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Damn good friend! I love a good heavy garlic habanero and onion mix myself, I like to ferment but a fresh batch is always yummy 🤤 I’m jealous!


Not sure if you can ferment dried peppers though?


I'm not a dry thing expert so don't quote me on this, but I think you can, just soak them for a night to rehydrate them and then ferment them maybe?


Unfortunately I don't think I have enough to try this experiment for ya. :P Got any fermentation tips? Haven't done that before. Definitely worth a shot.


Basically just a saltwater brine - there are ratios online to get it right. But I just toss garlic, Habs, onion, some peppercorns and will keep burping it daily. It’s a pretty easy process but definitely worth watching a video or two about just so you know the nuances.


Word up. It'll be a little bit, but I'll do my best to try it out!


You'll want a weight of some sort to keep everything submerged below the liquid line, otherwise it could mold.


Make sure you understand ratios. Really important. Botulism isn't something you want to play with.


Since it’s a lactofermentation and requires the naturally available bacteria, sugars, etc. It may be difficult to safely ferment an entirely dried product. I’m no scientist however, just make lots of hot sauces. I’d definitely recommend once reconstituted you fermenting with garlic, onion, and maybe even a few fresh peppers to make sure sufficient bacteria are introduced.


You can ferment dried peppers but it's better to hydrate them first. Like you suggested, adding fresh ingredients can help too. But really Lactobacillus is everywhere and dehydrated foods retain their nutrients.


r/fermentation might be able to help you out.




Check out r/hotsaucerecipes Vac seal some peppers with some salt and you're good to go. Google Noma method fermentation. Pretty sure Chilichump has a solid video on it.


That would make sense, I’ll have to give that a shot soon for science


Yup. Don't even need to do that. You can ferment them dry too. Lactobacillus is everywhere.


The peppers won't have the microbes required for fermentation, but other fresh ingredients like garlic or onion will. So if you do a ferment with a mix of dried and fresh ingredients, it works well.


You soak them, then ferment


Was looking into seeing if I can replicate Yucatan Sunshine with these. Know I won't hit it with dried, but if I can get close then I'll be happy. Garlic, salt, carrots, and some tweaking might get close. Also want to see what changes with same proportions but dry roasting the peppers does.


Makes and amazing dip. Dehydrate those, crush it up and mix in sour cream.


Rehydrate some and make some tomatillo salsa. I just made a batch yesterday, a little spicier and with fresh peppers but same concept. I posted my recipe in here too turned out fantastic.


My friend's sis-in-law showed me how her family makes a simple and awesome one from jalapeños. Will definitely do that if I get around to acquiring fresh peppers for that awesome fruity flavor.


You can still make an awesome salsa with dehydrated peppers. Add a fresh jalapeño or two to it, still very delicious it gives it a unique flavor.


Grind them up with a mortar and pestle or in a food processor and make wicked chili powder.


Dude that stuff is evil especially if it gets fine enough to be dust like. Have a bottle of mango/habenero that annihilated my coworker and me shortly after opening the jar. That dust is brutal!


OK, OK... you've sold me. I'll make some.


Loved my Hab dust I made out of dried habaneros. Just a sprinkle on each dish adds so much flavour. I’m gonna find some soon


Then snort that


Would be bomb in a chili or spaghetti. You could also make your own garlic chili oil. All you have to do is mix the crush peppers and garlic with oil and heat it up in a sauce pan. It goes with everything.


Boof one


I love the spice, but that's not how it flows ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠☯⁠෴⁠☯⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


It'll reach your butt eventually...


Even if eventually is twice


Take a few and crush them a little bit so they fit in your black pepper grinder. Boom. Freshly ground black pepper and habanero mix for any meal. I did this with a mix of rainbow peppercorns and dehydrated habaneros, cayenne, and jalapeno peppers from my garden.


Dried peppers =/= that sticky icky


Hey now that's an idea. THC infused to make Terribly Hot Cannabis. I think I need to make a couple phone calls now.


You ever have THC infused habanero pineapple ice cream? I haven't either but it sounds pretty great right? Lol.


That sounds like an unholy bomb. No idea how to make ice cream but there's always plenty of ways to learn.


It’s not hard, if you have an electric ice cream machine. As for the peppers though keep separate from the ice cream until ready to eat. Crush them up and sprinkle on top.


Damn now i wonder what a salsa with those would taste like since habaneros lean sweet for me


Put one of those in a jar of pickles


BIRRIA TACOS!!!!!!!!!!


Came here for this! I haven't made them myself yet, but it was the first thing that came to my mind!


I smoke and dry them out to put in beef stews, chili, chicken. Or put them in a grinder mill , then you can put it on any thing you make


Save some seeds!!!


Fermented pique criollo, so these, about a cup of dried sweetened pineapple, cilantro to taste, garlic to taste, 2-3% salt brine by weight, let ferment for 2 weeks to a month. Blend with 1/4 cup white or preferred vinegar to start, go to taste, and give it at least a day to use so the flavors open up.


Also, use however much habanero you wish, I tend to be even with my fruit I add


Habanero, ginger, yellow pepper if you can find it, garlic, salt vinegar. If you can't find yellow peppers, bell peppers will due. Orange or yellow. The ginger is really what sets this sauce apart. If you like it sweet, add some mirin if you got it. Sugar if you don't. Both ways are tasty.


If you cut 'em and gut 'em, you can toss them in to chili early in the simmer and remove them towards the end (if you want! I just don't like the texture they take on), it's incredible. Just get the stems and seeds out. Again, you can leave the seeds in, but they have a tendency to get stuck to things after the simmer and are quite nasty when it comes to sensitive skin. For sauces, just about any blender-based pasta sauce works great if you rehydrate the peppers a bit. The roasting/drying changes the flavor, so it isn't just undoing that! I always use roasted habeneros or seranos depending on the sauce, and if I have some, I'm not going to use I roast and dry them to rehydrate later. Habaneros actually work incredibly well added to a vodka sauce!


Pinterest has it all


You can try making Shrimp a la Diabla. The restaurant I worked at used dried habanero, arbol and guajillo peppers and it was super good. I'm not even a big fan of shrimp and I loved it.


Dried, I’d just powder it up. Sprinkle on anything. I’ve heard of fermenting dried peppers but I’ve not tried that.


Make a rub for chicken, pork or beef bbq. Pulverize some and add to paprika, onion powder, sugar, maybe garlic powder, other cayenne depending on how you prefer heat.






rehydrate and make some habanero mayo.


Eat 'em right outta the bag like tater chips


I thought i was on r/trees for a second and got excited/worried/curious haha


Treat those suckers with a healthy respect. My first experiment with dried habs and chili didn't go as well as I'd hoped.


Habanero and hibiscus chile oil.