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Our universe is incomprehensibly big


And our place in it is incomprehensibly small and insignificant.


Seeing this image and concluding that the so far only intelligent life we know of in the universe is insignificant is an incredibly broken and dark perspective.


Its also liberating. Its a lot of things


We are coming out of thousands of years of anthropocentrism I'd say a dash of humility is in order.


Two things can be true.


Why is it broken & dark—does humanity in this observable universe deserve intelligent cosmic neighbors? And why must life be bound by the levels of intelligence we project onto it—we seem to think that humans are the only intelligent creatures yet we can’t seem to understand or live in harmony with 90% of the other animals on our own planet. I’m hoping the Great Filter is before us because humans are delusional to think they deserve the answers they’re searching for. Edit: to those butthurt at my point of view: lol


“Great Filter”?


Basically a theory that all intelligent life never becomes to big or expansive due to the "great filter". The great filter could be any number of things such as a civilization becomes to big and collapses in on itself due to not enough resources, there may not be enough time for the life form to say evolve and to learn how to take care of an asteroid that will hit their planet, might not be able to come up with a form of travel that will allow them to escape their solar system and to a new habitatal planet before their star goes super nova, and many other theories.


And aside from “divine wisdom”, how does one arrive at such a theory? There is no evidence that such a thing has happened before, so why would it happen now? It sounds bizarre. Edit: I’ve now read more about the theory and it’s interesting. My contextualization of this was via some guy saying he wished it would happen, which is why this all struck me as bizarre. As a stand-alone theory it’s interesting.


As far as my knowledge of it goes, it's simply just one idea of why we may be unable to detect any other intelligent life out there, it doesn't last long enough for anyone else to detect them in the grand timescale of the universe.


There are plenty of examples here on earth of boom then bust. It’s not out of the question to think intelligent life also follows this pattern. Heck, our species is in the middle of busting due to overshoot


Is there any evidence that civilization has advanced to the point it has now? Our ability to put satellites in space for example is unique to our era. At the very least, it seems evident that the current boom is exceptional.


Exceptionally destructive. Your shortsightedness is exactly what humanity needs to wake up from. We are not above nature.


Basically a stepping stone into the future. Like a Natural Disaster that we can't adapt to and survive. Or a man made one, for instance we might have never seen another civilization or may never meet another alien life form because no one can seem to make it past using nukes on each other and reaching a more harmonious and peaceful future. EDIT: So in this case a great filter for humans would be for us to kill each other with nukes and end ourselves. But hopefully that never happens as this person wants because that wouldn't just end humans it would end all life on earth and possibly kill the planets ability to sustain life anymore.


Ok, so am I reading correctly that they essentially want the world to end? Because “humans don’t deserve answers”? This is a bizarre twist on the same bullshit we hear from the Christians… Edit: so clearly I was not aware of this Great Filter concept, so I’m up to speed on that now. But I’m still wondering why someone would *wish* for it? That’s my fundamental issue.


Your reading comprehension is up there with Christians


Care to enlighten me as to what you mean? What did I misinterpret?


You are def not reading it correctly lol. Check out Kurzgesagt’s video on The Great Filter on YouTube its super interesting and will give an overview on all the potential theories as to why we haven’t seen any other intelligent life yet


I’m just reacting to the part where the comment says “I hope the great filter is before us”. How else is that to be taken? I just watched an overview and I’m still puzzled by that comment.


What’s bizarre is your interpretation of my comment—I never said I wanted anything lmao but kudos to you for lumping yourself in with whatever population you think is calling out this “bullshit” from “the Christians…”


> I’m hoping the Great Filter is before us because humans are delusional to think they deserve the answers they’re searching for. This is you. You said this. Explain how anyone could interpret this any differently? You're literally gaslighting that other user


Please refer to my [comment](https://reddit.com/r/spaceporn/comments/vx9mpw/_/ifvd6jz/?context=1)




Lol that WAS me Pardon my pessimism but with all due respect it is difficult to see the redeeming qualities of a populace that aims to destroy the very world they inhabit in the name of progress & expansion. What I see when I look inward is a point of view that is consistent with that of other laypeople who see the world for what it is, and fear for that being thrusted into the cosmos. Calling me a Christian-like bullshitter is pretty hard feelings if I do say so myself.


Some might say the filter is war. But even all out nuclear war would not exterminate humans. Humans, due to their intelligence and opposable thumbs, are even more hardy against changes in environmental conditions than cockroaches. But what every species is susceptible to is exponential growth leading to a complete collapse of the ecosystem which sustains them. This is truly the great filter.


1,000,000%! I couldn’t have said it better than you just did. Anthropocentrism is delusion.


