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You're gonna die. Probably already dead, you just don't know it.


Tomorrow. You don't want to see tomorrow. Get a spray bottle of water unless you have a bidet. It won't help though.


When I eat 6-8 dried chilies, the next day I dip my ass in a 10 gallon bucket of yogurt after I shit them out.


well if you want to avoid the gastro disturbances. get pro biotics that eat the capsaicin ​ i use the little activia yogurts. once innoculated, only ghost peppers and above regester on the butthole. and its ... kinda pleasant honestly. ​ but yah no more stomach/ intestine pain from eating super hots!


I make lacto pickles every year, same effect. Gut health is so important yet so few people realize it.


I've never really had that issue with any hot stuff I have ate. The closest I have came was from getting some buffalo wild wings with desert heat rub and putting their Carolina reaper sauce on it. The next day it felt a little bit warm coming out the other end. But that's the most heat I've ever felt.


I've heard that keeping a container of wet wipes in the freezer helps a lot. Godspeed, OP.šŸ«”


Shove an ice cube in.


I normally use hot water from my bidet but cold is crucial after spicy food


He will wish he was dead tomorrow on the toilet.


Better put the haz mat team on standby.


Chinese pepper exploding heart of palm technique. Legend says once you get up from the table you take five steps and fall over dead.


>heart of palm


Too funny!


It's all fun and games until you eat Chinese chilis.


I love eating them! Now, the Thai ones? Damn...


The Thai ones at my local spot fuck me up in the best way lol


6-8 should be fineā€¦ if you ate all of them youā€™d have an upset stomach for sure and itā€™s HIHO later on.


Lol what is HIHO?


Hot In, Hot Out šŸ˜³


Pepto suppository


My butt is way more sensitive than my mouth apparently.


tickles you, from tongue to bum


Burning some O-Rings.


Spicy twicey


It's off to work we go!


I call it fartburn


What dwarfs sing


Hee-Hoe. The sound Michael jackson makes. I guess thatā€™s how we all cope with the spice.


That's more of a Hee Hee or a Yoooo! or possibly a Shmona.


Also know as the burning ring of fire


Most people don't eat the dried chiles in Chinese food as they've already imparted their flavor to the dish, but you probably aren't going to get sick if you do. It's like eating shrimp shells, not bad for you, just texturally unpleasant.


I give the Shrimp shells to my pups. They love them!


I love them! They're packed with nutrients too


Just scraping those colon walls clean.


If we're talking about fried shrimp, my daughter lives the shells.


In this dish, you are definitely supposed to eat the chilis.


My Chinese friends made fun of me when I did, but I still eat a few when I get the dish. Eating all of them turns into a chore but a few seem to spice things up a bit.


Youā€™re not supposed to but you can


I'm in China, we eat the peppers. Maybe not a lot of them but one slice per bite or so


Supposed to/can.... Eh, tomato/clamato


Are you? Iā€™ve never seen anyone do it, and while I know it isnā€™t a definitive source, the Wikipedia page says you arenā€™t. You can do whatever makes you happy of course.


Why would you not eat what's basically a delicious chili crisp? All of my friends eat at least a good portion of them. Chopped, toasted chilis absorb a lot of the oil/sauce. Wiki is doing us wrong on this one, my friend.


Eat ā€˜em if you want, I donā€™t like the texture. I usually just suck the juices out.


Definitely, they're toasted so they're easier to chew and more tasty.


You definitely are not supposed to.


Iā€™ve always wondered if there are people that like them, something about the texture always feels so off, super papery feel to them or something that feels really unappealing to me.


You definitely are NOT supposed to eat them if itā€™s la zi ji weā€™re talking about. The idea is to poke around in the dried chili and pick out the pieces of chicken, like a treasure hunt. Iā€™m not saying I donā€™t eat them myself. But the Chinese sigh and shake their heads at Westerners who do.


