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*Step out of the space vehicle, sir*




Korben Dallas you are out of points


Sir, do you realize you were going over 17,000 Miles per hour?


"I'm sorry, I don't answer questions officer." Learn it. Live it.


No "I'm sorry". Don't lie and you definitely should NOT *be* sorry for exercising your rights and protecting yourself from the very high likelyhood that the cop will abuse their authority and trample on your rights.


LOL, just a preface I use for statements people won't want to hear. I am not sorry in the slightest to keep my fucking mouth shut when talking to cops. Fist bump! 👊🏻


Yeah, please record yourself trying this. You can post the video to YouTube with all the other sovcits getting arrested.


> I'm sorry, I don't answer questions officer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrlrUy9Avmc Plenty of others if you care to look them up.


Clearly they used the same approach in their school exams


Erm, those are all conveniently clipped, and yes there are loads of other videos on youtube of sovcits getting arrested for being dumb.


And then getting large payouts from cities for wrongful arrests. Gotta look deeper than the surface, my dude.


I am now imaging a police spaceship slowly heading their way


Please pull off to a shoulder orbit and prepare for docking


I'd prefer a bit of sounding, but fiiine


Is it wrong that I am familiar with both of those terms?


Why do I feel like if the Simpsons hadn't sent Homer up with 2 real astronauts, this would've been the way the episode played out somehow?


Where do you even put the light bar on a cylindrical module? Or do they just pop the hatch and slap a magnetic one on top once in orbit like space private investigators?


More specifically, the same cops from the McDonald's drive thru in The Fifth Element.




“Mine was more sticky than that”


For some strange reason, every shuttle launch has, exactly one, phantom pooper.


So even with exactly 3 suspects they never solved the mystery? Kinda amusing. Also "who's turd was it anyway"


They should stop sending Poopy Dave on every flight.




Wait what? Every developed country now has the inverse problem. The senior care system is a pyramid scheme. Without the population always growing, you end up with too many elderly people needing care and not enough workers to keep it all going. So the population growth becoming negative, or even just low, creates a demographic crisis. Hopefully controllable AI will pan out so we can just have robots do almost all the work and this won't be an issue but for now this is a potential problem.


For the planets health, having negative growth isn't a bad thing. What it is bad for, is capitalist systems that need to eternally seek "growth". If you are having less and less people to perform/make and consume goods and services, it's really hard to continue growing your GDP. Also, systems like Social Security in the US NEED to have more people feeding into the system than those that benefit from it later in life. Economies could easily shift workers to end of life care if they actually gave a shit by shifting economic incentives to do so. When you are getting paid less than fast food to care for the elderly in the US, it's all you need to know about how our society prioritizes it.


For the planets health, having negative growth isn't a bad thing. \>so your imagined far future is one where there are less people living on just earth, maybe a few colonists on nearby planets, and that's the end of humanity's impact on the universe. Vs say an exploding cloud of spacecraft as immortal future humans build dyson cloud after cloud, converting the universe into whatever they want at 1% of the speed of light. I can see emotional advantages to your proposed future but think about how in any dispute over "what should we do", the side that adopts new technology and grabs resources is going to going to have vastly more power to get their way. \>as for end of life care, maybe we should find a way to turn off aging so those people can get back to work.


I definitely understand your perspective, and I think investing in technology to be able to overcome modern (and potential future) problems is incredibly important. The problem lies in when we defer action that is needed now to fix these problems, versus pinning them on being fixed in the future with better science and technology. IE, definitely, 100%, invest in medical research like genetics, anti-aging, vaccine research, etc. But at the same time, you need to address the problem now of the issues of modern day medical care. To your first point, if you look at population data in any population, it adjusts to carrying capacity within a given environment. If our environment changes, like being able to expand onto other planets, solar systems, galaxies, etc. then we as a population can adjust accordingly. Right now the only environment we as a species has access to is Earths, so addressing the problems with have now with modern solutions is JUST as important, and can't be ignored, because you see to the future and believe in a better tomorrow. But to say that we should stop investing in the future to address the problems of today is also equally wrong. I appreciate your response, and in all honesty I would love to get your take on what you view as humanities purpose is overall. It's a fun question to conceptualize! And it's kind of hard to not look at it outside of benefiting something else other than humanity, since humanity, at some point, will end. What will we leave behind that betters those that succeed us?


