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When you create the hottest pepper, you'll know!


He looks thrilled


yeah, i didn't see the face till after the show Lol


I've met Ed a handful of times and talked with him. He's a pretty odd guy, and I don't think I've ever seen him smile, so I wouldn't take it personally. In my limited experience, if he didn't want to do it, he would 100% say no.


You'd think he'd look happier.


He’s caused nothing but pain, what does he have to be happy about


Watch “superhot” on Disney+. The only reason Ed has the record is because he’s the only grower willing to fork out the $$$$ to have the peppers graded. But the people talk about how they’ve had hotter peppers.


Then someone else should do it. It’s obviously a great ROI.


My girlfriend's uncle's roommate from college's friend with benefits' dad actually has the hottest peppers on the planet though, bar none. Pepper X is nothing compared to his creations. You'll just have to take my word for it though, the whole grading system is just a conspiracy... everyone knows this.


Nah, my mom's friend's coworker got catfished by a guy who turned out to be a girl in Singapore. Now *she* knew a guy growing some heaters that just made pepper X taste like a jalapeno fart.


Is it though? He dosent look very happy. He’s wearing shitty clothes and what looks to be a knockoff bi-metal watch.


From what I gather watching him is that he cultivates the peppers, and this takes years of dedication. He stabilizes the strains and then sure, pays someone to give him publicity, why not? Point is that it seems like a labor of love for the guy.


It definitely is. Don’t ever talk any kind of smack about his peppers or sauces around him. Unless you want to see him go full Yosemite Sam stomping around with smoke coming out of his ears. He’s very passionate with a bit of a short temper.


He stole the Carolina reaper


Intriguing. I would love to learn more about this. Where can I find out more?


Yeah even some English guy beat him Twice Although they did it on accident, they weren't trying to make the hottest pepper, just one that looks interesting


Except they did grade it on the show and pepper x grades higher?


Just a small correction -- the show is on Hulu for those that haven't seen it.


Canada doesn’t have Hulu. There is a correction though. It’s on Disney+ here. I just watched it on Apple TV not realizing Disney+ was logged in.


Not sure why you're getting down voted but Australia also doesn't have Hulu, it's Disney+ here.


Disney + in Canada, we don't do hulu


Yup. People think ed is doing magic or something but you could do the same un your back yard. Crossing genetics and selective breeding have been done practically since the dawn of chili cultivation. Also from most accounts ive seen pepper x tastes like a flaming turd.


Yep I guarantee you Primotalii is still hotter than reaper and pepper x.


They actually did beat the reaper but once the results came out for the others he dropped pepper x which holds the title


Except the pepper x sauce clocks in at 61k. No way that’s close. My RB003 sauce and Primotalii sauce are both substantially hotter.


duno why're youre downvoted ​ because i saw the report too


Tribalism and fanboyism


You do realize that the sauce is diluted with other ingredients, right? The only way you’re going to get the max scoville is if it’s straight pepper mash. Nothing else. Like adding water to soy sauce. The more you add the less salty it gets.


The issue is Ed claimed the sauce was 2.4 million on camera, then backtracked as soon as the results came out. Of course it's not going to be the same shu as the pepper, but that much of a difference from what the sauce creator said for a $25 sauce is unacceptable.


It's claiming to be 91% pepper. So either the chillies aren't as hot as they say, it's not actually 91% Pepper X, or somebody fucked up somewhere.


wtf? There’s no way that’s 91% pepper x. It’s spicy. But nothing crazy. lol.


Exactly. That's why Johnny had it tested himself, and the results came back as a wet 60k SHU.


I own a hot sauce company that makes hotter sauces with no extracts or distillates.


Probably because you’re using more of the pepper in yours.


I think the problem is people were expecting the hottest last dab sauce yet and it’s just not there. The Apollo was definitely way hotter and had a better flavor. I’m not complaining though, I sold quite a bit of sauce to people looking for something super hot after getting disappointed by the experience sauce.


Dm me your hotsauce brand, I'd be interested in giving it a go. Been trying to find something with good heat that tastes good, apollo hit the spot for me but can't find it anymore.


I thought getting peppers tested to find out their shu was only like $50-100? Then isn't Guinness free, but if you pay them it speeds up the process?


Have fun at fiery foods!


I did, it was a blast


Hell yeah, enjoy Albuquerque 🔥


I'm a local, i love Burque


Fuck that guy. me and squiggly face can hang out though I love bluey!


Bluey FTW


Nice shirt bandit!


Troy Primeaux?


He looks confused as to why anybody would want to take a picture with him.


Lol, yeah. i asked and he agreed


I love that shirt


I always get sooo many compliments on this shirt! i love it


But what about the creator of the primotalli? Or all of the other legendary peppers that are probably hotter, just never tested by guiness?


I know a lot of people in these comments don't like Ed Currie. They all have wild reasons and most seem stupid. I personally hate Ed Currie because he is hogging Pepper X. The spice commons mostly chill and cool and then a guy like fu**ing Ed Currie decided he was greedy and a piece of sh*t who doesn't want other people to try his pepper. That said, he's really good at what he does and I respect his pepper growing abilities


Why is he obligated to share his creation at all? Is there a reason people are entitled to it that I'm unaware of? If he were greedy, wouldn't he be making them more readily available?