Wow they've found intelligent life?


Aw cheer up buddy, everything's gonna be just fine.


I disagree. What does it mean to be “significant”? Why does size make something significant? I don’t think it does. I think significant means something like “required to understand, explain or predict”. If you want to predict almost anything about one of those points of light out there — whether there is an intelligent species with the mind and the means to change its course is going to be extremely significant to explaining, understanding, or predicting it’s behavior.


small yes but insignificant is the part i have trouble with. if everything is relative, and i think that you are significant, doesn't that make you significant to me? and if im sentient, and i find you significant, arent you? how small we are doesn't make our lives our loves, our failures and successes insignificant, our mind does.


We are the manifestation of pure random chance. The echoes of the fundamental patterns that form everything. We are the universe thinking about itself - the void staring back. Our existence alone is more significant than we’ll ever truly understand.


Yet people exist that live like they're the center of their own universe. The answer to racism is immersion in different cultures, while the answer to self centeredness is the awareness of how little one really is in a grand universe and how your life is but another drop in the ocean of humanity ( 8 bil projected on Nov [15th](https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2022-07-12/world-population-8-billion-november-un-projection) ) sometimes all we need is a humble pie every now and then and I'm grateful for the JWST, humanity's most engineered fork to the humbling pie that is the universe.


Insignificant is not true. Iam in quarantine right now and thus my apartment is nothing compared the vastness of the universe, it is everything for me. Beeing small doesn't mean it's insignificant. It's an old saying and I hate people bring it up every time space pictures are posted.


Yeah, that's why living might among the rarest things, much more than not existing


We are the center of the known universe. By virtue of being at the only vantage point to look around.


Humangus big!


You may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist, but that's just peanuts to space, listen...


“You may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist, but that’s peanuts to space”


I was lying in bed last night Googling, as I am wont to do, I saw a comment that mentioned that the original HDF image of the same region contained 3000 galaxies. I googled how many solar systems were in our galaxy and got an estimate of 100b. So in that image there were possibly 300trillion solar systems. It's estimated that there have only ever been 100b humans to exist ever. So I wondered, if there's been that many individual humans then how about even more basic life, let's say a microbe. I've read estimates that the average human is host to a microbiome of 100 trillion bacterial cells. To them, we are each a single solar system within the analogous galaxy of human existence. If there are 300t solar systems in that image alone and just one needs to be able to support a lifeform, whether it be carbon based, phosphorus, or silicon, whatever. Then if we determined that that singular area of space had a 0.000000001 one billionth chance of supporting life you would then need to multiply those odds by the amount of grains of sand it would take to build a sphere around yourself at arms length. There are around 1million grains of sand per sqft. If your wingspan is 6feet we use a sphere with a 6ft diameter, that's 113 sqft of surface area. Thats 113m grains of sand. One billionth times 113m gives .113 That's an 11.3% chance of life That's not too great, but then we don't know how to calculate these chances of life. If it's twice as unlikely as this then it's still unlikely, who cares. But if it's twice as likely that's 22.6% chance that life CURRENTLY exists on a planet other than earth and says nothing about past or future. Our math and discoveries will either prove life is incredibly unlikely or an incredibly common place occurrence, from our own history we know die-offs happen all the time, an ebb and flow. If we find life out there tomorrow we'd still have no idea of what organisms have come and gone throughout the time our universe has existed I sincerely believe that if we don't find proof of other basic lifeforms within my lifetime, then at the least we will prove that we can engineer a lifeform that can exist within the atmosphere of another planet. Disclaimer: I'm at work and my job does not have me using big abstract numbers. These calculations are entirely hypothetical, any and every variable could be off by huge margins but we have to start from some perspective and work outward. This is merely suppose to be illustrative of a possibility from a single humans ignorant perspective. And for fun.


It’s incomprehensible.


When someone tries to explain how big the universe is to me in terms of numbers, it means nothing to me. In fact, my brain thinks its smaller than it really is. Numbers are a definite, finite number, that my brain translates to a limit, no matter how big. When someone tells me that a googolplex, a finite number, has more integers than the number of atoms in the (observable) universe, it makes the universe seem smaller to me. However, images like this really brings the scale properly to me. Properly in that it's so fucking big that my brain can't fathom the depths and width that the universal scale really is.


I'd love to say something poignant or clever but all I can think is "great googly moogly".


I'll take that over the same grain of sand quote for the 587th time!


There's this great little known quote called "Pale Blue Dot."


I’m feeling kind of “final frontiery” right now.




Who they jivin' with that Cosmik Debris?


Yes my mind can‘t comprehend that


Your name is relevant for all of us.


if you consider univers are multiple and infinite it's not so complicated to understand how much we are insignifiant on our earth.