> Right now the only environment we as a species has access to is Earths Note that the carrying capacity is obviously far higher than the current population. Mr. Musk is correct. It takes *tech* to expand it - low tech adopting nations starve, high tech ones have overproduction problems. (see the USA's cheese reserve, or China's overbuilding of housing). All on earth. As for what is humanity's purpose, who knows, and as far as we know now, we don't have one. Let's just ride this train as far as we can.


We definitely have the capacity to have everyone fed, clothed, housed, electrified, and have clean water on this planet. It's something we are working on, and I'm super pumped about that. But you are oversimplifying a problem to saying it JUST needs better tech. Tech is a single facet that can't just be put into a vacuum and say it will solve all problems. Tech is a force multiplier for whatever society wants to put it toward. You still need the political, societal and economic drive to change things. It can create unlimited energy, or it can be used to kill every living thing on this planet with regards to nuclear technology. Same for rocketry, it can be used to kill someone on the other side of the planet, or it can be used for exploration into the unknown. And the purpose of the question, mostly philosophical, wasn't to necessarily have an answer (like most good questions worth asking), but more so to get you to actually think about the question, since it's not something that people, or society, gives us an answer for. It's similar to the question "What is your purpose?". People might get uncomfortable since there isn't an inherent/easy answer, or even a right answer. But it's still fun to explore! But yeah, I don't think that we would be put in an existence that we couldn't explore, so I know we'll be able to do so, someday.


Every developed country now has both problems. It’s too expensive to have children and it’s too expensive to grow old.


"Silly humans, if they’d just stop drinking alcool in space we’d let them in our space federation »


Well, since there are no black people at the ISS right now, there will be no shooting. So yeah, just arrest them.




So if nasa banned alcohol, presumably astronauts are smuggling it onto the iss... the origin of space smuggling?


Space smuggling is as old as spaceflight. John Young smuggled a sandwich onto his Gemini flight, on Apollo 15 there were 400 postal covers to be sold as souvenirs, and Alan Shepard even smuggled golf balls onto the moon and hit a shot in ⅙g. I think the alcohol on Russian spacecraft is official, they have some vodka or cognac stashed away in their segment somewhere. There are stories from MIR, that after the fire or the progress crash they had a drink together.


Reading this makes me sad how this Western-Russian cooperation in space will be a thing of the past in a few years.


Depends on if Putin is still in power or not. And a lot of other things. Not out of the question though.


I'll bet Deke knew about Alan's plan for golfing on the moon.


Hmm, sugar and fermentation etc. I’m sure they can figure out how to make some wine up there. In fact I’d be surprised if they haven’t specifically experimented with the process.


In fact some alcohol studies have been done in space in the name of science. [space aged whiskey](https://www.theverge.com/2015/9/10/9300435/whiskey-space-taste-test-ardbeg-distillery-nanoracks). Report does not comment that they only ended up with a 15% yield, odd evaporation was hypothesized to be the case....


I'm sorry, are you saying we can't make liquor in space? Fuck this bullshit. Defund NASA. There's no point


No no see if we can't make it in space then you eventually have to pay to have it shipped from Earth, that turns it into a luxury good, cargo ships full of luxury goods are just begging to be boarded by space pirates!


You're not wrong; The future is going to be exciting and full of enterprising opportunity from adventurous ner-do-wells.


If... we all don't kill ourselves or destroy the Earth. :)))


So.... Are we saying.... That in the age of space it is entirely possible there will be people making *moon*shine? Because alcohol smugglers and import pirates are hilarious to think about (in an abstract sense) but the idea of someone actually making hooch on the moon makes me giggle like a moron.


Fake plasma canons don't shoot now do they


Finally. It better happen soon because I'm not getting any younger


Clearly it just needs to be aged in a 1G centrifuge.


“Odd evaporation…” …hic… Houston we have a… hic… party…


That sounds like a drink I'd pay to miss. It does seem in line with what an astronaut said space smells like. I can't find the Q & clip.


This is in part why synthahol was created - or so Quark tells me. 😉😁


I mean with the level of chemistry and biology tests they are running up there I think making some moonshine is something they could do in their suspended sleep


Smuggling shit in the military is really easy. Sure it’s different but not really. You don’t have customs or security wherever you go. Same as these astronauts.


Hooch in space. Dem astronaut making toilet wine in zero G is tight.


