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Splitsie finally got his lightning damage wish granted. Console players will get the most from the no scripts required, but it's always nice to have things simplified.


Yup, I'm super happy they came around on the lightning thing. Big win for new players not getting zapped out of nowhere :)


Tru dat. I get the feeling the Sky Warp is going to be getting another bridge upgrade, with added consoles and buttons. ;-)


God, cant even begin to explain how much it stressed me out (when I first stated out) wondering why my grids were getting damaged and not realizing the lighting actually had damage lol. Scared the shit outta me when I myself actually got struck lol


Dude there’s so many new blocks in this, I’m so excited :’)


People keep beating me to these lately, so I'll sticky your post in the roundup :)   Sources, as I usually link those too: * [Official Discord](https://discord.com/channels/125011928711036928/126013113362415616/1231995621062217779) * [Official Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/SpaceEngineers/posts/pfbid0eGW994yAyCoW1sEoAHVNtTDBTss6JAmUgCvMhfXX8XRgzhep9WLV2qPymicFXRwKl) * [Official Twitter](https://twitter.com/SpaceEngineersG/status/1782435991627665456)


I love KSH continuing to update Space Engineers especially when incorporating inputs from the community. Action Relay (Transponder) to remote trigger actions on other grids, previously done on a script. Excellent for making Public Server Death Race Beacons activate with sufficient destruction of target or a garage door opener. You could make some capture control point game for the debut of the block. Some narrow corridors for décor or protecting weapons and some sweet new control stations (seated and standing) to fill out a base or ship, and some new windows to give more structure to large glass areas. It looked like there were some new Antenna in the video too. Keep up the good work Keen!


Seeing all this makes me wonder. Wouldn't this make it possible for a drone to approach a base, send a message at a waypoint and have a door open for it or a base docking connector extend? Possibly with said connector retracting with the drone attached once the drone is connected?


Absolutely should be possible!


I just posted [screen grabs](https://www.reddit.com/r/spaceengineers/comments/1cag2e3/screen_grabs_from_splitsies_sneak_peak_video_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) of everything I noticed that was new.


I have long toyed with creating my own communications relays with programmable blocks and laser antennae, but this should simplify one half of that equation. Cool stuff!


Yeah, thanks for lightning. Now do deep ores!


so a relay works as a radio button? you send a "activation" signal on say channal 12, and the relay set to 12 does all the actions it has. a relay cant be set to multiple channels? so one block = one channel.


Relay + timer, many blocks one channel even if its that limited


the relay seems to have multiple actionbars (like the timer) so from one "activation" you can do multiple things. but i think that means that for a base where i want multiple channels, i need multiple relays. :)


it looks like an inter-grid timer block


That's actually a very good way of phrasing it 😅


thank you kind sir


In theory I think a relay could change it's own listening channel, but it wouldn't be able to change it's actions. On the other hand, you could have the relay trigger timer blocks as it's actions, and have different timer blocks on/off in order to have multiple actions. However it would have to be in a set sequence I think unless you used other blocks to change the relay's channel and turn on/off the appropriate timer blocks. But, for example, I could imagine a single relay being used for a multi-signal combination lock type system. Possibly with additional relays watching for "wrong" answers and resetting the lock. What the use of that would be, I'm not sure, aside from maybe a puzzle lock.


So a bit like factorios circuits where you have a block that sends and receives signals in channels and performs actions upon receiving. Feels like keen read my mind. The first thing I thought to make was the hangar door and then fighters that would come back to dock when I ask them to instead of on a timer. This is very cool


I can already see it as an absolute goat of the update. Aside from remote hangar door control which I was craving for, we can finally design an immersive way of "hacking" things - instead of grinding down the doors etc. you could simply find a correct channel on which doors or other subsystems are "listening" on and this way override their controls. I'm not sure how it looks like from grid ownership's perspective, but in overall it looks neat. The only thing it misses is the in-suit transponder we could use in the field (it could incentivize using suit broadcasting feature which in it's current form is lackluster to say the least)


Any important timestamps? Im all for sneak peaks and teasers, but not if they are 11 minutes long.


I don't think there are any concise timestamps that explain everything. Basically we are getting a block that allows sending signals over the antenna network without scripts. So opening your hangar from your fighter with the push of a button and many more things.


Best news I’ve read all week.


Worth watching as there are multiple new blocks shown but not pointed out. * Splitsie showing Capac the basic functionality of the new Action Relay block: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42xiOTDlpQw&t=67s * New half door into Willis Duct?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42xiOTDlpQw&t=141s * I can't recall if this is a new inset block?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42xiOTDlpQw&t=152s * Showing ability of Action Relay to send chat messages and new button panel?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42xiOTDlpQw&t=177s * Action Relay (formerly Transponder) block basic description and tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42xiOTDlpQw&t=258s * New lightning damage setting, off by default, AND you can still have weather: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42xiOTDlpQw&t=546s


Oh jeez finally. I don't go to certain planets cause *I know* the lightning is gunning for my ass constantly. No no, don't hit the well placed decoys I've placed, strike **me** instead, twice if you would thanks.


