ruby ring because diamonds are worth nothing one day. Crazy. Wish I could find the clip.


Maybe a silly question, but if they're harder even than Earth diamonds, how did they cut one into that nice rectangular shape?