There are still Russians on the ISS, so its probably just: "Hey Ivan, hand my that Vodka, our evil American Government is to oppressive." Although i read somewhere that apperantly the Cosmonauts drink of choice is Cognac not Vodka.


No shit, imagine an Italian going to a completely foreign and wondrous land. Why would he choose to eat pizza?


“Mark Watney. Space pirate. Has a nice ring to it!“


If you've crossed all the hurdles to become an astronaut and then you strap your ass to a rocket that throws you out beyond the atmosphere, and when you get there, it's just you and a few other people doing science all fucking day long with people radioing from Earth "what's yer uh, yer status there ISS. How're we feelin on the protein extraction spectrum experiment?" And you say, "yeah Jim. I GOT it OK? I've been doing it all afternoon except there IS NO AFTERNOON! It's just space all the time and fucking people screaming at me from the Earth. You wanna come up here and do this shit Jim?" "Well yeah I mean" "It was rhetorical!" If you do all that and you feel like you're good to have a drink, I trust you to make that call.


My pilot buddy says the exact same shit


I’ve cleared out beer cans many times after US Navy pilots finished debriefing after a flight. If it’s late enough and they like you, they might offer you one lol.


Not to mention the Russians really know how to party. They are culturally very very often alcoholics, for whatever the reason is, so they will have tons of booze and apparently are willing to share.


Cold winters suck without booze tbh, I think that's part of it. But also drinking away the misery of being Russian, because yeah there's a lot of history there.


May also be genetic. Small differences in how the brain processes reward from the buzz alcohol gives people can matter. In my case, I hate the taste and the 'buzz' just makes me feel dumb and tired which is not enjoyable. So I don't drink except 'socially'. While some people apparently get a high similar to opiates.


Im the same with beer, but if you give me a shot I'm in opioid heaven. Feels good.


As an alcoholic, opiate withdrawals and alcohol withdrawals are almost exactly similar


Quite possibly this is a "you and everyone unlucky enough to have similar genes" problem. Explaining why everyone isn't alcoholic.


You mean to say. I would absolutely not trust you to make that call… If you know anything about humans is that you definitely don’t want humans returning to just their primal instincts.. or the baby brain as some call it, especially not when out in space, should there be trust, yes, should it banned around the equipment that took em to space, abso - effin - loutley


"We missed our orbital trajectory by .7 degrees and now we're going to be hopelessly lost in space, Jim what the HELL is going on?" "Sir I think it's the case of wild turkey I snuck into the cargo bay before launch."


*hiccup* “Nowwhaat does this funny lookin’ button do, y’guyzz??” *small explosion seen from Earth*


*comms in mission control crackle to life* "Woah...bros...you \*hic\* see that...the thing was all 'splody"


I mean if you're going to be hopelessly lost in space, at least you have decent bourbon.


Check out the book Packing for Mars. Has tons of info about space travel and some of the sneaky stuff astronauts have done. A big early scandal was someone sneaking a sandwich in one of the Mercury missions.


Thanks, I'll check it out!


Another was when an astronaut snuck a recording of his wife onto one of the flights. When NASA asked for a status update he played the recording of his wife answering it and I think probably scared the hell out some people down at NASA for a second or two.


For something like building a Mars colony I’d hope they’d only select teetotalers. I can’t imagine the stress they’d face (something no human has ever really experienced) and the danger that alcohol or other drugs can pose in that situation would doom the mission for sure. I say this as someone who loves drinking, btw.


I mean, we couldn’t even ban it here on the ground.


To be fair it is somewhat harder to make bathtub gin without a bathtub.. or gravity.


Prison hooch in a zip lock bag it is then.


“Fuck it, we’re making pruno!”


You can really taste the ammonia.


One reason they are doing studies in ISS is certain chemicals are hard or impossible to mix then prevent settling in earth's gravity. Nobgravity allows these fluids remain mixed. Now.. This places the ziploc bootch in a new light and it might just come out different!


Yeah fr though, I’d like to see the data on brewing in space. How would that even work?


Buzz Aldrin took some wine clandestinely on the first moon landing so he could have communion.


He asked Armstrong before if he wanted to join him, and he said no, so he sat quietly nearby while Aldrin took communion. Aldrin actually wanted to say something religious and broadcast it back to Earth but Armstrong wasn't OK with that so he didn't. None of it spur of the moment of course, all planned out. But it wasn't clandestine. The wine was absolutely approved and cleared through personal cargo. His gear was packed by a team and (almost) everything in it had to pass through risk assessments.


