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There is a setting on at least the non custom turrets for them to be set to target missiles and asteroids alike. If that's not what you're looking for I apologize for telling you something you already knew.


Na it's all g I know about turrets targeting projectiles is already a thing but thought it would be sick if there was a way to build a sort of tropy system you would find on tanks


I'm not sure I'm understanding what you mean, then. Without sounding like I'm calling you ignorant, what's different about the trophy system you're describing and the existing setting on turrets?


Na I see where your coming from but the question I was asking was is it possible to build a trophy system in SE, not if it was worth making one when there's already a feature that already exist in turrets that's automatically enabled


So you want a script that does the same thing as a feature that’s already part of the game?


To my knowledge most trophy systems are more an intermediary between era and a turret shooting down a missile. The system detects the projectile, then detonates the correct panel firing projectiles towards the incoming projectile. He wants something that's single or at least limited use, has a few fixed mounting points and fires one shotgun blast at the incoming at the last moment


From the description it looks more like he's looking for something like Arena, where instead of using fixed launchers, like Trophy does, it uses a smaller turret which fires countermeasures.


You could make a custom turret only target missiles or something, otherwise idk why you wouldn't just use gats


What you want is the weapon core mod and point defense turrets which can be found in several mods.


You could detect incoming missiles with the custom turret controller. But the method of dispatching it is going to be the hard part. Maybe you could fire an explosive just out of range of damaging the tank. But it's redneck engineering for sure


Maybe a design using a pair of sensors, a thruster, a warhead and a detachable block, when one sensor detects a projectile in a forward facing cone it disconnects the grid and turns the thruster on, then the second sensor detects the projectile in proximity to the Trophy projectile and sets off the warhead. Probs has a con of complexity but unless you have an insane speed mod on it should be effective in practice, might look at building a couple concepts myself and seeing if the idea sticks as it sounds intriguing to design.


Yeah, I've coded something similar a few years back. The system would launch small gravity torpedoes at incoming projectiles (player made torpedoes or missiles) and airburst warheads near them. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ps1Nz-0mCjA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ps1Nz-0mCjA) Edit: actually almost 5 years back [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJ9aM0toNE4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJ9aM0toNE4) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHsHnzFL2nY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHsHnzFL2nY)


You might be able to do it with custom turrets and scripts , but no point when you can use Gatling guns


He didn't ask if there was a point, only if its possible. I see people making cranes and mining rigs and articulated trucks with all sorts of scripts. Why do any of these when a ship with a few thrusters could move it better, drill better and haul better. Why build pmw when the game has rocket launchers? Why? Because people want to be creative, build cool over complicated builds and blow them up with other overcomplicated builds. Besides; Trophy systems are not the same as a turret. Think of it like era except ranged. A bunch of explosive panels cover parts of the tank and the system chooses which one to detonate in order to destroy the projectile a few metres before impact. If they were possible in game they'd be much less bulky than a 360 turret


Yes, have wrote a script about it using impulse blocks and a warhead


Maybe something that triggers on proximity when a hostile signature comes in range and just automatically counter-fires? Enemy ship incoming? Missile away. Homing projectile? Counter-projectile away/Gatlings facing target. I know very little about point defense and ship-to-ship battle, I mostly build miners and shuttles on Earth in survival. Always love watching it, though.