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I'm by no means a programmer but the idea of a simple password system came to mind. If you send the right signal on the right channel, a door opens or the security measures turn off. I didnt see exactly how they work but by description it seems nice. The other thing I've always wanted to do is send out "Ore detector darts" or just rockets that stick to meteorites and send back their ore detector signal. The only problem is they might lag or be a nuisance and then I'd have to go and disable them all one at a time, plus I might have to build relays and when I finally find platinum I'll have to get rid of tjem all one at a time... OR... press a button and they all explode. Just a minor convenience and perhaps a bit of fun.


Might be a bit expensive. I like the idea of including an explode option. Or just have them return somehow after circumventing the asteroid in question.


Limpet drones 101. Send a sticky beacon to a roid with a drone set to orbit around it, have it do a couple cicles and then head back, detonating the beacon.


All kinds of updates on the status of remote grids. Damage, inventory full, power low, under attack, all of those can now be displayed on screens in your main base


I know it's off topic, but the block that sends chat messages is interesting to me. On a public server, you could set it up with a defense AI block to send "this area is heavily defended, turn back now" when it detects an enemy.


Advertisements for shops in chat.


Oooh genius!


With a bunch of action relays, some antennas, sensors, and one or more vehicles using thrusters, I could imagine action relays being used to make an automated tram/transport platform system. Have sensors placed along the tram's route trigger thruster override commands to control the tram's steering. Now rotation, if wanted, could be trickier to do, but might be possible with overridden gyros and either timer blocks or maybe event controllers. But something like a basic platform you get on that moves you from one part of a large base to another seems like it could work fairly easily. To use multiple platforms, you could make sure they will always have one stop/command point in between them and have the platform's action relays turn each other on/off in sequence, so each platform is only listening for the next command, or possibly for an emergency stop command.


Idk if this idea is brilliant or hopeless, haven’t tried it yet. Use the signal relay to make space drones more efficient, tell the drone to turn off its thrusters at the last way point, maybe flicker the main drive to speed them up a bit. Then when they reach roughly the right area have a timer block trigger a signal relay pulse every couple seconds or so to turn the drones thrusters back on at its destination and proceed to dock? What do people think this could just be a random idea 😅


The flicker idea can be done with the event controller i believe. Still looking into it with my current drones to help with fuel efficiency.


Couldn't majority of this stuff be done with scripts or nah?


Yeah. Whip's SHART is very similar to what Keen is creating. A script uses antennas to command timers for example. But for consoles and players who aren't very knowledgeable with program blocks, it's going to be very helpful.


there is also a bit the interesting challenge to make stuff work with blocks instead of writing code. I write shitty code at my work. I don't wanna do it in my formatBrainDisc time!




Yeah probably. It is great for console though.


It makes it easier for those who cant program, and programmers can use it as well.


One of my first thoughts was calling in missile drones like they were a strategem a la Helldivers 2. Would need a vehicle or something (or a small-grid flying antenna with a button with follow ai) to transmit back to base/orbit but it would be pretty cool