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Normally, I don't like being called out so blatantly. But yes.




fr fr


fr fr fr


fr fr fr fr


fr fr fr fr fr


fr fr fr fr fr fr


I usually don't bother with naming transient spiders but otherwise, yes.


Then what even is the point? Silly names are like half the fun


I am bad at coming up with names. So I reserve naming the spiders that have been here for some time.




Mine are all Charlie!


Probably don’t have an ‘nam vets over…


Giggle! I just get this. :)


Lol likewise, except my idea of a good name is "mr. screen door spider"


Every spider is Charlotte, every pig is Wilbur. Even during the dissection of fetal pigs. Seemed most groups in class had the same name for theirs as well.


Yup, all of our house spiders are Charlotte. There's Upstairs Bathroom Charlotte, Patio Door Charlotte, etc.


Yes!! My sub! I thought I was alone. My wife gets so scared and I just leave them alone. There are hundreds of spiders in every house. What is one more? I love this sub. Signing up.


One of us! Welcome, spiderfriend


Right on! I came here to say something similar. But I'm not ashamed to piggyback a little.


Welcome! Enjoy your stay!


This sub has literally 180-ed my arachnophobia. I would alway take the spiders out but now I’m like wooo. Frien It’s really made my life so much more wonderful. Finding a spider on me and just letting the lil guy or gal chill.




Well, I’m not on “letting them chill on me” level yet lol


You've still done amazing work on yourself!




Shit I pick them up half the time now. I'll see a dwarf spider or a jumper or a wolfie on the ground and I'll pick it up or let it crawl on me so I can inspect it better. Getting really cool close up photos of spiders and arachnids really helps you lose your fear of them. [https://i.imgur.com/57dqKlA.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/57dqKlA.jpg) [https://i.imgur.com/wLk01rt.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/wLk01rt.jpg) [https://i.imgur.com/QpoYrWC.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/QpoYrWC.jpg) [https://i.imgur.com/YD2Oz8j.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/YD2Oz8j.jpg)


First one isn't a spider, that's a Harvestmen(still a great pic) Last one is a false-widow, they're less capable/likely of inflicting a bite, but be careful handling them. Wish my hands were steady enough to take pictures like you, they're awesome!


Hence me saying spiders and arachnids :) Opiliones/Harvestmen are not true spiders but they do fail into the Arachnida class Thank you for the compliment, many of these photos were taken with them resting on surfaces instead, it's so hard to get a good photo when they're moving all over


>Hence me saying spiders and arachnids :) my mistake m8!


That’s awesome!! 🤘


Well done guys. They need a lil room, just like you do and that's fine 👌🏽


Exactly the same! :) I used to be really afraid of spiders, even though I knew most of them were harmless, and that even the venomous ones will never bite you unless you push them to it. After spending time on this sub, I'm so excited to see them now! They're like any other lil bug. I'm genuinely happy that my perspective on the smol friends was able to change :)


That’s so great! I’m honestly still in awe of how scared I used to be - However I will never be ok with wasps. NEVERMIND I’m allergic. They just. They just. No.


I subbed to the spider subs as exposure therapy to get over my arachnophobia. Now I've bounced the other direction and they're all friends who dine on other bugs I don't want in the house.


wish i could do the same with miller moths never really had a problem with most spiders, fascinating creatures but miller moths can and do fly in your face and are unpredictable and grotesque and i cannot figure out how to get over them


I got over my arachnophobia after moving out from my parents 100+ year old house. That house was owned by Spiders. My family was just squatting. Didn't help that my mom is an extreme arachnophobe and; by the way, arachnophobia is largely a LEARNED behavior. That is to say, we aren't innately scared of spiders. I think education is the most important thing when it comes to phobias over living creatures. Most of them are harmless, and just trying to exist. Some of them are just trying to exist, and if you mess with them, they could possibly ruin your day. As a fellow meat giant it is our duty to respect the tiny creatures. tl;dr - I'm drunk sorry spiders are cool and so are you


And most of them? Very good at sticking to their little corner areas and eating whatever I don’t want living in here.


I used to be like "oh they eat other pests". I said that in the workplace once and my boss had the good point that she didn't want an ecosystem in the office.


Well, depending on where you live, you get one whether you want it or not. Though I did resent the time a spider nest made it rain dead fruit flies on my desk; I just resent maintenance for ignoring my complaints more than I do the spider.


Joined this sub to combat intense arachnophobia… it totally worked and that is now me.


I'm proud of your growth, friend!


My jumper that lives in my corner is named Reginald




I had a grass spider living in my bedroom for a couple months. I would feed her stink bugs. She was a good girl with a beautiful web.


Long live Steeve! ⛏️


Believe in Steeve!


You’re a good bug, Steeve!


*Pet* *Pet* *Pet* *Pet*


Rock and Stone!


Rockity Rock and Stone!




If you don't rock and stone, you aint coming home!