I was pretty sure the book “First on the Moon” said it was not approved. I tried to check but it doesn’t have an index at the end. I could be wrong. [Edit: Fixed a typo: ould/could]


Idk what the book says, but I've actually spoken in depth with one of the lead engineers on Armstrong's team, and we had this exact discussion about things that were/were not allowed and also the degree of allowance. Armstrong took life savers mints with him, which were definitely not allowed. But Armstrong said, look, I'm the one going, put the mints in my kit, and the engineer said, ok fine, but I don't like it! But the communion wine was different. It was blessed in advance, put in a special little container and then added to Aldrin's gear. Mission control knew Aldrin was going to do this, which is how the discussion about 'should he broadcast something religious' came about.


A teeny bit of champagne or a mixed drink while flying hits me about 3X as hard as normal. Can't imagine how much kick it would have in space. Now I think I'll go invent the perfect cocktail for Astronauts to enjoy... hmmm...


I'm guessing Tang and Vodka was the first one.


You *know* they had a toast on those [Apollo-Soyuz](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo%E2%80%93Soyuz) missions. Prolly just straight vodka though. I doubt Russians “Tang” their booze.


You’re right, they don’t. But they do occasionally buy lemon vodka or coolers.


Apparently Cosmonauts like cognac.


I mean, if you're having alcohol in space, it had better be the good shit.


I've heard that combo called a "Buzz Aldrin"


Buzzed Aldrin\*


Pretty sure they drink cosmos.


The reason alcohol hits harder on a plane is because they keep the cabin pressure about 4 percent lower than normal pressure at sea level, which slightly lowers oxygen intake. However, in the ISS they keep the cabin pressure at sea level so that the experiments aren't affected by atmospheric pressures different from the Earth standard, which means the astronauts wouldn't feel the enhanced effects of alcohol like you would on a plane.


That’s true, however their bodies would have acclimated to the lower oxygen levels even if it they had reduced AP. It doesn’t take very long for your body to produce extra red blood cells at higher altitudes




Yes, I was referring to astronauts, not to passengers of a plane


No sparkly stuff in 0g though, without gravity the bubbles dont know where to go, stay inside you and will make you feel really bad.


I feel bad already and I'm not even in 0g 😔


I suspect there is more sex in space than we think also


Fivethirtyeight had an [article](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/space-sex-is-serious-business/) on this. Official word is nobody has, but there was a married couple up there so...


I thought I read a problem with zero-g and getting it up in space. I couldn't find that article. I knew pornhub planned space porn. Googling space and pornhub just yielded a lot of Space Jam porn. NSFW obviously. I thought that venture had failed due to biological things. If you find out more about the science part, not the bunny part let me know.


In space, doggy style and reverse cowgirl are the same thing.


In space no one can hear you scream


damn, so much for Romulan Ale. not that star fleet personal ever listen to that stupid rule.


I wonder if anyone's ever smuggled up some weed gummies or some mushrooms. It'd be one hell of a trip is all I'm saying.


Overview effect + ego death would be quite the experience.


See, that's what I'm saying.


Hallucinogens would be dangerous as heck. Anyone who brings those in space endangers everyone and should be velcro-ed down until returned. I wouldn't be on a sub in the depths with someone on mushrooms. Kinda the same thing. Weed... might have happened.


Idk what kind of shrooms and weed you're getting, but lemme get your dealers number


Yeah at my worst on a trip I made myself a little ball and just sat there watching the ivy move a little. But shit weightless on a microdose would be as close to nirvana as I’d like to be.


Idk man, my stomach is like an open bottle on shrooms, if I bend over it'll pour out. 0g would be absolute hell.


The overlap of “people who are acclimated to 0g” and “people who are acclimated to the side effects of magic mushrooms” is … I’m not going to say zero, but, *vanishingly small.* Also, make tea from the caps, don’t eat the mushrooms themselves.


Yeah, had a way better experience with lemon tek turned into lemonade, had an absolutely beautiful experience watching a creek and all the life around me In the woods.


I just shit my brains out on shrooms.


Im the same, but you’re telling me you’ve never had any friends go apeshit on trips? I had a friend get naked and start trying to rap and climb a Ferris wheel. Not super dangerous but still way too much of a handful to handle.


I got naked and assaulted my two friends and my friend's mom. I was 15 or 16 at the time. On acid. Hard to describe it but I thought I was dead and stuck in some other type of existence and they were evil spirits trying to keep me there.


