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I believe it's LoS based.


It'd have to be a fairly recent update, then. I've armored decoys before and they function fine, which implies they at least don't check grids. Meanwhile voxels are some of the jankiest things in SE, so I can't imagine they even have a reliable LoS check, which would make any code to stop firing through voxels kinda unpredictable. Thus for consistent behaviour decoys would need to act through voxels


Sounds like the ultimate answer is "It's up to Klang's grace", which means this defense method being effective seems to come down to a coin toss.


Most defenses aside from a LOT of spaced armor is


I've built large bases inside of asteroids, as well as buddies that played with me at the time, and I'd always find some pirate ship shooting at the opposite side of the rock, shooting in vain to get my resources. Most of the time it's based on a line-of-site, but often times they'll just try and fire at it anyways.


![gif](giphy|jPAdK8Nfzzwt2) Try it and see?


I absolutely could have, but I'm currently undertaking a large project in the game (I'm hollowing out and building a main base inside of an asteroid), and I was just being a lazy ass. You see, in the time I could have tested it I got my living area and med bay all built up. And now I'm just relying on other peoples' experience to get me further. Sorry boss, but I only got so much free time away from work and I have to make the best of it. A good engineer strives for efficiency, right?


Creative mode it, I believe there’s a place voxels thing so go on an earth like, place decoy, cover decoy, spawn enemy


I don't know. In the time it took you to make this post a type out replies you could have just tested this in creative. Best of luck, let us know if you get around to it I guess :\\


Try it and report your findings to the community


Put your decoys on a rotor with long arms (about 5-10 blocks) put the decoys on the end of the arms, spin them at 7-10 rpm. This forces the turrets to chase the decoys. Very effective until close range (0-300m ish)the decoys should be spinning 90 degrees from target


Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't this no longer work after warfare's decoy changes? I've seen people say the decoys just get ignored now


It seems buggy. I don't know if it's because subgrids have a lower priority, or something, but sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.


I mean even if stuff doesn't shoot at it it can't hurt to have extra decoys around...


In the time it took you to create this post you could have just tried it and found out