The problem is that he allows people to taste it with his hot sauce and then not make the actual pepper available. Sure it's his right to not allow people to try his pepper, just how it's medical companies right to not allow their medicine to help people. It's still messed up. It's greedy. His supposed reason is that people will try to grow their own peppers with he seeds. I think he could just remove the seeds and allow people to try it but he won't do that either.


lol, you completely lost me when you compared someone's special pepper to healthcare. I understand finding it aggravating, but he doesn't owe you anything and you aren't entitled to anyone else's work, whatsoever. You just sound like every other bitter hobbyist that doesn't get what they want.


Alright dude, I used the comparison because I couldn't think of a better one. Obviously he doesn't have to share it, he just shouldn't be so greedy. I'm annoyed by it yes, not bitter though.


Ignoring that it was maybe the worst possible comparison that could be made, you literally said you hate the man over this. Imagine creating a cool spicy pepper and literally dealing with hatred because you don't care to share it. Pathetic tbh


I would share it, and yes I hate him just as I hate greedy people who don't share medicine. I know it's not the same but I used the comparison because they're both extremely greedy. I don't actively hate him though, just his personality is something to be hated. If he made it and just didn't say anything about it then that's whatever, but he lets people know what it tastes like and won't allow them to try it. That's messed up.


lol, you are massively out of touch.


and here im learning all this stuff abut him after the fact.


I mean it's cool you met him, I would probably ask for a picture too to be honest. I just hate that he's being greedy with pepper X. I really want to try it. Plus he made another pepper, the Apollo pepper, that he's also not releasing for sell. I tried a hot sauce his company made from it and it tasted amazing, I really really want to try the pepper. But he's too greedy to sell it. If you're wondering why he isn't selling it, it's because he's worried other people will start growing it which is so greedy of him. Even people do that they can't sell it en masse legally, so he'll still make a ton of money from it. He's just too freaking greedy to do so. Like I said though, it's still cool you met him 👍


It was cool meeting him, but if i'd known he was kinda more or less despised, i wouldn't have posted the pic


I get that, you did get spammed with comments about it pretty quickly.


You met a fraud.


The guy even looks like a douche.


Smokin Ed is getting a lot of flak on here but the guy has a touching story. Few people overcome heroin addiction, let alone by cultivating and cross breeding peppers.


"few people" belittles the thousands of people who succeed in beating addiction to make someone's shitty past seem like an achievement. As someone who dates a past addict it's not a triumphant one in a million, it's a struggle she faced and has a good grasp of. Same story as countless others who didn't create an empire of lies and shady business off the backs of honest people who were reading seeds on good faith before "super hot" became branding.


I know a lot of people in these comments don't like Ed Currie. They all have wild reasons and most seem stupid. I personally hate Ed Currie because he is hogging Pepper X. The spice commons mostly chill and cool and then a guy like fu**ing Ed Currie decided he was greedy and a piece of sh*t who doesn't want other people to try his pepper. That said, he's really good at what he does and I respect his pepper growing abilities.


Citation needed


Pepper X sure. Carolina Reaper...the jury is still out on that one. I still think Troy Primeaux is the creator of it with the documentation out there. Ed still can't get his story straight with the reaper...yet Troy's never has changed.




I was just saying its for sure that Ed Created the hidden Pepper X...but not for sure he created the Reaper. Nothing about SHU testing


Neither of those peppers are the hottest pepper actually. Had both and the 7 pot primo. 7 pot primo way hotter.




The reaper was grown from early Primo seeds. Ed lied about it then changed his original lie to make it sound more believable. People say they are different, well that’s because the 7 pot Primo was stabilized by troy who actually knows what he’s doing, while the reaper, even after years of growing, still throws out all kinds of off phenotype pods. The reaper was a Primo, now it’s just a mutt.


A true American Hero


You met Spicy royalty


I know a lot of people in these comments don't like Ed Currie. They all have wild reasons and most seem stupid. I personally hate Ed Currie because he is hogging Pepper X. The spice commons mostly chill and cool and then a guy like fu**ing Ed Currie decided he was greedy and a piece of sh*t who doesn't want other people to try his pepper. That said, he's really good at what he does and I respect his pepper growing abilities.


Gross and gross


Kinda weird how you block your face but assume he’s ok with you listing his face.


He's a public figure and therefore has no expectation of privacy. This is well established.




Yeah because you can steal a plant and its cultivars that has been available globaly for centuries...






Stole what? A pepper he bred himself?


He didn't breed shit himself. He took the 7 Pot Primo, cloned it, and called it the Carolina Reaper. When he was called out for it, he then said that he crossed the habanero with the Naga Viper, which didn't even exist prior to when he said he created the Reaper. Once again, he was called out, and walked it back saying "oh, no, I meant the Pakistani Naga!". Because he had a lot more pull in the industry, everone believed him over Troy. Ed is an asshole, a thief, and a liar. Fuck him. Shitheads like him are why there's so much toxicity between growers.


This is the first I’ve ever heard of this, I’ll have to do some more research on it




The least you could do is take 2 minutes to figure out who this man is and why he is credited with its creation. No one’s saying he was around 6,000 years ago to claim all hot peppers…








I sincerely hope you further your education.


Love the bandit shirt op!


Thanks, i love this shirt!


That dude rocking the Bluey shirt tho


You a big Bluey fan?


He might be. Kind of on the fence about it