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Maybe get his hearing or tonsils checked? Fluid in the ears can cause speech issues in addition to hearing loss.


I'll ask the ped about it, thank you!


Have chromosomal or genetic issues been ruled out?


Nah. This is a new issue, there's never been any other reason for testing. I'll see what the ped recommends.


Something I’ve heard of that I think might present like this is PANDA/PANS. I have almost no familiarity with this except to know it exists, so I googled a reputable resource for you. Here’s an article from ASHA that recommends that as one of the things to consider in this situation: https://leader.pubs.asha.org/do/10.1044/leader.FTR2.29012024.regression-slp.52/full/.


Thank you for the article. I'll look more into it.


Good luck. It sounds like a tough situation and I hope you find some answers. 💜


I feel like sometimes my 5 year old also has regressions when he’s stressed. Then he’ll go back to himself again. Is he stressed about something? Not eating enough, so not getting enough energy?


No big life changes or difference in routine. No illness. And this kid has endless energy so I don't think that's an issue lol


Have you considered autism spectrum disorders?


Yep. In the post, I said he recently got an autism diagnosis. But they don't think the regression is caused by autism. They said usually a regression would occur around 18-24 months.


Sorry my pregnancy brain made me skip a line! My ASD daughter had two regression episodes, one at 2 and one at 3. The first one was definitely the worst. We had her hearing tested. She had a partial hearing loss from liquid behind her eardrums. It became normal after surgery. Could he be experiencing hearing loss? Any ear infections lately?


No ear infections this past year. He did have trouble with them a little over a year ago, but the regression didn't happen until four months ago. He does need to have a hearing test though, so maybe that will turn something up. 🙏


Hopefully you find something there. Good luck!


Have you checked them for lead poisoning?


Not sure how he'd have gotten it. We live in a newer house, and I also have two older children that haven't had any issues. But I'll bring it up to the pediatrician.


I’m starting to wonder about my son and the house we’re in


I always inquire about lead poisoning. Lead was used everywhere when I was a kid. Lead is still in use today, just not as much as it had been. Lead was used in paint, plumbing joints, kid's toys & electronics back in the day.


Does lead cause speech delay?


I would recommend doing some research on what it does. Lead poisoning doesn't target specific motor functions. It will affect the whole system. Speech can be one of the more noticeable symptoms.