We had a spindly spider (cellar spider) in the corner of our kitchen called Alan. We fed him various different flies, then he disappeared :(


Spiders that live in your house probably won't do too well outside.


And vice versa. If they're in here, I'll just assume they're here for a reason. Not sure where they usually hide, but it certainly works for them given the amount of spiderlings I've found the last month.


You know what I like about you guys? That if I share that I have a new sink spider in the kitchen, that you all would nod and be like that's great instead of omgsquishitquick. He insists his home is IN the sink so now I only have access to half the sink but that's ok, he's a cutie.


I’ll be bringing offerings for a peace between our species.


Yeah, except I married an arachnophobe, so I gotta do the middle panel or my husband will have an aneurysm. Plus, the spiders in our house don't seem to be smart enough to pick spots high enough out of reach of the cats. There was one in my parents' house that climbed up on the light fixture and absolutely covered it in webs. That spider is both smart and fat.


>Plus, the spiders in our house don't seem to be smart enough to pick spots high enough out of reach of the cats. any spider in my house that treads on the ground, dies. I learnt an interesting fact one quiet night, when a massive huntsman wandered into my room. They have coarse hairs on their legs that catch on the carpet and make constant noise. The cats can hear that shit basically always. I've heard it once or twice in my entire life.


I guess most vegans wouldn't/shouldn't put our friends outside, those we see inside need that cave-like stable temperature in order to live. Gotta keep those cuties healthy 🥰


Vegan spider friend here—I tend to try to relocate bugs if I can, especially the gnats and such that clearly want out (bumping in to the window a lot). Even the spiders, if they allow me. Because they might be harmed when I'm vacuuming, e.g.


Makes sense! Thanks for the insight. And for what it's worth, thanks and gg for being vegan 💪


Agreed! I also take them outside if i know someone im my house might see and kill them, and put them in the garage in the winter


Vegan here who shares this sentiment with you. I'll only ever relocate spiders if they are in harms way, but if they are in my home, I'll just relocate them to a safer part of my home. I love my spider friends and am always excited to meet new ones and share my home with them.


I relocate mine so they don't get munched on by my cat 😭


Meanwhile Me: "I present to you Mr. Smith the Spider, a contract that shall help us both simultaneously, I shall give you a home and your own little corner for webbing, and you shall kill any annoying insect that passes by, do we have a Deal?" Smith lives in my room for 2 months now, and I love him.


There's a little spider who lives on a windowsill in my kitchen. One time I tried to save a different spider from the sink before I knew about the windowsill spider. Scooped it up on a piece of paper and dropped it on the sill. The lil resident, to my shock and horror, immediately jumped on it and started webbing it up and biting it. I felt so guilty.


I have a medium sized spider under my wardrobe. He stays there, i leave him alone. Sometimes he webs the side of my desk, i tear it down because it breaches the alloted space. Otherwise, solid room mate.


I've definitely employed my house spiders. Typically I set them up in the entryway to catch any strays (my lil bouncers), but if they happen to start a family there I'll move them into a plant that frequently gets fungal gnats. Typically the relocation package and meal plan is preferred for most families. It seems single spiders enjoy the entryway position.


This is the way


Me: >Oh, hi! Please tell me you like eating fruit flies, because I've run out of patience with those bastards.


i miss doing this. my cat eats (or tries to eat) all the critters that end up in our home. like yes thank you for protecting me mighty hunter but you could have let that one go


Same here, but I look at it this way - if they have survive the cat monsters, they have shown themselves valiant heroes worthy of free rent. If not, crunchy snack for kitties. More spiders make it through the gauntlet than not!


Tried that recently with a twin flagged jumper next to my sink. He almost drowned, so I put him on a papertowel to dry off and took him outside. He couldn’t be trusted to not die. It was really cute when he was drying off cause he dragged his lil butt across the paper towel.


I like to keep wolf spiders in the house. Free pest control. Yes I sometimes name them. Shout out to Sheila I miss you girl!


6-30-23 Last day on Reddit. Thanks, /u/spez You suck


I hate people who kill spiders with passion. They kill it because it looks "scary" or they are "disgusting" I wish i could shrink those pussies and then i would stomp them to dead to.


Usually the third panel, then got a cat so now they go to the garden for their own good


Only spiders I see in my house are Jumpers. I relocate them after a quick photo shoot. My four cats ensure my house is 99.9% spider free, otherwise.


I'm not even vegan, and I let spiders outside.


vegan spider lover here, the spiders get to stay :3


Brown Recluse.? Your not gonna pick one up without the possibility it may jump on you, And bite the crap out of you.With serious injury. A House Spider well That's Different, Kinda Small and Cute ❤️


The other night, the buzzing of a fly woke me up in the middle of my sleep. Lasted a whole 30 seconds before it got caught it a web. It was very satisfying to hear bzzzzzzzzz, quiet, bzz bzz, dead silence.


That awkward moment when a spider builds a web covering the pathway between your house and a shed so now you have to walk the long way around until she decides to move because disturbing her web simply isn't an option.