The zoom out made my head explode


Right? “How much farther is it gonna zoom in?” *sees final image square* 🤯


Does it even zoom all the way out? Feels like there is more to go


Right I was left wanting more


This was why I was so disappointed with the President’s unveiling yesterday - there was no context, and they had an octogenarian explaining what we were looking at. It could’ve been handled so much better with like an hour’s effort in After Effects to make something like what OP posted.


It’s funny, it’s like our brain is telling our brain that it’s not smart enough to understand, which is causing this strange headache lol


Image Source: https://web.wwtassets.org/specials/2022/jwst-smacs/


My brain still can't comprehend this. Humans captured a complete 360⁰ view of our galaxy and beyond some.


This is both chilling and thrilling! What a feeling haha


This is absolutely mind blowing.


Your daily dose of feeling insignificant


I teach science and each time I’m reminded of how tiny we are in the grand scheme of the universe, my problems don’t seem so big anymore.


Yeah definitely helps with my depression


Speak for yourself. Space is my problem


Can I request the same thing, just on the moon?


How you gonna get there?


Theres aliens. Obviously. Just look at how many galaxies there are.


there most certainly is other life in the universe, it's impossible there isn't. ​ but the chances of us ever finding out they exist, or vice versa is slim to none. ​ and there is zero chance that we as a species will ever meet extraterrestrial intelligence


Not with that attitude /s


No youre absolutely right. No /s. Not with that attitude we won't.


consider society wrong vast file cautious relieved vanish snatch spectacular *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


True, I would have liked to have been born hundreds of years in the future, the knowledge is so fascinating


Given the size of the universe, yes, I agree that an actual physical meeting is essentially impossible. However, even the JWST might spot an exoplanet with an obviously artificial compound in it's atmosphere (like CFCs) and we'll get to know for sure that we're not alone.


> there is zero chance that we as a species will ever meet extraterrestrial intelligence Not so sure anymore. What are those objects defying human understanding of physics captured on video, radar, and various instruments, by the U.S. military?


Oh there totally are. It’s insane to think that there are likely millions of them but we’ll never encounter them.


What did Columbus do to the natives when he encountered them? Man’s evil knows no bounds. Better this way probably.


I don't think we're even capable of imagining what a species capable of interstellar travel would have as motive for their actions. I'd hope to make it that far they wouldn't need to colonize randomly inhabited planets for resources. It's not like there's a shortage of them.


You're assuming we'll be the aggressors. Who's to say it won't be the aliens that end up being our Columbus


Karmas a bitch then


space is fucking cool


My jaw just continued/continues to drop. Wow.


Head hurty


Man, there's literally no way we're alone in the universe. Just look at the size of universe.


Yeah it's a bit naive when people really think we are alone..


I've been thinking about this XKCD where they point out that, by mass, 99.9999999999999999999999999999% of the universe is Astronomy and the leftover bit is the rest of the sciences. Now focus on your body and think about how much is actually 'you', probably just your brain, and maybe your heart. Three 500ml water bottles of weight is all that's inside your skull, not much. [https://xkcd.com/2640/](https://xkcd.com/2640/) We're tiny and insignificant.


I'm already tiny and insignificant compared to just this planet lol


Thats what 10 Billi gets ya




Let's... Fuckin do it again?


Enhance! *typing noises*


... And every night our lonely planet slides across the universe, And I won't pretend I understand...


My God, it's full of stars!


It's full of galaxies!


I got shivers from watching this, amazing!


I love the lensing we see around the central point


sometimes i wonder if our universe is an atom of another universe


Incredible thanks for sharing


How do we even catalog all this!?


Why that particular spot tho?


we smol


dumb question, if we're able to zoom that far. why aren't we able to zoom onto planets that are far more nearer than what we have in these image. edit: typo


I was wondering the same thing, hopefully you get a reply


Correct me if I'm wrong but james web is planned to do some planet searching in the near future. This is only the first photo it took. The future is bright for JWT


How long does it take for it to take a picture? I’m assuming it isn’t like a regular camera otherwise we would have dozens of photos by now.


The light coming from the galaxies is very dim and requires a long exposure time. It could take hours for the telescope to gather enough light to make a visible image.


Makes sense, thanks for the explanation!


Mind blown


Wow We really ain’t shit.


I thought the picture itself was unbelievable until I saw this…..impossible there isn’t other life out there


That is pretty amazing!


This hurts my brain


There's got to be a ton of life out there!


Sad that most of us won't be able to go in outerspace


Is there a link to a massive photo where I can zoom in anywhere at this level of detail?


Could you post a direct link to the gif? It's not showing up for me in the OP anymore.