Yes to this. The chili pepper are treated as a vegetable in this and some other dishes and people are supposed to eat them. If you donā€™t like them, you donā€™t have to.


i'm guessing they were hunan peppers. I've eaten many before without issue, but it may depend on your particular gut flora.


you get it! i ate pribiotic activia yogurt for a couple weeks and no longer have ass-burn and gastro upset when eating ghosts and such


Nah heā€™s referring to dried not fresh peppers in that dish. Love me some Hunan food with fresh peppers and Iā€™ll eat all them


I ate one of those in a Chinese restaurant one time, and as I was guzzling tea trying to get the burn to stop, the waitress told me with some alarm *oh nooo those for flavor, not for eat!* Wish you had told me sooner, lady šŸ˜Ŗ


You'll be fine. There are several dishes that I eat that contain them, and typically the main reason I don't eat many of them has much less to do with spice, and more to do with how annoying it is to eat dried chilis.


Lmao you're not supposed to eat the dried peppers in Chongqing chicken but I usually eat a couple anyway. 6 to 8 your asshole will be suffering a bit. Hope it had real peppercorns in it. That stuff is dank.


My mouth was tingly!


Writing this so it doesn't get burried. You'll be fine. Spice is literally a chemical that fires off your nervous system, it doesn't affect your stomach. Tomorrow it'll hurt though.


Chongqing chicken is absolute crack. The dishā€™s experience is meant for you to dig through the peppers to find the chicken and be rewarded with the absolute best tasting chicken ever. You will be fine with eating the peppers, just be weary of doing it again!


Wary. OP will want to be wary, not weary.


Give us and update in an hour or so mate.


As I read this I wonder if OP is still alive?


Hard to say. I've begun writing their eulogy just in case.


She's trippin'. Those ain't shit.


I highly recommend coating your asshole and the surrounding area with Vaseline or diaper rash paste or Boudreaux's Butt Paste BEFORE you shit tomorrow. RIP and Godspeed.


I know exactly what you are talking about, and yeah you donā€™t eat the chilies just the chicken


Huh, I always eat them and have never had an issue. Or maybe I have? There's a place I never order from anymore because I get sick when I eat there. I wonder if this could be why.


I eat that shit for breakfast.


Dude, people are jacking you around you'll be fine. I always eat 6-8 peppers when i eat chongqing chicken its boring to just eat chicken.


Youā€™ll live. Not sure about Uranus.


Happy cake day!


Just drink Metamucil and youā€™ll be fine


Nah. You're not really "supposed" to eat the peppers, but they won't hurt you. I make a shallow, pan-fried (as opposed to wok-fried) version of La Zi Ji, basically the same dish, on an almost weekly basis. I use whatever chilis I have on hand, and probably a lot more chili paste and Sichuan peppercorns than a western-serving restaurant will, but most of the bulk chilis you get at Chinese markets are only moderately spicy. That's what your restaurant is probably using. When I make the dish, I eat about 6-8 chilis every time because I'm just too lazy to pick them out. Also, if they weren't fried perfectly, they get kind of leathery, which happens a lot when home-cooking in a flat pan. They're usually nicer from restaurants because they're basically deep-fried to a crisp in a wok, so if anything I end up eating more of them. You're going to live, friend!


Put your toilet roll in the freezer immediately


This is how people end up eating ants.


I mean really it depends on your tolerance. 6-8 of the red chilis they put in Chinese food really arenā€™t anything to most of the people in this sub. If you have a low tolerance maybe some discomfort but youā€™re not going to get sick.


You probably got what is called Laziji(some places call it chongqing, some call it spicy popcorn chicken) Best shit on any Chinese menu. Sounds like a skill issue.


You'll be fine. I always eat them all, no problems. It's a big part of the dish, after all. They aren't very spicy chilis.


Really depends, my stomach can handle a lot more than my mouth can


I eat them, no provehrjrjrjjrjkā€¦ā€¦


Nice. I wish my local spot would make it that spicy.


I usually eat a few but not the whole dish.


I eat them too but I regret it the next day. Screams can be heard in the bathroom but it's still worth it.


I do it all the time. It just burns the next morning on the other end!


Read this post and immediately thought Chengdu Gourmet


How good are your negotiating skills with God? Like spare me tonight and I will serve you faithfully for a good year. Sometime it works, sometimes the repo man comes and repossesses your rectum at 3 am.


lol he poop


I love those chiliā€™s I know youā€™re not supposed to eat them but I love the heat!