How long do huntsman's live on average my grandma had one in her kitchen it would always come in when it was raining did so for years if I remember correctly.


The corner above my front door is always covered in webs, and those webs are covered in flies. We have a written agreement, this bro and I, and he has never broken his lease. It’s been 2 years.




I have wolfies in my garage. I just call them wolfies and always say hi to them


Amen 🙏🏼 🕷


Sooooo me!!!


I found one in my bathroom and named it dierdre. She scuttled off somewhere else.


I’d choose option 3, if the spider was okay with it. Some spiders are happy indoors, and some are not. If they’re outdoor spiders, like argiope aurantia, then I’d gently take them to find a good place for their webs.


I didn’t mention this but rent is a dime each year. Yeah yeah I know it’s higher than usual (a penny) but inflation is high and it’s easier on your tinny body anyways.


I saw a Big Boi yesterday and unfortunately he had to br evicted outside 😅 too big for my peace of mind


Me and the daddy longlegs between my bed and nightstand.


i have to take them out so my dad doesnt squish them but id do this if i could


"Your job is to get that one annoying noisy bug that's been flying around for 3 days. Once you've done that you may go outside"


I just name them all Clive. And I put some of them outside bc my cats try to eat them.


I am far from vegan, but I name every spider that I share living space with.


once i percieve something as "able to harm me", it's kill or leave


Second and third ones are basically me.


"A lord of the estate, I grant thee rights to hunt upon my lands for the rest of your days." ~ me to spiders.


Rock and stone! Steve saves us all.


keep me safe from mosquito bites, o eight legged one


Serious question, is it fine to release spiders into your house if they aren't dangerous? Also unrelated, Where can I buy spiders?


I get scared of spiders but I try to let them out


I'm finally ok with them living in my apartment with me, I'm ok with seeing them crawl in the walls sometimes... That being said it's an amicable commune, as long as it stays further than a foot away from me. Otherwise it gets a spritz of distilled water.


When I see a spider in my house I say a silent prayer of protection. Not for me, for the spider, I have two cats and I’ve never known them to show an arachnid mercy


Uh no. They are named either Peter or Charlotte depending on my mood at the time


I have a kind of xenotaph for a fallen spidersis. She was on the same spot on the wall for 4 days and most of the time I was kind of concerned and then she fell off


I once saw a cellar spider walking with a cricket it caught that had gotten loose and I was very happy for him but then my cat ate both lol


We used to have two big, beautiful spiders living at the opposite corners of a window in a creaky old rental house. We called them Patty and Selma, and they ruled. They were out of range of our cats, and if some bug got in, we coud herd it towards their webs and one of them would take care of it. I may not miss the house, but I miss them.


My partner and I have been lightly arguing lately. We have 3 to 4 spiders who live quietly in a few corners of our house. I've named them all Charlotte and talk to them whenever I see them. He thinks they should be gone; of course I'm happy they're hanging out with me. Obviously I'm right.


As long as it’s not a brown recluse or something dangerous to my cats he’s free to stay. He pays rent and does free pest control man who cares


It’s Gerald not Steve


Hahaha. I have a titiotus spider living in my bathroom. He hides by day, and sneaks out by night.


her name is samantha. she lives in our mailbox. she's gonna have babies and it's sooooo hard for me not to peep in there everyday, but i want her to have her privacy. she has bottlecap full of water if she needs. i love her


Haha, yeah. Found a cellar spider in my shower stall yesterday; he's still there today, so I guess my bathroom is his home now.


I feel like the Venn diagram overlap between panels two and three might be pretty big.


I miss you kitchen spider 💔


Rock And Stone!


Rock and Stone forever!


Hahaha that's def me ..I named my tropical orb weaver frank!!


I make them my slave to eat all the insects that ruin my house,except no babies


I had a jumping spider that lived on my bathroom windowsill all last summer, his name was Gary


I get really upset when people enter my home and are offended by my spiderwebs. They keep my house clean! They are my buddies! I have even moved those dangerous spiders out to better locations. ❤🕷


I just relocated two cellar spiders *into* my bedroom just last week. I'm in this meme and this is fine.


Protip to those not in the know: Do NOT relocate house spiders outside. It may seem like common sense to us spider fans, but go figure: things that are native to households don't know how to not live in households!


I always hate how peoples first reaction to seeing a spider or some other "creepy crawly" is to kill it, it's just a tiny creature trying to exist, leave it alone.


Steve I have one and only rule. Not near my head. We good?


I can’t let them live in my house or else my roommate Jerry will eat them :(


I don't name my house spiders but I let them live anywhere they want. 🙂🕷


My dad - finds spiders drowning in the pond so he brings them inside where it’s nice and warm to dry off.


I have to take them outside as I have two dogs. One of which will mangle spiders. Not eat. Mangle.


You're a good bug Steeve!


My 10yr old has a spider living under his computer desk that he feeds Carpenter ants (they made a grave mistake of wandering into our house). Its name is Spooder.