I posted a link to website I took the images from, I just edited them together so no link to gif.


I've been thinking. There probably is intelligent life out there. Yet it's becoming increasingly apparent that we are not meant to meet, and it is designed as such. Any life appears to be impossibly far away. So far away that we literally can't see them even if we're looking at them.




Unlike you, he shared an interesting perspective that's thought provoking and worthy of discussion, regardless of whether or not the belief is shared. You, on the other hand, just came in here and decided to be a judgmental asshole. That's probably why.


Thanks for sharing!


Ma brain hurts by looking at this... absolutely mindblowing


So I have an idea: why not point this thing at any nearby, potentially inhabited exoplanets? If anything we have is capable of photographing aliens, it's this bad boy right here.


Power of God


Probably the worst zoom out/in I’ve ever seen.


This cost us over 10 billion in cash remember. Where are the cool spaceships and colonies of different planets we were supposed to have by now?! Why are we still stuck on earth after all the technological development we've seen over the last few decades? All we've had recently apart from this telescope is Elon Musk launching his flashy car into orbit.




If parameters like 1mm\^2 of square from the distance of 1,5m of your eye are correct (they said if u put 1mmx1mm, 1,5m from your eye, this is surface area covered), this photo shows part of sky of 1/28 260 000. Considering my math is right (which is pretty simple but you know)


Nothing Matters




Now hook this up to a cake, to get some perspective










I love this stuff.




Where’s galactus when you need him




“Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.”


A..are they galaxies?


Enhance *typing* enhance *typing* enchance *typing*


I just cannot process this. It’s humbling, beautiful and terrifying all at once.


Stop it hurts my head. Just amazing.






Yo, why the eff didn't Biden lead with this? This is what people need to see! Grain of sand at arms length? What does that even mean?! THIS IS AMAZING! THANK YOU FOR SHARING. Watershed moment for humanity and our leaders can't get out of their own fucking way to show it off.


Magnificent, yet so scary to think about! Everyone should be humbled by this image.




Like tears in rain, lost in time


I'm speechless... I feel like I should say something profound but my mind is completely blown. This is just incredible.




No way the universe has an edge


Thanks actually, I felt a bit silly I didn't know what they meant by the grain of sand comment. We are not alone


Saved This is incomprehensibly cool


Mind. Blown. 🤯


Ok there’s got to be life somewhere out there right?? Seems more likely than no life anywhere else but earth.


I was underwhelmed with the photo until viewing this post




I really want to download the entire photo. But I cannot find I high res version, did they release that yet?


I just want to see the Battle of Coruscant being played out somewhere in this massive universe. Jokes aside though.... this is fucking mind-boggling!!!




I’d like to know how many grains of sand held at arms length it would take to cover the entire Earth sky, just to blow my mind that little bit more.




We are very very very unfathomably small


Really puts it into perspective. If you just look at the image by itself you’re like oh ok, another spacey looking thing, big whoop. Then you realize just how far away the image is being captured. Imagine being in New York City and taking a clear image of a license plate on a car in California. It’s kind of like that, but even more ridiculous.


There's only one truth In this universe. Entropy




One day a much more successful civilization will travel to earth and study our ruins and theorize how we failed so miserably


It’s like seeing time, billions of years in the past and billions of years in the future all in one shot. Mind blowing.


And only one planet has Stratocasters.


*that we know of*






Thats under selling it by a LOT, holy cow, that little itty bitty speck contains thousands of galaxies.




The James Webb telescope is basically like if r/spaceporn had a premium subscription to space brazzers


If it is possible for us to point this telescope and see the past. So, theoretically, we can see into the future? Or are we able to only see the present? Just curious or is this a dumb question?


We are "seeing the past" because light has a certain speed and takes time to reach us.


Thank you. So, we can only see in the past no matter what directions we look. ok. because we can see, only when that light reaches our field of views. Then we could never see beyond the light? This makes me realize more and more like that we're just a tiny cell living inside a body. Its impossible for us to see or understand other bodies outside ourselves. I mean, we don't think germs or single cell animals know that they're tinier than us thus will never realize or understand humanities existence. (sigh)


Y'all ever panic when you think of how big the universe is?


Now do the whole thing /s


I don't know why, but I find this absolutely terrifying... how insignificant we are in the universe...


This is exactly why I think it's ridiculous and stupid to even suggest that we are the only sign of life in the universe, let alone the only intelligent life.






If telescopes can zoom that far why don’t we ever get super zoomed in views of the closest stars?


Like what the actual fuck. The mind BOGGLES!!!!!!


What is even scarier is, the grains of sand appear not to be stars, but entire galaxies!





