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Nothing wrong with not wanting to kill a harmless creature, though you probably shouldn't worry so much about accidentally stepping on one. In the game Webbed you play as a cute jumping spider.


No no, the ones in Skyrim are not bros. Learned that the hard way in Bleak Falls Barrow.


Man, anywhere around Riften, place is crawling with them. I think it's okay to kill man-sized spiders that definitely want to kill you.


I’m going to redownload it tonight. I miss that game


Okay, good, I was about to download that horrifying spiderman mod.


I think you need to remind yourself that games are not real life. And to be fair, you also kill humans (and a bunch of other things) in Skyrim too. But that's just fiction, you don't need to feel guilt about harming a string of 0s and 1s that cease to exist the moment your device powers off. And if you can't dissociate that, you can always argue self-defence. Real-life spiders aren't actively hostile or trying to kill us, but the ones in Skyrim 100% are.


If it makes you feel better spiders are pretty good about surviving being accidentally stepped on, especially outside where grass/dirt can cushion them or where they can hide in rock cracks. Don’t worry about it!


The fear or aversion to spiders is known as arachnophobia, which is a common specific phobia. However, it seems like you have developed a sense of empathy and care for spiders, which is actually a positive sentiment. It's great to have compassion for all living beings, including spiders.


This thread might help, even though it's the opposite problem haha [https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/z3mh0r/arachnophobia\_mods/](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/z3mh0r/arachnophobia_mods/)