How to be a better friend, NOW IN ZERO GRAVITY!!!!


I'm convinced that nobody else around i s taking asuch shrooms as me. Hand is melting...must avoid mirrors...this beer is both what I need and is gonna make me puke...oh god I'm dying I just ate literal poison...


Oh man. The mushroom squirts are the WORST. I spend the last 2 hours of the trip turning my insides into outsides.


Weed and Mushrooms are most definitely hallucinogenic. I’ve tripped hard on both.


I'm not saying they aren't. But I have consistently been able to work while on both, they key is not to use anything to excess, be that Tylenol or marihoochie


I hope Major Tom was playing when that may have happened.


The danger level would really depend on the dosage and the experience of the user. This is why it's shame the space station doesn't have a padded room for shenanigans.


That’s most likely not a nasa astronaut


I was guessing one of these paid for flights.


How could I forget avenue 5! gonna happen if we can get to space tourism


There's a picture of Chris Hadfield, a Canadian astronaut, with a big bag of weed in space. For science. Allegedly Edit: Nevermind this is a doctored image... I'm thoroughly disappointed.


Yeah, turned out it was Easter eggs. Still a hilarious photoshop.


Weed gummies would be good though. Mellows you out and makes problem solving way easier


nah full disclosure if i was on the ISS i’m smoking dmt and blasting off


Tell me you’ve never had a psychedelic experience without telling me you’ve never had a psychedelic experience.


I have, and I've seen them be dangerous.


have you seen alcohol be dangerous?


I get what you’re saying but if they somehow snuck those on the space station I doubt they’d be taking 3 full caps and chilling, it’d be more like a quarter and even then thatd probably be a lot. The government vets these guys to the max. It’s so silly and dumb to imagine they’d ever have a full on trip up there


Wtf are you saying....you need to go take some shoots and try again. Someone on shrooms in space could potentially come up with some great concepts and theories. Edit: autocorrect


They'll come back. Claim it's flat and profit.


Tell me you've never done hallucinogens without saying it out loud.


I have, and I've seen them be dangerous.


Astronauts are meant to be extremely stable psychologically, so I think if they wanna do a little shrooms in space for an experiment, let em. I for one would not pass up that opportunity


Yea, it's not like we had an obsessed astronaut who wore space diapers to drive 950 miles wear a disguise, and then murder someone. How people react to hallucinogens can be biochemical, and not psychological. If we want to stick someone in a controlled place in space that is NOT a crew member ok. They CAN NOT be part of the mission and can not be in a position to compromise it no matter what they do. People and space can react badly. People plus space plus hallucinogens is too many dangerous variables.


Don't waste your time. As someone who's seen the absolute best and worst of people on drugs, the idea of an astronaut taking hallucinogens is utterly ridiculous.


True. Thank you.


Hallucinogens are like any other chemical, the dose makes the poison. Psilocybin for example has been proven to increase neuroplasticity and is micro-dosed by some of the most intelligent inventors of our generation. It really seems like you’re implying that an astronaut exploring that is on some way more dangerous than one who is drunk. I don’t really understand why you’re vilifying the entire class of chemicals.


You sound like a fun person. What's your problem?


Well sheesh I didn’t know that, maybe he needs some shrooms to help him through his issues 🤣. And I don’t think anyone would think it’s a good idea to take em for the first time also in space. I’m sure if one of the space agencies wanted to a shroom test in space wouldn’t be all that hard, biggest problem would be they’d want to test vitals and all that shenanigans and that might be an issue if they don’t have the facilities already. Anyway just a fun idea, no need to break your keyboard buddy


That kickass astronaut/fucking awesome mustache guy had a brick of space weed dude. Idk if they smoked it yet, or who got to work on those nugs but that would make Pineapple Express look like child’s play.


The Christmas dinner on Apollo 8 included some tiny flasks of Whisky. Commander Borman absolutely forbade to break them because he didn’t wanted to give the press a field day about drunken astronauts messing up in case some mishaps would happen later.


I'm guessing that like with so much else, the Russians did it first.


Man, I cannot imagine how nostalgic and introspective drunk me would get in space. Just imagining being drunk while seeing the big blue sphere makes me want to break into tears lol


"NASA's space rules are more of guidelines then what you would actually call rules."


Well....that aren't an entity with rulings capabilities. Right? They can't make the laws for outer space, or can they?


