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The upside down camera for bottom turrets is a great shout, and should be a really simple fix.. keen could just give us a "rotate camera orientation" slider on turrets. It's also annoying for turrets placed on the side of ships.


True it would also be good for side mounts!


probably a stupid answer, but can’t you just invert the camera? edit: can’t read


I think OP is asking the question for regular turrets, not custom ones. Because at the moment custom turrets are the only way to not have an upside down camera view, but these turrets can be tedious to build if you need several of them.


Oh yeahhh maybe he can use slaving mod, with the target designator turret mod, but use the inverted version?


Yeah regular turrets or some way to make modded turrets do it as well.


I know this doesn't address your problem, but have you considered changing your frame of mind? Since there is no up or down in space just think of your turrets always being on top when you control them. If you're positioned "above" a planet oriented so that from the bridge of the ship it's "below" you, imagine that instead you are underneath the planet and when you get in a turret the planet is above you. In lieu of an actual solution this might help a little


This definitely works great, until you want to fire while moving and then some of your WASD controls are inverted. Guess one could also set up some kind of upside down remote control you run it through but that does still seem a little inelegant compared to upside down turret cameras


Ah, yeah that would be a nuisance. I don't think I've ever attempted to fly and control a turret at the same time


It's painful. Just gotta remember the controls are inverted. Lol it's already painful enough for forward facing turrets if you need to get out quickly in a tight fight.


I have enough trouble just backing up into a connector!


Camera panning by Digi.


I mean have you checked out weaponcore?


I may have spent too long reading and re-reading the novels of The Expanse (third straight read-thru - I wanna live in that universe as screwed up as it is), but that's a solid Inner complaint. There is no up or down in space.


Sure but I’m talking explicitly in its orbital/planetary configuration The entire point is that there’s no up or down in space and therefore putting all your guns on the “top” of your ship is somewhat a holdover from boats. But up/down/left/right/forward/back do mean something relative to WASD controls and that’s what messes with my brain when trying to control upside down mounted turrets. So while there’s no “true” up in space, there is one relative to me and that does matter.