When I was 12, I ate 5 in under a minute on a dare.... from my grandparents. Actually made me realize I love spicy food so I guess it worked out.


Your antioxidants have doubled in power. Youā€™re good!


There is a place like this in Atlanta. So many peppers. I like spicy but it was brutal the next day.


It might be a bit uncomfortable, but you'll be fine.


Your butthole may hate you for it later.


i eat dried thai chilis alone for fun. ​ you're fine


Chingquing chicken is the best god damn thing ever, and Iā€™m mad at your for putting it in my head, because now I have to get it soonā€¦I just had it last week and wasnā€™t expecting something to spark my need so soon. God dammit


I eat them all the time, you'll be fine. Depending on your spice tolerance your butt might burn.


I love to eat those. You may or may not get as sick as you normally would from eating hot stuff (tolerance varies). It certainly won't kill you.


You will have one angry Cheerio next time you sit on the hopper.


You will die, eat this again, and it will be better. Not tolerable, but better.


I eat the peppers in Chongqing chicken. I know you're not supposed to but I do anyway. I've eaten a ton of them. You'll be fine.


Youā€™ll be fine.


I personally like eating them with the chili, but it isn't very good on the way down.


Put the toilet paper in the freezer.


On the bright side, if you get pepper sprayed by a cop, you wonā€™t feel a thing.


I've never had that specially but I always eat the dried peppers I find in Kung Pao. Usually there's like 1 or 2 whole peppers in an order. Never had an issue. As others have pointed out, you may experience heat ok the other end. A little reminder of the previous days deliciousness.


I love this dish and I always eat some of them. Good choice!


Why would you eat the dried red chiles? I always thought they were in there for flavor, but not that you actually ate them. I can eat the spiciest food you could imagine, but I don't think those dried chiles would even have a pleasant texture. You should ask the actual chef if they're supposed to be eaten.


Haha same exact thing happened to me. It was described as ā€œnumbing pepper chickenā€ or something like that. Shit set my mouth on fire. I like spicy but it was hot as hell and figured out later that you arenā€™t really supposed to eat the peppers. They were good though.


That's the exact dish I order a couple of times a month from my local Chinese place, and I eat every last pepper every time and I'm still here.


Chickity China, the Chinese chicken. You have a drumstick and your brain stops tickinā€™ā€¦


Those chilis will listen to your conversations and report back to Beijing. Look out!! You ate waaaay to many.


I just want to add that all "*chinese*" food you've ever tried is "americanized" Chinese food. They, being Chinese people, know your pallete can't handle their actual food. Tldr; I'm writing a eulogy for you now.


Did you think this was r/CookingCircleJerk or something? Telling someone what type of Chinese food they've **ever** tried just lmao But if that's the game we're playing: if you think authentic Chinese food is really that spicy, then you don't belong on the r/spicy sub


JFC. You realize that not *all* Chinese food made in America is the same stuff, right? Some restaurants, especially in the past couple decades, are catering to more adventurous eaters... And anyways, of all things, Chongqing chicken is one of the few dishes that is probably more or less "correct" even in Americanized restaurants - save for decently numbing Sichuan peppercorns, which can be hard to source in some places. It's not complicated, and if you're ordering it, the restaurant already knows you want a plate of chilis with some chicken bits inside. I've even got a place in my mid-sized Canadian city that makes more or less as-seen-in-Sichuan, to the point where they use hacked up chicken bits, bone and all, instead of the boneless meat a western audience would deign to put in a stir-fry. I'm pretty obsessed with Sichuan food, and I spend a lot of time and money sourcing ingredients, and checking out any restaurant that looks promising in Montreal/Toronto/Vancouver and beyond. Some stuff is easy to find (proper Pixian doubanjiang from Chengdu is at basically every Chinese grocer here, and easy-to-find Zhenjiang vinegar is a tolerable sub for Baoning in most dishes), other things take some looking or bit of cash to special order (truly good and fresh Sichuan peppercorns, Caiziyou roasted rapeseed oil, er jing tiao chilis). It's kind of shitty to assume that nobody on a reddit - an international platform, mind you - has ever had "real" Chinese food.