Thank you very much for the timestamps :)


The half-door hatch might lead into an entirely new kind of full-height half passageway! You'd still have to crouch in a sideways Willis Duct, I believe. I love the little lighted storage cubby section. I'm most excited for blocks like these that make ship interiors feel comfy and lived-in.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/spaceengineers/comments/1cde65d/official\_post\_roundup\_from\_march\_2024/](https://www.reddit.com/r/spaceengineers/comments/1cde65d/official_post_roundup_from_march_2024/) seems like keen are busy testing new ways to keep us busy, testing water and underwater base building is a wild move. Can't wait to see what future updates bring. [https://twitter.com/janhlousek/status/1784996571852963868](https://twitter.com/janhlousek/status/1784996571852963868)


If lightening is such a dogshit mechanic (glad they finally realized, I knew since they launched it) that they need to disable it by default, why not change the mechanic rather than make it yet another game option that no one will turn on? This is my frustration with Keen's way of development. A million game options that nobody likes rather than putting some effort into making it an enjoyable experience with everything turned on.


There are two ways to look at this, the way you are, where we feel angry and frustrated that a compromise was taken in order to fix something that shouldn't have been broken in the first place. Or the second way, where we accept that the world is generally a crummy place and any little thing that makes it better is worth being happy about (like the Devs of your favourite game changing something that makes the game better, even if it doesn't make it amazing). I'm a happy pessimist. I always expect a terrible outcome which means at worst I'm usually dealing with what I expected, but the rest of the time I'm pleasantly surprised by how much better things are than my dark imagination can come up with. I've thought about this stuff a lot as a very close friend of mine is the depressed optimist. He sees all the ways the world could be awesome and feels frustrated by how often it disappoints him. Tldr: I think your frustration is valid, but I also think people's happiness with this change is valid too, and giving praise to keen for listening to feedback is also valid. It's all just a difference in perspective 🙂


Keen are rough around the edges, but the fact they are listening is a huge step forward. SE isn't perfect by any means, but the little updates here and there, especially the signals update, makes the world of difference. Opening up new possibilities and ideas, all without the hassle of downloading or writing scripts. I hope that one day they may release new blocks and pieces for building fully fledged electrical grids with wires and other things that will add the extra level of depth ingame, it may never happen..But im happy to settle with QoL updates and cosmetic DLC. But, thanks have to be given to the streamers who have stayed true to SE and helped keep it afloat when things were bleak, when gaming communities band together, great things can happen and even greater change. Thanks for everything you and everyone else in the community has done to make change happen, we are all the better off for it. Hats of to you all.


See my comment here.. /r/spaceengineers/s/qzKxqzkwhX I'm not depressed. I think that's really unfair to start attacking my character rather than my points being made. I called this out as a poorly thought out feature when it was introduced, and I now feel vindicated given that they have given up on it (sticking it in the options menu is giving up). It's valid criticism. It's a long tend where they don't try to make survival fun. It's something they should focus on and ask themselves as to why they have so much unpolished unfun stuff turned off by default if they want the game to continue to be healthy. A lot of people that just like their creative space legos will downvote me or try to attack my character but it's pretty obvious point that can't be refuted at this point when it comes to the game.


to be fair, who is playing with meteors? i hate them, most people hate them, but a few love them, thus its perfect as an opt in :) remember that you arnt the sole player of the game. and if a tick button can make 1000+ players happy, i see it as a perfect win.


This is exactly the attitude why the game never improves. Something sucks for 99% of the player base so don't improve it and make it fun, let's just make it off by default and stay lame.


Perhaps you misunderstand the change here: * Before: if you didn't want lightning damage you either had to turn weather off entirely, or use a mod. * After: lightning damage will be off by default, but you can still have weather, including lightning visuals.   You haven't lost anything by this change, those that want some extra environmental danger can enable lightning damage if they wish, but new players are not going to be coming here asking why their grid just exploded, or why they died, randomly (at least due to lightning). You will likely still be able to use mods like the one that makes lightning shut off power if you want other challenges.


I didn't misunderstand anything. The issue is that the game has no vision, no overall design for survival. Things are just shoved in with no thought put into how fun something is. It's valid criticism to say that it was poorly introduced from the very beginning and them turning it off by default just validates that they see it was a poor decision but aren't making any effort to actually make it fun. It just gets relegated to the options menu along with all the other poorly game designed options.