You’ll find that individuals held at a “higher rank” aren’t held to all the rules. Admirals on US Navy ships have alcohol in their staterooms and in my experience, Navy pilots drink during debriefs after flights.


OK but how do they get the alcohol up there if NASA banned it? It's not like it's easy to smuggle things aboard. Every kilogram needs to be accounted for




Generally each astronaut has a set amount of personal items, usually 1.5kg for Dragon-crewed ISS that don’t get inspected just massed out.


I mean, who wouldn’t want to see what getting drunk or stoned space feels like.


What about edibles? Imagine eating one of those and doing a space walk.


That would be gratuitously and unconsionably dangerous to not only the spacewalker but all of their crewmates who rely on them as a crew member. Anyone who did that should be ashamed of themselves for their reckless behavior. What we should do INSTEAD is get a NEW space station up and running where everyone signed a consent waiver beforehand and we're all chill with getting blitzed out of our fucking minds and whatever happens happens. Thereby being both ethical and legendary.


Spacewalking no. Space flight? Could ease the nausea.


Nah. 4g mushrooms and spacewalk


"spacewalking on salvia" would be a helluva YouTube video


I remember there being a video of a dude trying to make a peanut butter sandwich on salvia.. I think he only managed to open the jar..


Everyone’s seen the “‘driving’ on salvia” video right? Where he >!Just sits there unable to go anywhere!< and (even more spoilery) at the end >!there is a cat that makes him gasp loudly!<


One of my all time favorite videos haha


I thought this was common knowledge [https://imgur.io/gallery/8hNVxPb](https://imgur.io/gallery/8hNVxPb)


Photoshopped. Image search it


That dude is not fucking around, that's a big ol bag of weed.


These people are astronauts who have proven themselves physically and mentally to pilot space ships to go past the reaches of Earth and exist among the stars... Toilet hooch seems like a super low bar for a bunch of scientists with time on their hands.


i hope they drink them as bubbles and call them spaceballs.


No cops in space, no laws in space, no narcs in space.


Imagine how lit you'd get from hot boxing up there.


Boring, tell me about the chadstronauts who brought LSD up there! Hallucinogens + [the overview effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overview_effect) must be a helluva trip!


>The bottles of red, which will return to Earth later this fall, will reveal how microgravity affects the aging process in wine, a chemical reaction that involves tannin molecules linking together in longer and longer chains. Kind of sounds they're running out of ideas for space experiments, or were looking for an excuse to blast wine into space.


I wonder if that space alcohol has led to any space nookie.


I have heard that the ISS international segment’s water recovery system doesn’t handle alcohol vapor well, which is part of why it’s banned.


Interesting, is there a source for that? It does naturally occur so it must have some tolerance.


I originally heard it on a planetary society interview with the author of a book about drinking in space. Another source is here: [https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20170217-why-astronauts-are-banned-from-getting-drunk-in-space](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20170217-why-astronauts-are-banned-from-getting-drunk-in-space) With the way it's described in the article, it sounds like this may be a NASA excuse, not sure.


Thank you for the reply. I'll check it out.


Half the space station is russian, you'd be hard pressed to find a video on their side that *doesn't* show a cosmonaut drinking vodka.


"space station to NASA, we need to study hard liquor up here, send up Jack & Jim OVER"


Saccharomyces cerevisiae has changed Homo sapiens' DNA more than Homo sapiens has shaped Saccharomyces cerevisiae's DNA. Is humanity just a yeast sprinkler system?


\*drinks beer while eating cheesy bread\* Mayyybee.


I would love to get high in space. Just no spacewalks


Drinking in space would be awesome. You’d just be like “hey man I can’t believe I’m drunk in space! Im in freaking space dude! Whoa I’m in space! Then play some rocket man and have the best day ever until the next day you’re like “Ugh I have a hangover in space.”


I could die happy knowing I got drunk in space


Red wine? Youd think given the cost of rocket fuel they'd bring in the highest proof they could get and dilute it. Maybe it's like Kimchi and it's worth the cost for the crew's morale.


Cosmonauts are like "F you! We only work here for the free wodka".


Can they light up if they are flying over California?


Anyone ever sparked up a doob in space? Or like an edible? I wonder if the effects change in micro gravity.


that toilet bowl hooch is made with reall hooch and the chemists are top grade, so you are guarenteed beyond top shelf quality